Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 184 The older you get, the greater the responsibility

"Staff restrictions?"

Zhao Fangxu waved his hand feebly to Xu Yuan, not paying attention at all.

"As long as you can find someone to go with you, you can find anyone. But I can tell you in advance that if you go to Nathan Island as an individual, then all your actions have nothing to do with the company, and the company will not treat you badly. Any official help available..."

In fact, Xu Yuan knew it when he heard Fatty Zhao asking him to find someone casually.

It’s stable this time!

Xu wish immediately did not stay here any longer, but directly expressed his intention to leave to Zhao Fangxu.

Although not everything in the company is expected to be handled personally by Zhao Fangxu, the battle for the throne of Nathan Island is now a major event that can affect the entire alien world, and there are many foreign-related affairs that require Zhao Fangxu to personally handle or review.

Zhao Fangxu just waved his hand to Xu Yuan casually and started busy with his work.

He did not realize the seriousness of the problem at this time...

As for what Zhao Fangxu said next, just listen to what he said.

Company help? Do you need it?

Xu Yuan has already made preliminary plans in his mind about the candidates he will invite to participate in this "team building".

“Team building” is naturally the team building of the supervision team!

The candidates will naturally be selected from the supervisory team.

As the saying goes, the older you get, the greater your responsibilities.

The first person to bear the brunt is naturally the old Heavenly Master who is now "grounded" in Longhu Mountain. He is the oldest person in the supervision team.

The Heavenly Master happened to have nothing to do in Longhu Mountain, so it would be better to go to Nathan Island together to have a lot of fun.

Although there is a "ban", as long as the attack is not done in China, no one will open their eyes to this truth.

The second is Mr. Tian, ​​Mr. Tian should be able to hold back enough in the world.

Calculating the time, Mr. Tian's cultivation should have almost recovered.

Tsk, Mr. Tian, ​​who hasn’t made a move in decades, must have rushed forward this time...

And Feng Zhenghao, the president of Tianxiahui...

Just when Xu Yuan was thinking about candidates for team building.

Fatty Zhao was not idle either.

Because the incident happened suddenly, King Nathan did not communicate with anyone in advance, so Zhao Fangxu had no time to wait until he returned to the Kyoto headquarters to convene a board meeting to discuss countermeasures.

After making a wish and leaving, Zhao Fangxu started the remote conference directly in the room using a video call.

After all board members were online, Zhao Fangxu briefly introduced the battle for the throne of Nathan Island.

Not surprisingly, the board members were shocked when they learned the news.

It’s not their first day as board members, and they have already developed enough of a big-picture perspective.

Everyone knows that the battle for the throne of Nathan Island is a big event for the alien world around the world.

It is also a confrontation between alien forces with various official backgrounds...

Especially the sacred tree on Nathan Island!

"Although we don't need the sacred tree on Nathan Island, we still have to go this time. If the situation permits, we should try our best to prevent Behemoth from getting the sacred tree..."

Fatty Zhao set the tone for this video conference.

Naturally, other board members will not dissent on this matter.

"Now, let's discuss the candidates to go to Nason Island this time."

As Zhao Fangxu finished speaking, Bi Youlong was the first to jump out.

"Director Zhao, I recommend my subordinate Zhuge Qing and the people from the action team!"

"I recommend making a wish!" This is Huang Boren.

Director Xiao Su and other board members did not speak.

This kind of matter is basically decided by the three directors Zhao Fangxu, Huang Boren and Bi Youlong.

People are their own people too.

After a short discussion, it was finally decided to send Zhuge Qing and the people from the action team, that is, Bi Youlong's people.

This surprised all the members of the board of directors, even Bi Youlong.

Because everyone in the company knows that Xuanyuan is not so much a temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters, but a temporary worker directly affiliated with Zhao Fangxu.

The relationship between the two is undoubtedly more intimate and direct.

Shouldn't Zhao Fangxu send his more trusted Xu Wishan to go to such a big event, and Xu Wishan's strength is actually enough to prove now...

"Director Zhao, what about making a wish?" Bi Youlong asked Zhao Fangxu, "Won't he go to Nathan Island?"

Zhao Fangxu glanced at Bi Youlong on the video call, his eyes as calm as water.

"He has other things to be busy with and just asked for leave from me."

