Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 179 It’s broken, I’ve really turned into a clown!

"It's not her, it's you who makes a wish."

After hearing what King Nathan said, everyone present was stunned.


Make a wish and slowly make a question mark.

This is wrong, that’s not how the script was written!

According to the script, shouldn't King Nathan be looking for Feng Baobao to be his substitute?

Co-author: Was it me you were eyeing in the first place?

Elijah also had questions on his face.

He naturally knew what was going on in the battle for the throne of Nathan Island, or in other words, he was the one who broke the golden branch of the sacred tree in the battle for the throne!

Similarly, among the people on Nathan Island, he is the one who knows the best about making wishes.

After all, he had fought against Xu Yuan in Tongtian Valley on the 24th Festival, and he had also "survived" from Xu Yuan's hands!

He knows the power of making a wish!

Originally, according to Elijah's plan, King Nathan would announce the battle for the throne to all the countries in the world.

Then they returned to Nathan Island, and at most they attracted Behemoth from the beautiful country to land on the island...

He has already planned countermeasures in advance for anyone who might land on the island.

Now suddenly it involves such an unexpected combat power as Xu Yuan!

This caught Elijah off guard.

He couldn't figure out the reason why King Nathan suddenly asked Xu Wan to be his substitute.

Even for Nathan Guards like Joaquina, whose abilities are incomprehensible, Elijah can use her trust in her companions to stab the opponent in the back first!

But to be honest, judging from the last time he fought against Xu Wish, he still had little chance of winning against Xu Wish.

He had no chance to backstab him and make a wish!

This is still under the premise that Elijah does not know the speed of the wish's growth...

No matter what Elijah thought, it had no influence on the current King Nathan.

"So, Wishing, what do you think of my proposal?" King Nathan, who was bruised and swollen, smiled at Wishing. "If you agree, I will pretend that what happened today never happened."

Xu Yuan also fell into deep thought after being stunned.

After careful consideration, I finally decided to agree to the wish.

He was not afraid that King Nathan would "complain" to Zhao Fangxu.

For one thing, King Nathan is not that kind of person.

On the other hand, in the final analysis, this matter was caused by the inappropriate behavior of King Nathan and others, which caused their misunderstanding.

The reason why Xuanyuan agreed to be King Nathan's substitute for the time being was because it would be of no harm to him.

He can also take this opportunity to prepare in advance for his trip to Nathan Island.

As for the issue of identity exposure, appearing in the sight of alien forces in other countries...

Anyway, after he goes to Nason Island, he will be noticed by those forces. It's just a little earlier now.

"Okay, I agree." Xu Yuan nodded to King Nathan.

A smile suddenly appeared on King Nathan's bruised and swollen face.

"Okay, keep your word, then this matter is over."

Although the other Nathan Guards felt that their king was offended, they thundered and rained heavily.

But they haven't forgotten who they are.

They are just Nathan Guards, and the king is the decision-maker.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Xiao Zizai shook his head with regret.

It seems that we can’t start eating again…

After some simple dressing up, I made a wish and successfully transformed into "King Nathan".

King Nathan took only two Nathan guards who did not appear often to the hotel arranged for him by the company.

Wishing will take the other two Nathan Guards to the venue to attend the meeting.

Alfonso and Joaquina, two Nason guards who did not appear often, were taken away by King Nason.

The ones who made the wish were the two Nason guards, Elijah and Elena, who often appeared.

Needless to say, Elijah often enters countries around the world illegally, collecting bounty missions to earn money for King Nathan to support his family. He has long been an "acquaintance" in the intelligence of alien forces in various countries.

And Nathan Wei Elena...

He is responsible for using beauty to publicize foreign forces from various countries or to exchange for supplies for Nathan Island...

There is no evaluation of her behavior, but having these two people by her side is enough to prove the identity of the "King Nathan" who made a wish.

However, after arranging these preparations, when Wishing was about to separate from King Nathan, another problem was discovered.


There is only one.

