While Wishing was waiting for the results of the remaining five draws, a voice suddenly came from his ears, which caught his attention.

"Mr. Wishing? Are you here too?"

Gong Qing pretended to meet him by chance and pretended to be surprised.

Xu wish withdrew part of his attention from the lottery screen and put it on Gong Qing in front of him.

Xu Wan still has a certain understanding of this Quanxing generation leader who has been lurking in Tianshi Mansion for many years, and naturally knows what he is planning.

As for the "coincidence" mentioned by Gong Qing, Xu Wish really didn't believe even half of the punctuation mark!

"Who are you, Taoist Priest?" Xu Yuan also pretended to accompany Gong Qing in acting. He wanted to see what tricks Gong Qing was going to play!

"Ah, Mr. Wishing, this is my oversight. Compared to you, I am just a nobody. You can just call me Xiao Yuzi. I am also a disciple of the Tianshi Mansion." Gong Qing patted his head, with a look of realization on his face.

Xuanyuan smiled.

Nobody? I'm afraid that after Quan Xing makes a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, the name Gong Qing will become famous all over the world!

"Xiao Yuzi? The Taoist priest's name is interesting. I admire these gods in Tianshi Mansion very much, but I haven't had a chance since I went up the mountain. As soon as the Luotian Festival is over, I will come here to pay my respects."

Gong Qing knew that Xu Yuan was lying, and Xu Yuan also knew that Gong Qing knew that he was lying.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

After all, if you just pay homage to the statue of the god, it is impossible to explain the energy and blood aura that has surged several times in your body just after making a wish!

However, at the moment, Gong Qing has no interest in exploring the secrets of Xu Yuan. He is more concerned about whether his next plan will be affected by Xu Yuan.

Everyone has their own secrets, Gong Qing only cares about what he cares about.

"Mr. Wishing, now that you have won the Luotian Dajiao championship, I wonder what your next plans are?" Gong Qing asked cautiously.

Regarding Gong Qing's seemingly unintentional question, Xu Yuan knew what the other party was thinking.

It's nothing more than fear that he will ruin his plan.

Seeing that his lottery light screen had flashed three times, Xu Wan had no intention of continuing to act with him!

Now he knew exactly what Gong Qing wanted to do, and he could even guess almost what the other party was thinking.

This is the convenience brought by intelligence!

Quan Xing's plan to cause havoc in Longhu Mountain has reached the point where there is no turning back. It is impossible to stop due to anyone's will. Even if Gong Qing is Quan Xing's acting leader now, he cannot do it. .

"Taoist Priest Xiao Yuzi? No, maybe I should call you Head Gong." Xu Yuan chuckled and whispered to Gong Qing, "Chief Gong, I have no plans to leave Longhu Mountain in the short term. You don’t have to test it anymore.”

Faced with the sudden showdown of wishes, Gong Qing froze in place as if struck by lightning!

He didn't expect that Xu Yuan would know his true identity!

Although Xu Wan did not point his finger at him and call him Gong Qing, since he could call him Head Gong, the other party must already know his identity clearly!

Could it be that... there is a traitor within Quanxing?

Gong Qing immediately thought of the master who made the wish - the villain Xia Liuqing!

But soon his doubts about Xia Liuqing were lifted!

Because ever since he proposed the plan to cause trouble in Longhu Mountain, he had consciously been on guard against Xia Liuqing, or in other words, on guard against everyone!

No one except Lu Liang knows the specific arrangements of his plan, only his ultimate goal and each person's individual mission!

Then how do you know about making a wish?

Moreover, Xu Wish's identity is no secret in the alien world, not to mention that he has always listed Xu Wish as a key target of attention!

Temporary worker at Nadutong Company's Kyoto headquarters, elder of the Zhuge clan with a foreign surname...

If Xuanyuan knows about it, does that mean the company also knows about it...

However, Gong Qing deserves to be the first person after Wu Gensheng who dares to take over as the head of Quan Xingdai.

Although he was briefly shocked because his identity was suddenly revealed in the wish, he quickly cleared up his thoughts in his mind!

Just because Xuanyuan knew about his plan, it doesn't necessarily mean that the company also knew about his plan!

In other words, at least my identity has not been exposed yet!

Otherwise, the person standing in front of him now should not be the one who made a wish, but a large number of people from the company or the heavenly master!

