Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 110: He has never hated【Water Element Affinity】

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

"Wu, are you in there?"

Just when he was about to break through himself and hand over the treasure he had cherished for 20 years, Akuya's voice came from outside the bathroom.



Akuya's voice restored the somewhat confused Zhou Fangwu to clarity, and even Darkness opened his eyes.

As expected of the goddess of water!

Words alone allow men and women on the verge of volcanic eruption to rein in their wanton indulgence.

Blinking at the plump beauty in his arms, he shook his head gently, signaling her not to speak.

"Is it Aqua?"

"Ah, it really is you! Let me just say, no wonder..."

Akuya's next voice was a little quiet, but then she said loudly: "Wu, hurry up, I also want to take a bath, my body is so sticky and uncomfortable!"


Zhou Fangwu felt a little regretful, but he still said, "Akuya, come back in 5 minutes, is that okay?"

"Ah?! Why! No, I want to take a shower now!"

He heard that Akuya seemed to be stubborn and dissatisfied, so he said again: "I'm not wearing any clothes!"

"It's okay, I don't care! It's okay to wash with Wu!"

"Don't! I care about it! I'm very shy!"

"So troublesome! You are a man, why are you still shy?"

Akuya became even more dissatisfied, but she still said: "Okay then, wash it quickly, I can't wait long!"

"Okay, I'll be fine soon!"

Zhou Fangwu replied her loudly.

It's just that the plump beauty in her arms didn't seem to think so. When she heard the interaction between Zhou Fangwu and Akuya, she actually made a very bold move!

——She gently slid and clinged to Zhou Fangwu's hot body!

She was doing back and forth movements, which brought a huge sensory stimulation to the hot young man.


Is this that perverted **** Darkness? !

Why are you so tough?


Can't help but take a breath!

"Wu? What's wrong with you?"

Akuya hadn't left yet, when she heard Zhou Fangwu's voice, she said with concern: "Are you all right, is there something wrong? I'll go in and treat you!"

He gestured to open the bathroom door.

"Wait! I'm fine, I just came out of the pool, the wind is blowing a bit cold!"

He wrapped his hands around the beauty in his arms, fixed her, and prevented her from moving. His eyes widened slightly, as if blaming her for making trouble in this situation.

However, the hand that fixed the beauty seemed to be on her buttocks again.

And this time, he wanted Darkness not to move around, so he pinched it very hard.

This action made her fiery delicate body instantly stiff, and she was panting rapidly, moaning softly!

The incomparably touching and seductive moaning voice tugged at the heartstrings of the young man.

"Really? The wind is still very cold at night, it's better to pay attention."

Akuya's IQ has always been reassuring, she didn't think about it at all, but instead asked Zhou Fangwu to pay attention not to get sick.

"Well, I'll be careful."

"Then, I'll go first."

"it is good!"

After the sound of Akuya's footsteps went far away, Zhou Fangwu let out a light breath and relaxed.

"Darkness, it's time to leave."

He pushed the beauty in his arms, only to find that her body was limp and unable to move.


He raised her pretty face anxiously, only to find that her eyes were tightly closed, her cheeks were flushed, and even her breathing became slow.

"Is this... fainted?"

Zhou Fangwu was stunned for a while.

This guy, so strong tonight, almost pushed him.

Didn't expect to faint in the end?

Because the brain returned to normal thinking, and realized how ridiculous things I had done, I was too shy to face it, so I fainted on my own initiative?

Not without this possibility.

After all, is it Darkness?

I don't know if it was because of the atmosphere that he followed the trend, or if he had an idea long ago, he mustered up the courage to take him down tonight.

If Darkness was awake, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Take advantage of the trend, or flatly refuse?

he does not know.

But, he knows a little bit!

That is, starting today, Darkness has occupied a very important position in his heart.

— second only to Aqua.

and many more!

Why does the name of that stupid goddess Akua appear here? !

Could it be, could it be... I, I actually...? !

No, impossible!

People can't, at least they shouldn't!

Shaking his dizzy head, he wondered if he drank too much and his mind was a little confused, so he thought of the goddess of wisdom.

Think no more, time is running out.

Quickly wiped the fainted Darkness's body clean with a towel, and then wrapped her tightly with a bath towel.

Darkness, who closed her eyes tightly at this moment and was no longer noisy, was like a nun, and the sense of holiness that was usually suppressed was fully highlighted at this moment.


After a soft curse, he picked her up again.

I looked at the door of the bathroom, thought for a while, and then turned to the bathroom vent.

Because of the luxurious bathroom, the air vent is not small, even though it is a bit crowded holding Darkness, it is still possible to pass.

You can't leave the door, if you happen to meet Akuya or other members of the team, it will really be hard to argue.

never mind.

Hurt yourself today.

Even if he is holding a person in his arms, he can easily jump off the height of the second floor.

Jump out of the window.

Both feet landed on the ground but did not make the slightest sound.

Elsa's assassination technique was used here, if she knew, would she choose to hack him to death?

At this time, the evening wind blows.

Zhou Fangwu shuddered, the temperature tonight was extremely cool.

Without thinking too much, the cat hunched over and hurried to Darkness's room.


Darkness's room is the outermost room on the second floor, the room closest to the gate.

Put her on the bed and cover her with a quilt.


Take a long breath and relax the tension.

But the next second, he raised it again.

not good!

Go back quickly!

In just 5 minutes, if you don't hurry up, that idiot Akuya will really break into the door!

If you didn't see him taking a shower in the bathroom, wouldn't it be self-inflicted?

The flustered Zhou Fangwu completely forgot that Akuya's IQ was negative.

It's also possible that he didn't want to lie to Akuya.

Turn around and run out of the room.

Coming directly below the bathroom, Zhou Fangwu double-jumped, stepped on the raised bricks on the wall, and returned to the bathroom through the window.


Aqua knocked on the bathroom door, calling his name.

"Wu, aren't you alright? I can't wait!"

"OK OK!"

Zhou Fangwu quickly rinsed his dirty feet, and then said to Akuya outside: "I'll change my clothes now, and I'll go out right away!"

"Hurry up, I'll go out and wait for you first."

When Akuya turned around and left again, Zhou Fangwu walked out quickly, and finished putting on his clothes.

Walked out~www.wuxiamtl.com~Akuya, I'm done washing. "

"so slow!"

Akua got impatient waiting outside.

Sure enough, as Zhou Fangwu thought, she did not leave, but sat outside the bathroom and waited for him to come out!

But Zhou Fangwu was very curious, and asked: "Akuya, aren't you drunk? I thought you would wake up until dawn."

"Yeah, I thought I'd have a hangover too. But for some reason, I woke up all of a sudden."

Akuya also began to think, "In the final analysis, only the pure water element can attract me. As for going to the bathroom, it is also because of the water element..."

Zhou Fangwu didn't listen to the next words.


He has never hated 【Water Elemental Affinity】 like now!

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