Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 192 The root device that evaporates instantly!

"You are really looking for death!"

A ferocious smile appeared on Lao Wang's face.

Now that he had broken his skin, Ruan Feng also let go of the last trace of his feelings and soft-heartedness towards Wang Guoping.

Even if he activates the Liuku Immortal Thief, he starts fighting with a group of superior weapons!

Although the Liuku Immortal Thief is essentially a physical training method, it creates a perfect digestive system in the body.

But that doesn’t mean that the Liuku Immortal Thief doesn’t have long-range attack capabilities!

As Ruan Feng started practicing his skills, a mist appeared around him.

This mist is actually made of Ruan Feng's saliva, which is commonly known as saliva.

Although it sounds a bit disgusting, its power should not be underestimated at all!

As the mist spreads, the surrounding vegetation will be corroded away in an instant!

Even the land on the ground was scorched black by corrosion!

As long as it is corroded by these mist, it will be assimilated after being corroded, and eventually absorbed as nutrients by the caster.

Form a closed loop of consumption and recovery!

From Ruan Feng's quickly rosy complexion, it can be seen that the Liuku Immortal Thief, also one of the eight magical skills, is not weaker than any other eight magical skills at all!

However, these superior weapons were not surprised. Lao Wang also controlled the Liuku Immortal Thief, so he naturally knew the corresponding methods. They had even rehearsed the corresponding strategies before coming to Ruan Feng.

Lao Wang, who also practiced Liuku Immortal Thief, was the main force against Ruan Feng's corrosive mist.

The same mist also emitted from his body.

Lao Wang had already completely gained Ruan Feng's trust before, so Ruan Feng also taught him all the methods of the Liuku Immortal Thief.

Lao Wang naturally knows how to use this method.

It's just that Lao Wang's cultivation time was more than twice as short as Ruan Feng's, and the scale and corrosiveness of the mist couldn't be compared to Lao Wang's.

The two mists intersected, and Lao Wang's side quickly retreated, obviously losing to Ruan Feng.

However, Ruan Feng’s enemy is not only Lao Wang!

There are other rooting devices.

Other top-level weapons used their methods one after another and launched an attack on Ruan Feng at the same time!

Ruan Feng didn't take it seriously at first. After all, after so many years, especially after the sworn alliance between the thirty-six people was revealed, he faced the pursuit of all the famous and decent people in the entire alien world, and he took action many times. .

These younger generations are still a bit immature!

But as soon as he moved his hands, Ruan Feng discovered something was wrong.

These people are surprisingly strong!

For example, this Vajra with Arms may not be that old, but his skills are stronger than those he met back then!

And this kid who uses magical weapons actually has a hint of Bai Xiaoliang Ting, a double master of the past!

Ruan Feng is becoming more and more curious about this person!

Of course, the trash talk didn't stop when the two sides were fighting.

Through these trash talks, Ruan Feng gradually understood the situation.

Behind these people and Lao Wang is a common master, they are very familiar with him, and they are very weird and seem to have some emotional problems.

He saw more than one familiar shadow in these people...

Just when Ruan Feng's mind was wandering because of the shadows of those old friends, suddenly a faint whisper came from the woods and penetrated into his ears.

Sounds so familiar!

This is……

Fourth brother’s self-contained magic spell!

When Ruan Feng realized this, it was already too late!

Although his self-transforming magic spell may sound like an ordinary scripture, it has a miraculous effect on those who are cultivating strangers like them!

Even Liang Ting, the double master of Wu Gensheng and Ji Fu Lu, couldn't bear it!

These murmurs entered his ears uncontrollably and began to stir up memories deep in his heart...

While Ruan Feng was in a daze, Lao Wang and the other superiors were not idle!

They took the opportunity to continue attacking Ruan Feng!

Lao Wang took the lead, constantly using his own digestive juice mist to offset the mist around Ruan Feng.

Because he was absent-minded, the mist around Ruan Feng could not be replenished in time, and soon a passage was opened without any help!

At the same time, a figure sprang out from the crowd of superior weapons and rushed towards Ruan Feng!

It was the stranger who used the arm-threading Vajra method just now!

He didn't hesitate at all and even gave up his defense completely.

