Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 188 Who do you think I am? Pull the boat over!

The old seventeen who made a wish.

It is Ruan Feng who is now hiding on Nason Island.

One of the thirty-six thieves back then, he was also one of the comprehenders of the Eight Magic Skills and Six Library Immortal Thieves back then.

Also Barron’s “teacher”.

It can be regarded as one of the few survivors of that era to this day.

Xu wish had long known where he was hiding.

But how did Zhang Chulan know?

"I won't stop you, but how do you know?"

Xu Yuan asked Zhang Chulan with great interest.

There was a trace of hesitation on Zhang Chulan's face, but she finally told the truth.

"I was told by an anonymous letter." As he spoke, Zhang Chulan took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Xu Wan, "This is the one that appeared outside my door before."

Xu Yuan frowned.

Traditional letter?

Not an email?

This is going to be difficult!

In this way, the high school sophomore Zhuang couldn't help at all.

But what makes Xu Yuan feel that the matter is a bit serious is that someone can actually deliver letters to people at Nadutong Company through anonymous letters.

Although Nadutong Company actually manages the domestic alien circle on behalf of the official background.

But the express logistics business as a superficial cover is not just a decoration.

On the contrary, it is the largest in the country and is also the domestic institution with jurisdiction over other express logistics businesses.

It is impossible for Zhang Chulan to believe it so easily after receiving such an inexplicable anonymous letter, especially when it involves events from that year.

But Zhang Chulan still says that this is an anonymous email, which means that even though Zhang Chulan used the company's connections, he still did not find out the other party's true identity...

Xu wish took the letter and read it carefully.

This is a letter printed on ordinary A4 paper.

The letter didn't say much, it just briefly mentioned Ruan Feng's presence on Nason Island, and it didn't even mention the specific location where Ruan Feng was hiding on Nason Island.

The paper and the font used in the letter are so common that it is impossible to trace them.

Xu wish took the letter and fell into deep thought.

The content of the letter did not exceed his expectations.

So who could be the person who sent this anonymous letter?

At least the prerequisite is that Ruan Feng is hiding on Nathan Island.

After considering all the filtering conditions, I finally came up with only two people for my wish.

One is Qu Tong, and the other is the owner of the Daluo Cave that is suspected of being Gu Jiating.

So far, only these two people know that Ruan Feng is hiding on Nathan Island.

Even King Nason and Wei Nason don't know the specific identity of Ruan Feng. After all, Ruan Feng's Liuku Immortal Thief can isolate himself from all aura, and he has always locked himself in the cave.

It is unknown who specifically sent the anonymous letter.

However, Xu Wan made it very clear that no matter which of the two sent the anonymous letter, their ultimate goal was to lure Zhang Chulan to Nason Island.

This trip to Nathan Island is destined to be anything but peaceful!

"Well, Zhang Chulan, why don't I go with you to find Ruan Feng, the immortal thief of Liuku, after we land on Nason Island this time?"

After Xu Yuan thought deeply, he took the initiative to speak to Zhang Chulan.

After landing on Nathan Island, a decisive battle will not break out immediately.

Nathan Island is huge, after all.

Even though there are always new islanders landing on Nason Island for various reasons.

The floor area ratio of Nathan Island is still very low.

Moreover, other alien forces, including Behemoth, after landing on Nathan Island, the first thing they did was to shrink their forces and seize a camp as their base camp.

We will not start a war rashly.

Only when there is inevitable direct contact between the various forces, will a large-scale battle break out.

It’s time for the decisive battle!

He has plenty of time.

No matter what the purpose of the person behind this anonymous letter is, in the end, since the other party led Zhang Chulan to Nathan Island, he will definitely find Zhang Chulan's head.

As long as you follow Zhang Chulan, you will definitely run into him in the end!

If it is the person who is suspected of being the Guangu Jiting in Daluodong, then take advantage of this time to completely avoid future troubles!

Wang Ye, the Heavenly Master...are all here!

Moreover, his own strength is no longer what it used to be. Zhang Liang's set of skills and the binding of the old master are all hard-controlled and cannot be untied at all!

Don't give the opponent a chance to escape into the void at all, just kill the opponent directly!

