Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 190 I have been fooled twice and I will never be fooled again!

"...You two, hit it to death!"

Ron's roar came from the other two radio stations.

The Behemoth members on the other two ships looked at each other.

Now things are getting weird.

Not only was Director Ron's main ship being chased around by a wooden sailboat that looked extremely weak, it could even be overturned by slightly larger waves.

And Director Ron’s order is also outrageous.

Let them hit it with the steel ship under their feet, and the two ships collided together!

However, Behemoth is still a large organization after all, and it is a large organization with a beautiful official background.

At this time, the advantages of large organizations are revealed.


Although the Behemoth members on the two ships did not quite understand Ron's orders, they still followed them habitually.

After they recovered from their daze, they immediately controlled the steel ship under their feet to increase its power and crashed towards the wooden boat that made a wish!

Ron looked at the two steel battleships rushing towards the wooden sailboat with great momentum, and his originally ugly face turned into a sinister smile.

Now that these two new steel battleships have joined, this weird little broken ship is no longer a threat at all!

Moreover, if the wish was really a bluff, then he had completely lost the chance to escape!

Ron looked at Xu Wish from afar, with a grin on his face. Regardless of whether Xu Wish could be seen or not, You Zi made a mouth gesture to Xu Wish.

"You are dead……"

With two such huge warships, the wish standing on the bow deck of the sailboat can naturally be seen.

Seeing the other party approaching fiercely.

Making a wish has no choice but to avoid the edge temporarily.

It's not that he's afraid of colliding with the opponent.

But since the other party has already sent reinforcements, there is no need to confront the other party head-on now.

After all, even if the wooden sailboat he made a wish for could collide with any ship and die together.

But the other party has two other ships nearby!

He is not the only one on the boat. Even if everyone else is a foreigner, once the ship is destroyed, even the foreigners will fall into the sea.

When the time comes, under the encirclement of the other two ships, there is no guarantee that any unexpected situation will not occur.

As the leader of the inspection team, he has command authority over most members of the inspection team.

But at the same time, as the team leader, he must also be responsible for the safety of other inspection team members!

Now is the beginning of the Nathan Island battlefield.

Don't worry, Nathan Island is the real main battlefield, take your time...

With Behemoth making such a big move, there's no way they wouldn't go to the island, right?

By then, you three ships can't follow them to the island together, right?

Xu wish saw the opponent approaching fiercely, and immediately regained control of the wooden sailboat at his feet.

The wooden sailboat came to an emergency stop on the sea, before two other warships arrived to form an encirclement.

It broke out of the encirclement with an extremely ridiculous flexibility compared to normal ships!

Head straight for Nathan Island!

At the same time, I wish to not forget to prick Ron's heart before leaving.

He cultivated his energy enough, and then shouted loudly towards Ron from a distance.

"Director Ron, you have escaped this time, but I forgot to tell you that I was not lying, but you were scared out of your wits!"

Wish is not an ordinary person like Ron.

Although his cultivation system is not Qi refining or life cultivation, with the addition of many equipment attributes, the wish's life cultivation is even stronger than that of most aliens.

So his shout this time passed through the biting sea breeze and spread throughout the entire sea area.

It also fell into Ron's ears.

Ron stood on the deck of the steel ship.

He was feeling elated because of the victory he was about to win...

But in the end, I saw the wishing feet. That small ship escaped from the encirclement of three steel battleships with a completely unexpected flexibility?

Although the wooden sailboat where the wish was made was several times smaller than the steel battleship, it was indeed more flexible than the huge steel battleship.

But if the flexibility of a normal medium-sized ship is followed, and according to Ron's estimation, it is impossible for this small wooden boat to escape.

But it happened that the wish came true!

Just as Ron was struck by the ridiculous agility of the wooden sailboat.

The words of wish came from afar.

Ron's face instantly turned pale.

Good guy, have you been fooled again?

Ron's mind suddenly recalled the unpleasant experience in the previous meeting...

Moreover, this time, it’s so embarrassing!

This time it was not like the previous meeting, where only the leaders or high-level officials of many forces were present, but all the members of Behemoth who came to participate in this operation saw and heard it!

The news must not be suppressed!

He couldn't kill all the Behemoth members.

He could already imagine how the opposing forces in the board of directors would use this incident to ridicule and attack him after the news was sent back to the headquarters...

It's all Wish's fault!

Ron stared hard at the small sailboat that had broken out of the encirclement of Wish, and the muscles in his cheeks jumped.

Although he gritted his teeth in hatred, he could do nothing now. He could only watch the wishing boat sailing towards Nason Island.

Although Behemoth likes to cause trouble, they do not dare to violate the conventions of alien circles around the world and use thermal weapons on ships.

Therefore, this ship does not carry any military long-range weapons, and naturally there is no means to attack the wish.

Ron did not order a pursuit, but stopped the other two ships. He stared at the direction in which the wooden sailboat left and squinted his eyes.


Let me see where you can run to?

When we get to Nathan Island, Behemoth will naturally show his true power. Then I will see how you die!

Since I have been deceived by you twice, is it possible that I will be deceived by you a third time?