"Okay, what about the director who will lead the team this time?" Bi Youlong looked at Zhao Fangxu expectantly.

Zhao Fangxu spread his hands.

"This time the company will send people there in the name of an observation team and to bring back expatriates on Nathan Island, so it is not entirely a military action. As for the directors leading the observation team this time, they are from the board of directors. Members, let’s all vote together to decide. I will vote for Huang Boren and Huang Dong first..."

Bi Youlong's face suddenly turned ugly.

Although Zhao Fangxu said it was decided by a vote of the board of directors, since he voted for Huang Boren first, there is a high probability that other board members will also vote for Huang Boren.

After all, Zhao Fangxu is the chairman. As long as the matter is not particularly serious or the disagreement is particularly large, the majority of the board of directors will support Zhao Fangxu's decision.

The result was not what Bi Youlong expected. In the end, the spot of director of the observation team fell to Huang Boren.

"Ah I?"

Huang Boren looked timid.

Seeing Huang Boren's cowardly expression, tough style, and explosive personality, Bibi Youlong became even more displeased with her.

"Director Zhao, this is clearly an opportunity to show the company's strength in front of other alien organizations..."

Bi Youlong still tried to struggle, but no matter what, Zhao Fangxu was the chairman!

After Xu Yuan left Zhao Fangxu's office, he returned to his room and simply packed up his personal belongings. Then he turned on his cell phone and sent a message in the group chat of the supervision team.

[Kyoto Headquarters Make a Wish: Good news, good news, the first team building event after the establishment of the supervision team is about to begin. Everyone is welcome to sign up! 】

The wish had no beginning and no end, leaving everyone in the inspection team confused for a moment.

Inspection team? Team building?

What the hell?

Isn’t the supervision team a part-time job? Why is there team building?

Making a wish did not puzzle the members of the monitoring team for too long. After he sent the message, he initiated a group chat call in the group chat.

In other words, while the company's chairman Zhao Fangxu held a board meeting, Xuhui also held a video conference of the supervision team.

If someone knew this, they would inevitably say something obscure and difficult to understand, such as Shadow Empire and Zhao Kuangyin...

Because the wish had no beginning or end, all the members of the inspection team were very curious. Even the old Celestial Master who was banned in Longhu Mountain joined the video conference.

During the video conference, Xu Yuan informed everyone in the supervision team that he was about to organize people to go to Nason Island.

Of course, there is no need to say more about Wang Zhenqiu, Zhang Chulan, Liao Duoduo and others.

Either he is afraid of chaos in the world, and there is no way he would miss this excitement.

Or there are also reasons to go to Nason Island.

And others in the temporary workforce.

Brother Xiao licked his lips.

"Make a wish, I think it would be a good choice to let you, King Nathan's stand-in, officially take over from your real body to take charge of Nathan Island. Take the opportunity to kill King Nathan?"

Make a wish:…

As soon as Brother Xiao said this, not only did Xuanyuan fall silent, but even the other temporary workers had constipated expressions on their faces.

Although they have gradually gotten to know Brother Xiao's character after being in contact for so long, but...

As expected of you, Brother Xiao!

"Well, Brother Xiao, Nathan Island is not a good place, and the sacred tree is interesting. How about we think about it again?" Xu Yuan politely dissuaded Brother Xiao.

On Nason Island, it's okay to take this opportunity to make a fuss, but no matter who takes over, it will be a big trouble.

The benefits are not proportional to the risks.

At least that's how it looks for the time being.

Xiao Zizai shrugged during the video conference and did not continue to dwell on this topic.

"Does it mean that if you participate in team building, you can have unlimited meals?"

"Well, that's no problem."

"Then I'll go too."

The remaining two people, Lao Meng and the clarinet.

Seeing that other people also participated in the event, the two of them chose to participate together even though they were not particularly interested.

Coincidentally, because of King Nathan's landing this time, all temporary workers were temporarily mobilized to the conference hotel.

While they haven't left yet, they simply decided to set off together!

As for how to tell the respective person in charge...

Although temporary workers are called temporary workers, their welfare benefits are no worse than those of regular employees, or even better than those of regular employees.

Annual leave is of course also essential.

Just take annual leave.

Eventually, all temporary workers will participate in this event, and after they have packed up their personal belongings, they will gather in the wishing room.

