Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 182 It’s all a coincidence, I swear on Wang Zhenqiu’s sexual orientation!

"There is an old saying in China, which is..."

Sister Baoer, who had been watching the excitement from the side, suddenly had a twitch in her head and began to imitate an accent full of cherry blossoms.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero?"

Make a wish:…

"It won't bring harm to the family!" Xu Yuan rolled his eyes at Sister Baoer angrily.

Don't mess with your accent!

After a while of studying, it’s time to grow a beard!

At the moment, no one present was in the mood to care about the eye-rolling between Xuyuan and Feng Baobao. Everyone's attention was focused on Ron, the director of Behemoth.

Except for the Buddhist sword Ishikawa family from the island country.

Nobu Ishikawa:……

Although there is nothing wrong with the accent, it always feels like this stupid-looking girl is mocking them...

None of the leaders of the alien forces present are fools.

They are all human beings.

They really don't know whether the real culprits behind the kidnapping of Larry's family are Behemoth and Ron.

But they know that as soon as they make a wish.

Regardless of whether it was Ron who instigated it or not, now that he made a wish.

It wasn’t him who did it, but it was him who did it.

The yellow mud falls off the crotch, it’s not just shit, it’s shit!

The safe appearance of Larry's family again could be interpreted as Ron's guilty conscience, and he released the hostages.

If Larry's family used this completely, it could also explain Ron's murder and silence.

Ron couldn't help it.

Even if he brings Larry's family out now, it will only further prove that he is the mastermind behind the scenes.

Ron, who was caught off guard, looked confused.

Although he also knows that their Behemoths are usually quite annoying and have done a lot of annoying things, but...

It really wasn't them who kidnapped Larry's family and forced Larry to assassinate King Nathan!

Zhao Fangxu actually didn't believe that Ron would do such an insane thing.

Even if Behemoth and Ron were usually annoying, they would never attack King Nathan at this time.

Because once something happens to King Nathan, the first person to be suspected is Behemoth, who has always coveted Nathan Island!


Just like the false accusation plan made before making a wish.

What is the truth and does it matter?

What matters is what everyone is willing to believe, and what matters is causing trouble for Behemoth now!

If it can cause other forces to attack Behemoth, that would be even better.

If not, it would be nice to add some trouble to Behemoth.

So Zhao Fangxu also looked at Ron with a gloomy face and said gloomily.

"Mr. Ron, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation. Now you and King Nathan are our guests. If something happens to our guests, it will slap our company in the face!"

Ron was also a smart man. After recovering from his sluggishness, he quickly realized this.

Facing the suspicious looks of others present, although he couldn't explain it, the other party also had no evidence!

"I didn't do it! This is slander!"

However, Ron's defense was weak and completely unconvincing.

Although other forces have been unhappy with Ron of Behemoth for a long time, just like Ron thought, there is no substantial evidence!

Behemoth is not one of those small forces with no foundation. If you want to move Behemoth, you must firmly resolve the problem!

But now it’s unjustifiable for them to do nothing...

Just when the atmosphere on the field was gradually becoming stagnant.

King Nathan, who had been hiding his identity among the crowd - the real King Nathan finally spoke to break the gradually stagnant atmosphere.

This also prevents the situation from getting worse before the meeting officially begins.

"Of course, everyone, this is just a guess. No matter who here kidnapped Mr. Larry's family, I think it's best to release Mr. Larry's family as soon as possible. At least there is still one point in his wish that was not wrong. It will not bring disaster. family……"

As the words rang out, the real King Nathan slowly walked out from behind the crowd.

Appearing with her are Alfonso and Joaquina as Nathaniel.

At this time, the injuries on King Nathan's face had completely healed, and nothing unusual could be seen.

In fact, it was the first time after arriving at the hotel quietly yesterday.

King Nathan healed the injuries on his face through Alfonso's light magic.

Although magic is a method of supernatural power, compared with refining, it has various shortcomings, such as strengthening its own system...

