Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 194 Among the group of Tysons, you chose Taylor?

Because the superiors sent by Qu Tong to Nathan Island suddenly lost contact.

So Qu Tong had to contact her insider on the company's board of directors.

Although Qu Tong has not had any evidence, in order to prevent the company from leaking intelligence through modern communication methods, she has always communicated with the company's insiders through this ring communication device.

A faint red light flashed on the ring instrument in Qu Tong's hand.

Fortunately, she had asked Ma Xianhong to set the reminder method for contacting the magic weapon like this in order to keep it secret.

Otherwise, the "message reminder" alone would be enough to expose her insider position on the company's board of directors!

At this time, in the company's conference room.

Because Chairman Zhao Fangxu had just ordered that all board members were not allowed to leave this conference room before the Nason Island operation.

All the board members are here.

And none of these board members showed any objections, after all...

They could not find any valid reason to refute Zhao Fangxu's decision.

Qu Tong, the insider on the company's board of directors, was naturally among them.

Just when he thought it didn't matter, an inconspicuous iron ring on his finger suddenly felt a burning sensation.

He looked down and saw a faint red light flashing on the ring.

The insider suddenly panicked!

At this time, all the company's board members are in this room. Once exposed, he, Qu Tong and everyone involved will be dead!

Although he was panicking in his heart, he remained calm on the surface and scanned the other people around him with his peripheral vision.

Fortunately, he had kept his hands under the table just now, and everyone else's attention was focused on the large-screen satellite surveillance.

The faint red light on his fingers went unnoticed.

The insider secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But then he was in trouble again.

Qu Tong contacted him at this time...

What will happen?

He and Qu Tong have been "cooperating" for a long time, and the cooperation between the two people has been smooth, and they have a certain tacit understanding.

Qu Tong has always followed the rules very well and will not engage in sudden attacks that may expose him.

But now Qu Tong suddenly contacted him at this time without saying hello, so there must be something urgent!

The insider retracted his finger and hid the ring in his palm.

He deliberately ignored the scorching ring. After all, if he took it, it would probably expose himself.

But when he thought of Qu Tong behind the ring, his thoughts were shaken!

Qu Tong came to him in an emergency. Maybe Qu Tong was in danger? Or is there some danger approaching you?

People always like to scare themselves.

Once bad suspicions arise, it will only remind people of more negative possibilities.

This is human nature, and this insider is not exempt from it.

He kept thinking, in order to prevent the bad things he imagined from happening, so he gritted his teeth and finally picked up the communication!

As his finger gently touched a mechanism on the ring, the communication connection between him and Qu Tong was successful!

But at this moment, his heart was once again in his throat.

He was afraid that Qu Tong would suddenly make some noise on the other side of the ring.

Even if others didn't notice his small movements and the ring in his hand at this time.

But if any strange sound suddenly comes from this quiet conference room, it may attract the attention of others...

But fortunately, Qu Tong also knew that his sudden attack would bring danger to the insiders.

So after the communication connection between the two was successful, Qu Tong did not make any sound, but quietly listened to the voice on the other side.

Soon, the insider's voice came from the ring.

"Director Zhao, do you think Wish Wish will cause any big things on Nathan Island this time? After all, the people he brought with him are not fuel-efficient lamps. Not only did he take away all the temporary workers of the company and the Tang Sect , Quan Xing, and even the Heavenly Master also went together."

The insider spoke directly in the conference room.

The seemingly normal conversation was actually sending a message to Qu Tong on the other side of the ring.

His words did not arouse any suspicion.

After all, this board meeting is about the action on Nason Island.

Xu Yuan and others went to Nason Island in their personal capacity. That was just the company's explanation to the outside world. Now that this theory is presented to the board of directors, it is meaningless.

Moreover, according to the satellite surveillance just now, all the board members present could clearly see who was on that weird little wooden boat.

Zhao Fangxu pondered for a moment and did not answer the question directly, but said ambiguously.

"No matter what Xu wish did on Nason Island, he is still a member of the company and also a member of China. It is absolutely impossible to betray him to any other force in order to calm down the so-called trouble..."

Zhao Fangxu really didn't know what would happen if he made a wish!

