After sending Gong Qing away, Xuanyuan turned his attention back to the lottery light screen.

The results of the remaining five draws of ten consecutive draws have also come out.

All of them are hero avatars!

Five heroes in total!

After Xu Wan saw these five heroes, his expression became more subtle. These five heroes were all related to Taoism.

He has figured out the law that the power of faith can guide the results of the lottery.

But I didn't expect that the power of faith accumulated in the Tianshi Mansion for thousands of years could be used five times...

[Book of Words and Spirits——Zhang Liang! 】

The first hero was given a super boost by Wishing!

If we follow normal history, Zhang Daoling, the first generation of Tianshi Mansion, is Zhang Liang’s eighth generation grandson...

This is the true ancestor!

The second hero [Happy Fantasy—Zhuang Zhou! 】

Historically, he was known as Zhuangzi and was in the same position as Laozi, the founder of Taoism...

Super seniors*2!

[The Eye of Root——Yang Jian! 】

The Taoist God of War, the True Lord of Qingyuan Miaodao...

Super seniors*3!

[Master of Alchemy——Taiyi Zhenren]

A direct disciple of the Taoist saint, and the same generation as Yang Jian’s master Yuding...

Super seniors*4!

[The one who conferred the title of god—Jiang Ziya! 】

Taiyi Zhenren's senior brother and the leader of the Battle of the Gods.

Super seniors*5!

When Xu wish saw that he had pulled out these five heroes, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch crazily!

He has now begun to worry that if the Heavenly Master knew that he could "invite gods" to so many Taoist bosses, would he use thunder to kill him despite being accused of treason...

There are really five super seniors superimposed on top of each other. The seniority is really too big!

If we really want to take it seriously, I'm afraid that all existing branches of Taoism in the world will have to call themselves Patriarch, without exception!

Even those wild grass mountains can't escape...

However, he was worried about making a wish, but he would not give up the power he had just for this reason!

Mountains will fall if you rely on them, and you will run if you rely on people.

Only the power you have in your hands is the most reliable!

Among these five heroes, what interests him the most is the abilities of Taiyi Zhenren and Jiang Ziya!

These two assistants are inconspicuous in the game, but when their abilities are realized in reality, they are incredible!

Taiyi Zhenren's passive - Golden Sparkle, when a stranger dies nearby, it can increase a certain amount of energy for the wish!

Ultimate skill - transform into a living person, summon a surrogate puppet, and resurrect the dead in place while the ability lasts!

Back from the dead again!

And not only can you resurrect yourself, but you can also resurrect other friendly units!

As for Jiang Ziya's passive ability, Xu Yuan was a little confused.

[Feng Shen (Passive): Improve the efficiency of obtaining Qi through all channels.

Grant the power of apotheosis (active) (conditions not met): By building the apotheosis platform, you and your target can break the world limit together! 】

If the wish is understood correctly, breaking through the upper limit of the world should refer to becoming an immortal!

That’s becoming an immortal!

Live forever and be at ease in the world!

Not to mention becoming an immortal, any information and clues related to immortals are enough to trigger bloodshed that sweeps the alien world!

For example, the Jiashen Rebellion back then was only caused by the by-product of the Twenty-Four Festival Valley of Qi Ju left by the Immortal - the Eight Wonders...

But it is a pity that now it prompts that the conditions for making a wish are not met, and there is not even any prompt on how to build the Conferred God Platform!

You can see it, but you can’t eat it!

Even with the mentality of making a wish, I can't help but scold my mother.

But after all, he quickly adjusted his mentality. Anyway, this passive ability can't escape from his body. Maybe it will appear naturally when it should appear.

Now that the lottery has ended, Xu Wish did not stay in the main hall of Tianshi Mansion for any longer. Instead, he turned around and left the hall, preparing to return to his residence.

On the way, Xu Wan called up the system panel again and sorted out his current gains.

[King of Glory Mall System]

[World fit: 31%]

[Number of draws: 11 times]

[Heroes: Sikong Zhen, Zhao Huaizhen, Zhuge Liang, Yixing, Jin Chan, Zhong Kui, Zhang Liang, Zhuang Zhou, Yang Jian, Taiyi Zhenren, Jiang Ziya]

[Equipment: Overlord Heavy Equipment, Sage's Asylum, Witch's Cloak, Extreme Shadow·Running Wolf, Nightmare Fang, Prophecy of Time, Book of God-Eating, Clothes of the Broken Cocoon]

The 11 heroes provide Wishes with a variety of ways to fight against the enemy, ensuring that there will never be a situation like the Northeast Chumaxian being detained by the spirit and sending generals to defeat him!