However, the power of magic alone is not weak. What the crispy mage said is that his body is weak, not that it is weak.

What's more, King Nathan originally only suffered some superficial injuries.

After healing his own injuries, King Nathan did not immediately change back to his identity, but continued to watch the wish-making operation.

Every move she made when she made a wish was known to her through various information channels, starting from the verbal dispute with Director Ron of Behemoth in the banquet hall...

But now, Behemoth was finally cornered by the wish.

King Nathan was also very dissatisfied with Behemoth. She naturally knew clearly that Behemoth had always coveted Nathan Island.

Even so, there can be no more trouble at the moment.

There are more important things to do—announce the battle for the throne of Nathan Island!

As King Nathan's voice sounded, he stood up.

The other leaders of the alien forces present all looked at her inexplicably.

Who is this person?

Since he was accompanied by two guards, he must not be an ordinary person.

But why was there no impression of this person at today's dinner?

And who is the wish she made?

Seeing that King Nathan stood up on his own, Wish Wish could not continue to pretend.

Although it was fun to cause trouble for Behemoth, business was undoubtedly more important.

"Everyone, let me tell you a piece of news. This is the real King Nathan, and I am the wish she made. I am temporarily invited to be King Nathan's refresher and a temporary worker at the Nadutong Company..."

Xu Wan glanced at Ron with a smile, and then explained to the leaders of the alien forces present.

After hearing the explanation of the wish, the expressions on the faces of all the alien force leaders present gradually became more exciting.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether I was angry or surprised.


As leaders of alien forces with official backgrounds from various countries, they should be angry after being deceived in this way.


Then again.

Make a Wish was invited by King Nathan to be a substitute.

Moreover, facts have also proved that King Nathan's "substitute" is not without purpose.

The assassination incident that happened now can prove King Nathan's foresight.

All the leaders of the alien forces present felt a sense of depression at the expense of being dumb.

Especially Ron, who has been deliberately targeted by Wishes...

He looked even more confused.


For half a day, the person facing me was not King Nathan at all?

It all made sense.

From the beginning of the banquet, the other party said something. The official language of Nason Island is Chinese. Nason Island has been... since ancient times...

I am the one who is being treated like a monkey!

So your name is Make a Wish?

I remember you!

Ron looked at Xu Wish with fierce eyes.

But it’s a pity, if looks can kill, then why practice?

Xuanyuan simply turned a blind eye to his fierce eyes, and even had the mood to raise an eyebrow at him.

how? Bite me?

In any case, after such an incident, the temporary worker of Nadutong Company made a wish. This name was completely remembered by the leaders of the major alien forces present!

As for Larry, who was tied to the ground, he was also confused.


Make a wish? Temporary workers at Nadutong Company?

Wasn’t the one he assassinated King Nathan at all?

This guy simply deceived the whole world!

But this is not important. In his heart, what is more important now is whether Make-A-Wish will keep its promise to him and save his family!

Fortunately, Larry didn't worry for too long.

After Wishing and King Nathan explained their true identities, King Nathan finally looked at him.

"Mr. Larry, I believe you were forced, but I think the behind-the-scenes instigator is Director Ron of Behemoth, which still needs to be discussed." King Nathan paused, "Without actual evidence, Under the premise, I can't confirm whether someone pretended to be Behemoth and kidnapped your family."

"Of course, I am still willing to respect Mr. Wishing's handling of the matter. Since you have revealed what you know about the real culprit behind the scenes, I will not pursue your case."

Hearing this, everyone present was a little stunned.

Even Nathan Wei is no exception.

Just forget about the assassination of King Nathan?

Not to mention that the assassin was the leader of an alien force, a king.

Even if the assassination was an ordinary person, the other party would definitely not let it go like this!

The only thing that could cause King Nathan to make such a decision is one...

Everyone present turned their attention to Xu Yuan.

This is called a temporary worker who makes a wish.

This guy... is not simple!

No matter what everyone present was thinking, as the real King Nathan came forward, the matter ended in an unclear way.

