Although Zhao Fangxu deduced from the information he had that these people were summoned by the wish.

However, he did not rush to deal with it, but quietly suppressed the information for Xu Yuan.

There’s no rush yet.

If Wishing really wanted to take these people to Nason Island, then he thought that this battle for the throne of Nason Island would be exciting!

For Zhao Fangxu, as long as he doesn't cause trouble in the country, he doesn't really want to worry about anything else.

No matter what the enemy wants to do, it's best if they can't do it.

However, Zhao Fangxu finally realized at this time that he was a little worried about Xu Yuan's safety on Nathan Island, which was completely unnecessary!

Even the Heavenly Master brought this configuration.

If you have this time, you might as well worry about the safety of the people on Nathan Island...

Since making a wish is so powerful, it seems that the company’s strategy needs to be adjusted accordingly!

If his previous plan for his trip to Nathan Island was mainly about company, then his current plan is about to change to mainly about making wishes.

As for the company...

Tsk, you should think more about how to argue with Behemoth!

Because Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of the company, was the "inside ghost", Xu Wan made such a big noise and was suppressed like this.

The entire alien circle is still as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

But often under the seemingly calm sea, there are more turbulent waves.

The speed and response of the various countries participating in the meeting were very fast.

On the day after King Nathan announced the start of the battle for the throne of Nathan Island.

The leaders of these forces used their respective channels to rush back to their respective forces as soon as possible, and then used the fastest speed to negotiate with the management of their respective forces on the strategy for this battle for the throne of Nathan Island, and on the first Announced to the public at once.

As expected from Behemoth, just as Ron said before, they are indeed preparing to intervene in the battle for the throne of Nathan Island.

Still a familiar recipe, still a familiar taste.

On the grounds that the battle for the throne was cruel and bloody and inhumane, they will send security agencies to the island to "stop it."

As for whether after going to the island, whether to maintain peace or take advantage of the opportunity to plunder, just look at a desert country that is deeply poisoned.

The alien organizations from other countries will not miss this "feast" either, but at least they have to show their respect.

They did not make any big announcement about their humanitarian mission, but just announced that they would send people to Nason Island.

Nadutong Company is no exception.

The reason given was to send an observation team to bring back the islanders who were Chinese nationals on Nason Island to China.

Of course, the premise of everything is that the islanders are voluntary.

Although Behemoth has already regarded all the islanders and all items on Nathan Island as their personal belongings.

But he did not oppose China's decision.

Among those who fled to Nason Island from China, who is fine?

After returning to China, he will inevitably be censored and eventually the incident will be revealed.

How many people will voluntarily return to China?

But what Behemoth found a little confusing was another announcement issued by Nadutong Company along with this announcement.

Because they uphold the right to personal freedom, they will not prevent Huaxia Yiren from landing on Nason Island as an individual, and what they do when they land on the island as an individual has nothing to do with Nadutong Company.

Ron had just suffered a bad loss in China not long ago. Out of caution, he carefully looked at this announcement several times.

In the end, no problem was found.

He only made this announcement out of habit as a result of the strictness of Nadaotong Company.

As for whether it's possible that someone from China caused some trouble?

Behemoth couldn't help but laugh.

Don't be kidding, this time on Nathan Island is not a competition in the ring!

Behemoth will be heavily involved in Nathan Island, and security personnel will be armed with their combination of alchemy and thermal weapons to keep away from the newly developed xenos firearms.

In such a large-scale battle, no single force can change the situation of the battle!

At least none of the known alien methods currently work!

After all, no matter how powerful you are, you are still a mortal body, and you can withstand the fire of one or even ten magical firearms.

But a hundred or a thousand!

This time they, Behemoth, put almost most of the security personnel on Nathan Island.

The number of people alone is measured in thousands!

Moreover, all security personnel possess new types of exotic firearms.

Not to mention that among these security personnel there are many strangers who have special skills.

In this way, there is no possibility of losing at all!

Don't worry about it at all!

Sure enough, Behemoth, like the bald eagle behind it, is as arrogant as ever!

Indeed, in such a large-scale battle situation, it is true that no single force can change the situation of the battle on its own.

But what if there are multiple completely crushed single combat forces?

Make a Wish plans to take nearly a hundred people to Nathan Island!

