"Make a wish, you are finally here!"

As a female voice sounded, a figure appeared in the air.

King Nathan!

And when the king in the crowd saw King Nathan appearing, his understanding of fate deepened!

Some people are born to stir up the stormy waves of destiny.

Even the waves swept back by the long river of destiny will return to the other party.

Apparently, Make a Wish is this kind of person.

Although Wang Ye has been "hiding" in the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain recently, it does not mean that he is isolated from the world.

Instead, he had been following the wish through the interior.

Indeed, the manifestation of the wish in the inner scene was too outrageous, and he knew that there was no way to crack the big fireball now.

But this is not a problem for Wang Ye, a top student!

He can't decipher the manifestation of the wish in the inner scene, but he can decipher the manifestation of others!

By deciphering other people's manifestations in the interior, you can learn about the current status of wishing from the side.

The information obtained through this method is much more accurate than that obtained from the alien forum!

Naturally, he also knew King Nathan.

They don't understand the topography of Nathan Island, but that doesn't mean that King Nathan doesn't understand the topography of Nathan Island either!

Seeing the sudden appearance, the people present were very alert.

After all, except for the temporary workers who attended the meeting, other members of the inspection team had never seen the true face of King Nathan.

"Eh? King Nathan?" Xu Wan was not surprised but overjoyed. "You came just in time, help me find someone..."

After hearing the wish and confirming the identity of the other party, the other members of the monitoring team present slightly lowered their guard.

Except for a small number of weirdos who are temporary workers, others will still be subconsciously vigilant in a completely unfamiliar environment. This is also human nature.

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" King Nathan did not hear the conversation between Xu Yuan and Ma Xianhong just now, and suddenly some Zhang Er monks were still confused.

Wishing didn't explain too much, but directly told King Nathan about the environment around Ma Xianhong's location.

King Nathan is worthy of being the king of Nathan Island.

She knew Ma Xianhong's location just by roughly dictating the wish.

"I know! Then let's go!"

With that said, King Nathan took the lead and ran towards Ma Xianhong's location.

Speaking of this, we have to talk about the weirdness of King Nathan.

She is the king of Nathan Island, and King Nathan was chosen by the sacred tree.

With the blessing of the divine tree's ability, King Nathan can move at will within the entire Nathan Island.

You can even move people with you.

However, the number of people she can carry is limited, no more than three at most. With nearly a hundred people currently wishing for, it is obvious that even if King Nathan is tired and vomits blood, he cannot move everyone there!

So you can only choose to go there on foot!

King Nathan took the lead, and the inspection team naturally followed up without any nonsense.

There is no need to explain too much to them now, they know exactly what they are going to do.

He made a wish and activated the Godhead Mask, but this time his target of becoming a god was [Genghis Khan, the Descendant of the Blue Wolf] who has only appeared in a very limited number of times!

Because the environment of Nathan Island is extremely primitive, there are bushes and vegetation everywhere, even in gathering places or markets.

[Genghis Khan, Descendant of the Blue Wolf] is perfect for traveling!

The passive effect of [Hunting] can be refreshed infinitely!

Whenever you pass through the grass, your movement speed will be increased by 40% and your next attack will be strengthened...

Wishing took the lead, directly surpassing King Nathan who was the first to start.

Although Ruan Feng is also the controller of the Liuku Immortal Thief and is very powerful.

But those superior weapons are not weak either. The leader, Lao Wang, also deceived the Liuku Immortal Thief's cultivation method from Ruan Feng.

There is strength in numbers, and there is calculation without intention...

Those superiors are well prepared, and Ruan Feng is likely to capsize in the gutter.

According to the trajectory of Ruan Feng's fate, he was indeed captured by those superior weapons.

But now that I am here, I have no intention of letting those superiors get their wishes!

Although King Nathan can move directly on Nathan Island, it cannot be said that his own cultivation is not at all, it can only be said that it is no different from none.

Without using the movement authority granted by the sacred tree, her speed is not much faster than that of ordinary people, and she cannot keep up with the speed of this pair!

In order to keep up with the speed of those penis-enhancing devices, Xu Yuan directly picked up King Nathan when she was passing by, and then placed her on the back of the giant wolf under his crotch.