Naturally, there is no objection to making a wish.

He knew it very well.

Not to mention that he colluded with Larry to throw dirty water on Ron, the director of Behemoth.

Even if the real culprit behind the scenes is really Ron, if there is substantial evidence, nothing can be done to him.

After all, it is a force with an official background, unless it really wants to cause a large-scale war.

Now that it has caused so much embarrassment to the other party, and it will also have an impact on Behemoth's reputation in the future, the harvest has far exceeded the plan.

However, as an honest and trustworthy young man in the new era, Xu Wish said to Elijah seemingly unintentionally before Larry was taken away by President Lilia.

"Although the identity is false, the rules of the world are true and no harm will come to the family. Are you right, Elijah?"

Elijah's expression froze.

He never expected that Xuanyuan would ask him.

Make a wish to know that it was Larry's family that he kidnapped?

Fortunately, Elijah's face had always been stiff, so no one noticed anything unusual.

He nodded expressionlessly.

Regardless of whether Xu Wan knew it was him or not, he had already decided to let Larry's family go.

Originally, he was not a murderous person.

Moreover, kidnapping Larry's family and coercing them to assassinate King Nathan was originally just a step to move the scope of the man who broke the golden branch outside Nathan Island.

There was no way he could let Larry succeed in his assassination!

Originally, according to the plan, he and Alfonso should be guarding the door of "King Nathan" tonight...

Seeing Elijah nodding, Xu Yuan showed a satisfied smile.

Keep your word!

If you say you want to kill, well, if you say you want to save your whole family, then you must save your whole family.

Since Elijah promised to let Larry's family go.

Naturally, Larry didn't know the secret.

All he can do now is hope that Wish can keep his promise and help him save his family.

As Larry was carried away by the angry-looking President Lilia, the other leaders of the alien forces present also dispersed.

Even Fatty Zhao was no exception and left King Nathan's room.

It's still midnight break time, and we can wait until the meeting is officially held tomorrow to discuss anything else.

At least that's what it looks like on the surface. As for whether the leaders of the alien forces will investigate the wishes of the temporary workers of Miadutong Company after they return to their respective rooms, it is unknown.

Making a wish was left in the room by King Nathan.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that he and King Nathan planned to have a beautiful and romantic night, the four Nathan Guards also stayed in the room.

"Make a wish, thank you."

King Nathan smiled and looked at Wishing with admiration.

Xuanyuan shrugged and looked at King Nathan curiously.

"I offended Behemoth quite a lot despite your identity. You don't blame me?"

"Of course I don't blame you. Even without this incident, would Behemoth let Nathan Island go?" King Nathan seemed to think of something when he said this, and sneered, "However, I will keep you here, that is I want to tell you something..."

Next, King Nathan was surprisingly candid.

She actually directly told Xu Wish everything about the battle for the throne of Nathan Island, including her plan to announce the news to the outside world at a formal meeting tomorrow...

Although Xu Wan already knew about this, he was still a little surprised when King Nathan mentioned it to him in advance.

This behavior meant that King Nathan had enough trust in him!

It's just a pity...

Wishful glanced at Elijah from the corner of his eye.

He had a reason to land on the island, so he could only betray King Nathan's trust for the time being.

Nason Island does not allow outsiders to enter on weekdays. Only when a battle for the throne occurs, can one have the opportunity to land on the island.

After I land on Nathan Island, I might be able to help a bunch more King Nathan...

Those jackals, tigers and leopards...

Since you dare to set foot on this battlefield, then just be prepared to risk your life here!

"Then what you mean is that you want me to prevent other alien forces from landing on the island?" Xu Yuan shook his head, "Sorry, I can't do that. I'm just an ordinary temporary worker."


King Nathan also shook his head.

"I just hope that you can come to Nason Island by then and help the people of Nason Island to the best of your ability."

King Nathan looked at Xu Wish with sincere eyes.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Xuanyuan also nodded without saying too much nonsense.

