Heiwuchang: Don't worry, everyone. This party is absolutely delicious and fun without any danger. Huanxin will prepare everything in Yanjing. Then everyone can enjoy it!

Faceless Ghost: I can't miss it again this year.

Drowned Ghost: No, no, I'm going to see if I have any new clothes.

Toilet girl ghost: Stinky!

Hanged Ghost: I have to clean up in advance.

Nan Yu was very excited at this time, because her younger brother Nan Xiao was studying at Yanjing Medical University. I wonder if this time I went to Yanjing, would I have a chance to meet his younger brother?

Last time I asked Ning Huanxin for my brother's affairs, and now Nan Yu can finally find a chance to thank her in person.


Everyone in the WeChat group was very active and enthusiastic. At this time, Ning Huanxin was still taking classes and studying seriously at Yanbei University. One week passed quickly.

Jiang Lixing had returned from the underworld on Friday night, and drove at the school gate waiting for Ning Huanxin.

The two did not directly return to Yuhai Mountain. Jiang Lixing took Ning Huanxin directly to the gate of the No. 7 Hall.

"Why did you bring me here?"

Ning Huan took a surprised look at Jiang Lixing: "By the way, you said you are going to meet here, but here are all Yanjing celebrities, will it be inconvenient then?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing just smiled slightly: "Go, I'll take you in and speak slowly."

Two people entered the No. 7 Hall, and the way was naturally unimpeded. Others came here to see the membership card based on their identity, and Jiang Lixing only needed to swipe his face.

Unconsciously, Jiang Lixing brought Ning Huanxin to the door of a private room: "Huanxin, do you remember this place?"

This room is...

Ning Huan froze for a moment, the memory in his mind was still very clear.

When she first entered Yanjing, she was with Wu Yi and Xie Yudie. The three of them came to the No. 7 Hall for dinner. At that time, she passed by a private room. The private room at that time gave Ning Huanxin a wonderful feeling. .

It was the first time that she met Xu Changan at the door of this room. Later, Ning Huanxin learned that the person in the private room that day was her brother.

"This private room is my elder brother's room."

Ning Huanxin recovered from the memory and whispered to Jiang Lixing: "The first day I came to Yanjing, our siblings were separated by this door."

As he said, Ning Huanxin raised his hand and gently stroked the door with his palm.

"More than your brothers and sisters?"

Jiang Lixing smiled softly at Ning Huanxin at this time: "That day, I was actually here, but I didn't show up and none of you found it."

That day, Gu Xiao ignited Qi Nan in order to induce Jiang Lixing to show up, but because Ning Huanxin suddenly came at that time, Jiang Lixing naturally did not show up. He kept silently watching her.

"So you were here that day?"

Ning Huan was stunned for a moment, then relieved again.

At that time, it was not convenient for them to meet, she understood.

"In a blink of an eye, I have been in Yanjing for more than a year, and I have experienced too many things that others will never experience in my life."

Ning Huan was full of emotion in his heart.

At this time, Jiang Lixing once again grabbed Ning Huanxin's little hand: "Let's go, I will take you to another place."

The two people took the elevator directly to the eastern top floor of Hall No.7.

Few people can enter here, and the security measures here are also very strict. When the elevator opens on the top floor, there is still a door in front of the two people, and this door needs a fingerprint lock and a password to unlock.

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