After trapping the shadow, Xu Wish handed over the scene to the other three people.

And he himself left the room to look for traces of the other party's true body.

If he remembered correctly, the identity of this attacker should be Larry, the assistant to the president of the Sons of the Earth!

Today at the banquet, when Fatty Zhao introduced everyone's identities to him, Xu Yuan paid attention to him intentionally.

As for whether it is him or not, all you have to do now is go to his room and take a look.

Of course, this shadow would not be willing to be captured like this.

Seeing Xu Yuan leaving the room to find his true body, the shadow swerved left and right, trying to rush out of the encirclement.

However, the remaining three people present had already activated the power of their respective skills to the maximum under the arrangement of the wish!

As long as it slightly touches the edge of the light, it will cause a violent tremor, and then it will be knocked back to its original position by the light of the three people's skills.

This means that the shadow has no vocal organs, otherwise his screams must have spread throughout the hotel at this time.

Under the constant collision of shadows, nothing was missed at all.

I have seen it in the original plot of Make a Wish. This shadow has the ability to burrow into the ground. As long as there is a gap in the ground, it can get out.

Therefore, I made a wish with the three of them from the beginning not to damage the ground...

Just as the shadows were trying to find a way out.

Xuanyuan also came to the hotel on the floor below him.

As the assistant to the leader of the force, Larry naturally does not enjoy the same treatment as the leader of the force.

For the insiders of the company, it is not difficult to know the specific room of the other party if they are willing.

Soon Wishful walked outside Larry's room door.

At this time, no sound could be heard in the room through the door.

But Xu Wish didn't hesitate at all and kicked Larry's door open!


With a dull sound, the hotel's door lock was instantly broken into sawdust everywhere!

In the face of foreigners' methods, this ordinary wooden door is simply not good enough.

As Xu Wish rushed into the room, the scene that appeared in front of him did not have any surprises.

Larry, the assistant to President Lilia of the Children of the Earth, was sitting cross-legged on his bed, looking like he was practicing luck.

But his expression didn't look like he was practicing at all!

He clenched his teeth, a look of pain on his face, and beads of sweat on his forehead.

It seems that as long as the shadow summoned through supernatural powers is damaged, it will also affect the main body.

It was no different from what he remembered, there was no doubt that the attacker was Larry!

Larry can be considered a tough guy. Even so, in order to prevent exposure and attract other people's attention, he was able to endure the pain and remain silent.

It's just a pity that he met the wish, and he was prepared for it.

He is doomed.

Xu Yuan did not say anything immediately, but picked up Larry and returned to his room.

False accusation, the most important thing is of course collusion!

When Xu Yuan carried Larry back to his room, Zhang Chulan, Zhang Lingyu and Wang Zhenqiu were still surrounding the shadow.

Seeing that Xu Yuan only went out for a moment, he came back with someone in his arms.

The three people present were a little surprised.

Did you find the true body so quickly?

But then the three of them were relieved when they thought that the person who did this was Xu Wishong.

It's not surprising that Xu Yuan does anything. They have been in contact with Xu Yuan for so long and have long been used to it.

But Larry's shadow, trapped among the three, was not so calm.

Seeing his body being pulled out by Xu Wan so quickly, he was visibly panicked!

Even the composition of the shadow fluctuated, as if it might dissipate at any time.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that the shadow was seriously injured under the constant impact just now.

Wishing to see this scene, he quickly said to the three of them.

"Okay, guys, let him out and leave the rest to me."

Zhang Chulan and the others didn't have any objections, and directly removed the light from the skills on their bodies.

Now that the main body has been brought here by Xu Wan, naturally he is not afraid of this guy running away.

The seriously injured shadow immediately returned to his true form after escaping the siege.

After another moment, Larry slowly opened his eyes under the gaze of the four people.

Larry's eyes were filled with despair.

He knows it very well.

No matter why "King Nathan" was able to see through his own methods and find out his true identity so quickly.