Although there is no benefit, I can't afford to be early, but I don't mind if it's something convenient.

At least, compared to Behemoth, he didn't hate King Nathan.

Moreover, now, he has enough reasons to go to Nathan Island!

Compared with other people who landed on the island "illegally", he was invited to the island by King Nathan!

After a brief conversation, Xu Yuan left King Nathan's room.

After making a wish and leaving, King Nathan also waved four Nathan guards to exit the room and guard the door.

As for herself, she stood in front of the window, looking at the pitch black outside the window in a daze.

Although she, King Nathan, was chosen by the sacred tree from the children born on the island.

However, since the sacred tree can choose her, she is certainly not a fool.

Even with the blessing of the sacred tree, her mental level is far beyond that of her peers, especially her judgment of the situation.

Although she has never left Nason Island, she has always been aware of the outside world's coveting of Nason Island.

Especially Behemoth, they have always hoped to have a stable method to create an army of superpowers.

They have been coveting the sacred tree...

Moreover, she had long sensed that the people who started the fight for the throne this time were insiders of Nathan Island, and might even be among the Nathan Guards!

Although she didn't know who it was, but with the tight defense around the sacred tree, it was absolutely impossible to be someone from outside the island!

As for why the news of the battle for the throne should be announced to the outside world...

On the one hand, it is because of the agreements made by the ancestors of Nathan Island and various political systems.

On the other hand, she also wanted to use the power of other forces to check and balance Behemoth.

Nason Island…

It's already going downhill!

There is no way to confront Behemoth head-on.

King Nathan knew this very well.

In fact, at first, she only felt that the ability to make a wish was far beyond that of other people through Elijah's narration.

But from last night to today's observation, she was sure that Wish was worthy of trust, especially Ron, who used the identity of "King Nathan" to fight against Behemoth. He was brave and resourceful and took advantage of the rules to the extreme.

To be honest, if she were asked to do it, she might not have the confidence to do it as she made her wish.

King Nathan looked at the dark night sky quietly, his eyes a little lost.

Is Wishes Really just a temporary worker at Wishing Anywhere Company...

Of course, Xu Wish didn't know what King Nathan was thinking about him.

After he left King Nasen's room, he went straight back to his own room.

But when he opened the door, he was a little stunned.

Because his room was packed with several people sitting there.

Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Lingyu.

Seeing that Xu Yuan was back, Wang Zhenqiu stood up and looked at Xu Yuan up and down, making strange noises from his mouth.

Zhang Chulan also kept looking at him.

Xu Wishan felt a little uncomfortable being looked at and curled her lips.

"What? You guys are up late at night, fencing here?"

Wang Zhenqiu, Zhang Chulan:...

Especially Wang Zhenqiu, who comes from CD City in the Land of Abundance, so he is naturally familiar with the meaning of fencing.

Feng Baobao scratched his head, elbowed Zhang Chulan beside him, and asked in a low voice.

"Zhang Chulan, what does fencing mean?"

Although Feng Baobao's voice was low, it was unusually quiet in the room at this time, so it was naturally heard clearly by others.

Zhang Chulan's face darkened.

"Sister Bao'er, don't listen to this guy's nonsense."

However, the honest man Zhang Lingyu was more direct. He stood up, walked to Xu Yuan, looked at Xu Yuan with suspicious eyes and asked.

"Make a wish, that Larry's family was really not kidnapped by you?"

This time it was Xu Wan's turn to look dark.

"Is Larry a foreigner?"


"Have I ever been abroad?"


"Then how do I kidnap his family?" Xu Yuan spread his hands, "Master Lingyu, I didn't expect you to have such a rich imagination."

Zhang Lingyu showed hesitation and continued to speak truthfully.

"Then how did you know in advance that someone was going to attack you, and how did you know that the attacker would be Larry?"

Xu Yuan blinked and told lies with his eyes open.

"Coincidence, everything is a coincidence, I can swear by Qiu'er's sexual orientation..."

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