As long as one person can defeat ten Behemoth security personnel, it is enough to change the situation of the war!

Ten? Is it difficult?

Wishing also completed its fifth lottery draw.

Although there is the blessing of the power of faith in the main hall of the Confucius Temple, with the blessing of the power of faith, the objects drawn in a targeted manner make Xu Yuan no longer willing to believe in his damn luck!


Another piece of auxiliary equipment.

Give Wishing's existing auxiliary equipment another chance to upgrade.

Upgraded to [Jiying·Running Wolf·Xingquan·Xingzhao·Salvation]

The function of [Redemption] is not weak.

It can provide a group shield for friendly units within a certain range. The specific value of the shield is directly linked to the Qi of the wish.

This time the "team building" of the supervision team on Nason Island came in handy.

Moreover, it still provides an additional 30% Qi income for making wishes.

Make a Wish’s additional income from auxiliary equipment has now reached an astonishing 120%!

Counting the increase in energy brought about by making the wish itself.

That’s 220%!

His cultivation efficiency is more than twice that of others!

It complements the Confucius Temple.

The auxiliary functions are great, but they are not what I wish for most!

What I wish for most now is the Holy Grail. Even if I can't get the Holy Grail, I can get a blue-returning equipment like [Fiery Dominator]!

If he had the energy to squander freely on Nathan Island, he couldn't even imagine how happy he would be!

Yes, it is happiness.

The inspection team is now fully mobilized.

To put it bluntly, almost all the top regular combat forces in the domestic alien circle are now deployed.

The threat from Behemoth is almost nonexistent, and the only question to consider may be how they can clear Nathan Island with zero casualties...

Xuanyuan shook his head and gave up the plan of continuing the lottery.

He doesn't particularly need other equipment now, and there are no other related heroes at the moment, so he simply keeps the ten consecutive draws elsewhere.

Make a wish and follow the incense-burning team through the entire process.

It wasn't until he walked out of the hall that Wang Zhenqiu took his eyes away from Xu Yuan.

"How's it going, Qiu'er? What did you see this time?"

After staying away from the crowd of tourists and returning to the car, Xu Yuan took the initiative and joked to Wang Zhenqiu.

He himself knows what's going on with him. It's strange that Wang Zhenqiu can understand this golden finger!

But what Xu Yuan didn't expect was that Wang Zhenqiu answered with a smile.

"Not bad. I think I probably know where my path is, but I still need to refine some interesting gadgets."

Make a wish:? ? ?

No, buddy, are you really good at it?

"What should I say?" Xu Yuan said seriously.

He certainly wouldn't be jealous or sad about it.

The pattern of making a wish is not that small, and Wang Zhenqiu is his junior brother, so there is no dispute over the leadership of the "sect" between the two.

Making a wish will only make Wang Zhenqiu happy.

Even if he has the ability, he doesn't mind helping Qiu'er.

"That's it." Wang Zhenqiu took out a colorful glove with a strange material and shook it at Wishes.

This glove was given to Wang Zhenqiu by Xia Liuqing when he was in Biyou Village.

"This is a divine glove that collects the power of faith. I think I can refine another glove to collect the power of faith from foreign gods..."

Soon, Wang Zhenqiu put forward his conjecture.

If you put aside the bug of wishing, Wang Zhenqiu's conjecture is indeed a conjecture that has never appeared in the entire godhead mask training system.

All the previous methods and abilities of the Godhead Mask were built around the belief system of Chinese gods.

Because of the limitations of the times and thinking, no previous practitioners had ever thought of "inviting" gods from other belief systems.

Make a wish:…

Is this the understanding of genius?

But don’t say it yet!

Although Wang Zhenqiu's idea sounds a bit outrageous, it is actually very feasible!

Xu wish knows that among the nine Nason guards on Nason Island, there is a special being whose ability is similar to the concept proposed by Wang Zhenqiu!


The only Nathan Wei who was not born on Nathan Island.

They are also the surviving descendants of a polytheistic civilization!

In a state of symbiosis with the resentment in him.

Although his system of practicing the God of Resentment and the Godhead Mask are not exactly the same, there are some things that can be learned from.

"In this case, since you mentioned weapon refining..."