And if it was Qu Tong, it would be even simpler. Qu Tong just hid it well, and there was no evidence to be found, so there was no way to touch her in the country.

This is Nason Island!

The lawless land of the world!

"Okay! Then let's get off the boat and go together."

Zhang Chulan just thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Wishing is trustworthy, and many difficult problems can be solved with Wishing!

What was a tough question for him was not a problem for Make a Wish!

After the two reached an agreement, Zhang Chulan breathed a sigh of relief.

This time he took the initiative to come to Xu Yuan to talk about this matter, but he had no intention of seeking help from Xu Yuan.

Perhaps it was the deep-rooted "hiding" in the Zhang family's genes that he could never directly ask his companions for help as he was told before making a wish.

But being able to do it to this extent is enough to prove the specialness of making a wish to him.

When it comes to Sister Baoer, Xuanyuan is in the same camp as him and has enough ability.

As for if he and Xu Yuan become enemies in the future...

Zhang Chulan felt very headache when he thought about that level!

Maybe then he can only seek help from his master.

Although the wishing tool appeared quickly on the sailboat, we were still a long way from Nathan Island and time was not tight.

So after Zhang Chulan relaxed a little, he didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, he stayed in the captain's room and drank wine with Xu Yuan.

For him, this is a rare moment of relaxation.

This ship is a place for making wishes. There is no need to worry about walls having ears. Make a wish and you are an insider, so there is no need to hide it too much.

Zhang Chulan did not use the golden light spell to dissolve the alcohol. Instead, he went crazy with the alcohol, yelling in the captain's cabin, and even sang tunelessly.

Xu Yuan was smiling and drinking sips of wine at the side, but did not stop Zhang Chulan.

This guy, if he didn't hide it or play tricks, he wouldn't be too annoying.

It's just a pity...

Regarding Sister Baoer and the ancestral intentions of their Zhang family, "Don't Want Bilian" has no choice at all.

Without invincible strength, he could only be tossed around by various forces.

At the same time that the big ship with the wish manifested was sailing towards Nathan Island at a fast speed.

On the other side, Chief Ma, who set out from outside the country, was already sailing on the vast sea by boat.

Traveling with him were naturally the subordinates of his "sister" Qu Tong.

It's just that since he was far away from the shore, the level of secret monitoring of him by these upper-level devices has become much weaker.

This allowed Ma Xianhong to find an opportunity for independent space.

He hid in the toilet in the cabin. Before entering the toilet, he very carefully placed an inconspicuous warning weapon at the door.

The magic weapon has no other function, except that once someone approaches, he will sense it.

He couldn't help but be careless. In fact, the superiors who came with him this time were not ordinary people.

Ma Xianhong had seen them take action in the village. Even though he was one-on-one, he was not weaker than any of the top magic weapons when he had enough magical weapons.

But he couldn't withstand the combined force of these upper organs, especially in such a small area on the ship.

You know, these root machines have all been "brainwashed"!

Even if Qu Tong asks them to die, they will not hesitate!

No fear of injury or death at all!

Moreover, if Ma Xianhong read it correctly, the leader, Lao Wang, should have learned one of the eight magical skills, Liuku Immortal Thief!

With the same eight magical skills, Lao Wang is definitely his powerful opponent!

After setting up the warning, Ma Xianhong entered the toilet and took out a ring from the corner of his pocket.

This is a magic weapon.

It was the communication weapon that he was asked to refine before he made a wish to "hijack" the prison car and let him go.

Ma Xianhong was a little confused at first. After all, he could contact Xu Yuan through the phone or the Internet. After all, Xu Yuan's identity was not shady.

But now he had to admire the foresight of making a wish!

Now in the vast sea, there is no signal at all. Except for satellite phones, any electronic equipment is completely ineffective. The same is true on Nathan Island. This is one of the reasons why the root administrators have relaxed their monitoring of him.

However, through the ring in his hand, he can contact and make a wish.

Of course, you can only contact them to make a wish.

The ring in his hand only has the function of a single line of connection with the wish.

Ma Xianhong turned the mechanism of the ring, the gems on the ring lit up with a red light, and the magic weapon started smoothly.

This shows that the other ring on the wishing side has been successfully connected.