This guy from Make a Wish is the player who chased the Behemoth ship as soon as he arrived in the waters of Nathan Island!

Is there anything else he doesn't dare to do?

Moreover, after these people landed on Nason Island, satellite monitoring almost completely failed due to the complicated situation of Nason Island and the fact that vegetation almost covered the entire island.

Now the company's accurate information about Nason Island can only come from the "observation team" sent by the company to Nason Island.

So what Zhao Fangxu said was also an inoculation to other board members.

If wishing really causes any big trouble, at least it should be communicated to the outside world unanimously first, and then we can discuss how to deal with the wishing after solving the external hidden dangers.

All the board members present nodded in agreement and did not have any objections to Zhao Fangxu's ideas.

Just like what Zhao Fangxu once said about himself.

To become a member of the company's board of directors, you may not necessarily have great means, but your consciousness and ideological realm must be reliable!

Although the insider didn't know what Qu Tong wanted to see him for, coincidentally, the conversation he just wanted to explain his situation contained the information Qu Tong needed.

After Qu Tong got the information he needed, he immediately cut off the contact between the two parties.

This gave the insider a sigh of relief.

Qu Tong also fell into deep thought after cutting off contact.

I also went to Nason Island to make a wish...

He also brought along all the temporary workers, Quan Xing, Tang Sect, and Lao Tianshi.

This kind of staffing is obviously going to cause trouble!

In this way, it is very possible for those superiors on Nathan Island to come into contact with Xuanyuan and the people he brought with him!

If you wish for these personnel configurations, you can indeed kill those root machines in an instant.

Although Qu Tong's strength is not that great, her vision and self-positioning are very precise.

A single Lao Tianshi can instantly kill all top-level weapons!

Although Qu Tong was not sure that those who met the upper root implements were the wishing group.

But just in case, out of an abundance of caution…

move place!

Qu Tong made a decision quickly!

If those upper-level tools encountered indeed the wishing group, then Ma Xianhong should not be in danger of his life.

But it also means that the village where she is hiding now is exposed!

She had to transfer first. As for Ma Xianhong...

As long as you are alive, you have a chance!

And if those superior powers encounter other forces, I'm afraid Ma Xianhong won't survive either!

It's beyond reach, and there's nothing she can do now.

Qu Tong once again felt the feeling of being out of her control!

Another wish!

Thinking of making a wish, Qu Tong felt a little itchy.

Since she established Yao Xing Club, although Yao Xing Club has also encountered certain difficulties.

But no matter what the dilemma, it was not out of her control.

But after the wish appeared, everything involving the wish would eventually evolve out of his control.

The development of things will also lead to an unknown ending.

Making a wish always gave her a feeling of being overwhelmed.

Although Qu Tong hated Xu Yuan in her heart, she had no choice but to call the rest of her men and start the relocation work immediately!

Not only must they be relocated, but all traces of their existence must be erased!

As a private intelligence force, a large part of the reason why Yao Xing Society has been able to exist for so long is because of caution!

No matter what the outside world thinks now.

Today's Nathan Island is in a state of complete control for any external force.

No one could have predicted what would happen on Nathan Island.

For example, two old men, Lao Tianshi and Tian Jinzhong, have now formed a team with a group of temporary workers in the company...

People huddle together for warmth.

Even though they are also part of the inspection team, because they are from different camps, everyone is still used to acting together with people from the same background.

People from Tang Clan look for people from Tang Clan, Quan Xing looks for Quan Xing...

Several temporary workers from the company also formed a team.

Although except for Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu, no one else is willing to customize exclusive magic weapons.

But they didn't mind helping Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu search for materials together.

Lao Tianshi and Tian Jinzhong came over and offered to join the team.

"Would you mind taking us two old men with you? The old man also wants to go out to see the conditions on the island and stretch his hands and feet."

Tian Jinzhong said with a smile, the smile on his face was very kind.

And the old Tianshi also helped by saying, "Old man, I also want to see the situation on this island. Where is the best place to open a Tianshifu branch?"


All the temporary workers looked at each other.

They didn't expect that the two old men, Lao Tianshi and Mr. Tian, ​​would take the initiative to find them.

As for what the two said, who would take it seriously?

