Wishing went directly to the hotel where business was bleak.

Those with deep pockets can simply swipe their cards and book the hotel for three days.

The hotel owner was naturally not happy.

I didn’t even ask what I wanted to do with Wishing to reserve the hotel. I just grabbed my luggage and left, and by the way, I gave the hotel staff three days off.

Of course, the person who made the wish was still the official card of the supervision team.

After all, this time is the "team building" of the supervision team.

How can there be any "team building" that requires employees to pay for it themselves?

Wishes and other temporary workers were the first to check into the hotel.

After arranging their respective rooms, Xu Yuan proposed his plan to the others.

"Let's wait here for three days. The traffic is so developed now. Three days is enough for everyone to get here. During these three days, everyone can move freely for the time being, but don't stay away from this hotel."

Wishing said to the temporary workers present.

Naturally, the temporary workers were fine, and they dispersed.

To be honest, the company's temporary workers are actually very busy on weekdays, and they don't have much free time at all. They can just take advantage of these few days to take a rest and adjust their status.

They all know very well that as long as they land on Nason Island, they will face various methods from strangers from all over the world. It will be a tough battle!

The state must be adjusted to the best!

Only Wang Zhenqiu looked at Xu Yuan's leaving figure, rolled his eyes, and quickly followed him.

"Make a wish, wait..."

Wang Zhenqiu caught up with Make a Wish.

"What are your plans for the next three days?"

"I plan to visit the Confucius Temple. After all, I have already visited Qilu Province. How could I not go to the Confucius Temple?"

Xuanyuan answered truthfully.

Wang Zhenqiu's ears picked up the key words very keenly.

Confucius Temple!

As a practitioner of the Godhead Mask system, Wang Zhenqiu is very aware of the need for the power of faith for practitioners like them.

Of course, it goes without saying what to do when you go to the Confucius Temple to make a wish.

"I'll go with you!" Wang Zhenqiu said quickly.

Xu Yuan turned around and looked at Wang Zhenqiu with a strange look on his face.

If Wang Zhenqiu might have been curious about his abilities before, but the last time he went to Sun Ce's tomb, he had already taken Wang Zhenqiu there.

Wang Zhenqiu witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, but still gained nothing.

Logically speaking, he should have given up...

But even though Xu Yuan couldn't figure it out, he simply stopped thinking about it.

Wang Zhenqiu can follow him if he likes, and he is not afraid of others watching because of his abilities.

"Whatever you want, but if you want to go together, you'd better hurry up. We're ready to go."

"Okay! Let's go then!" Wang Zhenqiu responded and quickly followed Wish.

There was a sparkle in his eyes.

Of course he is not idle.

Last time, Wang Zhenqiu had indeed witnessed the process of making a wish and gaining abilities, although he did not understand how the ability to make a wish was transformed from the power of faith to alien means in a short period of time.

But he didn’t gain anything!

It's just that the path he wants to take has never been traveled before, and he needs to learn from the wish-making methods of fellow practitioners of the Godhead Mask.

Make a wish and go to the Confucius Temple with Wang Zhenqiu.

Of course, the wish-making "pendant" Liao Duoduo is also indispensable.

This trip to Nathan Island...

Liao Duoduo's original Gu is no longer taboo when used on Nathan Island!

After the three of them walked a certain distance, they took a taxi on the side of the road.

It is enough to show the remoteness of the hotel chosen by Xuyuan.

The Confucius Temple is an important tourist attraction in Qilu Province and also a key symbol of cultural inheritance.

Even though it was already afternoon, the driver didn't find the three of them strange.

He kicked the accelerator and led the three of them towards the Confucius Temple.

On the road, Xu wish felt the driver’s smooth driving skills.

He suddenly missed the bald driver who looked like a family man.

That guy's driving skills are as good as his speed... impressive!

Soon, the driver parked the car in the parking lot of the Confucius Temple.

The three of them paid the fare and went straight to the main hall of the Confucius Temple.

Any gathering point of the power of faith is actually the core of the corresponding building.

There were quite a few tourists along the way, and of course many of them were parents of children who were about to take important exams.

The expressions on their faces were very pious, and their postures for offering incense were even more reserved than those of the fanatical believers who appeared in the documentary.

"Tsk." Wang Zhenqiu curled his lips in a low voice when he saw this scene.

These people may still be staunch atheists in normal times, but now they are so devout.