He is dead!

The crime of trying to assassinate King Nathan was enough to make him die a hundred times!

If King Nathan really wants to pursue the case, even if the president wants to protect himself, he can't!

To put it more seriously, it is no less than a signal for direct war between the Sons of the Earth and Nathan Island!

He was not afraid of death and had been prepared before taking action. What made him despair was his family.

He was coerced into attacking "King Nathan" because his family was kidnapped.

But it doesn't matter if he is going to die now. What's more important is that if he fails in the attack, his family will probably suffer because of it!

But at this point, Larry had absolutely nothing to do.

He doesn't know who kidnapped his family, and he can't even defeat King Nathan...

Larry closed his eyes in despair, quietly waiting for death to come.


It was beyond Larry's expectation.

The expected attack did not fall on him.

The voice of making a wish sounded in his ears, and the voice was particularly peaceful.

"Your name is Larry, right? I remember you. You are President Lilia's assistant. Don't worry, I have no intention of killing you."

Larry opened his eyes and looked at Xu Wish in disbelief.

Don't kill yourself? Is it possible that he still wants to let himself go?

Wishing smiled at the sight and continued to guide Larry.

"I don't think you are that kind of person. After all, the assistant to the president of Son of the Earth can be regarded as one person less than ten thousand people. We have no grudges in the past and today we have no grudges today. I think you must have had a compelling reason to attack me." …”

These words of making a wish are reasonable and well-founded.

But Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Chulan looked suspicious.

Before Larry attacked Wishing, Wishing called them over and arranged a "capture" plan.

Originally they thought Xuanyuan got some news from somewhere, but now it seems that this is not the case at all!

How did Xu Yuan know that someone would come to attack and kill him, and how did he know that the person who came to attack and kill him would be Larry...

Although they have become accustomed to unexpected wishes, there are still too many doubts surrounding their hearts.

Hmm... The honest man Zhang Lingyu still didn't notice anything was wrong.

On the other hand, Larry.

Listening to Wish's calm and persuasive tone, Larry, whose psychological defenses were already on the verge of collapse, suddenly lost control.

He looked helplessly at the four people present, and finally locked his gaze on Xu Yuan.

"Dear King, please help me. I was forced to take action against you..."

Larry Dangji told him about his family being kidnapped and forced to make a wish.

Of course, Larry doesn't know who the murderer who kidnapped his family is.

Xuanyuan had known about it for a long time, so it was no surprise.

The doubts in Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Chulan's hearts became deeper and deeper, and even the honest Zhang Lingyu gradually realized that something was wrong.

Make a wish...Already knew?

However, they did not interrupt Larry's plea for help.

In the midst of tears, Larry finished telling his story.

Xu Wan touched her chin, felt Larry's expectant gaze, and took over the conversation.

"Larry, I can indeed help you rescue your family, but I have a prerequisite. I need to find the real culprit behind this."

Larry's face, which had just shown hope, suddenly turned gray again.

"Dear King, I really don't know who is the real culprit behind the kidnapping of my family..."

"It doesn't matter. This matter is actually very easy to reason. The other party who coerced you to attack and kill me must have a grudge against me. But this is the first time I have left Nathan Island. As long as we deduce who has grudge against me, it will be wrong. Have the results been released?”

Make a wish and be kind to Larry.

"You mean..." Larry finally came to his senses and asked Xu Wish carefully and tentatively. "Director Ron from Behemoth?"

"Then I don't know. I only know that as long as you reveal the person behind it, I will definitely help you save your family and even save your life."

Xu Yuan shrugged and put forward his conditions tactfully.

Xu Wan actually knew very well in his heart that the instigator behind this attack was actually Nathaniel Elijah, and Elijah was just doing it for a show...

It has nothing to do with Behemoth or Ron.

But does the truth matter?

What matters is the truth that everyone wants to believe!

Now that they have decided to land on Nathan Island, Wishing and Behemoth will become enemies sooner or later.

