"Since ancient times, Nathan Island has been HX territory..."

As soon as the wish came out, the entire banquet hall fell into a dead silence.

Even Wang Zhenqiu, who had just arrived at the banquet hall, was no exception.

Wang Zhenqiu also learned about "King Nathan's substitute" from Zhang Chulan.

You know, Xu Wish's current identity is "King Nathan"!

It’s okay to say anything as a person who makes a wish, because it cannot represent the position of Nathan Island.

But saying this as "King Nathan" is a big problem!

For those uninformed leaders of alien forces in other countries, it is tantamount to Nathan Island completely turning to HX!

It's okay for the other leaders of the alien forces. After all, they know very well that Nathan Island is very troublesome, and they don't covet it very much.

But it’s different for Behemoth’s Ron Keller.

His face is extremely ugly!

Because they, Behemoth, have been coveting Nason Island, especially Nason Island, the sacred tree that can transform ordinary people on the island into aliens!

If Nathan Island really turns to China, not to mention Behemoth's plan, he will not be able to explain it to the board of directors just when he returns to the company!

Regardless of whether it was the result of his words today, the board of directors will definitely put all the blame on him!

It's true that he is a director, but Behemoth is not his.

Ron looked at Zhao Fangxu with a gloomy expression and shifted the focus of his fire.

"Director Zhao, is this what you mean?"

Anyway, he doesn't dare to cause trouble to "King Nathan" now. Who knows what more terrifying remarks the other party will say if he provokes him again!

Sure enough, those who are violent are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of losing their lives.

Zhao Fangxu twitched his face twice.

He didn't expect Xu Wish to be so crazy...

But now he is being roasted on the fire!

Because according to the original agreement between Nathan Island and the political systems of various countries in the world, Nathan Island will always remain neutral.

Nadutong Company is not afraid of Behemoth, but the game between countries and forces is not a fight between two strangers who start fighting whenever they disagree. There are many things to consider.

What's more, Zhao Fangxu knew that making a wish was not the real King Nathan. He was just irritating Behemoth. Nathan Island should be left alone.

But if he dodges now, he can indeed avoid conflicts, but in the eyes of interested people, he will undoubtedly be afraid of Behemoth!

Just as Zhao Fangxu was trying to think of a way to deal with it, fortunately his old partner made a wish to understand his predicament and did not make it difficult for him.

"Ron, what's going on? If you want to fight, fight! Don't talk nonsense to others!"


Ron's face turned bitter.

Okay, okay, I've already diverted my attention, you still refuse to let me go, right?

You have to throw my face to the ground and then step on me hard?

Although Ron was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with this "King Nathan", he didn't dare to provoke him anymore, otherwise he couldn't guarantee what he would say if he made a wish.

He could only feel sulky and couldn't say these words for a long time.

Seeing Ron frustrated, Zhao Fangxu stepped forward to smooth things over with a smile on his face.

"King Nathan really loves to joke. I won't say it anymore. Please come here. Food and drinks have been prepared for the banquet..."

While he was talking, Zhao Fangxu had already brought the wish to the banquet aside, leaving only Ron standing there with an ugly expression.

Under the gazes of other force leaders present, Ron felt his face heat up.

Stealing the chicken is losing the rice!

In the end, it was Zhao Fangxu from the Huaxia Nandotong Company who he had been looking for trouble for, who came to the rescue for him. In this way, it became even more obvious that he was nothing!

As for the leaders of other forces.

The cooperation between this "King Nathan" and Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of Nadotong Company, is really too smooth.

It's hard not to wonder if the two of them had discussed in advance to embarrass Behemoth, otherwise they seemed like two old partners who had been working together for a long time...

But this time it happened that Ron was the one who personally went to get slapped in the face.

They can only understand that everything is a coincidence.

They couldn't confirm this.

The only thing that is certain is that this "King Nathan" is not someone to be trifled with, but a lunatic who goes crazy if he disagrees with him.

The most important thing is the other party’s position!

It seems to be closer to China!

The leaders of the forces present looked thoughtfully at the backs of "King Nathan" and Zhao Fangxu walking side by side...