It’s nothing more than the desires in their hearts.

So, are they worshiping desires or statues...

But making a wish is completely normal.

Since ancient times, the land of China has not raised idle gods.

It's more of a transaction than a belief.

I believe in you and you protect me.

Even if it doesn't make my dreams come true, I can at least have peace of mind.

As for Liao Duoduo, she has no idea about these, or she is a firm atheist.

If you can beat the original Gu, fight it, if you can't beat it, you will die. Praying to gods and Buddhas is completely useless!


Of course, it will be calculated separately when the game is drawn.

The three of them came to the main hall of the Confucius Temple.

Today, the person in charge of the Confucius Temple is still the descendant of Confucius, the sage of the Confucius family.

However, whether they are direct descendants is open to question.

But this has nothing to do with making a wish.

Because after he stepped into the main hall of the Confucius Temple, he immediately felt the strong power of faith in the main hall!

Such a strong power of faith is even comparable to the original Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion!

At least it can prove that this is indeed the orthodox Confucius Temple!

Since making a wish can be felt, Wang Zhenqiu can also feel it.

He locked his eyes tightly on Xu Yuan.

This was the purpose of coming to the Confucius Temple with Xu Yuan!

Although I felt the power of faith pervading the Confucius Temple.

But Xu Wish remained calm on the surface.

He did not directly find the descendants of this generation of Kong family, but still mixed in the group of tourists.

Just like the tourists who come here to worship, they line up to buy incense and then wait to offer it.

It is different from a Taoist holy land like Longhu Mountain or a millennium-old family like the Zhuge clan.

Although the Kong family has been passed down for thousands of years, it has still gathered so much power of faith.

Perhaps Confucius was a stranger at the time. After all, it is difficult to explain the fact that a scholar was able to carry the city gate with other reasons other than the methods of a stranger.

But the descendants of the Kong family have nothing to do with the alien world.

Not to mention that they don't know about the existence of Nadutong Company, they don't even know about the existence of aliens.

It’s better not to get too involved with them.

On the surface, there seemed to be nothing unusual about making a wish, but in fact, he opened the lottery light curtain at the first moment.

After this meeting with King Nathan, the compatibility of the wishing world has increased to 67%.

The number of draws now has accumulated to 15 times.

Making a wish does not directly draw ten draws in a row.

It’s not that you can’t afford to smoke ten times in a row, but it’s more cost-effective to smoke alone.

In the background story of King of Glory, there are actually only a few heroes related to Old Master Zi.

Mozi, Zhuang Zhou, Jiang Ziya...

Meng Ya, Yao, Lian Po, Zhong Wuyan, Zhuge Liang.

Most of the wishes have actually been drawn.

There are only four heroes left that have not been drawn.

As for equipment, Xu Yuan does not think that the power of Confucius's thousands of years of faith has anything to do with the "Holy Grail" he needs most now.

While Wishing slowly moved forward following the tourists offering incense, the first lottery started.

The lottery light screen flashes rapidly.

When the lottery light curtain stops, the lottery results that appear above are the same as expected before making the wish.

is a new hero.

【Eternal Brightness——Old Master】

All three sages from Jixia are gathered together!

Because there was plenty of time, Xuanyuan still took the time to take a look at the old master's ability before starting the second lottery.

After Xu Yuan clearly saw the old master's ability, he couldn't help but grin.

Although Lao Fuzi is just an unremarkable road warrior in the game.

But when his abilities appear in reality, the horror is comparable to a ghost story - of course, this is for the enemy who makes a wish.

Among them, Lao Fuzi’s most outstanding characteristic ability is to draw inferences from one example.

The injury-free value actually reached an astonishing 70%!

The value of the rebound attack has reached 100% of the full value!

This does not include the equipment attribute bonus and special effect equipment such as anti-injury stab armor owned by the wish itself!

If you count the equipment you own if you wish.

Then his injury-free degree can almost reach the level of invincibility!

And hitting me is really like hitting yourself!

As for Lao Fuzi's other abilities, deceleration control and damage are all available.

When fighting the enemy, it is really like a teacher beating a student, making the enemy despair!

Perhaps the only shortcoming is that the attack range can only be used in close combat...

But this is only the shortcoming of the hero Old Master, not the shortcoming of wishing!

In terms of long-range attacks, there are simply not too many heroes to choose from when making a wish!