This is the same car that the company used to send three people to make a wish.

As for the luxury business car that King Nathan was riding in, it was completely scrapped long ago under the attack of Xu Yuan and Feng Baobao!

"King Nathan" Wishing and King Nathan obviously cannot appear at the venue at the same time.

"Then just let me take people over. You take Elijah and Elena to the venue first."

King Nathan took the initiative and said.

Since King Nathan himself said so, he naturally had no objection to making a wish.

But it did make him feel better about King Nathan.

Although King Nathan was suspected of cheating just now, he is still a good person, at least he doesn't have any nonsense!

Xuanyuan took Elijah and Elena into the car and went straight to the venue.

Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao were the first to take a shorter mountain road to the venue.

On the way to the venue, Elijah was still driving, and Elena sat in the passenger seat.

As "King Nathan", Wishing sits in the boss's seat in the back seat.

Making a wish was not very familiar to Irina, but it was very familiar to Elijah.

As Elijah was driving, he kept glancing at the seat cover of the rear seat in the rearview mirror with deep eyes.

Xuanyuan also noticed his gaze.

"Elijah, long time no see." Xu Yuan took the initiative to break the silence with a smile.

"Make a wish, I didn't expect that you would be used as a substitute by the king." When he said this, Elijah paused and said with a hint of meaning, "But the substitute is just a substitute. The water on Nathan Island is very deep. You can be sure Can’t live.”

Xu Yuan almost laughed out loud after hearing this.

Water depth? I can't grasp it?

I wouldn’t go if the water wasn’t deep!

After the news of the battle for the throne is announced, alien forces from all over the world will land on the island!

It’s simply the best choice to gain world compatibility!

It is even possible that the harvest will not be weaker than Tianshi Mansion!

"Who knows what will happen in the future?" Xu Yuan shrugged, "We'll talk about the future later."

Seeing that Xu Wish had said this, Elijah couldn't say anything else. He just looked at Xu Wish meaningfully in the rearview mirror again.

Once Wish gets involved in the battle for the throne and chooses to side with the current King Nathan, there will probably be a lot of twists and turns!

Even his plans will die!

It seems that I have to make more preparations in advance!

The hotel chosen for the venue is located on a hill.

Before King Nathan arrived, all alien forces from other countries were already in place.

At this time, Zhao Fangxu had become the official representative of the alien forces in China and was among the many representatives of the alien forces present.

Although Zhao Fangxu's strength and means are average, he can handle the relationship with these forces from other countries with ease.

Even in the face of the verbal provocation from Behemoth Director Ron Keller, he was able to avoid being at a disadvantage in the verbal exchange without intensifying the conflict.

At this time, an island native with slicked back hair was standing in front of Zhao Fangxu.

It is none other than Nobu Ishikawa, the head of the island nation’s Buddhist sword Ishikawa-ryu!

"Director Zhao, I am deeply sorry for the previous misunderstanding between our country and your country..."

Zhao Fangxu's eyes turned cold when he heard Ishikawa Shin's words in front of him.


Zhao Fangxu snorted coldly and interrupted Ishikawa Shin's words.

"Whether there is a misunderstanding between the two countries is not something you and I can determine."

"But President Ishikawa, when you found me alone at the banquet this time, I don't think it was just for some bullshit misunderstanding, right?"

Although Ishikawa Nobu encountered a problem with Zhao Fangxu, he still wanted to ask for help from others and did not like to confront others head-on.

He could only sneer.

"Haha, Mr. Zhao has a sharp eye. This time I came to bother Mr. Zhao because of the matter of Yaodao Zhiwan..."

Zhao Fangxu nodded.

"President Ishikawa, Youdao Hirumaru and Majin have disappeared for several years. I can understand your feelings, but this is our land. If your Ishikawa family has any purpose, it must be accomplished through us. If we really If you covet Hirudo Pills, I can guarantee that you will never be able to see that demon sword..."

When Zhao Fangxu said that this is our land, he emphasized his tone, which was obviously in response to the "misunderstanding" just mentioned by Nobu Ishikawa!