Ma Xianhong shouted softly to the ring with excitement.

"Make a wish, are you there?"

Then he stared at the ring in his hand nervously, waiting for the reply to his wish.

There are not many such opportunities. Those top-level devices just have no emotions, but they are not stupid. If he avoids them many times, it will naturally arouse their suspicion. Once those top-level devices resume monitoring, he thinks It is even more difficult to contact us to make a wish!

On the other side, Xu Yuan was drinking with Zhang Chulan in the captain's room, watching Zhang Chulan acting crazy while drinking.

At this time, the ring on his hand suddenly flashed a red light?

"Huh?" Xu Yuan lowered his head and asked, "Is it reflective?"

Immediately afterwards, the long-lost voice of Village Chief Ma came from his ring.

"Make a wish, are you there?"

Although the voice was low, Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan in the captain's cabin were not ordinary people, so they naturally heard them all.

"Let's talk about it first. If you don't want to borrow money, please treat me to dinner and leave immediately." Xu Yuan replied subconsciously.

Ma Xianhong:......

Sure enough, after not seeing each other for a long time, Xuanyuan still looks like this, and still wants people to stuff his head into his butt!

Different from the reaction of making a wish, Zhang Chulan had already drank a lot of high-grade Maozi. He did not use the golden light spell to dispel the alcohol. At this time, he was already a little drunk and hazy.

"Eh? The old horse's voice?" Zhang Chulan wandered around in a circle, but didn't find the familiar face. He shook his head and said to himself, "I really drank too much. I won't drink anymore." , auditory hallucinations occurred.”

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Chulan walked unsteadily toward the door of the captain's cabin, saying to Xu Yuan as he walked.

"Then I'll go back to sleep first. Call me when you get to Nathan Island..."

After walking out of the captain's cabin, he thoughtfully closed the door to the captain's cabin.

Xu Yuan glanced at the background where Zhang Chulan left and shook his head.

Is Zhang Chulan drunk or pretending to be drunk?

There was nothing wrong with this guy's swaying figure, but his behavior when he closed the door didn't look like he was drunk at all.

After this guy leaves this door, I'm afraid he will return to his original appearance.

But Xu Yuan is not in the mood to care whether Zhang Chulan is faking it or not. He has more important things to do now.

Village Chief Ma, who had been disconnected for so long, finally contacted him!

"Village Chief Ma, what do you think? Have you found any evidence?"

Xu wish quickly asked the ring.

"Not yet, I have left that village now, but I don't know where I am or where I'm going..."

Ma Xianhong on the other side also took the time and told Xu Yuan about his whereabouts and predicament without any nonsense.

Xu Wan listened to Ma Xianhong's story and couldn't figure out where Ma Xianhong was.

But when he heard that Ma Xianhong was on the sea now, and had been wandering on the sea for quite some time.

A strange look suddenly appeared on Xu Yuan's face.

"You mean, you went out to sea from abroad, and then you have been wandering at sea for more than a day..."

Xu wish asked the ring, took out a map, and began to compare it with the location of Nathan Island.

For things like maps, Wishes had naturally prepared several of them in his capsule.

According to the speed of a normal ship, I wandered for a day, plus the sea voyage from abroad...

"Make a wish, do you know where I am?" Ma Xianhong asked quickly.

"If I'm not wrong," Xu Yuan gently drew an area on the map with his finger, "I not only know your approximate location, but also the destination of those implants..."

Really talking about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

He had just finished chatting with Zhang Chulan about the Immortal Thief Ruan Feng of Liuku, when Ma Xianhong contacted him!

I have to say that the world is a huge coincidence.

The destination that those superior tools took Ma Xianhong to should also be Nason Island!

Perhaps it was the butterfly effect caused by his appearance. Ma Xianhong, who had never set foot on Nathan Island in the original plot, actually went to Nathan Island!

But now that he finally got in touch with Xu Wish, Ma Xianhong, who was eager to run away, apparently ignored the last sentence of Xu Wish.

He couldn't wait to ask for help.