A punch hit Ruan Feng's fat belly directly!

The power of such a self-sacrifice blow is quite terrifying!

As a top expert, Ruan Feng was in a trance, but under the crazy warning of his sixth sense, he still forcibly pulled his mind back.

However, it was too late for him to defend himself at this time!

The opponent's punch directly punched a terrifying bloody hole in his stomach!

After a moment of pain, Ruan Feng was completely freed from the influence of his curse.

He didn't have time to think too much, he just followed his most instinctive combat experience, turned around and fled into the woods behind him!

These people are unexpectedly familiar with themselves, and they are obviously well prepared. Now that they have been injured, it is not suitable to continue to pester each other. It is better to wait until they recover from their injuries before making plans...

Of course, before escaping, Ruan Feng did not forget to turn on the fog around him to the maximum.

In an instant, the nearby King Kong was corroded, leaving only a few remaining bones!

This is the "cannibalism" of the Liuku Immortal Thief!

Ruan Feng recovered more than half of the injuries that would have been fatal to others in an instant!

There was no fluctuation in Ruan Feng's heart. He had already broken through the bottom line in his endless desire and boredom.

This isn't the first time he's done this!

Seeing Ruan Feng turn around and flee towards the woods.

The superiors were not surprised, because this was part of their plan.

Immediately afterwards, one of the superiors took out a magical weapon mosquito from his body, and it was stained with the blood that Ruan Feng had dropped on the ground.

This magic weapon mosquito finally "came alive" and flew towards the woods!


Lao Wang gave an order, and a group of superior weapons chased forward!

If I wish to wait for a group of temporary workers or Village Chief Ma here at this time, they will definitely recognize this lifelike magic weapon mosquito. Isn't it one of the magic tools Ma Xianhong used when he was in Biyou Village?

As for Xu Yuan and others, after meeting with Ma Xianhong, they rushed here immediately.

But it was a step too late after all.

When they arrived here, there was only a mess left in the open space in front of the cave, and blood stains on the charred ground.

They're a step too late!

It seems that Ruan Feng has already gotten involved with those toppers!

Following the remaining footprints on the ground, they could see that the direction of these people should be in the woods.

However, after entering the woods, the whereabouts of these people were unknown.

It's not that there are no tracking experts in this group of people. The average person in the Tang Sect is a well-deserved tracking expert.

But if you want to track down the person who controls the Liuku Immortal Thief, it’s obviously not enough.

The ability of the Liuku Immortal Thief can completely converge his own breath into his own body, Barron is an example!

Even Feng Baobao couldn't detect the other person's aura, let alone other people!

However, before everyone could discuss how to find those people, Ma Xianhong seemed to have received some signal.

He raised his head sharply and looked deep into the woods.

"over there!"

"Huh?" Xu Yuan was stunned for a moment, "Lao Ma, how did you know?"

Ma Xianhong's cultivation is just a matter of practicing magic, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with tracking, right?

"It's like this," Ma Xianhong scratched his head when talking about this, "I have left secret doors on the magical weapons I refined for these superior weapons. As long as the magical weapons are used within a certain distance, I can Sensing the other party’s location.”

After hearing Ma Xianhong's words, Wang Ye finally saw again what it means to be the darling of fate!

Ma Xianhong has just the right solution to the problem that Wishes is about to face!

Although all this seems very coincidental, doesn't it be this series of coincidences that better illustrates the weight of wishing in destiny?

Instead, he made a wish. After listening to Village Chief Ma's explanation, his eyes towards Village Chief Ma became a little subtle.

Ma Xianhong is no longer the honest man he once was, and he naturally understands Xu Yuan's thoughts.

He explained while leading the way.

"I only left backdoors on the magical weapons I refined for these superior weapons. I didn't leave any backdoors on the magical weapons I gave you before..."

Wishing shrugged.

He was noncommittal about Ma Xianhong's explanation.

Anyway, you will know after a while when you see the magic weapons in the hands of those superiors.

Among the people present, Ma Xianhong was not the only one who knew how to refine weapons. After making a wish to transform into the god Mozi and Master Lu Ban, they could also see the clues in the magic weapons!

When everyone followed Ma Xianhong's induction and came to the corresponding location.

