"Who do you think I am? Move the boat over!"

Following Ron's order.

Behemoth's huge ship moved towards the "sailboat" where Xu wish and others were.

Everyone on the ship Behemoth didn't care.

They didn't think that the weird ship had any room to resist in front of such a huge ship as Behemoth.

The reason why this ship is called a ship is not a warship.

It's just that this ship is not equipped with weapons of the same specifications as warships.

Other than that, there is no difference between this ship and the beautiful country's active warships!

This is also the unwritten consensus among alien circles around the world.

Within the jurisdiction of various official foreign powers, others cannot control it.

However, when dealing with international incidents involving aliens, the use of thermal weapons is not allowed to prevent the situation from expanding and eventually spreading to a large-scale war between aliens and normal humans.

Of course, Behemoth's newly developed supernatural weapon has not been classified as a thermal weapon for the time being, so it is considered a side ball.

The people on the Behemoth ship could not imagine any possibility that they would be defeated by that "wooden sailing ship".

My lord, times have changed.

This is no longer the age of exploration!

What's more, the ship they were traveling on was not the only one that brought Behemoth to Nathan Island this time.

A few nautical miles away on the sea, there were two other ships of the same size sailing.

When Behemoth slowly approached the wooden sailboat called Wishes, the people on the sailboat naturally noticed that this behemoth was gradually approaching.

This place has actually come within the waters of Nathan Island, and naturally belongs to the high seas.

If they were now members of the Nadaotong Company, they would naturally not worry that Behemoth would attack them.

No matter how crazy Behemoth or Ron is, they would not dare to take action against an official force with the background of another major country in the world.

That would be tantamount to starting a war.

But now they came to Nathan Island alone!

Moreover, they had also seen the statement issued by Zhao Fangxu, and it had nothing to do with the company.

Therefore, everyone on the wooden sailboat also gathered together and boarded the deck to prepare.

After all, not everyone is the wish-granting freak.

They don't have the ability to build a ship out of thin air in sea water!

The wooden sailboat they were currently riding on was made by Wishing through his strange means.

But no one knows how strong the defense is.

Even Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Lingyu, the two former "victims", were not sure.

The size and material of the two sides seem to be too different after all.

It makes people look unsure.

Judging from the current visual inspection, even if the Behemoth ship does not carry any weapons, it is enough to feel oppressive just by crushing it with its huge size!

However, making a wish as the protagonist does not have any psychological pressure.

Although the size difference between the two ships is huge, as a spellcaster, he is very aware of the defensive and offensive capabilities of his small wooden ship.

That's right, it's attack power!

In terms of defense, as long as the wish is still there, he can repair the damage to the ship at any time without worrying about where he will end up in the sea.

As for attack power...

The wish is really going to activate the second stage of the long sail to break the waves, and directly control the ship under his feet to hit the opponent.

According to Wish's estimate, I am afraid that this seemingly sturdy steel ship will not be destroyed and will lose the ability to continue its voyage!

After all, the materials used to build this steel ship are just ordinary steel materials, and they don't even have anything to do with special metals that can resist alien means!

When can the alien's methods be resisted by ordinary steel?

What's more, when he first arrived at the East China Branch and competed with Xiao Zizi, the two of them destroyed the special alloy in the training ground.

What's more, this ship is a piece of junk made of ordinary metals.

Standing on the bow of the ship, the old god watched Behemoth's huge ship getting closer and closer.

The old Heavenly Master also walked out of the crowd, walked to the wishing side very naturally, and stood at the front of the others.

This scene was not only natural to the Heavenly Master, but also felt very reasonable to everyone else present.

After all, among these strangers, even the members of the Tang Sect who had mastered the elixir that was said to kill with one strike, all admitted from the bottom of their hearts that the old Heavenly Master was the best in the world.

The old Heavenly Master squinted his eyes and looked at the ship, and after a moment he took the initiative to speak to Xuanyuan.

"Make a wish, do you need me to take action?"

Xu Wan glanced at the old Heavenly Master in surprise who took the initiative to take action.

The Heavenly Master seemed to understand the confusion in his eyes and spread his hands.

"Although we haven't reached the branch on Nathan Island yet, we have already reached the high seas. The people from Behemoth are obviously trying to intercept me halfway. If I take action, old man, even the company can't let me stand. Are you waiting to be killed?"

Make a wish:…

Sure enough, Tianshi Mansion is really a descendant of the same family!

At that moment, he actually saw the shadow of Zhang Chulan on the old Heavenly Master.

In the river!

It’s just too rivery!

But what really surprised Xu Yuan just now was not that the old Heavenly Master took the initiative to ask if he needed to take action, but what the old Heavenly Master meant when he said it, he actually had the ability to destroy this ship!

He wishes that his family knows his own affairs, he just relies on his special ability.

However, Laotianshi is really relying on his strength to threaten this modern steel ship with his own strength!

It seems that everyone else still underestimated the strength of the old Heavenly Master before!

Xuanyuan shook his head.

