Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 11: That's even better!

"Please let me join your team!"

The female knight walked in with big strides, and approached Zhou Fangwu's face, panting at the same time, with a little flush on her face.

That's right, this is the Darkness in my memory.

But, isn't it?

Not to mention that Darkness appeared earlier, Zhou Fangwu and the others didn't look like they were covered in slime.

The two giant toads just now were sent away by Zhou Fangwu and Huihui's explosion magic, but they were not swallowed.

No matter what, let her join first!

"Miss Knight, let's do it first." Zhou Fangwu patted the wooden stool on the right, "It happens that we are going to eat, let's have some together, and we will discuss in detail after eating."

Darkness was kind, sitting on Zhou Fangwu's right side with a scent of fragrance.

By the way, Aqua is on the left.

after eating.

Zhou Fangwu took the initiative to provoke the topic, "This lady knight..."

"Darkness, my name is Darkness!"

"Okay, Darkness, why did you choose to join our team? The members of our team are all novice adventurers!"

"It's okay, I'm also a novice adventurer."

"But your equipment is very good, and the equipment is also very complete, isn't it?" Sato Kazuma was also puzzled. Although the beauty is very happy to join, but the heart of defense is indispensable. "As an adventurer, be careful first" has always been These are his first principles.



Sato Kazuma, who was sitting in front of Darkness, was too far away, and her voice was too low to hear what she said clearly.

"Well, calm down first, Miss Darkness Knight."

Sato Kazuma put his hands on the dining table, and said with a serious face: "If you want to join this team, I advise you to think carefully."

"Please be sure to choose me, please be sure to let me join your team!" Darkness was very excited, and her voice gradually increased.

Sato Kazuma said bitterly: "Well, in fact, our team still has many problems, and it is not suitable for you to join."

"Why? I'm a knight's superior profession—crusader, so I should meet your recruitment requirements!"

"But apart from senior Zhou Fang, the rest of our team are all weirdos."

Sato Kazuma pointed at Aqua and Megumi while talking, and said with disgust on his face: "A high priest who doesn't know where to use it, and a great magister who can only use magic once a day."

Then he pointed at himself, "And I'm the weakest waste job—adventurer, a miscellaneous fish pendant that can't be used at all."

Originally, Aqua and Megumi were ready to fight him when they heard Sato Kazuma belittle themselves so much, but after hearing Sato Kazuma belittle themselves, they sat back on their chairs comfortably.

Although what he said was the truth, it would be too embarrassing to say it in front of outsiders.

"That would be even better! To be honest, I have confidence in my arm strength and endurance, but my hands and feet are not very flexible, so I can't hit the enemy at all."

Darkness held Sato Kazuma's hand tightly as if she had found a comrade, making a tragic sound of bones rubbing against each other.

"It hurts!"

Sato Kazuma screamed, "Calm down, calm down!"

"Ah, sorry!"

Darkness let go of his hand, "So, you don't have to pay attention to me at all. I will rush forward desperately, just use me as a shield!"

"No, no, no matter how you say it, I won't use girls as shields. Our team is very weak, and all attacks will fall on you..."

"That's even better!"

"No, no, no, our team is so weak that you can't imagine! Our team was covered in foul-smelling slime by giant toads before, maybe Miss Knight will become like that..."

"That's even better!"

Darkness' cheeks were flushed, her arms folded around her chest and her waist twisted like a cicada chrysalis, and her mouth was still panting heavily.


This question mark does not mean that I have a problem, but that I think you have a problem!



"Another problem child."

This time, not only Sato Kazuma, but also Akuya and Megumin noticed her abnormality.

As expected of you, Darkness!

The degree of abnormality is no less than Sato Kazuma!


Sato Kazuma came back to his senses, and then said in a low and serious voice: "To tell you the truth, we are not just ordinary novice adventurers, don't look at us like this, we actually have the mission to defeat the devil!"

Sato Kazuma tried to scare Darkness away with the title of "devil king" and made her retreat.

But, he was wrong, big mistake!

Instead of being afraid, Darkness was very excited, compared to Huihui back then.

"That's even better! From the past until now, being harassed by the devil has always been the job of a female knight! Just like this, it's worth going!"


"Huh? What's the matter, did I say something strange?"

Sato Kazuma and Darkness looked at each other with blank expressions on their faces.

"Pfft ha ha ha!"

At this time, there was a burst of crisp, cheerful, and vigorous laughter from the side, "Darkness, you scared them."

"You are…"

It was a girl who laughed. She was wearing light leather armor, with short silver hair and a small scar on her cheek, making it obvious that she was a thief at a glance.

Because she really has the demeanor of a thief, whether it is clothes, appearance, or even personality, she is the same as the thief in the story.

"Sorry, sorry, it's not that I want to eavesdrop, but I'm too worried about my friends, so I eavesdrop."

The silver-haired thief girl apologized to everyone energetically.

"Friend... oh! Your friend is Darkness!"

"Guess right!"

The thief girl lay on Darkness's body, getting very close to her.

Darkness took advantage of the situation and said to everyone: "Let me introduce, she is my friend Chrissy, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is a thief by profession."


Chris greeted everyone, and everyone introduced themselves in turn.

"Hi, I'm Kazuma Sato, and I'm an adventurer by profession."

"I'm Huihui, and my profession is a great magister!"

"And I am Aqua, the great water...cough, the high priest!"

"Hi, I'm Zhou Fangwu, and I'm a sword master by profession."

After everyone's introduction, Chris's eyes lit up, "Wow, the quality of your team is so high, basically all of them are advanced occupations!"

"If you say that, it's true."

"Then, wouldn't it be good to add another high-level class? And it's still a crusader who can act as a striker~"

Chris tried her best to sell her friends.

After hearing this, Sato Kazuma leaned into Zhou Fangwu's ear and whispered: "Senior Zhou Fang, although Darkness is a high-level professional cross knight, you can see her problem, right? You really can't join the team anymore. A problem child!"

Sato Kazuma made it very clear that he wanted Zhou Fangwu, the tentative team leader, to refuse Darkness to join.

"Sato-kun, Darkness is lacking as a novice crusader, but our team really needs a forward role, doesn't it? Why don't we try Darkness's level first and then make a decision, how about it?"

"Since Senior Zhou Fang said so..."

Zhou Fangwu still has a certain prestige in the team, and Sato Kazuma has no choice but to obey. But he thought in his heart that no matter how he behaved, he would reject Darkness's joining!

"It's not too late, let's try Darkness's skills now!"

Zhou Fangwu gave an order, and the six people ran out in a hurry.

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