In this case, there is no psychological burden when making a wish to throw dirty water. Although you cannot kill the opponent at once, you must seize every opportunity to weaken the opponent!

What's more, the two sides have already formed a grudge at today's dinner.

Throwing dirty water and taking the blame...

In fact, making a wish is a bit of talent, and Taoist Master Wang Yewang should have a deep understanding of this...

Larry looked a little confused.

He couldn't afford to offend "King Nathan", and he couldn't afford to offend Behemoth either.

He is just an ordinary assistant to the president.

However, now he must choose one of the teams.

If you offend Behemoth, he may cause trouble for you in the future.

But if he doesn't agree to "King Nathan's" conditions now, then he and his family will be completely hopeless now!

Finally, Larry gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Yes! It was Director Ron of Behemoth who ordered someone to kidnap my family and force me to attack you!"

Xuanyuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, Mr. Larry, don't worry, leave your family to me and I will help you rescue them."

After finishing speaking, Xu Yuan directly rang the alarm bell of the hotel, and then punched a big hole in the ground!

"Ring ring ring..."


The piercing alarm bell and the crash on the ground sounded at the same time!

In an instant, the whole hotel was completely awakened from its slumber!

Because this meeting involves foreign forces from many countries, security measures are naturally at the highest level.

Nadoutong Company never expected that someone would actually dare to take action during the meeting!

Especially when Zhao Fangxu heard from the earphones that the room where the alarm was reported was King Nathan's room, an unknown fire broke out.

His face instantly turned as dark as water!

This is simply a provocation to the company!

But he wasn't worried about King Nathan's safety.

Because during his previous phone call with Xu Yuan, he knew that the person living in that suite was not King Nathan, but Xu Yuan.

Will Make-A-Wish present safety issues?

Stop it!

Xu Wan has been doing so much in the foreign community in China recently, isn't he living a good life?

He even lost the reputation of a lost star...

When the staff of Nadutong Company and other powerful personnel heard the news, they rushed to "King Nathan"'s room.

Xu Wan had been sitting on the chair waiting for a long time, while Larry was tied up and thrown to the ground.

Almost everyone who rushed to the scene was gone.

Naturally, this also includes Ron of Behemoth and Nathaniel Elijah.

Xuyuan glanced at Elijah and found that the real murderer was really stable. There was no trace of panic on his face, but a calm expression.

As if it had nothing to do with him.

Making a wish did not expose the other party. Now we cannot expose Elijah. We must really advance the battle for the throne of Nathan Island!

His eyes only stayed on Elijah for a moment, and then moved to the faces of other people present.

Mainly Ron, the director of Behemoth.

Now that the protagonist has appeared on the stage, a false accusation drama is about to begin!

"Since everyone is here, let me briefly outline what happened. This guy tried to attack me and was subdued by me..."

Make a wish to tell the general story of what happened to everyone present.

Of course, the experiences he recounted were carefully polished by him.

As the main force in the battle, he was the only one, with no one else intervening.

And the trap he set up with the other three people in advance turned into a shadow that he accidentally turned over and saw the opponent attacking and killing him.

Larry has reviewed the script in advance. In order to save his family and gain a way out for himself, he will naturally not say anything to expose it.

Zhang Chulan and Wang Zhenqiu, who are also insiders, also possess powerful Houheixue cultivation.

Only the honest man Zhang Lingyu looked awkward.

Although this was not the first time he told lies with his eyes open, he still felt awkward.

Fortunately, everyone present was focused on Xu Yuan, and no one noticed the strangeness in his expression.

After wishing to tell everyone present according to the previous script, he then looked at Lilia, the president of the Council of Children of the Earth.

"President Lilia, if I remember correctly, Larry should be your person, your assistant. How do you think we should handle it?"

Lilia, who was in the crowd, rushed out with an angry look on her face. She slapped Larry directly on the face, knocking him backwards.

