Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 71 The strong wind blew down the sycamore tree, and he cursed his father-in-law!

"Wish, do you have any other arrangements? If not, we will leave first. Xingtong is still lying in the hospital. The medical conditions will be better when he returns to the city."

Feng Zhenghao got straight to the point and spoke directly to Xuanyuan.

"Well..." Xu Yuan pondered for a moment, "I have no other arrangements. President Feng, you should take Feng Xingtong back for treatment first!"

Now that Feng Xingtong was seriously injured by Wang Bing and has not yet recovered, the next plan to cause chaos in Longhu Mountain does not require the participation of the Feng family, and the real role of the Feng family in the wish-making plan is to deal with the Wang family!

Feng Zhenghao nodded, then looked at Wang Ye who was sitting on the recliner beside him, hesitated for a moment, and finally said to Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, although I have got into Wang Ai's side, he still doesn't trust me, so I don't plan to take action against Wang Bing again in the short term. I will contact you again when I need to take action."

Although they are both heirs of the Eight Wonders, Feng Zhenghao and Wang Ye don't have much interaction with each other.

But now that Wang can stay here at Xuyuan, it means that Xuanyuan also trusts Wang very much.

We must not be in the same boat as the Wang family!

Therefore, he is not afraid that Wang Ye will reveal the conversation between the two.

"Okay, no problem." Xu Yuan nodded indifferently.

Although the "free takeaway" king can bring him a lot of life and cultivation, in his current opinion, it is not a necessity. In fact, it is the equipment reward that he got from the ten consecutive draws not long ago that brought him a lot of improvement. It's so big that it's better than nothing!

The main purpose of devouring Wang Bing's spirit body now is actually to mess with Wang Bing's mentality and make him continue to drink poison to quench his thirst, until he finally turns himself into a "general" among the generals!

After Xu Yuan and Feng Zhenghao reached a consensus, Feng Zhenghao was ready to take the Feng family to leave Longhu Mountain.

But before leaving, he had to do one more thing, which was to call back Feng Shayan, who came down the mountain a few days ago. Feng Shayan was also a member of the Feng family!

Feng Zhenghao did not shy away from making wishes and directly called Feng Shayan in the courtyard.

The phone only rang twice before someone picked it up.

But the person who answered the phone was not Feng Shayan, but the voice of a young man.

"Hello?" The young man's voice was a little lazy, as if he had just woken up. "Who is it? Shayan went to take a shower."

Xu Yuan and Wang were both strangers, so the voice coming from the microphone could not be hidden from them.

Both of them could clearly see Feng Zhenghao's face darken.

"I am Feng Zhenghao! Ask Feng Shayan to come back to me immediately!" Feng Zhenghao's tone was unkind.

Although he frequently activates his ancestral marriage skills, it does not mean that Feng Zhenghao does not care about his daughter. The premise of the marriage is that he is very optimistic about the future of the marriage partner!

He has been through this himself, so he can naturally guess what happened on the other end of the phone.

But what Feng Zhenghao didn't expect was that after hearing him reveal his identity, the young man on the other end of the phone did not go directly to Feng Shayan. Instead, he cursed Feng Zhenghao on the phone.

"Okay, it turns out it was you, old guy, who made Sha Yan give up her qualification for the promotion competition..."

Obviously, Jia Zhengliang didn't know Feng Zhenghao's plan, and he also couldn't guess the truth behind Feng Shayan giving up the promotion competition!

Xu Yuan and Wang were also listening to the yelling and cursing coming from the phone. They saw Feng Zhenghao's face getting darker and darker, and Xu Yuan's face gradually became more subtle!

As expected of you, five hundred Jia Zhengliang in one night!

Xu Yuan quietly walked to Wang Ye and quietly reached out to slap him.

"Old Wang, do you know what this is called?" Xu Yuan winked in Feng Zhenghao's direction.

"What?" Wang Ye was a little confused.

"The strong wind blew down the sycamore trees."