"You don't need to take action for the time being. That's too much for them. Just leave it to me."

Hearing Xu Yuan say this, the Heavenly Master did not ask further questions, but simply nodded, turned around and returned to the crowd.

Everyone on the deck heard the wish and refused the help of the Heavenly Master.

They naturally believed that Xu Wan would not make fun of the lives of so many people present or his own life.

But they are also very curious, what means will Xu wish use to deal with this huge steel ship?

Under everyone's gaze, when Behemoth's steel ship approached a certain range.

A ferocious smile appeared on Xu Wish's face.

Immediately, everyone on the wooden sailboat felt a violent push.

When they came to their senses, they saw the wooden sailboat under their feet rushing towards Behemoth's steel ship.




Instead of rushing towards the opponent, he was directly controlled by the wish to crash into the opponent!

Everyone on the boat looked confused.

No, just now they thought Xu wish would not make fun of so many people present and his own life.

As a result, I made a wish and directly hit the opposite side at full speed?

Isn't this temper too bad?

If someone just glances at you, will you die with them?

At the same time, the people on Behemoth's steel ship also saw the wooden boat that was rushing toward them.

Naturally, this includes Commander Ron.

They all saw at a glance that the speed of this wooden boat was completely different from that of an old sailboat!

Instead, it’s more like a speedboat!

This is unreasonable!

Ron's face, standing on the bow of the ship, instantly became serious.

He remembered an old Chinese saying - when things go wrong, there must be a monster!

Similarly, he also remembered an Internet term he had seen in China before - interior decoration of old and broken houses in Kyoto...

Especially after he saw the familiar figure standing on the bow of the wooden sailboat in the telescope.

Make a wish!

That damn guy can work as a temporary worker anywhere!

He had just planned to crush the poor boat, but now it was better to run!

Whether it’s the wish on the bow or the unusual speed bursting out of this wooden boat.

It all made Ron smell something strange!

In fact, when he made a wish to be the substitute for "King Nathan", it left such a deep impression on him!

This guy is definitely not the kind of person who is so reckless that he can hit an egg against a stone with a boatload of people!

The ferocious smile on the other person's face didn't look like he was here to greet me.

Even if the opponent is bluffing now, it is still better to avoid the edge for the time being out of caution...

So he immediately shouted orders to the men at the helm!

"Back off! Back off!"

Although the Behemoth members responsible for controlling the ship didn't know why Ron gave such an order, they followed Ron's order and quickly activated the ship's functions.

Go back as fast as you can!

At this time, the importance of ship performance is reflected!

This ship was "renovated" from a warship, and its performance and power are naturally exactly the same. Even the driver has received professional training from the Chinese military.

Soon, the steel ship retreated backwards!

It's just a shame.

The speed of the "wooden sailing boat" under my feet is not slow either.

Even though Behemoth's steel ship has reached full speed, it still can't get rid of this small wooden ship!

He couldn't even change direction.

Because once the direction is reversed, the speed of the steel ship will slow down, which will also cause the distance between the two sides to become closer!

Finally, on the surface of this sea area, a scene that could be described as outrageous appeared.

An old-looking wooden sailboat was chasing a steel battleship that looked very sophisticated and strong on the sea...

Wishing to maximize the speed of the wooden sailboat, trying to catch up with the steel battleship and give them a little shock from ancient China.

But he soon discovered a problem.

Although he used Sun Ce's ability to manifest this wooden sailboat in the form of Qi.

But when a sailboat appears in reality, it must also abide by the physical laws of reality.

For example……


The bigger the body, the greater the resistance!

When he reached full speed, under the influence of resistance, the wooden sailboat could at most maintain the same speed as the steel ship.

Knew it……

The crystallization of modern technology cannot be underestimated!

Xu Wan looked at the steel ship not too far ahead and the figure on the bow that was messy in the wind, and sighed silently.

Then he shouted at Ron, who was messy on the bow of the boat.

"Mr. Ron, why are you running away? I came with purely malicious intentions. Don't be afraid. I just want to kill you."

As soon as I made this wish.

The first people to hear it were the strangers around him who came to participate in team building.

"..." The Heavenly Master shook his eyebrows imperceptibly.

This wish...

It really looks like I did when I was young!

Others had different expressions.

Brother Xiao, who had not "eaten" for a whole day, suddenly became energetic and looked at Ron on the bow of the ship in the distance with a burning gaze as if he were looking at his first love.

Wang Zhenqiu looked very interested.

If you follow Make a Wish, you will find more interesting things!

Before arriving at Nason Island, we directly faced Behemoth, one of the most powerful forces!

And he even went so far as to use a small wooden boat to chase them down!

Interesting, interesting!

As one of the few honest people, Zhang Lingyu walked over with a confused face.

"Make a wish, you plan to hit the opponent with this small wooden boat? Are you sure you can win?"

Xu wish glanced at the honest man, and then glanced at the old master who was silent at the side.

He instantly understood what the old Heavenly Master meant, and then said to Zhang Lingyu with a righteous expression.