The stacked attributes of the nine pieces of equipment also allowed Xu Wish's strength to finally change from quantitative to qualitative. Compared with his strength before coming to participate in the Luotian Dajiao, it has grown exponentially!

The most important thing is that, combined with Jiang Ziya's passive and auxiliary equipment Jiying, the speed of wishing practice has also been greatly improved, at least half of the previous Qi training efficiency!

Don't underestimate this half bonus. Wishing's own Qi training talent is not weak. Now after receiving the bonus, even compared with most geniuses, it can be considered outstanding!

After sorting out the harvest of ten consecutive draws, Xuanyuan returned to his residence. Zhuge Qing and Wang were already waiting here.

As soon as Xu Yuan entered the door, the two of them sensed the power of Qi and blood in Xu Yuan's body that had expanded several times!

For most aliens, the power of Qi and blood represents strength and realm.

Both of them shouted in their hearts that they were abnormal!

"Wish, you made a breakthrough again? It's only been an hour..." Wang Ye looked at Xu Wish as if he were a monster.

"It was a fluke that I got something, it's just good luck." The wish was still the same.

Wang Ye: ...Then you are so lucky!

Even if he mastered one of the Eight Wonderful Skills, he would never be able to break through as quickly as he made a wish!

Wang Ye suddenly understood why Xu Wan could so easily reject the Tongtian Rui, which was also one of the Eight Wonders!

Such a monster's talent really doesn't require the Eight Magic Skills. I'm afraid Xu Wish will soon be able to leave his peers far behind!

Just like Zhang Zhiwei of the old Heavenly Master, he has been bullying his peers for decades just because his name is Zhang Zhiwei...

However, Zhuge Qing is not the successor of the Eight Wonders Skills, and he does not have as deep an understanding of it as Wang Ye. He wanted to ask Xu Wish, what exactly did he think, but he could even refuse the Eight Wonders Skills offered to him!

If he were to put himself in the position of making a wish, he might not have the determination to refuse at all!

But Xu Yuan only gave a simple answer to Zhuge Qing's question.

"The Eight Wonderful Skills are just techniques to create chaos. The focus is on wonder, not strength. Otherwise, why would the final champion be me instead of Taoist Wang Ye or the Feng Family?"

Wang Ye: Stop stepping on someone and start with me!

Zhuge Qing fell into deep thought.

Wang Ye, who was on the side, looked at Zhuge Qing with a somewhat thoughtful look.

Although he looks like he is dying all day long, in fact it is only people like him who can see it most clearly!

Old Qing, Old Qing, I really hope you can successfully overcome your inner demons. Making a wish for this friend in front of you is more valuable than the Eight Wonders...

Perhaps it was because both of them had seen the true face of wishing and deceiving people, and they sympathized with each other, so the relationship between these two geniuses was also very heated.

I don’t know if Zhuge Qing has figured it out, but in the end he left the place where he made a wish with a worried look on his face.

Neither Wang Ye nor Xu Yuan tried to persuade him anymore. They had already said what needed to be said. In the end, it still depends on whether Zhuge Qing can let go of his obsession and come out.

Wang Ye was still sitting on the deck chair in the yard, occasionally turning over in the sun.

Xu Wan couldn't wait to return to the room and start practicing, trying out the newly acquired hero Jiang Ziya!

His Qi training efficiency has indeed been greatly improved!

Coupled with the guerrilla effect of [Jiying·Running Wolf], the effect of wishing for one day of practice is enough to be worth the previous day and a half, which is equivalent to a permanent 50% experience bonus buff!

Don’t underestimate this extra half day. Others have been practicing for sixty years, but they only need forty years to catch up!

Not to mention based on Wishes' guess, if other auxiliary equipment can be drawn, the bonus effect may continue to be upgraded!

Undoubtedly, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle, a yacht, and an airplane...

Just when Xu Wan thought he could practice until night, until the Heavenly Master asked him to go and see the Heavenly Master deliver the message, an unexpected person suddenly visited the small courtyard where he made a wish.

Feng family, Feng Zhenghao!

But this time Feng Zhenghao came by himself and did not bring his son Feng Xingtong and daughter Feng Shayan.

"Make a wish..."

Mi Zhiji's new book "How to Fall in Love When You Already Have a Cat" - A cat that has been raised for a year can suddenly turn into a cute cat-eared girl. What should Ai Qing, who has no intention of falling in love, do? (Single female protagonist dog food article)

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