At this time, the battle between Ruan Feng and Wang Guoping was over.

To be more precise, Ruan Feng surrendered after Lao Wang's words. He happened to want to see who was behind Lao Wang and why he knew so much about the thirty-six people they had become sworn friends with back then.

The most important thing is that Lao Wang said something that touched his heart.

In fact, he has lived enough!

So Ruan Feng volunteered to be beaten unconscious by Lao Wang and taken away!

When Xu Yuan and others arrived, Lao Wang had already stuffed Ruan Feng into the bag.

The bite capsules in the hands of these root implements naturally come from Ma Xianhong.

Only the capsule that he refined with his divine machine can carry unconscious living creatures.

When these superiors saw Ma Xianhong, who had just escaped, appear again, and brought a large group of people with him.

These superiors were all stunned.

They never expected this development!

Ma Xianhong had never been to an isolated place like Nathan Island, let alone had any acquaintances here.

But when they saw the face of the visitor clearly, their brains immediately shut down.

Although they don't know everyone, it's enough to see a few familiar faces!

Make a wish, Laotianshi, Ding Shanan, temporary workers in the company, the world will be fengzhenghao...

These foreigners in the country are all “celebrities”!

Of course they also know each other.


It’s too outrageous!

Let’s not talk about how the temporary workers from the Make-A-Wish company came to Nason Island, and how Ma Xianhong found them.

Just the appearance of Lao Tianshi and Ding Shanan made them wonder whether President Qu Tong had violated the rules of heaven...

Otherwise, although the strength of these top-level weapons is good, they will not be hunted down by the number one in the world and the number two in the world at the same time!

Although Wang Guoping and other superiors are not afraid of life and death, they also know very well that they are definitely no match for so many people in front of them.

One Heavenly Master alone is enough for them.

Not to mention that the opponent's number is nearly ten times that of our own!

Just now they relied on the strength of their numbers to besiege Master Ruan Feng, but now they are being besieged by others!

Retribution comes too quickly!

However, Lao Wang and other superiors also knew very well that their mission this time was not to win the battle, but to bring Master Ruan Feng back!

Completing the mission is even more important than their lives!


After assessing the situation, Lao Wang forced a stiff smile from his face and tried to say something.

But the wish did not give him a chance to explain nonsense, but directly pointed at the bite bag in his hand before he could put it away.

"Master Ruan Feng is right here. Give me the bite bag."

Lao Wang didn't expect that making a wish would go straight to the point, and the purpose would be so clear!

Lao Wang's heart sank, and he felt something bad.

"Make a wish, I know you..." Lao Wang's face also darkened, still trying to avoid fighting.

The current situation is really not good for them once they take action.

"Forget it, stop talking nonsense...do it!"

Xuanyuan waved his hand, and then suddenly gave an order!

As the words of the wish fell, a group of temporary workers and most members of the inspection team immediately took action!

They have all fought side by side with Xuanyuan.

Either they are very aware of Xu Wish's fighting style and stubborn temperament.

Or they themselves are not people who promote martial ethics!

When talking about martial ethics to the enemy, we just have to stand shoulder to shoulder and do it together!

Even Wang Ye curled his lips and took action against those superior weapons!

Ma Xianhong:......

Still a familiar recipe, still a familiar taste.

It was the superiors who were beaten.

But this time, he also became one of the attackers.

Unexpectedly, as a killer sect, the members of the Tang Sect were a little slow and took action last.

After they were stunned for a moment, they fired various types of alchemy bites at these upper root weapons.

Seeing this scene, Tang Miaoxing, the leader of Tangmen volunteers, shook his head secretly.

Sure enough, even if the disciples of the Tang Sect who grew up in peaceful times successfully mastered the alchemy through making wishes, they are still too young after not having experienced the baptism of actual life and death combat!

Although they were just stunned for a moment, in the battle of life and death, this moment can determine the direction of the battle!

However, there were two people present who did not take action.

One is the Heavenly Master.

It’s not like the Heavenly Master didn’t react...

And others didn't think there was anything strange.

To be honest, when it comes to dealing with these little-known guys, Ding Shian, the second best person in the world, already thinks highly of them when he joins the crowd...