Is it possible that the Heavenly Master really plans to set up a Longhushan branch on the island?

Of course, with these two taking the initiative to join, the temporary workers would have no reason and would not dare to refuse.

As a result, two new members were added to the temporary team!

Xu Wan has been staying in the center of the camp, wearing the god mask, transforming into the real god Taiyi, absorbing the energy coming from all over Nason Island.

Just as he had expected.

Although all forces now try to avoid large-scale conflicts, death cannot be completely avoided.

In just the "warm-up" period from when they landed on Nathan Island to now, the increase in energy provided for making a wish was already terrifying!

Just like that.

The energy to make a wish has increased by 30%!

Xu Yuan felt her energy increase and was overjoyed.

The rewards of this trip to Nathan Island were definitely beyond imagination!

If it wasn't a particularly difficult enemy to deal with, then it would be best for me to transform into Taiyi Zhenren throughout the whole process!

In addition, he just saw Ruan Feng in the bag. As one of the thirty-six thieves who caused the Jiashen Rebellion, Ruan Feng also provided him with a little world compatibility and a chance to draw a lottery!

World fit increased from 67% to 68%.

The number of lottery opportunities has also accumulated to 11 times!

Just when Xuanyuan was delighted with his harvest, he looked up and saw Lao Tianshi and Tian Jinzhong standing at the gate of the camp, talking to the temporary worker team.

Make a wish and walk towards them.

Before he could reach the front, he heard the old Heavenly Master saying with a smile.

"Then from now on, we two old men will join your team!"

Make a wish:? ? ?

No, after teaming up, why did Brother Xiao and Wang Zhenqiu bring these two with them?

Isn't this equivalent to playing Landlords, if someone else comes up with a three, you just go ahead and blast it?

Moreover, once these two people go out, there may be a big reaction!

Xu wish hurriedly walked over.

"Why do you two come to join in the fun?" Xu Yuan smiled, "Just tell them what materials you need. It's their honor to help you collect the materials."

"We don't have any need for magic weapons." The old master spread his hands and said with a smile, "It's just that Lao Tian has been sitting in a wheelchair for so many years, and the old man just goes out with him for a stroll. Wish-making boy, isn't that okay? ?”

To be fair, the Heavenly Master is a strange person who has lived for such a long time.

As the saying goes, people are old and wise, and ghosts are old and wise.

Naturally, he knew exactly what Xuanyuan was worried about.

But he was very willing to see Xu Yuan's frustrated look.

After all, at least making a wish to get a "super promotion" at every turn would not frustrate him. It was considered a bad taste of his.

Make a wish:…

Since the Heavenly Master has said so, how dare he say no.

Moreover, he has no reason to restrict the personal freedom of these two people.

"In this case..." Xu Yuan glanced at the temporary work team, "In this case, there is nothing to be busy with at the camp, so I will accompany you two."

"That's no problem." Mr. Tian took the initiative and said.

Tian Lao is very grateful that the wish has given her the opportunity to be reborn and that she has regained a healthy body, so naturally she will not make it difficult to make the wish.

that's all.

One more person has been added to the temporary work team.

Even the current members of the temporary team did not expect that the final situation would turn out like this.

Their configuration can definitely go sideways on Nathan Island!

If she wishes to go out, Liao Duoduo will naturally follow her.

And Feng Baobao, who had been waiting beside Ma Xianhong, happened to have received the first refined bite bag from the hands of Village Chief Ma.

Of course she couldn't wait to try out the new baby!

She also chose to join the temporary worker team.

Feng Baobao wants to set off together, and Zhang Chulan is no exception.

Therefore, before setting off in the end, the temporary worker team once again gathered temporary workers from all regions, as well as two old men with "mixed experience"...

Xu Yuan still maintained the state of Taiyi Zhenren, and followed the team to leave the camp.

Nason Island is a completely unfamiliar environment. There is no map at all. It is not clear where to find the materials they need.

But it doesn't matter, they just need to remember the direction back to the camp.

Anyway, Nathan Island is so big in total. At full speed, you can definitely cross the entire Nathan Island in three hours!

As for the rest, good luck!

The group of people randomly chose a direction and walked into the dense jungle that was everywhere on Nathan Island.