Xu Yuan and Zhao Fangxu are here.

On the surface, it seems that Zhao Fangxu is introducing special Chinese food to "King Nathan".

In fact, the two of them were talking quietly.

"Make a wish, why did your boy become King Nathan's substitute? What on earth is King Nathan guarding against?"

Zhao Fangxu personally reached out and picked up a piece of pastry, smiled and handed it to Wishing, who had to perform the whole play.

"Enmm, it's not that I'm on guard for anything, it's just that King Nathan's current state has been beaten by us and he is not suitable for attending the banquet..."

Zhao Fangxu's hand holding the pastry suddenly shook, and the smile on his face was extremely stiff.

You... beat King Nathan?

He suddenly felt that it was an unwise decision to let these temporary workers come to help at this banquet!

These temporary workers at Make a Wish really dare to think and do what they do!

Beat up King Nathan, angrily attack Behemoth...

This is a posture that will provoke a world war in the alien world if they disagree!

Fortunately, Zhao Fangxu has a strong ability to accept.

His movements only froze for a moment, and then he recovered again.

He continued to smile and handed the cake in his hand to the wishing hand.

"Make a wish. From now on, you better not say any more nonsense to me!"

Regardless of the specific reason for beating King Nathan, since it has already happened, it is no longer helpful to blame Xu Wishong. It is better to try to avoid Xu Wishan making any shocking remarks again.

To be honest, not only Ron is afraid of making a wish now, but Zhao Fangxu is also afraid.

Facing Zhao Fangxu's warning, Xu Yuan nodded obediently without any intention of arguing.

In fact, even if Zhao Fangxu didn't say anything, he didn't plan to cause trouble again.

Because now the wish's attention is more focused on the light curtain in his sight.

[World compatibility: 67%]

[Number of draws: 15 times]

After he entered the banquet hall, the leaders of many alien forces present once again provided him with five points of world compatibility and five lottery opportunities.

Now this is just the beginning of Nathan's Island!

Even the battle for the throne of Nathan Island has not yet begun. From this, we can predict how much harvest we will have after landing on Nathan Island!

After making a wish, the "King Nathan" died out.

Ron, who was frustrated, would naturally not continue to ask for trouble.

However, after making a wish, the leaders of the alien forces present no longer had any doubts about his identity.

This is the confidence.

If this was not King Nathan, how could he have the confidence to dare to confront Behemoth's Ron?

Although disputes between aliens will not involve ordinary people, just like the world of ordinary people, the strength of this alien force with an official background also depends on the overall national strength!

After drinking and drinking, the first day's banquet finally came to an end.

According to the previously announced meeting procedures, the first day was just about introducing each other and getting familiar with the identities of the participants.

The real meeting will officially begin the next day.

Representatives of many forces had different ideas and took their people back to the hotel rooms arranged for them by Nadutong.

Making a Wish was no exception. He took Elijah and Elena back to "King Nathan"'s room.

It was not easy for Zhao Fangxu to come to make a wish in full view of the public.

Therefore, when Xu Wish returned to the room, he and the two Nathan Guards were the only ones left in the room.


Elijah stared at the wish in silence.

Elena stood aside, waiting for Elijah's instructions.

Although there are no superiors and subordinates in the Nathan Guard, because most of the external affairs of Nathan Island are usually handled by Elijah, when they and the Nathan Guards are outside, King Nathan is listening to Nathan. King Nathan listened to Elijah while King Nathan was away.

Elijah stared at the wish and was speechless for a long time.

The series of actions that Wishing took after entering the banquet as "King Nathan" today completely exceeded his previous expectations.

Especially regarding Behemoth's direct declaration of challenge...

If it was said that Elijah didn't want the wish to get involved in the Nathan Island thing because of his own plan.

So now he is purely looking at Nathan Wei's perspective and doesn't want Wishing to have anything to do with Nathan Island!

This guy who makes a wish is so crazy!

There is no way to guess what he can do!

With how crazy this guy is, even Nathan Island may not be able to handle it!