Since Xuanyuan did not inform the company of his identity immediately, then Xuanyuan must have an agenda and might not be able to cooperate...

Thinking of this, Gong Qing put a smile on his face again.

"Mr. Wishing, I wonder what you want?"

Xu Yuan looked at Gong Qing who smiled again, with admiration in his eyes.

He is worthy of being someone who even dares to scheme against the Heavenly Master!

In a very short period of time, Gong Qing performed a wave of Sichuan Opera face changes, from shock to fear, and now to a smile on his face, until now he gets straight to the point and asks questions.

Judging from this reaction speed, we have to admit that this head of Quanxingdai does have something!

In fact, from Xu Yuan's point of view, compared with those omnipotent madmen, Gong Qingcai is more like a truly omnipotent person who knows what he wants and is willing to pay any price for it.

They are excellent in many aspects such as resourcefulness, scheming, and courage, and they even value love and justice!

It's just that his fate is low and he can't support his own ambition.

"What do you want?" Xu Yuan looked at Gong Qing with interest, "First of all, the guy you sent to find trouble for me broke a lot of things in my house, so it stands to reason that you should Pay it to me."

"Well, it's only natural to compensate for damage to your things." Gong Qing nodded nonchalantly.

In his opinion, what valuables can a temporary worker get? Although they are not rich at all, they still have some savings.

Until Xu Yuan handed him a small notebook that he carried with him, Gong Qing fell into a daze while looking at the records in the notebook.

A 5090 graphics card, two of the largest Gundam figures, and the latest 100-inch TV from Mijia...

Gong Qing looked up at the wish, then looked down at the account book in his hand.

He has been hiding in Longhu Mountain for three years and has no contact with the outside world. Naturally, he knows the value of these things.

How can you, a temporary worker, afford this?

Gong Qing now seriously suspects that Xu Yuan is taking this opportunity to blackmail him!

However, in the end, he held his nose and accepted the bill for his own plan.

"Okay, Mr. Wishing, I'll have someone pay you the compensation when I get back."

Xuanyuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Well! Head Gong is very generous. Since you agree to the compensation plan, you can save me from taking action."

Gong Qing:......

His silence at the moment was deafening.

You, a member of the company, are now blackmailing me, the acting head of Quanxing, and are you going to do it without losing money?

Are you omnisexual or am I omnisexual?

Gong Qing silently filled in another elusive character label in his wish.

"Do you have any other requests? Mr. Wishing." After Gong Qing was silent for a moment, he took the initiative to ask.

"there is none left."

"No more? You won't stop my plan?" Now it was Gong Qing's turn to be surprised.

From the amount of compensation just now, he thought that the wishing club would open its mouth, but the result once again exceeded his expectations.

"Well, no, I don't blackmail people, well, at least I won't stop your plan now."

Xu Wan nodded and told a lie with his eyes open. Seeing what Gong Qing had to say, he waved his hand to Gong Qing and interrupted him.

"Master Gong, I have no interest in getting involved in your plans, but I will never cooperate with you. I will just pretend that I have not met you just now, and I will not show mercy when I meet you again as an enemy."

Communicating with smart people is very simple, and you don’t need to speak too clearly.

Gong Qing is a smart person.

There was no need to say too much about the wish, he nodded silently.

"Then I'll leave first, Mr. Xu." Gong Qing turned around and walked outside the main hall of Tianshi Mansion without any nonsense.

Xu Yuan looked at Gong Qing's back and shook his head.

How should I describe this person Gong Qing...

When a "madman" does crazy things while still retaining a normal human heart, he is destined to be unable to truly succeed!

But these are not important. Gong Qing is destined to die anyway, and the dead person is not important!

As for why he didn't kill Gong Qing directly?

On the one hand, it's because there are a lot of ordinary people around. It is a taboo for the company to use strange methods in front of ordinary people!

On the other hand, it was because the task that Fatty Zhao gave to Xu Wan was only to investigate the head of Quan Xingdai, not to kill the head of Quan Xingdai!

Just complete your own tasks, and for the rest, just "act according to circumstances"!

Keeping Gong Qing alive to implement his plan would be of greater benefit to Xu Wish, as it would at least provide him with two more points of world compatibility!

Besides, as long as the Heavenly Master and the company are here, the whole nature cannot change the world!

Now, compared with the head of Quanxing Acting, Huishu is still more interested in the results of his remaining five draws. At this time, his remaining five draws have been used up...

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