During the three days of making a wish and practicing meditation.

The members of the inspection team invited by him came to Qilu Province from all over the country and used various modes of transportation.

Of course, the most luxurious one is the combination of Wang Ye and Lao Tianshi.

Both of them were "hidden from the light" because of their identities - although the old Celestial Master still had a wish and even Zhao Fangxu knew it in his heart, even if Zhao Fangxu knew that the old Celestial Master was out, he would probably pretend to turn a blind eye to this trip to Nathan Island.

But the company still represents the government after all, so the steps that should be given must still be given.

As for everyone else.

Tang Men and Quan Xing purchased the same flight and flew from Shuzhong to Qilu Province.

Others also took the nearest local flight to Qilu Province.

Therefore, when everyone arrived, only two days had passed.

It was a whole day earlier than expected.

When everyone arrived, the entire hotel was almost full.

This is on the premise that each member of the Tang Sect does not have a single room.

After all, this hotel is not a large-scale hotel with a certain star rating, and the number of rooms is limited.

Of course, it can also be seen from the side that there are too many people invited to make a wish!

But when there are more people, more problems arise.

Once people pass a hundred, they come in all shapes and sizes.

The same is true if the number of people is less than a hundred. Not only do so many people have various personalities, but they also have different camps. Some of them even have grudges against each other.

Just like the relationship between Quanxing Tu Junfang and Laotianshi...

Although Tu Junfang's paralysis had been completely cured by Lu Liang with his red hands, he was not Lu Jin. It was impossible to say that he didn't mind at all.

However, this was just Tu Junfang's unilateral grudge, the Heavenly Master didn't think so.

Since Lao Tian is not dead, and he has killed so many Quan Xing before, it can be considered as revenge for Quan Xing's wreaking havoc in Longhu Mountain.

The two sides were evenly matched.

Master Laotian was even in the mood to take the initiative and nodded to Tu Junfang as a greeting.

It made Tu Junfang feel like he was punched on cotton.

It made him angry but he didn't dare to attack.

attack? Stop it.

Haven't you been beaten enough?

So, in a fit of anger, he got angry.

As for Mr. Tian who "resurrected from the dead" and Liao Duoduo (Chen Duo) who followed Xu Wan, no one was surprised.

For the people in the supervision team, it is not a secret that Mr. Tian and Liao Duoduo came back from the dead.

After all, even Tang Clan and Quan Xing, who were the last to join, had already witnessed with their own eyes the ability to make a wish and resurrect the dead in the Tang Tomb in the back mountain of Tang Clan.

Regardless of any ideological conflicts or grievances between these people, those who can be favored by the wish are not mediocre people after all.

At least, everyone will temporarily restrain their personalities for the sake of wishing.

Therefore, there was no conflict among so many people.

But this is not a long-term solution after all, because the hotel is only such a big place, and if you don't look down and don't look up, things will inevitably get out of control over time.

But fortunately, they don't need to stay here for too long.

Because the day after everyone arrived, it was also the last day to wait for the gathering time in the original plan of making a wish.

Since everyone is already here, let’s just set off!

Xu Yuan stopped practicing.

Called everyone in the hotel.

"Everyone, get ready. Let's leave early for Nason Island today!"

Make a Wish did not say too much to the members of the supervision team present or encourage them before setting off.

They all knew exactly what the wish was for inviting them here, so there was no need to say anything more.

Wishing directly announced the news of departure.

On the contrary, it surprised others.

Their original wish was to obtain a boat in their own name through the company's channels, and then everyone would take the boat to Nason Island.

After all, they noticed the large number of people present. Ordinary boats or speedboats could not accommodate so many people.

But now I can make a wish and change the departure time at will?

Routes, especially outbound routes, need to be reported in advance!

This made everyone present a little curious.

How exactly does Make a Wish plan to bring them to Nathan Island?

Isn't it a boat?

Only the two people who had experienced the severe beatings of [Sun Ce·Wish] not long ago—Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Lingyu—were guessing in their minds.