"Sit tight and give me directions. Your speed is too slow!"

Xu wish whispered to King Nathan behind him.

For making a wish, his starting point is that simple.

But for King Nathan, it’s not that simple!

King Nasen did not expect that he would suddenly be attacked by a "surprise" wisher.

She subconsciously wanted to scream.

But at this moment, the voice of making a wish rang out.

King Nathan also realized that she was not attacked.

She didn't know what she was thinking, but the inconspicuous blush on her face disappeared in a flash, and eventually the scream turned into a moan.


Naturally, Wishing also heard King Nathan’s voice.

But he just thought it was his own action that hurt King Nathan.

He rolled his eyes silently in his mind.

What a troublesome and fragile woman.

But now is not the time to care about these details.

Make a wish and urge King Nathan.

"Show me the direction!"

King Nathan weakly stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of Ma Xianhong.

She didn't know why, but she didn't want to talk to Xuanyuan about the fact that she could actually move infinitely within the scope of Nathan Island...

Xuanyuan was too lazy to care about anything else and just led everyone to run in that direction.

As far as Xu wish is concerned, King Nathan behind him is just a living navigation system...

King Nathan sat behind Xu Wish, constantly stretching out his hand to point out the direction for Xu Wish in the jungle of Nathan Island.

Her movements were a little numb, but in fact, her mind was a mess at this time.

She is King Nathan, the heir to the throne chosen by the Divine Tree from among the children born on Nathan Island.

Before the meeting that day, she had never been out of Nason Island and had no contact with outsiders at all.

As for Nathan Island, she didn't have many people to contact.

Nathan Guard, parents, grandfather, the leader of the island's forces...

Among these limited people, no one dares to be disrespectful to her. Even if they come into contact with the opposite sex, they will only treat her as a high-status king.

Keeping your distance is just basic courtesy and safety.

In other words, she has never had such close contact with the opposite sex...

King Nathan felt the vague aura emanating from Xu Yuan's body, and her heart was in a mess. She couldn't figure out why this was happening.

However, after all, she is the natural King Nathan chosen by the sacred tree.

Even though she was in a trance, she still remembered the dilemma that Nathan Island was about to face now.

Especially with such skill, according to her senses, many outsiders have already landed on Nathan Island on various ships, and the number is still increasing!

Now Nathan Island is like a piece of fat that has been thrown into a pile of hungry wolves, and everyone wants to take a bite.

As for Nathan Island’s strength, it’s easy to imagine how difficult it would be to survive in this chaos...

She must shoulder her responsibilities as a king at this time.

Thinking about this.

King Nathan forced himself to suppress the chaotic thoughts in his heart and took the initiative to speak to Xuanyuan.

"Mr. Wishing, I hope you can help me this time..."

This is the second time King Nathan has made a wish request for help.

"Help you? Are you fighting for the throne of Nathan Island?" Xu Wan turned his head and glanced at King Nathan behind him.

But unexpected.

"No, Mr. Wishing, in the battle for the throne of Nathan Island, according to the tradition of Nathan Island, outsiders are not allowed to interfere. I want to ask you to help me take care of the safety of the islanders of Nathan Island. Now the outsiders on Nathan Island There are more and more forces..."

Hearing King Nathan's request, Xu Wish was quite surprised.

In fact, by now, he has already gone to Nathan Island, which means that the role of Elijah, the guardian of Nathan who broke the golden branch, has been fully exerted.

The follow-up doesn't have much effect.

If King Nathan opens his mouth, Xu wish would not mind helping her kill Elijah and keep King Nathan's position.

Who knew that King Nathan was still such a traditional person.

But he didn't care about making a wish. Since King Nathan said that he didn't need his help in fighting for the throne, he would naturally not be too meddlesome. This matter had no interest in him.

At least that's the case for now.

"Okay, it's up to you, but I can only do my best. Construction is always harder than destruction. I can't promise you anything." Xu Yuan nodded.

"Okay!" King Nathan also nodded gratefully, "That's enough!"

Because they are all strangers, and their cultivation levels are not weak.

Therefore, there were nearly a hundred people in the wishing group, but they were not traveling very slowly.