Speaking of the grievances between the demon sword Hirumaru and the Buddhist sword Ishikawa Ryu, it goes back hundreds of years.

But that has nothing to do with Zhao Fangxu. He only needs to know that Yaodao Hirumaru was lost when the island nation invaded this land, and that it was the hostility between Buddha Sword Ishikawa Ryu and Yaoda Hirumaru.

If it weren't for this, given the long-cherished wish between the island country and China, he wouldn't even bother to say a word to each other.

Seeing Zhao Fangxu's speaking attitude, Ishikawa Nobu couldn't say much, so he could only bend down and thank him.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Mr. Zhao. I understand the rules of China."

This expression clearly shows the two completely opposite attitudes of the islanders, who are arrogant and respectful when facing the strong and the weak.

Just when Zhao Fangxu was scheming with the leaders of many participating forces.

He subconsciously glanced at the watch on his wrist, feeling a little uneasy.

Because if according to the time set by the previous communication with King Nathan, King Nathan should have arrived at the venue soon.

But so far, he has not received any news about King Nathan.

Although Zhao Fangxu did not think that something would happen to King Nathan, the leader of the alien island, after all, this meeting involved many countries, and China was the host to make the arrangements. Any oversight may cause contempt from the leaders of the alien forces in other countries. .

He couldn't help but be careless.

Just when Zhao Fangxu was feeling uneasy.

The door to the banquet hall was pushed open.

The ones who opened the door were Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.

The two of them pushed open the door, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Everyone, King Nathan is here!"

Zhang Chulan shouted to everyone in the banquet hall with erratic eyes.

"Yes! The king is here!" Feng Baobao put on a serious expression.

As the person in charge of the North China Region, Xu Si also came to attend the meeting.

After such a long period of running-in, he already has a good understanding of the temperaments of Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.

The more abnormal Zhang Chulan's expression is, the more it proves that something is wrong.

And Sister Baoer...

The more normal the expression, the more proof something is wrong!

The expressions on both of them were not right at the moment.


broken! problem occurs!

A bad premonition arose in Xu Si's heart.

But he couldn't guess what happened.

At the same time, Zhao Fangxu finally showed a smile when he heard Zhang Chulan's shouting.

Fortunately, my worries were unfounded, it seems that nothing happened...

The smile that had just appeared on Zhao Fangxu's face froze when he saw "King Nathan".

? ? ?

Make a wish?

Why did the person who came in make a wish? Isn’t it King Nathan?

Xu Si and the heads of other districts present were stunned when they saw Xu Wishong's face.

Although Wishing is only a temporary worker, everyone within the company knows that these "temporary workers" must not be regarded as temporary workers.

What's more, Xu Yuan is also the leader of the supervision team.

So all the people in charge recognized him.

Xu Yuan was not nervous at all when facing the silent banquet hall.

After all, this isn't the first time he's wearing someone else's vest...

Xu Yuan waved his hand and said hello to the many leaders of forces present.

"Hello everyone, I am King Nathan."

Speaking Chinese with perfect pronunciation broke the silence in the banquet hall.

"Huh? Why is King Nathan speaking Chinese?"

The eldest son of the Ishikawa family murmured in a low voice, asking the doubts in the minds of others.

This time, it was the first public appearance of King Nathan after he succeeded to the throne.

On weekdays, King Nathan has always stayed behind closed doors on Nathan Island. Even Behemoth, who has been coveting Nathan Island, has no information about King Nathan.

And information about the company...

They may have information about temporary workers in these major areas, but before today, the specific information on the level of temporary workers was obviously not high enough for these people in charge to keep it all in mind.

In addition to the company's board of directors, the most they can contact are the heads of the major regions.

Therefore, many foreign leaders present did not notice anything unusual at all.

Zhao Fangxu and other people in the company had cold sweats on their faces when they heard this, and they didn't know what to do at all for a moment.