But the two of them were not sure about their guesses.

They had seen the size of the small boat that made a wish with their own eyes. There was no way it could accommodate so many people!

Are there other ways to make a wish?

After everyone packed up their personal belongings, Xu Yuan brought nearly a hundred people to the beach.

This beach is not a tourist attraction, it cannot even be called a beach, it is just a stretch of jagged rocks.

Naturally, there are no tourists.

Of course, there was no ship as these people expected.

Under everyone's doubtful gaze, Xu Yuan did not explain much.

Instead, he appeared directly on the rocks on the beach and activated the Godhead Mask.

Wang Zhenqiu stared at Xu Yuan intently. When he saw Xu Yuan activate the Godhead Mask again, his eyes began to shine!

It really shines.

It is worth mentioning that as a "similar person" who also practices Baijia Yi, Wang Zhenqiu was not idle during these three days. Instead, he found Ding Jian'an and proposed to Ding Jian'an that he wanted to learn his "contemplation method" request.

Through this method of observation, the user's senses can be greatly enhanced and the user can even see things that are usually invisible.

Ding Shi'an was not stingy, but directly taught Wang Zhenqiu the "Contemporary Method".

He is also very curious about this similar person who also practices Baijia Yi.

Then the result was not what Ding Shian expected.

Wang Zhenqiu is very talented!

Even slightly taller than him!

It only took less than a day for Wang Zhenqiu to master this "observation method" very skillfully!

While Ding Shian was shocked, he subconsciously thought of making a wish.

Even Wang Zhenqiu is like this, how terrifying must his talent be to make this Southwest cancerous person make a wish...

Thinking of this, Ding Shi'an even felt a little ecstatic in his heart.

Because he had a "battle" with the Heavenly Master on the Xilin Gol Prairie last time, he had seen the end of the path of cultivation.

Although he has recognized the gap between himself and the Heavenly Master and will no longer easily provoke the Heavenly Master, he is very willing to have a few companions on the road of spiritual practice!

Let me see whether it is me or you who reaches the end of the path of spiritual practice first!

Ding Zhangan glanced at Xu Yuan and Wang Zhenqiu full of fighting spirit, his eyes gradually burning...

Wang Zhenqiu was staring at the wish at this time.

He kept mumbling in a low voice.

"It's coming! This is it..."

After witnessing the wish-making process of "worshiping the Buddha" twice, he had figured out the key to his new method of the Godhead Mask.

In fact, what he needs is not how to obtain these abilities by making a wish, but how to use the power of faith to make a wish!

How does making a wish break the ability to manifest strange "gods"!

As he made a wish, he activated the godhead mask and once again transformed into Sun Ce.

Wang Zhenqiu's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Through this "contemplation" he finally learned what he needed most!

The last "map" has also been completed!

Next, all that remained for him was to put his conjecture into practice!

Of course, although Wang Zhenqiu learned some things from Xu Yuan through three observations that only he knew, it was limited to Wang Zhenqiu, a junior sister who also practiced the Godhead Mask (not).

Ding Shian, who had mastered the same method of observation, saw nothing.

This is caused by the different cultivation systems.

The difference between the Godhead Mask and most other cultivation systems lies in the power of faith.

The foundation of most other cultivation systems lies in refining Qi!

Of course, making a wish is an exception among exceptions.

Master both the power of faith and refining systems at the same time.

The power of faith acquires abilities, while refining Qi is responsible for providing the fuel for Pao to use abilities...

Regardless of the various ideas these people have, they have no impact at all on making a wish.

After he transformed into the god [Sun Ce of the Sea of ​​Light], his outfit also changed into a suit that was exactly the same as Sun Ce. A huge anchor appeared in his hand.

Everyone stared closely at the wish, and they all knew that the ability to wish was the mask of the godhead.

But whether it was in Tianshi Mansion, Tang Clan, or the original Biyou Village.

None of them had ever seen Xu wish dressed like this.

This also means that this should be a new ability to make wishes!