"Larry! It's useless for me to trust you so much and treat you so well. How could you do such a thing!"

The tall and round Lilia said with anger on her face.

Although she seemed to be merciless when she slapped Larry, at this time her body was blocking Larry's body intentionally or unintentionally.

Obviously, President Lilia still wants to keep Larry.

"President, I..." Larry's face was full of shame, but his eyes were also full of help, "I was forced! Someone kidnapped my family and forced me to attack King Nathan!"

As soon as Larry said this, there was an uproar!

Although the various alien forces present are in a competitive relationship.

When competition arises, it is natural to sometimes resort to evil tactics.

But those shady methods have never been brought to the table.

It goes without saying that you have taken advantage by such a shady method. Even if you suffer a loss, you can at most use the same shady method to get revenge.

Everyone is still friendly on the surface, leaving a little room for relaxation.

But now Larry has made this clear in front of so many people, which is to bring these shady methods to the table!

Once you see the light, you can no longer pretend to be confused about some things!

"Larry, you said someone kidnapped your family and forced you to attack King Nathan? Who did it? Tell me!"

President Lilia's expression gradually became fierce.

At the same time, Zhao Fangxu also stood up.

"Mr. Larry, you must tell me who is the mastermind behind this matter! Although it still depends on King Nathan's opinion on how to deal with you, it is within the jurisdiction of Nadutong Company to force you to attack King Nathan. There is no doubt that they are also challenging Nadutong Company, and we must have an explanation!"

Zhao Fangxu knew that "King Nathan" meant making wishes.

Based on his understanding of this little fox, the current situation was probably caused by this little fox!

Although he didn't know what Xuanyuan was doing, he felt that he could go with the flow.

The wisdom passed down by the ancestors of China is that only by muddying the water before encountering an emergency can you fish in troubled waters!

He was quite relieved about making a wish.

As for making a wish.

It is based on the script that was previously arranged with Larry.

"Mr. Larry, since you were forced, if you reveal the person behind the scenes, I won't suffer any substantial harm anyway, so I don't have to pursue this matter..."

Suddenly, President Lilia cast a grateful look at Wishing.

The other leaders of the alien forces present all stared at Larry closely.

No matter who is behind the scenes, we haven't yet determined why King Nathan came ashore this time. We have already established two enemies. I'm afraid it's going to be miserable!

Ron from Behemoth was also watching the fun.

Because he didn't do this, he didn't feel guilty at all and was completely unaware of the danger coming.

All he could think of now was gloating.

After all, "King Nathan" had just embarrassed himself at the dinner just now.

Sure enough, it's not his own problem, but that this "King Nathan" has made too many enemies and there are too many people who want him dead!

Just as Ron was gloating in his heart.

Larry's next words made him freeze on the spot.

Larry, who had just finished complaining, suddenly pointed in the direction of Ron.

"That's him, Ron, the director of Behemoth! He was the one who ordered people to kidnap my family!"

Ron:? ? ? ?


I just ate a melon, why did the melon suddenly get to me?

For God's sake!

I have never come into contact with this Larry before, but I only know that President Lilia has such an assistant!

But after being stunned for a moment, Ron suddenly woke up when he felt the thoughtful gazes of other leaders of the alien forces around him.


Coming for me!

This matter... is troublesome!

It is now known from the intelligence that the only one who has a grudge against King Nathan is himself, and Behemoth has always coveted Nathan Island, which is a tacit secret among these forces.

Whether public or private, I have enough reasons!

And he’s the one with the greatest suspicion!

Can't explain it at all!

Ron can sit on the board of directors, so he naturally understands the horror of the trap of self-proof. Whether he proves it or not, there is no way to prove it!

Just at this moment, Xu Yuan seemed to suddenly realize and gave him a stabbing blow.

"Director Ron, you have broken the rules. If you or Behemoth have any objections to me, you can come to me. Please let Mr. Larry's wife and daughter go. There is an old saying in China that no harm comes to the family. …”

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