Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 193 If you don’t do it, there will be Parugan.

"Old Ma, I would like to ask you to help me refine weapons..."

While others were setting up camp and preparing for a temporary rest, Xu Yuan made his request to Ma Xianhong.

It didn't go beyond Ma Xianhong's expectation.

He knew very well how much he weighed. Although his strength was pretty good in the alien world, it was just like that compared to Wishes and the gang of monsters around him.

Apart from this, the only thing left that can be used by me is the magic machine that I have mastered!

The special difference between the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements and the other eight magical skills is that the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements can produce magic weapons!

"Okay, no problem." Ma Xianhong nodded happily and agreed.

Xu Yuan turned around and glanced at Feng Baobao, who was looking forward to it in the distance, and smiled.

"The first thing is to help everyone here refine a bite capsule as much as possible." When Xu Wish said this, he also felt that it might be a bit too much, and added, "If you need any materials, you can tell me , I’ll find a way to get it for you.”

Ma Xianhong:......

He suddenly felt like he was growing cotton in Africa.

"If you don't do it, there will be Parugan?"

Feng Baobao didn't know when he touched it, and said with a leisurely touch.


Although Ma Xianhong felt that he was being squeezed, he still nodded and agreed.

"Okay, no problem. I have spare materials and everything. It should be enough to refine enough capsules and contact magic weapons."

As a professional weapon refiner, Ma Xianhong naturally tries his best to keep enough materials for weapon refinement in case of emergencies.

So when he left Qu Tong's village, he conveniently packed all the weapon-refining materials that Qu Tong had collected for him into his own pouch.

Anyway, there is no one else in Qutong who knows how to refine weapons, so it would be a waste to stay, right?

Moreover, although the function of the bite bag is miraculous, it is not considered a high-level magic weapon, otherwise he would not give it away with the bite bag everywhere.

For Ma Xianhong, refining ordinary magic weapons is not difficult at all, it is just a repetitive task.

After hearing what Ma Xianhong said, I was overjoyed.

He can even prepare his own materials. Lao Ma is really a good palu... and a good weapon refiner.

"Old Ma, you are so good!" Xu Yuan excitedly patted Ma Xianhong on the shoulder.

Lao Ma: ...You are really becoming more and more like a capitalist!

"So what about the second thing?" Ma Xianhong sighed and asked proactively.

"The second thing is, I just hope you can help everyone refine some customized magic weapons. The situation on Nathan Island is very complicated this time, and we must adjust the state to the best."

Make a wish and follow the right path.

It's not for himself.

His abilities are too complex, and it is impossible for a single exclusive magic weapon to adapt to all his methods.

In fact, a long time ago, I made a wish and wanted to add some combat effectiveness to the members of the supervision team.

Obligations and responsibilities are equal.

As the leader of the supervision team, while enjoying the rights of the leader, he must also assume corresponding obligations.

Ma Xianhong finally scratched his head this time.

"It's okay for me to help refine the magic weapon, but if the type of magic weapon is different, the materials required will not be enough. The materials I have on hand will definitely not be enough."

Weapon refining is a complex subject.

The materials are all kinds of strange and diverse, and they can't be made by just tapping your head.

Except for the method of making a wish by turning energy into form.

"Okay! That's no problem." A smile appeared on Xu Wish's face, "Whoever wants to customize a magic weapon and what materials they need can figure it out on their own. You can just help refine it!"

After that, Xu Yuan directly greeted everyone who had already set up camp.

The news was then announced to them.

Others were also overjoyed after learning that Ma Xianhong could use the magical machine Bailian to help everyone refine magic weapons!

Especially Wang Zhenqiu.

He still remembered that before setting off for Nathan Island, he once mentioned his idea for the new method of the Godhead Mask to Xu Wan.

At that time, he made a wish and promised to let Ma Xianhong help him refine the magic weapons he needed when he had the opportunity in the future!

Wang Zhenqiu originally thought that making a wish was just perfunctory or evasive, but he didn't expect that the wish would be implemented so quickly!

If the creation of the exclusive magic weapon is completed, then he

As for the others, although they were not as excited as Wang Zhenqiu, they were all very happy.

The bite bag is the ultimate cure-all!