Xu Yuan weighed the anchor in his hand.

He glanced at the huge crowd behind him, and then took a deep breath.

[Long sail breaks the waves]!

Make a wish to activate the ability.

With so many people, this was his first time trying such a large-scale hull!

As the Qi in other people's bodies is constantly being drained away.

A small, ancient-style sailing ship gradually appeared out of thin air on the sea surface above the wishing body.


The other people standing behind Xu Wish all had question marks on their faces when they saw this scene.

Some even couldn't help but smile stiffly.

Making a wish is really interesting...

Although making a wish can manifest a sailboat out of thin air, it has surpassed their understanding of normal practitioners.

Astonishingly stunning.


It doesn’t work at all!

Let’s not talk about whether such a sailing ship can cross the vast sea and reach Nathan Island.

It is absolutely impossible for this sailboat alone to accommodate so many people!

They are just practitioners, not compressed packages.

However, they soon stopped laughing.

Because in full view of everyone, the sailboat docked on the sea in front of Xu Wish gradually enlarged like a balloon!

One meter, two meters, three meters...

Even more outrageous!

It was even so outrageous that some people wondered if their eyes were dazzled and rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

It wasn't until they rubbed their eyes that they were convinced that what they saw was real.

Fortunately, even the younger generation of Tang Sect disciples are considered to be people with a firm Taoist heart, and will not doubt the authenticity of this world because of this.

In their horrified eyes, the sailboat that was just the size of a small fishing boat gradually enlarged to the size of a normal cruise ship!

It’s enough to accommodate nearly a hundred people!

It wasn't until the sailboat stopped expanding that everyone's eyes moved away from the small boat and towards the wishful body.

What kind of outrageous method is this to make a wish?

Even the old Heavenly Master is no exception.

Although the strength of the Heavenly Master is great, in terms of the outrageousness of his methods, it is still far inferior to making a wish!

And it was only then that they noticed Xu Yuan's slightly pale face.

I'm afraid it's too much consumption.

But even so, this method is amazing enough.

Why are aliens restrained by thermal weapons or large-scale armies in modern society?

One of the more critical points is the development of science and technology.

Whether it is various means of transportation, means of communication, or means of lethality, there are corresponding alternatives on the technological side, and they are even more comprehensive than alien means.

But making a wish...

Resurrection from the dead, the power of thunder, building ships out of thin air...

All kinds of incredible methods are not inferior to the technology side at all. He can be called a hexagonal warrior!

The aliens present seemed to see in Xu Yuan the era in the history books when the aliens were enough to defeat an army...

If every alien could have the ability to make a wish...

"No time to explain, get on the boat!"

Making a wish brought back everyone's thoughts.

Of course, it also brought them back to reality.

The ability to make a wish?

How many years did it take for such a freak to come out and make a wish! Even if he was called a bastard by the outsiders to his face, he would not use such outrageous methods.

It's just a completely unrealistic fantasy.

Sure enough, power will make most people have some unrealistic fantasies or some thoughts that should not occur.

Only those with a firm mind can understand their own mind.

Although there is no pier on the beach here, fortunately, all the people present are strangers, and they jumped onto the bow of the boat with a slight jump.

It wasn't until everyone got on the boat that Xu Yuan controlled the large sailboat at his feet and sailed towards the distant sea.

Before setting off, he had asked the second-year high school student from the Northeast Region for the route map to Nason Island.

Otherwise, Nathan Island would not appear on any satellite map today, and he, a person who has never been there, would not be able to find it.

Until the sailing ship officially sets sail.

Everyone discovered that the sailboat that the wishing material appeared in only looked like a sailboat in appearance.

In fact, sailing is completely different from sailing!

Not only is its stability far superior to that of normal civilian ships, its speed is not weaker than modern energy ships!

Although there is no yardage display, you can feel it from the sea breeze blowing on their faces and the roar caused by the sea breeze!

It was at this time that Xu Wishan's expression relaxed a little.

His energy now has reached a certain scale.