While they were talking, they had already approached the area where Ma Xianhong was.

The movement of nearly a hundred people running wildly was not small. Ma Xianhong, who was hiding in the woods, noticed the movement from a long distance away.

Although when the two of them contacted each other before, Xuyuan told him that he had brought some people with him.

But after seeing the leader's wish and a large group of people behind him, Ma Xianhong was still stunned for a moment.

Are you sure this is "some people"?

Ma Xianhong's expression was a little subtle. There must be nearly a group of people!

Where did Make a Wish get so many people?

Especially when he saw that the old Heavenly Master from Longhu Mountain and the second best person in the world, Ding Zhangan, were also among them.

His breathing was even more stagnant!

Does this guy who makes a wish want to take over the entire Nathan Island?

Fortunately, he didn't know King Nathan, otherwise if he knew that the woman behind the wish was King Nathan, he might have made some guesses!

Compared with these shocks, the giant wolf under Xuyuan's crotch, which is completely out of character, does not seem so outrageous...

As soon as Village Chief Ma came back to his senses, he jumped out of the woods and waved wildly to the wish.

With his escape, he has now completely broken up with Qu Tong. After these superiors return, they will definitely inform Qu Tong of this matter.

He is now completely committed to making a wish.

Wishing to take the lead and stop in front of Ma Xianhong.

"Mr. Ma, long time no see!"

Xu Wan said hello with a smile, looking very enthusiastic.

Ma Xianhong already had enough experience with Lao Liu. After seeing the smiling face of Xu Wishong, warning signs rang out in his heart.

This guy is a little too enthusiastic!

Either he didn't hold back anything good, or he needed to use himself for something!

It has to be said that after such a long period of experience, the honest village chief has made great progress.

Xuanyuan really wanted him to help with something.

That is the weapon refining that Village Chief Ma is best at!

But making a wish is not for myself, but for others in the team.

Places like Nason Island are about to be in chaos!

The capsule is a must-have product for traveling at home and killing people!

But before Xuanyuan could talk about this matter to Ma Xianhong, he was interrupted by King Nathan.

"Make a wish, I don't know if there is anything that needs my help. If not, then I will go back first. I still have a lot of things to be busy with..."

King Nathan didn’t lie.

Due to a series of changes, not only outsiders continued to pour into Nason Island, but even the other two forces on Nason Island also took action after hearing the news.

Her purpose of coming to make a wish this time has been achieved, and now it is time to keep an eye on the other two forces...

Xuanyuan thought for a while.

Next, whether it is Ma Xianhong's Divine Machine Hundred Refinements or Ruan Feng's Liuku Immortal Thief, they are both one of the eight magical skills.

Although King Nathan is trustworthy, and he should not covet him.

But after all, the identity is inappropriate.

"Well, not for the time being. Then go back and do your work first. We will meet again later when we are free." Xu wish nodded, "Sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble." King Nathan was very anxious. After just saying a word, she moved again and disappeared from everyone's sight.

It didn't matter to the others. After all, King Nathan was like this when he first appeared, and they also knew King Nathan's identity.

It’s Ma Xianhong.

He asked Xu wish with some curiosity.

"Make a wish, who is this?"

"King Nathan."

"Ah? King Nathan? The king of Nathan Island?"

Ma Xianhong was so startled that his voice rose several decibels and his mouth opened wide.

He had previously thought that Xu Wan brought so many powerful men to capture Nason Island.

But King Nathan came out, obviously siding with Xuanyuan!

Looking at the communication between the two, there is even a faint look of making a wish...

As a result, Ma Xianhong's mind changed again.

Wishing probably didn’t come to attack Nathan Island...

no need.

Village Chief Ma originally thought that he had grown enough, but at this moment he suddenly felt that the world was changing too fast, and he couldn't understand it...

But no matter what Ma Xianhong guessed, the wish had no intention of explaining it to him, and he was not in a hurry to ask Ma Xianhong to help him refine the weapon.

Instead, after King Nathan left, he immediately called Ma Xianhong to go with him to find those superior tools and Ruan Feng.

According to the time that Ma Xianhong told him before, those superiors were one step ahead, and they should have been in contact with Ruan Feng by now.