Especially for Tang Sect members like Tang Miaoxing, this is a complete surprise!

Assassins like them have complicated methods and need to use many props. If they can have a bite bag, they will have more choices, and they can also avoid most of the security inspections in the world!

Tang Miaoxing originally joined the supervision team. The main reason at first was because of the company's background, and then it became the influence of Wishing. Now, they are really dead set on Wishing!

I hope this person... can get along!

What a great job!

But then.

This place has become a small camp.

People who need exclusive magic weapons queue up to come to Ma Xianhong to express their needs.

I was not in a hurry to make a wish, so I just sat in the middle of the camp.

Now all parties are landing on Nason Island one after another, and large-scale conflicts will not break out in a short time.

It would be better to strengthen our own combat power now. After those forces gain a firm foothold, it will not be too late for them to go out to pick peaches.

Of course, when making a wish, he did not forget to activate the godhead mask and transform into a god [Master of Alchemy—Taiyi Zhenren].

Although those forces will not break out into large-scale conflicts, it does not mean that they will not have friction. As long as friction occurs, people will definitely die in a lawless place like Nathan Island.

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

Nowadays, with the improvement of his wish-making ability, the improvement of his vision brought by Nuwa [super-intelligent life form] passive also affects Taiyi Zhenren's passive.

Enough to cover the entire Nathan Island!

If there are no obstacles blocking you, you can see any corner of Nathan Island if you wish!

It also shows that on the entire Nathan Island, as long as a stranger dies, no matter where it is, it can provide a certain degree of energy increase for the wish!

And Ma Xianhong is really busy.

Not only does he have to design magic weapons according to the needs of those who want to create exclusive magic weapons, but he also has to refine capsules and contact magic weapons.

"Well, Xiao Zizai, you said you want a melee weapon, and the Buddha's light will appear when you hit someone?"

Ma Xianhong scratched his head.

"It's not a big problem, but it might not be too powerful."

"No problem!" Brother Xiao nodded, "I just want to use Buddha's light to remind myself during the battle not to fall into the desire to kill."

Ma Xianhong took out a piece of paper, wrote and drew randomly on it for a while, and then handed it to Xiao Zizai.

"See if this works. I think it would be a good idea to call this magical weapon Buddha's Mercy."

Xiao Zizai took the drawing and looked at it carefully.

The magical weapon on the drawing is generally in the shape of a pair of finger tigers, but compared with ordinary finger tigers, the attack point of the fist of "My Buddha's Mercy" has changed to the shape of a Buddha's head.

"When attacking, these Buddha heads will absorb Qi and bloom Buddha light. They will also recite the Great Compassion Mantra..." Ma Xianhong explained at the side.

It has to be said that Ma Xianhong is a genius, or it is his serious attitude of striving for perfection that allowed him to fully utilize his talent in refining weapons!

A rare bright smile appeared on Xiao Zizi's face.

Apparently, he was very satisfied.

Xiao Zizai even patted Ma Xianhong on the shoulder.

"Lao Ma, actually if you don't get some self-cultivation furnace, you'd be really nice."

Ma Xianhong:......

My passing Biyou Village!

It’s really hard to pick up any pot!

Although he missed his new Jiejiao and Biyou Village in his heart, he did not dare to have an affair with Xiao Zizai.

This guy's skill in making Zhao Guizhen into a human scorpion is really "impressive"...

"By the way, the materials required for this magical weapon include blue silver grass and black gold..."

After informing Xiao Zizai of the materials for refining the magic weapon, Ma Xianhong finally sent away all the people who came to refine the exclusive magic weapon.

When he looked up at the camp, his eyes were filled with confusion.


Why does it feel so much like the Novice Village in the game?

Because those who need to find materials for refining exclusive magic weapons are standing at the entrance of the camp and shouting loudly.

"Form a team! We need dark silver, black gold..."

"A large amount of pig iron is needed..."

"Demand for Bluesilver Grass..."

Ma Xianhong saw this scene he had never imagined, and he looked down at himself again.


Am I an NPC paru?

Ma Xianhong shook his head to drive this outrageous illusion out of his mind.

How can I be Palu? I must at least be considered Ornn!