But the first time such a large-scale ship appeared, 80% of the energy in his body was drained.

Unlike the mechas of other heroes, such as Mozi or Liu Chan, Sun Ce's sailboat is a large multi-person vehicle!

Fortunately, this kind of item that takes the form of Qi only consumes too much when it is manifested. On weekdays, if it is not damaged or does not use the second stage of skill collision, the consumption of maintaining the state is very small.

But when Xuanyuan boarded the ship, he realized that he had thought that this kind of multi-person vehicle was too simple.

As the size of the ship continues to expand, the difficulty for him to control the ship continues to increase exponentially.

He can completely control a normal-sized ship like an arm.

But when the size of the ship expanded to its current level, the accuracy of his control gradually degraded to the point where he could only control the start and stop of the ship, its general direction, and occasionally some minor operations.

Fortunately, driving on the sea does not require the same precision and flexibility as driving on the road. You only need to adjust the general direction without making mistakes.

The rest is all left to the speed of the ship itself.

After everyone boarded the ship, they took a tour around the ship out of curiosity.

They did not find any mechanical structure, as if it really looked like an ordinary ancient sailing ship.

But the speed and stability amazed them.

After the initial curiosity was over, everyone found their own rooms to rest. Although the distance from Qilu Province to Nason Island was relatively the shortest option.

But with the speed of this sailing ship, it would take at least more than a day.

After everyone was settled, Xu Yuan also sat back in the captain's cabin.

Although he does not need such a useless thing as the rudder, the captain's cabin is also his lounge.

Xuanyuan touched his chin.

Recalling the plot seen in "Caribbean Video".

Isn’t it said that pirates drink rum at sea?

Wishing was once considered a loyal fan of Captain Jack Sparrow.

He glanced at his bag. There was indeed no rum, but there was white wine.

Or Maotai...

It should have been given to him by Tang Miaoxing when he was in Tang Clan.

Xu Wan was very excited and did not rush to practice to regain his energy. Instead, he directly took out the wine and poured himself a glass.

Not to mention, the sea breeze combined with high-quality liquor makes Xuanyuan really feel like a vacation.

At this moment, there was a knock on the captain's room door.

"Huh? Who is it? Come in."

Xu wish shouted outside the door.

It's Zhang Chulan.

Xu Yuan raised his eyebrows.

This guy has had no sense of presence since he boarded the ship.

Now he came to see me alone, without even Sister Baoer, so this guy must have other plans!

Zhang Chulan saw the white wine and wine glass in Xu Yuan's hand, and the look of astonishment on his face flashed away, causing him to hold back everything he originally planned to say.

It turned into.

"Well, if you make a wish, if you drive a boat and drink, doesn't it count as a drunk driving? If you are caught, you will have to deduct a lot of points, right?"

"Drunk driving? Points deducted?" Xu Wan said with a strange face, "Then I also need to have a ship driver's license!"

"No, then you haven't passed the ship driving test and you still dare to drive a ship with more than a hundred people?"

Zhang Chulan suddenly didn't know how to describe his mood.


Except that it's complicated.

He was not very worried about safety issues. These people were all strangers, and it was not difficult to swim for a short period of time.

The main thing is...it would be best to be safe and sound.

"Isn't this the case of drunkenness and cowardice?"

Xu wish shook the wine bottle.

Zhang Chulan:......

"So, do you want a drink? Maotai~"

"Have a drink!" Zhang Chulan gritted his teeth and nodded to Xu Yuan.

The two sat down in the captain's cabin, and then Zhang Chulan finally started talking.

Xu Yuan also knew why Zhang Chulan came to him.

In the final analysis, it is still about Sister Baoer’s life experience.

Of course, the main reason is that Xu Wan was an insider in the matter of Sister Bao'er's life experience.

And through the observation of a series of recent events, Zhang Chulan has listed Xu Wish among the trustworthy people.

"So, you said that the reason why you went to Nathan Island to move around freely was because of that old Seventeen?"

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