"Master Lingyu! As a member of Nadutong Company, you are obviously not aware enough! Do you think it was this small wooden boat that crashed into those bastards on the opposite side? This was the last move of the Zhiyuan a hundred years ago!"

I blanch!

It's on fire!

The eyes of everyone on the boat changed slightly after the wish was spoken.

Perhaps they belong to different sects or aristocratic families, and their interests in the alien world are naturally different.

Tangmen, Tianxiahui, Sanren, Quanxing...

There are various identities, but in the final analysis, their identities are still from the Chinese clan!

The shame of a hundred years ago has always been a scar in the hearts of the Chinese people!

At this time, their eyes looking at the steel ship ahead were full of murderous intent!

As a tycoon, Feng Zhenghao is the most sensitive to this change.

No matter what kind of confidence Xu Wish had to drive this small wooden boat to chase down the steel battleship, or why Behemoth turned around and ran away.

But he clearly realized that Xu Yuan had aroused everyone's emotions just by talking to Zhang Lingyu!

This is far more effective and direct than saying inspiring words before setting off!

Wishing is not only strong in strength, but also in brains!

But who cares?

The only thing everyone wants to do now, including himself, is to catch up with Behemoth's ship in front, and then...

Hit it! Kill them!

The words Xu Wish just shouted fell into Ron's ears after penetrating the harsh sea breeze.


Ron looked at Xu Wan's arrogant look and became extremely angry!

He recalled the scene in the conference hotel where Xu Wishong embarrassed him and even took the opportunity to throw dirty water on him!

Let him be completely embarrassed!


Aren’t you willing to chase?

Then let’s settle old and new grudges together!

Ron gritted his teeth and ordered to the central control room through the earphones.

"Ask for help from the other two ships and have them come together! Hit him to death!"

A large part of the reason why Ron gave the order to avoid the ship under his feet was because he was cautious and did not want to risk his life!

Who knows what the hell might happen if you make a wish!

But there were two other ships.

If you wish to bluff, when the other two ships arrive, you can simply kill all the people on this ship!

And if there really is any way to make a wish...

Ron looked at the small wooden ship behind him. He really couldn't imagine what means the other party could use to threaten the steel battleship.

When the size difference reaches a certain level, most killing methods are completely ineffective!

The Behemoth members in the central control room picked up the radio and successfully contacted the other two Behemoth ships.

But when the other party connected to the radio, the liaison officer didn't know how to express it.

Shame on you! I really can’t say it!

Could it be that one of their most advanced active ships was actually being chased around by a small wooden sailboat?

In the end, the liaison officer could only sigh deeply in his heart and speak with vague needs.

"Director Ron orders you to come to my place immediately. There is an enemy attack..."

at the same time.

Those present were not the only ones to witness this.

After the news of the battle for the throne of Nathan Island was announced.

Nason Island and the waters around Nason Island have become areas of focus.

This time, all the alien forces who sent people to intervene were observing the situation in this sea area through the satellites of various countries behind them.

Naturally, this includes Nadutong Company.

After Zhao Fangxu rushed back to the Kyoto headquarters, he immediately held a board meeting and set up a operations office directly in the conference room.

Originally, satellite monitoring was used to observe the status of the observation team sent by Nadutong Company in real time.

As a result, there was an "unexpected surprise".

Through the high-definition satellite, Zhao Fangxu naturally saw the wish standing on the wooden sailboat.

He twitched his lips.

He still had a small plan. He thought that if Wishes invited so many people to go to Nathan Island together this time, something big would happen!

Who knew that Wish Wish would make such a big noise before landing on Nathan Island...

Driving a wooden sailboat, you dare to chase Behemoth's steel ship...

It’s really yours, make a wish!

The other members of the board of directors were all stunned when they saw the completely unreasonable scene in the satellite surveillance footage.

No, Behemoth is wilted?

So cowardly?

Aren't they always worried that the world will not be in chaos?

Zhao Fangxu was the first to react. He glanced at all the board members present.

Then he said in a deep voice.

"This time the board meeting is held, all the scenes you see in this meeting room are classified as top secret for the company! No one is allowed to leave this room until the Nathan Island incident is over!"

“Even if you go to the bathroom, you have to be accompanied by at least two board members!”

After Zhao Fangxu finished speaking, he glanced at the expressions of all the board members present.

But unfortunately, he didn't see anything strange on the faces of these board members.

He was guarding against that "undercover"!

But it doesn't matter. If you often walk by the river, your shoes won't get wet. Sooner or later, the undercover agent will show his weakness!

And the other side.

After receiving Ron's order, Behemoth's other two ships that came here together rushed to this sea area at full power as soon as possible.

But when the Behemoth members on the two ships saw the scene before their eyes.

Everyone rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

What the hell?

Behemoth's most advanced steel battleship was actually being chased by a broken wooden boat?

At this time, Director Ron's angry roar also came from the radio station.

"Two of their ships, let me kill them!"

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