Of course, other people in the supervision team did not let go of their wishes.

For example, Wang Ye and Lao Tianshi have been "hiding" in Longhu Mountain.

"Old Wang, are you coming too?" Xu Yuan looked at Wang Ye with a smile.

The complexion on Wang Ye's face is obviously much better than before. It seems that his body has recovered well recently.

Moreover, under the old Heavenly Master's nose, the mysterious man who was suspected to be Daluo Cave Temple did not dare to harass him again.

Wang also rolled his eyes.

"If I say not to go, will you still have a reason to convince me to let me go?"

"Yes." Xu Yuan nodded sincerely.

"Then there's no need to waste words, I'll go." Wang Ye sighed.

To be honest, although he has decided to join the world and experience it, for him, the Taoist temple and the secluded life in the mountains undoubtedly make him more comfortable.

But now that he has made the decision to join the world and gain experience, he cannot act haphazardly. On this point, Wang also thinks very clearly.

It just so happens that you can take this opportunity to go out and do some activities.

The company is tracking him in the country. If he goes to Nathan Island, they can't track him anymore, right?

After dealing with Wang Ye, Xu Wan looked at the Heavenly Master.

"Master Tian, ​​are you interested in doing some exercise?" Xu Yuan raised an eyebrow at Master Tian.

The Heavenly Master's eyebrows twitched.

In fact, speaking of it, the relationship between wishing and Longhu Mountain is a bit subtle.

Although Xu Yuan is not a disciple of Longhu Mountain, but to be honest, his relationship with Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion is closer than that of a direct disciple.

after all.

A direct disciple is just a disciple, but this guy who makes a wish can "invite" Zhang Liang, the eighth generation ancestor of the ancestor Zhang Daoling...

Even if the seniority is half, it belongs to the ancestral generation...

"Make a wish, old man, I can go out for a walk, but the company has issued an order that I cannot go out of Longhu Mountain. If I want to go out of Longhu Mountain, I must first obtain the full consent of the board of directors and the Shilao Association."

Make a wish and be happy when you hear the words.

Isn’t it time for you to use your Taoism naturally (use your profound Taoism to let Zhang Chulan win the championship naturally)?

"Isn't this simple? We can just move Longhu Mountain away. It just so happens that I have some friendship with King Nathan. Let's set up a branch of Tianshi Mansion on Nathan Island. As the principal of the headquarters, go to the branch It’s reasonable to inspect it, right?”

Heavenly Master is the guarantee of the wish-making plan.

Although he was confident of protecting himself on Nathan Island, he still had to bring this old man with him just in case.

In order to ensure that he could persuade the Heavenly Master, Xu Wan added one more sentence.

"Old Heavenly Master, during this meeting, I saw people from Flamel College and heard from their mouths that Dean Isaac Tabor had died in the turmoil..."

Making a wish is like the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Now whether there are reasonable reasons or unreasonable reasons, there is nothing wrong with going to see for yourself if your old friend is dead.

"Okay, wishing boy." The old master sighed, "If you succeed, I will go to Nathan Island with you."

"Then I look forward to your arrival. I will post the meeting place in the group later. When you and Lao Wang arrive, we will set off together."

The wish was not carried away, but said sincerely.

About Lao Wang and Lao Tianshi.

In fact, they are all considered "on the list" of the company.

Lao Wang, a semi-wanted criminal.

Heavenly Master, I am forbidden to visit Longhu Mountain.

The reason why I wish now is to invite two people.

On the one hand, it's because Fatty Zhao said that there are no restrictions on personnel, and it can be done without any prohibition by law!

On the other hand, Xu Wan is also very aware of Fatty Zhao's temper. If Behemoth suffers a big loss in external affairs, he will not mind turning a blind eye as long as it does not affect stability. Only one eye.

After getting rid of Laotianshi.

Others are better dealt with.

Tian Lao and Feng Zhenghao didn't even need to make a wish, they expressed their willingness to go together.

Mr. Tian may be really willing to move around. He has now recovered his cultivation level, but it is because his character has been cultivated as solid as a rock, and his cultivation level has grown even more rapidly.

It’s time for your hands to get itchy!

Feng Zhenghao actually didn't want to join in the fun together.

But he is a hero.