Xu Yuan touched his chin, and he finally remembered his intended logistics director, Village Chief Ma.

"Village Chief Ma has been unable to be contacted recently. Otherwise, you can ask him to help with the refining. Lao Ma's weapon refining skills are really nothing to say."

When Wang Zhenqiu heard the wish, he also believed it.

One of the eight magical skills is the divine machine.

When it comes to Lao Ma's generation, he has been completely promoted!

To this day, Wang Zhenqiu still vividly remembers how difficult it was for them to besiege Biyou Village.

If there hadn't been the pervert Xu Wish, who bombed Biyou Village and attacked Ma Xianhong, they would have had to spend a lot of effort to capture Ma Xianhong alive!

"It doesn't matter. Once I can contact Village Chief Ma, I won't be too late to ask him for help. I think Village Chief Ma won't mind helping with a little help."

Wang Zhenqiu said with a smile.

As a member of the supervision team, he had participated in the "kidnapping" of Ma Xianhong, so he naturally knew that Ma Xianhong had been sent back as an undercover agent by a wish.

Make a wish and nodded.

But he was thinking about this trip to Nathan Island.

If he remembered correctly, during this trip to Nason Island, he should have encountered Qu Tong’s powerful weapon - Lao Wang’s group...

There is no doubt about the loyalty of those superiors to Qu Tong, and it is completely impossible to learn from them where Qu Tong is hiding.

The most troublesome thing is that those superior devices were not forcibly controlled by Qu Tong using some kind of mind control method, but

But what if you follow them?

In this way, you can find the village chief.

Up to now, Xu Wan actually doesn't care about Qu Tong very much anymore.

Although power is essential, only strength is eternal.

And the power he holds in his hands happens to be at the top level in the alien circle.

But considering the situation on Nathan Island, he could only take one step at a time.

After two more severe beatings, this time Wang Zhenqiu did not propose to try the newly obtained means of wishing.

He has learned wisely and knows that he will definitely not be able to defeat Wishing in a "short period of time". Even if he wants to defeat him, he will wait until his new idea is implemented before competing with Wishing.

Xu wish took the two of them back to the hotel.

Halfway through the road, the wishing phone rang again.

But it was someone who surprised him.

Ding Shian.

"Eh? Old Ding?" Xu Yuan answered the phone, "Why did you contact me suddenly?"

"Make a wish, have you forgotten that you are the new acting head of Quan Xing?" Ding Shi'an's tone was a little dissatisfied, "Quan Xing Ke just joined the volunteers not long ago, why did you call me Tangmen instead of "Tangmen" when you went to Nason Island? us?"

Make a wish:…

A look of embarrassment flashed across Xu Yuan's face.

He had only left Tangmen for a few days, and Ding Zhangan and Tu Junfang should still be staying at the Tang Tomb in the back hill of Tangmen.

If those people from the Tang Clan moved, they would naturally know about it.

Hey! Don't say it, don't say it!

He really forgot that he had just taken over as the new generation leader.

"Uh, um, Old Ding, do you think you misunderstood me? How could I forget this?" Xu Yuan opened his eyes and said lies, "I haven't recovered my strength yet, Nathan Island. The situation up there is very dangerous, so I didn’t inform you.”

Although Ding Shi'an is not as reckless as other members of the Quanxing, he is not a fool either.

Naturally, he wouldn't believe the lies about the wish, but he was too lazy to argue with the wish about this issue.

Ding Shimaan on the other end of the phone went straight to the point.

"So, acting head, we can also go to Nathan Island together, right?"

"Of course!" Xuanyuan naturally would not refuse.

Ding Shian is the second best in the world.

Although he can't beat the old Heavenly Master, he can only defeat the old Heavenly Master. This guy can completely wipe out the "market" on Nathan Island by himself!

"If Quan Xing wants to come, you can come to XX Hotel in Qilu Province. This is the meeting point. We will wait here for three days and set off together in three days."

"However, I want to remind you that Heavenly Master will also go to Nason Island together. You can decide whether to come or not after thinking about it."

As a result, Ding Shian became even more excited when he heard the wish.

"Is it true that the Heavenly Master is also going? Then I will come with the Tang Sect!"

Make a wish: Okay, okay, as expected of you, Old Ding, I really haven’t been beaten enough.