Wang Zhenqiu has been staring at the wish.

As he sensed that part of the power of faith in the hall disappeared.

An irrepressible smile appeared on Xu Wish's face.

Although Wang Zhenqiu still didn't understand how making a wish transformed this part of the power of faith.

But as he kept staring at Xu Yuan, he could clearly feel that Xu Yuan's temperament had undergone some subtle changes.

The already complex and diverse temperament has a new flavor similar to that of a teacher...

Wang Zhenqiu started practicing the technique, and a hint of blue lit up in the depths of his pupils. He was still staring at the wish.

Soon! Soon!

I'm about to find a way to imitate...

After Xuanyuan found out the old master's ability, he started the second lottery.

The lottery light curtain flickered again.

[Fierce Cannon Boy——Meng Ya]

Another unexpected hero!

He is also a hero related to institutions.

But his abilities are nothing too special.

Ultimate output.

Furious firepower.

But Meng Ya came in time.

On Nason Island, although Behemoth couldn't use thermal weapons, they made a pass.

Behemoth's security personnel use energy firearms developed with alien energy!

It just allows them to experience what real output is!

The third draw.

[Son of the Star——Yao]

A swordsman with strange swordsmanship.

But the fact that he can use the power of the stars makes Xuanyuan feel a little interesting.

The power of the stars...

There are very few people in the domestic artist circle who can use this kind of power!

Even if there is, it must at least reach the level of Lu Jin or Ding Shanan, and use powerful power to forcibly use the power of the stars.

But right now, the main hall of the Confucius Temple is obviously not a suitable place for experiments.

Make a Wish begins the fourth draw.

[Savage Hammer——Zhong Wuyan]

A muscular woman.

Her abilities are much simpler.

Use the sledgehammer to either hammer the enemy to death directly, or hammer the enemy to stone, and then slowly hammer the enemy to death.

"Well, I'm going to beat you to death..."

When I made a wish and saw Zhong Wuyan appearing on the lottery light screen, the voice of the Northwest Hammer King unconsciously sounded in my mind...

After four consecutive draws, all the lottery results predicted by the wish were drawn.

Now his number of draws has been consumed again to 11 times.

Looking at the number of 11 times, Xu Yuan scratched his head.

Well, how about doing it again?

Get it together!

What if there is a surprise?

After making a wish and thinking about this, feeling that the powerful power of faith was still permeating the hall, he started the lottery again.

This time, Xuanyuan became really nervous.

Unlike the previous four times, the result this time is unknown!

When he saw the lottery light screen practice slow down and finally stop on a piece of equipment, his face couldn't help but twitch.

Sure enough, you shouldn't believe in your luck!

Just when I was making a wish for five consecutive draws in the main hall of the Confucius Temple.

Far south, in villages near the border.

Ma Xianhong, who had been "researching" the self-cultivation stove in the room, was called out by Qu Tong.

"Xianhong, you can stop your research on the self-cultivation furnace for the time being. Lao Wang and the others will be preparing to leave soon. Didn't you say you want to go out for a walk?"

"Ah? Yes, sister. Can I go with you?" Ma Xianhong was overjoyed.

Despite this, he still followed the instructions given to him before making the wish.

"As for the cultivation furnace..." Ma Xianhong looked worried, "Sister, aren't you in a hurry, or should I continue to stay and study?"

The honest village chief, after the last incident in Biyou Village, he learned a lesson through a severe beating in reality.

He has learned to pretend!

Qu Tong nodded first.

Then she continued to speak to Ma Xianhong.

"It's okay. It's only been a few days. Anyway, your thinking is not very smooth now. Instead of continuing to lock yourself in the room, why not go out for a walk. Maybe when you come back, your thinking will be smoother."

Qu Tong didn't want Ma Xianhong to stay here, so he built the self-cultivation furnace first.

Compared with other things, what she values ​​most is the perfected body-slimming furnace!

However, Ma Xianhong's recent research progress has shown the true situation.

However, because of her confidence in her own abilities and Ma Xianhong's disguise, she did not doubt Ma Xianhong's loyalty like in the original plot.

After hearing Qu Tong's answer, Ma Xianhong had a look of embarrassment on his face for a moment, and then nodded.

"Okay, sister, then I'll go back and pack my things, and then go out with Lao Wang and the others."

Qu Tong tilted his head slightly.

