Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1582: 1582: Qixi Festival (1)

Three thousand years ago, Ning Huanxin was taken away from the immortal bones and entered into reincarnation. She has been reincarnated in this world for thousands of years, reincarnated into mortals one after another.

And the rooms that Jiang Lixing showed to Ning Huanxin were all the places where Ning Huanxin lived and grew up when Ning Huanxin reincarnated.

"These are the places you used to live. They were specially made by someone I found based on everything I saw."

Jiang said softly and strictly, he had never left for three thousand years.

They have never been separated for three thousand years.

"Thank you."

Tears flashed in Ning Huanxin's eyes: "Axing, thank you, how lucky I am to meet you?"

"It's my luck."

Jiang Lixing smiled brightly at Ning Huanxin.

"In fact, compared with the Zhongyuan Festival, do we have a more important day?"

Before the Zhongyuan Festival, there is also a traditional Chinese festival, the Qixi Festival.

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Ning Huanxin immediately reacted: "I look at the calendar."

She took out her phone and looked through it, and found that this year's Qixi Festival happened to be Monday.


Ning Huanxin deliberately lengthened her voice, seeming to hesitate.

"Although it is Monday, it is very suitable to skip class and go out. Hey, don't you think?"

Suddenly, Ning Huan's heart turned around and raised his head, looking at Jiang Lixing with crooked eyebrows.

Occasionally skipping class once is not a problem, not to mention that she was the king of skipping classes in the entire department last semester.

Teacher Sui is so easy to talk, she will definitely not be blamed.

"Then say so, I will pick you up from school on Qixi Festival."

Jiang Lixing is looking forward to this Qixi Festival.


The two people came out of Hall 7 and they just received a call from Cui Can. It turned out that Cui Can had made an appointment with Lin Chu for Ning Huanxin. The four met in a western restaurant in the city center.

"Haixin, Cui Can told me everything about you."

As soon as Lin Chu met, he directly handed out the contract.

"This is the broker contract that I signed with you at the beginning. Since you are going to retire, then this contract will be invalidated even if it expires. Although I think it is a pity to quit now with your qualifications and potential, I still respect you I also wish you and Jiang Lixing."

Lin Chu said while smiling at Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing.

In fact, Lin Chu knew in his heart that many things could not be forced, and many things were predestined.

From today, she should embark on a new journey.

"Sister Chu Chu, the days of working with you are very happy, and I also hope that you will have a bright future and become the top popular agent in the entertainment industry!"

Ning Huanxin heard Lin Chu's words and immediately smiled and whispered.


Lin Chu picked up the wine glass: "Let's make a toast, for your future, for my future, I hope that we will meet again next time, and everyone will have a better chance!"

People always move forward, the scenery passing by, the people you meet, after all, they will only become passers-by in your life journey.

In the long life, it is inevitable to separate, separate and combine. What we can do is to cherish every encounter and smile at every separation.

After successfully canceling the contract with Lin Chu, Ning Huanxin also let go of a worry, because knowing that it will take a while for Lin Qiuhan to reshape his body, Ning Huanxin is not in a hurry.

She and Jiang Lixing returned to Gu's house together, and gathered Zhang Nian, Wei Shuangshuang, Mo Yu and Mo Xiao, and several people began to prepare for the Mid-Yuan Festival party.

Unconsciously, it has arrived in the seventh lunar month, the Qixi Festival, quietly coming.

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