But now the conflict between the Heavenly Master and Quan Xing is no longer so acute.

In other words, the Heavenly Master no longer wants to cause trouble for Quan Xing.

After all, Mr. Tian is not dead.

And last time on the Xilin Gol grassland, almost all the hopeless scum in Quanxing had been killed.

Among the remaining full-sex members, only one person cannot meet the Heavenly Master.

Lu Liang!

He had used the Lu family's Bright Soul Technique to get rid of the memory of the "secret" in Mr. Tian's mind.

After thinking about this, Xu Yuan added.

"By the way, Old Ding, it's better not to let Lu Liang come. It's not convenient for him to participate in this event."

Although Lu Liang's hands are magical, their use in combat is very limited.

The role of therapy…

You can also make a wish for yourself.

"Ah, he didn't plan to go originally. He hasn't contacted us recently. He seems to have some personal matters to deal with." Ding Shian on the other side of the phone explained.

"Okay, that's it. Let's gather here as soon as possible. We'll set off on time in three days."

Xu Yuan responded casually and hung up the phone.

He didn't even bother to ask what personal matter Lu Liang went to deal with.

It's nothing more than the Lu family's business.

Let the Lu family handle their own grievances and grievances by themselves.

"Is Quan Xing coming too?"

After Wang Zhenqiu hung up the phone with Xu Yuan, he asked Xu Yuan.

"Well, they also want to go to Nathan Island to join in the fun."

"Then Xia Liuqing..."

Wang Zhenqiu was a little worried.

"Old Xia probably won't come. He has been staying with Granny Jinfeng." Speaking of Old Man Xia, Xu wish said angrily, "Nasen Island has nothing to do with Wugensheng. Granny Jinfeng only cares about Wugensheng." Interested in things related to roots.”

Wang Zhenqiu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled again on his face.

"That's good, otherwise I have to take care of that old man and it won't be fun..."

As a practitioner of the Godhead Mask, he is well aware of the shortcomings of the Godhead Mask.

Apart from the abnormal practice of going out to make a wish, people who normally only practice the Divine Mask alone will become less suitable to do it as they get older and their energy and blood weaken.

Because the godhead mask "inviting the gods" to the upper body will cause a great burden on the body of the caster.

The first stage was fine, but starting from the second stage, given Old Man Xia's physical condition, it might cause irreparable damage.

And once the third stage is activated...

Even if Old Man Xia is not dead, he is basically useless!

Even with the current estimated intensity of the battle on Nason Island, it is obviously not enough to only use the first stage methods!

Xu Yuan glanced at Wang Zhenqiu with some surprise.

Unexpectedly, although this Southwest Cancer said he was not polite to Old Man Xia, he would actually worry about this "master"?

He is not a good person, but he still has his own bottom line.

Such a cancer in the southwest is really something that people both love and hate...

After the three returned to the hotel, they did not go out again. Instead, like everyone else, they waited in the hotel for the arrival of others.

But I haven't been idle when making a wish.

While sitting on the bed cross-legged and practicing, he turned on his golden finger system and began to make final preparations before landing on Nathan Island.

As of today, he has 37 heroes!

Sufficient for any means.

And he has already drawn 18 pieces of equipment!

It also includes a super auxiliary equipment composed of four auxiliary equipment.

With the blessing of a lot of equipment and most of the means, Xu Wish's comprehensive strength is very strong. I am afraid that he should be able to compete with Ding Shi'an now!

In a circle of aliens, this is quite a terrifying thing!

How old is Ding Shian? Forty something.

How old do you wish to be? Twenties!

What's more, Ding Shi'an has really been practicing for more than 40 years, and it has only been less than four years since he embarked on the path of cultivation!

However, Xu Yuan still plans to practice seriously for three days.

Because they were going to Nason Island next, he and these members of the inspection team were all going to Nason Island in their personal capacity.

Naturally, there is no way to get help from the company.

There is no need to think about ships or anything.

The only thing he could rely on was the sailboat that Sun Ce transformed into Qi.

Although that sailboat can expand in size as the number of passengers increases, don't forget.

Expanding the body size does not come out of thin air, but requires consuming Qi!

Now every bit of Qi is very precious...

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