Nature will also let your death wash away the humiliation on my body!

By then, naturally no one will care about Xu Wan tricking him twice...

Ron had a good idea.

Only the one who laughs last is the real winner.

But he overlooked one thing.

The premise that the embarrassing news he was worried about was reported back to the Behemoth headquarters was that the Behemoth members who came to Nathan Island could return safely.

Xuanyuan never intended to let them go...

Wishing to control the wooden sailboat, he stood out from the encirclement.

Head straight to Nason Island.

Behemoth's ships did not pursue.

Seeing this scene, others on the boat also breathed a sigh of relief.

They are not afraid.

They had already made plans to engage in close combat with Behemoth, but it was indeed not the best place on the sea.

Although they were willing to believe that Xu Wish would never joke or take risks with so many people's lives, they really didn't know what to do!

On the contrary, people like Wang Zhenqiu and Brother Xiao actually had a look of regret on their faces.

Even Lao Meng, the most honest among the temporary workers, was no exception. He smacked his lips and felt a little regretful for losing the bonus.

Before he set off, when he asked for leave from Hua Feng, the head of the northwest branch, Hua Feng privately promised him that if he could kill a person from Behemoth on Nathan Island, he would be given an increase in his quarterly bonus. 100 yuan!

Although the amount is not large, Lao Meng is not dissatisfied with the money.

He still has a wife and children to raise, and mosquito legs are also meat!

And there are so many mosquito legs...

Sure enough, these temporary workers are not just one family. They can get together because they are not afraid of trouble.

Temporary workers such as Wang Zhenqiu, Xiao Zizai and others gathered around Xu Yuan.

"Wish, you just said that you drove the boat and hit Behemoth to scare Behemoth?" Wang Zhenqiu looked at Wishing with a strange face, "What if they don't hide?"

Xu wish grinned and answered ambiguously.

"Maybe, but if not, wouldn't they be afraid and avoid it?"

Wang Zhenqiu:......

I believe you!

Based on his understanding of the guy who made a wish, it was absolutely impossible for him to leave the choice to those in Behemoth.

He definitely has a solution to this problem!

Forget it, if you don’t want to say the wish, just don’t say it. Anyway, this guy has always been mysterious...

This was Wang Zhenqiu's unjust wish.

The wish was not hidden from them on purpose.

It's because Xu Wish actually doesn't know the power of the actual collision...

Since he obtained Sun Ce's ability, the first collision of this wooden sailboat is still there...

What's more, now that the size of the ship has been enlarged several times by him, its power has naturally also been enlarged several times...

And as for what he said to Ron?

It's just a matter of bluffing the other party casually. If the other party doesn't believe it, forget it.

But if you really believe it, let your guard down.

It will definitely give the other party a big surprise when the time comes.


And at the same time.

Which is in the conference room of the company's headquarters.

Seeing that the wooden sailboat where the wish was made and Behemoth's ship were entangled for a while, and then separated smoothly, the board members present also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, we didn't start fighting now.

As high-level officials who have access to everything, it is natural that they are aware of the situation, and naturally they will not do what the frontline personnel do to stab them in the back.

But the battle for the throne of Nathan Island has not officially begun yet. If they start a fight with Behemoth now, no matter they win or lose, it will affect their planned plan.

At that time, they will fall into a dispute with Behemoth in advance...

After all the board members present relaxed, they turned their attention to Chairman Zhao Fangxu.

"Director Zhao, do you wish for this?"

one of the board members asked tentatively.

They are indeed a little afraid that something unexpected will happen if they make a wish.

The ability to make wishes is strong, but the ability to cause trouble is also directly proportional to the ability to do things!

Among the people sitting here, only Zhao Fangxu has a close relationship with Xu Yuan.

Old Zhao Fangxu nodded thoughtfully. There was no trace of panic or surprise on his face. He looked like he was confident of winning.

"Don't panic, everything is going according to plan."

The board members present were finally relieved.

If you don’t trust others, how can you still not trust Director Zhao?

But they don't know it.

In fact, Zhao Fangxu was also complaining in his heart at this time.


He has no control!

He directly let go of the wish and made a wish. All actions of making a wish are free activities.

His own means are actually not very high, so he didn't have a detailed understanding of wishing in terms of means before.

The devil knows what big thing Wish Wish is planning to do on Nathan Island!


At this point, even if the wish breaks the sky, he must first stand on the same side as the wish and hold the collapsed sky for the time being.

You can't let the soldiers on the front line feel cold, right?

As for what happens next, that will be discussed later!

Make a wish here.

Although Behemoth's ship did not "pursue", the wish did not slow down.

For making a wish, after using Qi to transform into form, the sailboat appears.

Any of his operations will not consume energy.

This is true whether it is control direction or speed.

The battle on the sea is actually a promise to single-handedly fight against a large organization with an official background like Behemoth.

In this case, let's put the battlefield on Nathan Island.

Wouldn't it be better for the people waiting for Behemoth on Nathan Island to surrender themselves to a trap?

There is absolutely no need to use your own weaknesses to counter the other party's strengths.

When they get to the island, the members of the inspection team will naturally teach those people in Behemoth how to behave!