"What do you mean?" Although Wang Ye has a high IQ, enough to be admitted to Tsinghua University, but in terms of living, he is far behind the idea of ​​​​making a wish.

“You’re scolding your father-in-law a lot!”

Wang Ye:......

Feng Zhenghao: ...I heard it all! Damn my father-in-law! Unless I die, I will never agree to Shayan being with this kid!

Finally, Feng Shayan, who was still taking a shower, heard Jia Zhengliang's curse and quickly came out of the bathroom to stop him.

The king on the side also began to pity Wang Ai and Wang Bing, the grandfather and grandson of the Wang family.

He had almost understood just now that Xu Yuan and Feng Zhenghao were going to attack the Wang family. As a former "victim", he knew that a wish alone was enough, plus Feng Zhenghao, the president of the Tianxiahui , the Wang family’s countdown has begun!

Feng Zhenghao left with a dark face, and Xu Yuan didn't know how Jia Zhengliang and Feng Zhenghao would get along with each other in the end.

Maybe Zhuge Qing would be interested in continuing to explore, but not wishing!

He has more important things to do now!

Because just after Feng Zhenghao left, the old Heavenly Master sent a disciple of the Heavenly Master's Mansion to inform him of the wish.

He is going to prepare to personally deliver the sermon to Zhang Chulan!

This was the promise that the Heavenly Master had made before, allowing him to witness the Heavenly Master’s salvation with his own eyes!

After Xu Wan received the notice, he did not hesitate too much and prepared to go directly to observe the Celestial Master's teachings.

Originally, I wanted to take Wang Ye with me when I made a wish. Anyway, I am chasing a sheep and shepherding a group of sheep!

Since Wang Ye can learn Fenghou Qimen, perhaps he can also gain something by observing Tianshidu.

But Wang Ye waved his hand casually and turned over on the recliner.

"I'd better wait here for you to come back. Although I can't go back to the Wudang Sect now, I am from the Wudang Sect after all. Tianshidu is the inherited secret of the Tianshi Mansion. It's not good for me to go."

Xu wish was stunned for a moment.

How should I put it, among the people he came into contact with, except for Feng Baobao, who was a human being. Perhaps only Taoist Master Wang Ye is the most like a practitioner who pursues the path of immortality. He follows his heart and nature, is neither greedy nor angry, and always knows what he wants.

But perhaps it is precisely because of this that it is also Wang Ye's shortcoming. He always seems to be out of tune with the world of mortals.

If you don't join the world, how can you talk about being born in the world?

But fortunately, Wang has now taken the first step...

Xuanyuan didn't force it. He said hello to Wang Ye and left the yard.

However, before he left the courtyard, he still left behind a sentence that made Wang Ye feel a little inexplicable.

"Old Wang, while you are waiting for me, the most you can do is pay attention to the direction of the back mountain. If you notice any movement, come and help quickly."

Since you have chosen to join the WTO, then simply implement it to the end!

Get involved yourself!

Find the answers you want in the rolling dust.

Wang Ye sat up from the recliner and looked at the back of Xu Yuan as he left, lost in thought.

What does it mean to make a wish?

Could there be danger in the mountains behind Longhu Mountain?

Wang couldn't understand, but in the end he still chose to believe in making a wish. He stood up from the recliner and headed to the back mountain in advance.

Through contacts in recent days, Wang Ye gradually gained some understanding of Xu Yuan.

Although usually making wishes seems a bit out of place, sometimes it can be very deceptive, or it can be done with great interest and makes people speechless.

But when it comes to big things, Xuanyuan is very reliable and is a trustworthy companion.

Otherwise, he wouldn't always be by Xu Yuan's side.

However, Wang also followed Xu Yuan's letter for a long time, and he always had a sixth sense that he seemed to be witnessing a certain period of history.

You know, warlocks, especially Qimen warlocks, have a very accurate sixth sense most of the time, except for Zhuge Gong...

On the other side, Xu Yuan also arrived outside Master Tianshi's room. At this time, Zhang Chulan was already waiting here with Feng Baobao...

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