Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1581: 1581: The boss behind the scenes

"Here... isn't it the place where the boss of Guild Hall No. 7 lives?"

Ning Huanxin looked at the door in front of him and suddenly asked.

She has also been to No. 7 Hall many times before and after. The hall and ordinary private rooms of this club are for ordinary members, while the high-level private rooms are used by the children and celebrities of various Yanjing families. Gu Xiaohe Jiang Lixing has his own private room here, and the location is also very good.

However, the best place in Hall 7 is said to be the place where their boss lives, which is the highest point in Hall 7 as a whole.

No one has been in this place, because the owner of No. 7 Guild Hall is very mysterious. No one knows who he is, his background and identity. Back then, No. 7 Guild Hall seemed to appear suddenly and was suddenly sought after by the Yanjing nobles. No one dares to break the rules of this club, because the boss behind this club is said to have amazing energy!

"Axing, could it be..."

Seeing Jiang Lixing standing in front of the door, Ning Huanxin immediately had a guess. Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Lixing had already skillfully pressed his fingerprint and entered the password.

The door opened slowly.

"This is the first stronghold I built when I first arrived in Yangjian. Of course, in order to keep my identity secret, I will hire an agent to come forward on weekdays, so the entire Yanjing, even the Jiang family, does not have any Everyone knows that I am the owner of Hall 7!"

Jiang Lixing whispered in a low voice. As the eldest master of the Jiang family, he was once the supreme VIP of No.7 Guild Hall. Even the private room manager of No.7 Guild Hall didn’t even know that Jiang Lixing was his big boss. The boss behind the scenes can be described as deeply hidden.

"No wonder, whether it's an engagement banquet or a press conference, you will choose Hall 7 in the hall. I used to think that our Gu family has great energy."

Ning Huanxin curled his lips while talking.

"Daughter-in-law, here will be yours in the future. You can play whatever you want. I will clear the hall around the Chinese New Year Festival. When that time, I will wait for the friends in the WeChat group to come over and have fun."

While talking, Jiang Lixing pulled Ning Huanxin to push the door and entered. Behind the door was a very large room, which was bigger than Jiang Lixing's Hall of the Underworld in the Underworld.

"Really luxurious."

Ning Huanxin curled his lips, then turned to look at Jiang Lixing: "Why didn't you tell me this place before?"

"Guess what?"

Jiang Lixing smiled and took Ning Huanxin to move forward. This super-large room, and several small rooms, stood at the door of one of the rooms. Jiang Lixing took Ning Huanxin's hand and let her handle it. Put it on the door.

"Daughter-in-law, open the door and have a look."

What will be behind the door? Ning Huanxin was a little nervous and pushed open the door forcefully. This is an ordinary bedroom. It seems that the style should be a woman's room. The style of the bedroom is antique, a bit similar to the bedroom of an ancient woman.

"this is……"

Ning Huan frowned and had a strange feeling.

"follow me."

At this time, Jiang Lixing brought Ning Huanxin to the door of another door: "Look at this again."

Ning Huanxin nodded and pushed open the door in front of her again. What appeared in front of her was another bedroom. The room was still very classic, but it was much simpler than the one just now.

In this way, Jiang Lixing took Ning Huanxin forward and opened one door after another. The light in Ning Huanxin's eyes became more and more complicated and difficult to distinguish.

She had a faint impression—all these rooms belonged to her.

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