"Make a wish. You and Wang's identities should be changed back tomorrow. I will ask Wang to explain it to Ron in Behemoth."

Xu Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

"It's okay to change your identity, but do you think it's necessary to explain to the people in Behemoth?"


"You should know that Behemoth has always been eyeing Nathan Island, right? Do you think that once the explanation is clear, Behemoth will let Nathan Island go? Or do you think that King Nathan did not consider it when he asked me to be her substitute? These?"

The words of the wish made Elijah deep in thought.

After a long moment of silence, Elijah spoke again, asking vaguely about the wish.

"what is your purpose?"

Elijah always felt as if he knew something when he made a wish.

But this is completely impossible!

Because for the sake of safety, only he knew his plan, and he never mentioned it to anyone.

He executed the entire plan personally, and even broke the golden branches of the sacred tree himself!

Wishing shrugged.

"At least it doesn't conflict with your purpose now. I'm just unhappy with those world policemen in Behemoth."

As for Wishing, if he had to choose between Nathan Island and Behemoth, he would prefer Nathan Island.

However, the battle for the throne of Nathan Island must continue!

Otherwise, he would have no reason to bring anyone to the island!

The two of them were having a conversation as if they were doing Tai Chi, but Elena heard nothing strange at all.

After hearing what Xu wish said, in order to prevent Elena from becoming suspicious, Elijah couldn't say anything more, so he changed the subject.

"Okay, make a wish. Your current identity is King Nathan, and you can temporarily exercise King Nathan's rights. Is there anything we can do for you?"

Make a wish and think about it.

"Then help me kill Ron. I don't like that bastard."


"Except this."

"Then let Elena sleep with you?"


Elijah figured it out. This guy made the wish on purpose.

After Elijah left with Elena, Xu Yuan took out his cell phone and called Zhao Fangxu.

The call went on for a long time before it was connected. It seemed that Zhao Fangxu had not returned to his room yet.

"Hello? Make a wish?"

"Hey, Director Zhao, it's me. I'm calling to tell you about King Nathan..."

At that moment, Xu Yuan directly told Zhao Fangxu about King Nathan's replacement plan.

Fatty Zhao is kind to him, so he can't be cheated.

But it’s limited to the substitute plan.

Just when Xu Yuan was on the phone with Fatty Zhao.

Elijah and Elena, who were guarding the door, were also having a conversation.

"Elijah, is there really no security issue when making a wish?" Elena said with some worry, "He is now assuming the identity of the king, and I feel that someone may be unfavorable to the king..."

Elijah twitched his lips when he heard Elena's worry.

He lit a cigarette for himself and exhaled slowly.

"Worried about this guy's safety? Stop making trouble. If we continue to stay here, I'm afraid it's not us protecting his safety, but him protecting ours."

Elijah did not forget to wish for that terrifying fighting power.

After he left the Twenty-fourth Tongtian Valley for the last time, he carefully thought about the scene of the battle between the two sides.

He came to a terrifying guess!

You shouldn’t have used all your strength to make a wish!

If Xu Wish didn't have such terrifying combat power, he wouldn't have such a headache now.

Elena was noncommittal about Elijah's words.

After all, from beginning to end, they all learned about the wishing power from Elijah's mouth.

There will always be doubts about things that have not been witnessed with one's own eyes.

But it didn't matter, she would see it with her own eyes soon.

In the end, Elena and Elijah honestly left the door of the room where they made the wish.

The two of them avoided all sight along the way and went to find the real King Nathan.

The real King Nathan has quietly checked into the hotel...

Xu Yuan briefly told Fatty Zhao about the substitute.

Fatty Zhao happened to have a representative from another country's foreign force come to see him, and the two parties hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xu stood at the window and touched his chin.

If I remember correctly, there should be a guy with shadow powers coming next to assassinate me, "King Nathan"...


It's really not difficult to do, Samadhi True Fire is designed to defeat such evil spirits.

But he didn't plan to kill the opponent directly, but planned to use the guy with the shadow power to do other things...

For example, framing...