"Make a wish, since you know where I am, come and rescue me as soon as possible. Otherwise, after I go back with these root tools, there is no reason to continue to delay the cultivation furnace. Qu Tong will definitely become suspicious by then. Yes. By the way, remember to bring someone with you. There are many of these superior robots and they are very powerful..."

Ma Xianhong was like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, talking a lot!

Xuanyuan shook his head.

"No, Lao Ma, we will meet you when you get there..."

Before he could finish his wish, the ring in his hand once again flashed a faint red light.

It means that the connection between the two rings is broken again.

I don’t really care about making a wish. Anyway, I can see Lao Ma after I get to Nason Island.

As for the large number of root users?

Xuanyuan scratched his head, how many?

If all the people in Qu Tong's hands were put together, there could be nearly a hundred high-end devices?

He brought nearly a hundred people with him!

Those root tools must know Ruan Feng's specific location, which can save them the effort of searching.

If you feel sleepy, just use the pillow!

On the other side, just when Ma Xianhong asked Xu Wish for help.

The warning weapon he had deployed before suddenly set off an alarm.

It’s Lao Wang, one of the most powerful tools!

Lao Wang saw that he had been out of sight for a while, so he also came over to check.

Ma Xianhong didn't even have time to finish talking to Xu Yuan before he stuffed it back into the bag.

Ma Xianhong's move is correct.

Because just after he put away the ring, Lao Wang knocked on the bathroom door.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Okay, okay, I'm going to the bathroom. I'll get out right now."

Ma Xianhong responded and pressed the toilet flush button with his hand.

Although Lao Wang sounded concerned about him, Ma Xianhong knew exactly what the other party wanted to do.

Then he opened the toilet door and returned to the cabin with Lao Wang.

Lao Wang calmly looked around Ma Xianhong and found nothing unusual, so he didn't take it seriously.

Ma Xianhong stood by the window again and looked out at the sea through the window.

In fact, he was thinking carefully about his wish.

Make a wish for this guy...

Do you know where I am going, and you can see me there?

Ma Xianhong naturally had no doubts about making a wish.

Although this guy will always make you want to shove his head into your ass, he is still trustworthy.

But what makes Ma Xianhong unsure is whether the power of wishing can surpass these spiritual tools...

During the recent period, he has been in the village and has not had much contact with the outside world. Naturally, he does not know what Xu Yuan did.

So I don’t know anything about Xu Wish’s current strength.

However, Ma Xianhong can be regarded as tough, and he is already prepared in his heart.

If Xu wish really takes action, then he will take action together with Xu wish!

He must take this opportunity to leave the village!

Otherwise, just as he said with Xu Yuan, after returning to the village, he would have no suitable reason to continue to put off making the Slimming Furnace!

Although he is still a bit evil about the self-cultivation furnace, it does not mean that he is willing to build a self-cultivation furnace for Qu Tong before finding out whether the experiences of the Ma family over the years have anything to do with Qu Tong, and what exactly Qu Tong wants to do with the self-cultivation furnace. !

Make a wish here.

After cutting off contact with Ma Xianhong, Xu Wan did not continue drinking.

His current equipment attribute bonuses are not low, and these equipment attribute bonuses do not only affect his state of becoming a god.

But it is also effective when no exercises are used.

Xuanyuan's life cultivation level prevents him from getting drunk at all.

While Xu Yuan was thinking about the action plan after landing on Nason Island, she continued to slightly adjust the ship's sailing direction to ensure that it would not deviate from the course.

In such calmness, the sailing ship is getting closer and closer to Nason Island for cultivation...

Just when the ship was only one third of the way from Nason Island, the calm on the sea was finally broken.

Because on the sea in the distance, a giant ship appeared!

It was now the early morning of the next day, and through the sunlight coming from the end of the sea level, Xu Yuan could clearly see the logo on the ship.


Xuanyuan narrowed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he would collide with Behemoth's people before landing on Nathan Island so quickly!

And when he wished to see Behemoth's ship, Behemoth's people also saw him.

This time the commander of Behemoth is still Director Ron.

After receiving the report, he stood on the bow and looked at the wooden sailboat in the distance that looked "quite old" and several times smaller than the ship.

He also narrowed his eyes and gave orders to his men behind him without looking back.

"Who do you think I am? Just pull the boat up!"

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