"Xianhong, you'd better hurry up, because the place we're going to is a bit far this time, so Lao Wang and the others need to set off as soon as possible."

After Ma Xianhong returned to his room, he did not take out his mobile phone immediately.

On the one hand, because there was no signal at all in this village, he couldn't contact him at all to make a wish.

On the other hand, he was certain that Qu Tong would definitely let Shanggenqi Laowang and the others keep an eye on him.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as you leave this village, you will definitely find an opportunity to contact and make a wish!

Ma Xianhong packed up his things and checked them again before going out.

Speaking of his personal belongings...

During the last battle in Biyou Village, some of his refining products were destroyed and some were robbed.

But after returning to the village, he was not idle.

Although there was no progress in the cultivation furnace, he used the materials accumulated in the village to refining a divine outfit for himself!

Ma Xianhong, the former head of Biyou Village and leader of the New Jie Sect, is back!

And stronger!

At least he already knows how to be the sixth child!

After finding Lao Wang, Ma Xianhong didn't ask any more questions, or even where he was going. He just followed them across the mountains on a path and directly across the border!

Finally, after running all the way, we boarded a speedboat at a beach and disappeared into the vast sea.

And in this process, it turned out to be exactly what Ma Xianhong had expected.

But the situation turned out to be worse than he expected.

Lao Wang and his group of superiors stared at him very hard and did not give him any chance to contact the outside world.

In addition to normal contact, Ma Xianhong does not even need to worry about daily consumption.

It wasn't until they boarded the speedboat and were far away from the shore that Lao Wang and the others gave up monitoring Ma Xianhong.

But at this time, on the vast sea, the mobile phone in Ma Xianhong's hand had no signal at all, and naturally he could not contact Xu Wish.

Although Village Chief Ma was anxious, he could only pretend to be calm in front of these superior tools and could not reveal himself at all.

Just when Ma Xianhong was trying to find a way to contact Make a Wish.

Fatty Zhao from Nadutong Company also just received the information.

"Huh? Why do all the temporary workers in all major districts collectively take annual leave?"

Fatty Zhao looked at the reports submitted by the heads of each region and was stunned.

Because of the special nature of the position of temporary workers, although the temporary workers in each major district are nominally company personnel, they are actually directly responsible for the responsibility of the person in charge of each major district.

Therefore, for such trivial matters as asking for annual leave, they naturally do not need to report to the company headquarters in advance, as long as the person in charge of each region agrees.

Taking annual leave is nothing special.

But what’s special now is that temporary workers in all the company’s regions all applied for annual leave at the same time, and the person in charge of each region approved it!

This made Zhao Fangxu have to think more!

Especially when I made a wish before and asked him whether there were any restrictions on Nason Island that the organizers had...

Zhao Fangxu suddenly had an unpleasant suspicion in his heart.

Isn't it possible that all the people in this guy's organization are temporary workers from the company?

What is he going to do?

Zhao Fangxu didn't wait for Zhao Fangxu's reaction to the temporary workers taking annual leave collectively.

The intelligence reports submitted one after another made him numb!

Wang, the "suspect" the company has been looking for, also appeared.

Don't underestimate the company's intelligence network.

Of course Zhao Fangxu knew that Wang Ye had actually been hiding in Longhu Mountain recently.

It was only because he believed in the prince's character and the background of the Wang family in Zhonghai that he did not take any measures against Wang Ye.

The king also showed up.

I still went down the mountain with the old Tianshi who was detained in Longhu Mountain by the company and the Shilao Association.

A "suspect" and a "medical parole"...

According to the route applied by the Wang family, it seems that the two of them are taking the Wang family's private plane to Qilu Province...

If it were just these two people, Fatty Zhao could barely accept it.


The Tang Sect in Shuzhong was also moved!

It is still the former head of the door - Tang Miaoxing who has faked his death and leads the team!

Naturally, the Tang Clan was not as wealthy as Wang Ye, so they directly purchased tickets to Qilu Province.

Tianxiahui President Feng Zhenghao and Mr. Tian Jinzhong, who also committed suicide, are traveling from Kyoto to Qilu Province...

The destinations of these people are all surprisingly the same, Qilu Province!

Make a Wish should also be in Qilu Province now.

In addition to wishing to do big things, Fatty Zhao could not imagine any other reason even if he used his imagination to the extreme at this time...

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