"Dongchang" and "Jinyiwei" can be considered professional counterparts.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuan took out her phone and called Zhang Chulan, Zhang Lingyu and Wang Zhenqiu respectively.

Not long after the three calls were made.

The three of them came to the wishing room from their respective rooms.

"Make a wish, you just said on the phone that you had something interesting to say, so I came here!"

As soon as Wang Zhenqiu entered the room, he shouted to Xu Yuan.

Today, he witnessed with his own eyes how the wish made Ron of Behemoth speechless.

So exciting!

He was so envious.

As expected of Zhenqiu, the Cancer King of the Southwest, this kind of thing that others avoid has become an enviable experience for him!

Compared to Wang Zhenqiu's excitement, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu, the uncle and nephew, were much calmer.

"Wish, why are you asking us to come here so urgently? It's better not to mess around now..."

Xuanyuan shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'm not messing around, but I need your help..."

After Xu Yuan told them his plan, the three of them had weird faces.

But in the end, the three of them decided to go crazy with Xuanyuan!

The three of them lived in the wishing rooms and waited quietly for the night prey to appear.

Fortunately, the hotel room arranged by the company for "King Nathan" was a suite of the highest standards.

Otherwise, there really wouldn’t be room for so many people.

time flies.

When the time came to midnight, the wishing room fell into silence and darkness.

Only the moonlight outside the window spilled into the room through the window screen.

Suddenly, the shadow area on the ground moved.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow started to move as if it had life!

The shadow gradually formed a human figure, and then a pair of eyes slowly opened in the shadow!

The shadow moved silently on the ground. Finally, when the shadow came to the bed in the master bedroom of the suite, it first saw the wish lying on the bed.

There was a hint of coldness in the shadow's eyes, mixed with joy at the same time.

I didn’t expect to find the target person so easily!

Shadow didn't think much, he raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed the wish in the throat!

What he is most anxious about right now is to kill Xu Wish and then save his family. His family has been captured by the mysterious person behind the scenes!

However, when the dagger in the shadow's hand just pierced the wish from a high place.

The whole body of Xu Yuan was suddenly erupted with a strong samadhi true fire!

The true fire of samadhi is designed to defeat evil spirits, and the human-shaped shadow is instantly melted like snowflakes meeting the sun!

Fortunately, the person controlling the shadow behind the scenes was flexible and evaded in time when the situation was bad, so the shadow was not completely melted away!

Shadow watched in horror as Xu Yuan got up from the bed. His whole body had been put on a strange red armor, and there were large expanses of orange-red flames.

These flames cause no damage to anything in the room and are as harmless as the 3D projection.

But it just gave the shadows a strong and fatal sense of threat!

As long as he touches it a little, he will be completely melted!

What kind of weird flame does this King Nathan control?

This is not the end.

Just as the humanoid shadow was filled with horror, three more luminous bodies collapsed from various corners of the suite!

Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu are dressed in golden light.

What these two people used was Longhu Mountain’s special skill, the Golden Light Curse. The Golden Light Curse is a manifestation of the user’s own life cultivation, and it is also designed to defeat evil spirits!

Wang Zhenqiu, who is also covered in strange flames...

The four people surrounded the shadows, making it impossible for the shadows to find a way to escape!

The manipulator behind the humanoid shadow was dumbfounded.

Little did he know that he was being ambushed, and that the other four people were completely restrained in their abilities.

Now it's his turn to ride the tiger!

Although his shadow magic works extremely secretly and silently.

But there are also limitations.

This humanoid shadow was transformed from his own shadow. If he wanted to cancel this method, he had to take his own shadow back into his body.

Now his shadow is unable to even escape when surrounded by four people, let alone recover its body.

The humanoid shadow took a look at the situation.

He felt that the manpower deployed by the other party was actually a bit excessive, because there was no need for four people. According to the intensity of the four people's light, three people were enough to prevent him from escaping.

But the next second, his idea came true!

Xu wish smiled at the other three people present.

"Guys, you watch him here while I go find his true form..."

If you want to frame someone, you need a false accuser!

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