Although the materials required for refining weapons are all kinds of strange, various forces are still landing on Nathan Island.

With the huge base, it is not difficult to gather the materials they need.

At the same time, Ma Xianhong also began to refine the capsule and contact magic weapon.

But his refining is not boring.

Two people took the initiative to approach him and chat with him.

The first is Feng Baobao.

It’s hard for outsiders to imagine Sister Baoer’s obsession with “killing people and stealing goods”...

Sister Baoer just put on a posture of never leaving until she can get her hands on it.

Just chatting with Ma Xianhong by the way.

The other person is Ding Shian, who is very interested in any practice method.

After obtaining Ma Xianhong's consent, Ding Zhangan sat next to Ma Xianhong and quietly watched Ma Xianhong refining the weapon.

Ma Xianhong asked Ding Shian while controlling the materials in his hands to merge into a strange state.

"Ding Zhang'an, I heard that you and the Heavenly Master had an affair on the Xilin Gol grassland, and you were there when you made a wish. Can you tell me in detail?"

Mentioning this, Ding Shi'an immediately became energetic.

To him, that battle was a glorious defeat...

At least he saw the concrete image of the key point of the cultivation path so far!

Therefore, Ding Shian did not shy away from talking about this matter.

Under his narration, the scene on the Xilin Gol grassland reappeared.

When Ma Xianhong saw Xu Yuan again this time, he could clearly feel the changes in Xu Yuan.

The strength of the wish before was indeed good, but he could not be called a leader at all. At most, he could be regarded as the leader of a gang.

But this time, Ma Xianhong could clearly feel that the aura of a leader gradually appeared in Xu Yuan!

Therefore, Ma Xianhong is very curious, what did Xu Wan go through during this period of time?

Not only him, but Feng Baobao also listened attentively.

When we first went to Xilin Gol Prairie, other than to make a wish, these temporary workers did not go together.

What they know is only the general situation they have seen from the alien circle forum.

When he heard Ding Zhangan mention that he was picked up by the Heavenly Master with one hand around his neck, Feng Baobao let out an exclamation.


"What's wrong?" Ding Shi'an looked at her curiously.

"So, your ranking should be lower than that of Ruhu!" Feng Baobao thought thoughtfully.


Ding Jian'an looked puzzled.

He and Na Ruhu have known each other for many years, and the two have fought countless times.

Whether it is strength or talent, the two are almost the same.

Ding Shian practiced miscellaneously, but Naruhu practiced very well, only practicing one horizontal line of the Chai style.

But no matter how much Ding Shian improved, the two ended in a tie every time.

Where did Feng Baobao's words come from?

Seeing the puzzling expression on Ding Shian's face, Feng Baobao explained.

"Look, Heavenly Master only needs one hand to grab your neck, but it takes two hands to grab Naruhu's neck. Doesn't that mean Naruhu is ranked higher than you?"

Ding Shian:......

Ma Xianhong:......

Na Ruhu, as one of the members of Shilaohui, can be regarded as a public figure in the alien circle, and everyone is familiar with it.

The two of them thought of Ruhu's neck, which was twice as thick as Ding Shian'an, and for a moment they couldn't refute.


Don't say it, don't say it!

However, Ma Xianhong also gradually caught up with Feng Baobao's ideas.

"That's not right, wouldn't it be enough if you just pinch the tiger-like neck smaller?"

Ma Xianhong said lightly while refining the bite bag.

As soon as these words came out, Ding Shian's face darkened.

Just now, he thought Ma Xianhong was normal, which surprised him...

As a result, Ma Xianhong now kills every time he opens his mouth.

Sure enough, there are no normal people around Xuanyuan!

Of course, it was just a joke to ask the Heavenly Master to pinch the tiger-like neck...

While everyone was busy doing their own things.

The Heavenly Master and Tian Lao got together again, but the difference from before was that this time Tian Lao did not wish the Heavenly Master to push the wheelchair.

"Old Tian." The old master half-squinted his eyes, "Finally you don't need me to push you."

Tian Jinzhong smiled brightly, "Brother, I think you regret that you can no longer sacrifice me, right?"

Last time at the Luo Tian Jiao in Longhu Mountain, after Zhang Chulan injured Lu Linglong on the ring, Lu Jin went straight to find trouble with the old Tianshi.