At this time, as more and more forces landed on Nathan Island, some traces of people walking in the originally inaccessible jungle could gradually be seen.

What about the materials for refining the weapons?

Naturally, it cannot be collected from Nason Island. Nason Island is just a closed environment, and it is not a blessed land full of natural resources and treasures.

You can only steal it from other forces!

You don't even need a tracking expert to take action, you just need to follow the footprints to find the other party.

The group continued to move forward following the footprints.

It didn't take long to catch up with the person who left these traces.

Three Europeans.

It can be seen from their uniform clothes and the logos on their clothes that they are not from the Magic Academy.

It seems that some small force came to Nason Island to take advantage of the autumn wind!

Xu wish and the others saw each other, and these three people also discovered Xu wish and the others.

Mainly due to the wish to keep the transformation of God Taiyi, the movement on the way was too loud. The strange alchemy furnace under his feet would make a thumping sound whenever he walked, causing the ground nearby to constantly shake.

Since these three people came to Nason Island to enjoy the autumn breeze, they were naturally not a good person.

Killing people and stealing goods are not out of the question.

In other words, today's Nathan Island is a huge chicken-eating battlefield!

Unless they are from the same force or have a background that makes the other party fearful, any two teams that meet will inevitably fall into a fight!

But when they turned their heads to look in the direction of the vibration, they saw that the number of people coming was actually more than twice their number...

The three of them are not masters, they are just ordinary strangers, and they have no confidence that they can defeat more with less.

When they discovered this, their faces suddenly showed a look of despair.


In particular, the three of them could tell from the speed at which this team was moving that they had no hope of escaping.

The leader, a bearded man, still held on to his last hope and took the initiative to shout to the wishing group.

"There are many of you, don't take advantage of the large number of people to bully the small ones. If you have the ability to fight one on one!"

As soon as Wishing and the group showed up, they heard the bearded man's broken Chinese.

There's something funny about making a wish.

He took the initiative to stand up and asked the other party.

"What kind of force are you from?"

"Don't worry about what kind of force we are from, just ask if you dare to challenge us alone!"

The bearded man kept repeating his words as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

Make a wish:…

In this case, he had nothing to say. Originally, he wanted to inquire about the other party's power. If the relationship was good, he wouldn't mind letting these three people go.

In fact, these three people don't look like they are in trouble.

"Okay. Since you want to fight alone, just pick one." Xu Yuan shrugged.


The last thing these temporary workers fear is single combat.

The strongest thing about temporary workers is their single-target combat capabilities!

I really hope they don’t pick Xiao Zizai...

While making a wish and speaking, Brother Xiao licked his lips.

Come along with Make a Wish, and you can really start having dinner!

After getting the answer to his wish, the bearded man was overjoyed.

He didn't expect that the other party would agree to the challenge so easily!

The three of them, in fact, the strongest means are only suitable for one-on-one combat. Just like himself, once the opponent agrees to one-on-one combat, his superpower can open a Colosseum that is completely isolated from the outside world!

Not only will he be strengthened in the Colosseum, but his opponents will be greatly weakened. The most important thing is that this Colosseum is almost impossible to be broken by external forces.

His plan was to hold one of the opponents hostage through the first duel, and finally allow the three of them to leave safely and avoid being surrounded!

The bearded man's eyes kept drifting away from the wishing group.

Those young people seemed not weak and had something to rely on.


Although the middle-aged man with glasses looked gentle, there seemed to be some violence in his eyes, and it was not that simple.

Nope either.

And that woman and that child...

When walking around the world, women and children are not easy to deal with.

Although we are in different countries, the principles are the same.

Finally, the bearded man set his sights on the two remaining old men with kind faces.

Although these two old men looked kind-hearted, one of them had a hint of a strong man.

Then choose the remaining one!

"It's him! I want to challenge him to a duel!"

The bearded man pointed at the Heavenly Master.

He simply cannot understand what it means to return to one's original nature...

Seeing the bearded man's choice, all the temporary workers present looked strange.

Even Sister Baoer, who looked cute, turned into a face full of surprise at this time.

This beard is so strong!

Come up and just pick the strongest one to fight?

Among a group of Tysons, you chose Taylor?

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