Letting the Heavenly Master take action against them, isn't this just killing a chicken with a sledgehammer?

The other one who didn't take action was the one who made a wish!

After Xu Yuan shouted the order to take action, he immediately activated the Godhead Mask.

Transformed into a god again [Master Alchemist——Taiyi Zhenren]!

Shameful waste!

Although these root tools have been transformed by Qu Tong, the essence of the aliens has not changed. Only the passivity of Taiyi Master can maximize the benefits!

Make a wish and leave the battle to your companions.

As for whether you can win?

Xu Wan felt that if such a small scene could turn over, their "team building" of the supervision team could go home!

The result of the fight between the two sides was not as expected.

Although the old master did not take action, even though Wang Guoping, headed by Shanggenqi, mastered one of the eight magical skills, the Liuku Immortal Thief.

But in just a moment, these root tools were beaten to dust and nothing was left...

That's right, he wasn't beaten to death, but his ashes were blown away!

Not enough points at all!

Speaking of which, in fact, the Eight Magic Skills don't seem to be anything special in front of the current lineup of the inspection team.

Of the eight magical skills, the team here has mastered five of them...

The source of Zhang Chulan’s Qi Body—or the Nascent Soul that is suspected to be a divine spirit.

Feng Zhenghao's Ju Ling sent generals.

Ma Xianhong's magical skills are refined over time.

Wang Ye’s Fenghou Qimen.

If we also include Lu Liang’s hands, who did not come to participate in this “team building”, and Tang Sect’s Danqiu, who does not belong to the Eight Magic Skills, but is not weaker than the Eight Magic Skills…

Under the intense fire, I am afraid that the only one who has any hope of being able to hold on is the old Heavenly Master who still cannot see through the depths!

In an instant, all the superiors were completely evaporated!

Seeing this scene, Ma Xianhong took a breath and contributed a little bit of his strength to global warming.

Although he had already expected it after seeing the lineup around Xu Wish, but now that his suspicion was confirmed, he was still shocked!

If you want to describe today's wish.

I’m afraid there’s only one word left!

The trend is achieved!

This kind of power is enough to dominate anywhere in the world!

What happened to him after he separated from Xu Yuan? How did he pull so many people onto his chariot?

Ma Xianhong, who is still a scientist in essence, became very curious about the detailed experience of making a wish...

But Xu wish now has no intention of caring what Lao Ma thinks.

After these upper organs were instantly evaporated, the energy in Xuanyuan also increased a lot in an instant!

This trip to Nathan Island is really exciting!

Xu wish looked at the endless woods on Nathan Island, with a smile on his face.

After briefly adapting to the new energy, Xu Wishan looked at the bite bag that fell on the ground.

It was the "explosion" of those superiors just now after their death.

Xu Wan stepped forward and picked up the bite bag.

The bite capsule is not considered a high-level exclusive magic weapon and can be used by anyone.

He entered it with his thoughts.

Sure enough, I saw Ruan Feng who had passed out in the capsule!

But Xu Wan has no plans to let him out now!

Ruan Feng's condition was really unstable, and there was no guarantee that he wouldn't lose control after he came out. He didn't want to spend more energy dealing with Ruan Feng's affairs on Nathan Island.

It’s better to wait until you return and release Ruan Feng!

Xu Yuan glanced at Zhang Chulan who was hesitant to speak and said to him.

"As for the handling of Ruan Feng, we will discuss it after we leave Nason Island and return to the country."

Zhang Chulan didn't have much to say. He knew very well that if he hadn't made a wish, he might not be able to snatch Ruan Feng back from those superior weapons!

Now it's just a matter of waiting a little longer, and he can afford it.

"However, now that Ruan Feng's matter has been resolved, let's set up camp here temporarily and take a rest." After Xu Yuan said this, he turned Shi's attention to Ma Xianhong, "Just in time, Lao Ma, I have something to ask you. You help.”

When Ma Xianhong heard the wish, he secretly thought that it had indeed come!

At the same time, Feng Baobao also looked at Ma Xianhong with bright eyes.

She has been coveting the wishing and Liao Duoduo bags for a long time!

This function of knocking people unconscious and stuffing them in is simply a weapon for killing people, stealing goods, and robbing families!

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