Although the Old Heavenly Master is stronger than Lu Jin, because the two parties are friends, it is difficult for the Old Heavenly Master to fight back.

In the end, in order to delay Lu Jin from chasing him, he directly threw Tian Jinzhong, who was still in a wheelchair and needed to be pushed by him, towards Lu Jin...

"Ahem." The old master coughed twice in embarrassment, "Let's not mention this. Lao Tian, ​​I see that you have recovered very well. Are you interested in going out for some activities?"

"Of course." Mr. Tian raised his eyebrows, "Isn't that why the boy who made a wish asked me to come with him this time? It just so happens that I can also see how the foreigners' current level is compared to that of back then..."

Although he said that he was making a wish to invite him to help.

But in fact, it can be seen from Tian Jinzhong's excited look that he himself can't wait to move around!

Even during the time he was in the Tianxiahui, Feng Zhenghao would occasionally practice with him, but because the Taoism of Longhu Mountain restrained the Feng family's Ji Ling generals, and Feng Zhenghao would not try his best. Take action with him.

So every time the two of them click until the end.

Tian Jinzhong is not satisfied at all!

It's not as aggressive as Tian Jinzhong. So many years of quiet skills have already hardened his mentality to a rock.

But don't underestimate the suppression that has not been done for so many years.

"Okay, then let's go and... form a team?"

The old Heavenly Master had a smile in his eyes, and he scanned the crowd near the camp exit with a smile.

Finally locked on one of the group of people.

at the same time.

In Qutong’s village.

Originally Qu Tong was tending to the flowers and plants with a calm face.

Suddenly, her expression froze.

Immediately afterwards, she threw aside the newly trimmed flowers and plants, and walked quickly back to her room.

The calmness on his face disappeared and turned into solemnity!

Because just now, she suddenly felt that all the root devices she sent to Nathan Island were disconnected in an instant!

She indeed used the power of both hands to help those with superior abilities cut off a certain part of their emotions, allowing them to gain "peace".

But at the same time, she also took this opportunity to use the abilities of both hands to build a link with those upper-level devices.

This kind of link does not have much effect, unlike Judy who was sent to the 24th Section of Tongtian Valley by her.

She cannot use this link to perform abilities remotely.

But you can sense the status of those root devices at any time!

Did those superiors rebel collectively?

This is obviously impossible.

Don't say that they have no reason to rebel. Even if they do, if they want to contact the control of their own hands, they can't contact them all in an instant!

The only reasonable explanation left is that they encountered an accident on Nathan Island!

In an instant, all those upper organs died!

Although Qu Tong felt that such an inference was outrageous, it was the only reasonable explanation!

After Qu Tong returned to his room, he closed the door, turned the magic weapon ring on his finger, and tried to contact the other ring.

Although the village is isolated from the world, its connection with the outside world has never been interrupted.

Naturally, she also knew about the announcement made by Nadutong Company.

The battle for the throne of Nathan Island has begun, and alien forces with official backgrounds from all over the world are participating!

Of course, this was the news she only got after those superiors set off with Ma Xianhong!

She tried to contact those superiors, but she couldn't.

Because at this time, the superiors were already on the sea with Ma Xianhong.

Although the battle for the throne of Nathan Island has little to do with her goal, Ruan Feng, it will also make the situation on Nathan Island extremely complicated, and she can encounter any situation!

The person Qu Tong is trying to contact now is her undercover agent on the board of directors of Nadoutong Company!

Contacting the other party so hastily may very well put the other party into danger.

But Qu Tong had no choice.

She wasn't doing it for those root devices.

But to board Ma Xianhong on Nason Island and Ruan Feng on the island with those superiors!

Those root devices are dead when they die, and she is fully capable of making another batch soon.

But Ma Xianhong and Ruan Feng can't.

In her plan, these two people are of unparalleled importance!

Especially Ma Xianhong!

It can even be said that the undercover agent on the company's board of directors, plus those high-ranking officials, and even Ruan Feng.

In Qu Tong's view, none of them are as important as Ma Xianhong!

Qu Tong sat on the sofa, sinking like water, watching the ring on his finger flashing with a faint red light...

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