If you want to stop them from catching and taking away Ruan Feng, you must hurry up!

This is the top priority, let’s talk about other things later!

The next trip is much simpler.

Because Ma Xianhong is leading the way, the group only needs to chase in the direction that the superiors told Ma Xianhong before!

Even though those superiors came well prepared, Ruan Feng was after all a strong man who survived that chaotic era.

It is not so easy to be captured in a short time!

It’s Zhang Chulan.

He was hesitant to speak along the way, and he wanted to be reminded to make a wish.

But because there were too many people present, he didn't want to be too obvious.

Although Xu Yuan has always said that the supervision team is his own people, for Zhang Chulan, the definition of his own people is obviously not so easy to achieve.

Now he can only hope that Xu Wish can still remember what he said to the other party alone on the boat.

the other side.

Lao Wang and other superiors didn't take it too seriously after Ma Xianhong escaped.

Instead, they went to arrest Ruan Feng as planned.

In fact, theoretically speaking, when faced with such an unexpected situation, especially regarding the key figure Ma Xianhong, their best way to deal with it is to first seek the advice of President Qu Tong.

But there is no signal on Nathan Island, and everyone is treated equally.

Naturally, they are no exception, and they do not have any contact magic weapon like the ring refined by Ma Xianhong.

So they can only decide for themselves.

But little did they know that it was this decision that caused their mission to completely fail!

According to the direction that Lao Wang had found out before, a group of superior weapons arrived near the cave where Ruan Feng was hiding.

There were no surprises.

Ruan Feng is still here.

Lao Wang let the other root implements hide in the woods, while he came outside the cave alone.

"Old Wang, why are you back so soon?"

Ruan Feng's voice came from the dark cave.

"Master Ruan Feng, I came back just to take you away!" Lao Wangpi said with a smile, "I came back to take you to find the peace of your soul."

As a veteran, Ruan Feng is naturally not that easy to deceive.

His voice dropped.

"If I don't agree, are you going to take me away with those people in the woods next to you?"

Lao Wang had indeed gained his trust before, but the Immortal Thief Liuku himself was also an expert in stealth, and he was also aware of those people in the woods!

Although he couldn't figure out why Lao Wang stabbed him in the back, Lao Wang definitely had bad intentions!

Seeing that the siege failed, Lao Wang simply stopped pretending and shouted towards the woods.

"Do it!"

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

As Lao Wang's voice sounded, a large number of smoke bombs were thrown from the woods, and these smoke bombs were accurately thrown into the dark cave!

These smoke bombs are specially made.

The Liuku Immortal Thief in Lao Wang came from Ruan Feng, so he naturally knew that the Liuku Immortal Thief "eats everything".

The Liuku Immortal Thief can indeed absorb these smoke bombs, but the ingredients in them are specially prepared.

It is not a poison, but can be seen as a great tonic.

But if Liuku Immortal Thief is used to absorb the smoke, then within a short period of time, all the abilities of Liuku Immortal Thief will be used to digest the smoke.

By then, Ruan Feng's lethality in the cave will be suppressed to the extreme!

It would be easy to catch him!

And Ruan Feng is worthy of being an old Jianghu, and he saw through Lao Wang's sinister intentions in an instant!

He had no time to feel sad about Lao Wang's betrayal, and was soon forced out of the cave by the thick smoke!

Since you can't dodge, let's fight!

A figure with a fat head and big ears jumped out of the cave like lightning!

The former Immortal Thief of Liuku, Ruan Feng!

Out in the sun again!

Ruan Feng stared at Lao Wang, remembering the previous interaction between the two, and decided to give Lao Wang one last chance.

"Old Wang, are you sure you really want to do this?"

"Seventeen... If you really don't want to follow us, even if you know that you are not qualified to fight with you, then we can only choose to use force..."

Lao Wang's expression was very numb as he spoke, as if he were a robot.

His words also made Ruan Feng completely lose his last trace of kindness towards him.

The reason why he locked himself in the cave was entirely because he decided to do so, not to avoid any enemies...

Liuku Immortal Thief!

Also known as the Saint Thief!

Although it is not as good as the legendary immortality, it has reached the point where its strength will not be affected by the passage of time!

"You...are really looking for death!"

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