He knew very well that dangers and opportunities coexisted, and didn't he see that even Heavenly Master and Tian Lao had gone? Why shouldn't he go?

The attitude of making a wish is clearly to bring everyone in the inspection team with him!

It's better to be knowledgeable yourself.

After one operation of making a wish, the entire supervision team was taken care of.

No, only Zhuge Qing.

"Make a wish, I'll go too, I'll go too, Bi Youlong and I will ask for leave."

Seeing that he was the only one left, Zhuge Qing was naturally unwilling to be lonely.

But Xu Yuan rejected him and said something that surprised him.

"No, you don't need to ask for leave. The company will probably send you there. You can just go with the people from the company. We will meet up when we get to Nathan Island."

"Ah? How do you know?"

Zhuge Qing was confused.

The person involved has not received the notice yet. How did Xu Wish know about it?

There is no need to explain the wish at all.

Because just when Xu Yuan finished speaking, Bi Youlong called Zhuge Qing.

It was the message that told him to pack his things and prepare to gather and head to Nason Island with the company's action team...

In fact, other people have been paying attention to the trends in the supervision team's group chat.

Such as Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Chulan.

When the two of them saw that even the old Heavenly Master and even Feng Zhenghao, the president of Tianxiahui, were dragged onto the pirate ship by Xu Wan, their expressions were a little dull.

Even Wang Zhenqiu, who was worried about the world being in chaos, felt a little numb at this time.

He felt that what Xuanyu was going to do this time might be bigger than he imagined!

Is it possible that Wish-making really wants to clear out all the other people on Nathan Island and become the master of Nathan Island?

Just thinking about that tragic situation made him feel numb.

How many people have to be killed!

Tsk, these foreigners are really unlucky this time!

But here at Xuanyuan, they don't care what others think.

Because he still has a group of people that he hasn't notified yet.

They are also the most suitable group of people for the Nathan Island battlefield.


There are bushes everywhere on Nathan Island, and with the Tang Sect’s garden, there is no more suitable environment for the Tang Sect to fight!

More importantly, there are not many good people among the original islanders on Nathan Island, let alone those foreigners.

Killer without holding back at all!

After Xu Yuan hung up the video conference, she called Tang Miaoxing, the former head of the Tang Sect and now the leader of the "volunteers."

He informed Tang Miaoxing of his plan to go to Nathan Island.

Tang Miaoxing agreed even faster than Wang Zhenqiu, who was afraid of chaos in the world!

He immediately agreed and expressed his willingness to bring all the "volunteer" members of the Tang Sect who had mastered the alchemy to go with him.

It can be seen from the expression of the old man Tang Miaoxing that he is very excited.

At this time, Tang Miaoxing felt that the most correct decision he had ever made in his life was to let Tang Clan rely on the company at his suggestion. No, to be precise, it relied on Make a Wish!

Originally, I made good friends and made a wish because I wanted to join the company, but now it seems that I have put the cart before the horse.

After all, there is no way the company can so openly notify Tang Men to participate in this "team building" that is simply tailor-made for Tang Men...

For some things, the company has to consider the impact, but temporary workers don't have to...

After Tang Miaoxing agreed, Xu Wan sent him the meeting place, and Tang Miaoxing said he would take his disciples to set off immediately.

So far, everyone in the inspection team has agreed to go to Nathan Island together.

Naturally, the meeting place decided by the wish cannot be the hotel.

After all, this place is under the nose of the company. Although Fatty Zhao has said that there will be no restrictions on the candidates that Wishing can summon, Wishing still feels a little guilty after thinking about how many people he has found.

There were dozens of people, and one person was even approaching.

And they are all top-notch combat forces. If they are really exposed, it will definitely cause a certain degree of commotion.

Moreover, there are so many people, except for the temporary workers who are now in the hotel, everyone else has rushed here from all over the world.

There is no way to unify the time.

Therefore, Wishes finally settled on an inconspicuous hotel on the beach.

According to his investigation, this hotel has been poorly run for many years and has never had any tourists. In addition, it is not in a major tourist attraction and is quite secretive.

Most importantly, it is not far from another wish-making destination - the Confucius Temple.

Qilu Province is known as the hometown of Confucius and Mencius. Now that we are here and there are still plenty of lottery opportunities, how can we not "check in"?

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