The entire journey was silent.

Nothing unusual happened along the way until we landed on Nathan Island.

The wooden sailboat docked smoothly.

After everyone had gone ashore, Xu Wan was the last one to go ashore.

As the wishing feet left the sailboat, the sailboat began to become illusory little by little, and finally turned into nothingness and disappeared into the air.

The ship that took the form of Qi turned into Qi again and returned to Xu Yuan's body.

Of course, Xu Wish's energy has already fully recovered to its upper limit, so waste is inevitable.

When the other members of the monitoring team present saw this scene, although they had witnessed the wish to "create things out of thin air" before, their eyes were still full of surprise.

This completely incomprehensible method will still shock you no matter how many times you see it.

But for making a wish, these are not important.

The important thing is that the ring on his hand rang again!

It’s Village Chief Ma!

"Chief Ma?"

"Make a wish, where are you, I'm here..."

Although Qu Tong's Yao Xing Society's frontal combat capabilities are not as good as any alien force with an official background.

But in terms of information about Nason Island, Qutong's years of hard work have not been in vain.

Even if these superiors took Village Chief Ma from outside the country and took a long detour.

But because the other party set off very early, they even landed on Nathan Island before Xuyuan and others.

Of course, it's just to get a head start.

Just when he had just made a wish to "chase and fight" with Behemoth's ship, Lao Wang and other superiors had just landed on Nathan Island.

After landing on Nathan Island, these superiors, who did not have many selfish desires or personal feelings, immediately prepared to ask for money to find their mission target.

Ruan Feng!

Now that they have landed on Nason Island, an isolated place, they have naturally relaxed their vigilance against Ma Xianhong.

After all, there is no signal here, and for Ma Xianhong, it is a completely unfamiliar territory that he has never set foot on.

There was no fear of Ma Xianhong escaping.

Apart from their boat, Chief Ma couldn't get out of Nathan Island even if he ran.

So they informed Ma Xianhong of the mission target and the location of the mission target as soon as possible.

But what these toppers didn't expect at all was this.

Just when they thought Ma Xianhong was least likely to escape, Ma Xianhong suddenly burst into flames!

In an instant, almost all the magic weapons on his body were activated, and he burst out at the fastest speed and penetrated into the woods nearby.

In the blink of an eye, there was no trace at all.



Ma Xianhong's sudden outburst was completely beyond the expectations of these superiors.

It wasn't until Ma Xianhong's figure completely disappeared that they came back to their senses and all looked at each other in shock.

It has to be said that the once honest village chief did learn the essence of being a sixth man from the teachings before making a wish.

When it seems most impossible, it is when the success rate is highest!

"what to do?"

One of the top masters broke the silence. Yes, the leader Lao Wang asked.

"Should we chase Ma Xianhong first or find the target of this mission first?"

Lao Wang was also caught in a dilemma.

After Qu Tong helped them get rid of their "inner demons", although they regained inner peace, it also made their thinking flexibility deteriorate a little.

To put it simply, their thinking is gradually approaching that of a robot.

After careful consideration, Lao Wang finally made a decision.

"Find the mission target first. Anyway, Nathan Island can only be left by boat. After completing the mission, there will be plenty of time to find the young master..."

Naturally, other root implanters have no objections either.

The group of people just ignored the escaping Ma Xianhong and rushed straight towards the cave where Ruan Feng was.

And Ma Xianhong escaped on the other side.

After he escaped for a distance at full speed, he turned around and found that there was no sign of any pursuers behind him.

Ma Xianhong was also a little confused.

Don't those superior devices chase you?

However, he didn't care to delve into the reason at the moment. Instead, he immediately took out the magic weapon ring from the sac and contacted it to make a wish.

The most important thing he has to do now is actually to figure out where he is now!

"Hey, make a wish..."

When Xu Yuan and Ma Xianhong contacted each other again through the ring.

Through simple communication, Xu Yuan clarified Ma Xianhong's current situation.

And Ma Xianhong also figured out that the place where he was now was called Nason Island, and the general concept of Nason Island.

What surprised him the most was the sacred tree in the legend of Nathan Island!

It’s simply a slimming furnace in another sense!

Of course, the most important thing about making a wish is that Village Chief Ma has figured out where Ruan Feng, the Immortal Thief of Luku, is hiding!

I didn’t expect to get to the main topic of “side missions” so quickly!

And since those superiors didn't pursue Ma Xianhong, they must have gone to find Ruan Feng!

In this case, they can't stay idle any longer!

The "team building" of the supervision team has officially begun!

But before that, Wishes has another problem to solve.

That's how he can find Ma Xianhong's current location.

It was also his first time to come to Nason Island, and he didn't know the topography of Nason Island. He couldn't find the current location of Village Chief Ma through the description of Village Chief Ma in the ring.

But as if God was on the side of making a wish, this time I still came to the pillow when I fell asleep.

Just when Xu Yuan was trying to meet up with Village Chief Ma.

A figure suddenly flashed out of the air in front of him.

At the same time, I remembered a familiar female voice.

"Make a wish! You are finally here!"

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