Even though they had prepared emergency response measures for all possible situations in advance, this situation was something they never expected!

"Ahem, Mr. Zhao." Xu Yuan coughed twice, drew Zhao Fangxu's attention back, and reminded, "Won't you introduce your identities to me?"

After understanding the prompt of making a wish, Zhao Fangxu quickly followed the procedure and took the wishing and introduced everyone present to him.

"This is William Spencer, director of the European Jade Society..."

"This is Lilia Kiana, the president of the Sons of the Earth..."

"This is the teacher from the Thai Irving Hall class..."

Xu wish smiled and nodded one by one.

But there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart!

Because from the moment King Nathan showed up with four Nathan Guards until now, his compatibility with the world has almost never stopped growing!

King Nathan plus four Nathan Guards directly provided him with a five-point increase in world compatibility!

Before entering the banquet hall, his world compatibility increased to 62%!

The number of draws has once again accumulated to 10!

Entering the banquet hall, after Fatty Zhao introduced him to the identities of everyone present, his compatibility with the world continued to grow!

They are indeed alien forces with backgrounds from various countries, and each of them meets the standards for growth in world compatibility!

Whenever Zhao Fangxu introduced someone to him, his world compatibility would jump!

His identity as King Nathan is fake, but his smile is real!

"This is Ron Keller, the director of the beautiful company, Behemoth."

After Zhao Fangxu's introduction, Behemoth, who had been playing the role of the world's policeman and fearing that the world would not be in chaos, was still causing trouble.

"Dear King, we finally meet you. You are completely different from what we imagined, but the aboriginal language of Nathan Island should be English! I didn't expect you to speak Chinese?"

Ron's words actually raised questions from everyone present.

Although they all saw the two Nathan guards, Elijah and Elena, standing next to the wish.

But after all, no one had ever seen Nathan Wei with their own eyes, so they still had doubts.

Xuanyuan looked at Ron with Gujing Wubo's eyes.

But in his heart, he was already getting tired of Ron.

He really inherited the beautiful country’s usual arrogance!


I see you are not sensible at all!

This forces me to whip you when I am happiest!

Xu wish said in a calm tone.

"Who told you that English has always been the official language of Nathan Island? Just because there are so many people speaking English?"

Zhao Fangxu's eyelids twitched twice, feeling a little embarrassed.

If it breaks, blame yourself!

I have never told Xuyuan any specific information about Nathan Island before, or in other words, it is common sense...

"Huh?" Ron couldn't help laughing. "Dear King, I have no intention of questioning your identity, but according to records, the official language of Nason Island is English. This is the information provided by Nason Island."

Make a wish:…

From the corner of his eye, he could clearly see the stiff expressions on the faces of Zhao Fangxu and the two Nathan guards beside him.

It seemed Ron was right.

However, his reaction was not slow either.

Wearing a gang? It is absolutely impossible to betray someone!

Give them a little Nathan King shock!

"Oh? Official information?" Xu Wan said seriously, "The information given by the official is called official information, and I am the current King Nathan!"

Having said this, Xuyuan turned to Elijah, the Nathan Guard beside him.

"Elijah, from now on, the official language of Nathan Island will be changed to Chinese! Since ancient times, the official language of Nathan Island has been Chinese!"

Elijah's face twitched twice.

He never thought that things would develop like this!

How dare you make a wish?

Doesn't he know that he is a substitute now?

Do you really think you are King Nathan?

Although Elijah was unable to complain in his heart, it was impossible for him to expose the wish directly now, so he could only bite the bullet and answer.

"Yes, I understand, King!"

At this time, all the alien forces in the banquet hall were dumbfounded.

They didn't expect this King Nathan to be so tough!

Precisely because of this, their doubts about the identity of King Nathan, who made a wish, were reduced a lot.

After all, if it wasn't the real King Nathan, how could he dare to issue such an order!

Among them are people like Zhao Fangxu who know the company everywhere.

Zhao Fangxu's scalp was even numb.

How dare Xu wish to mess with this kind of foreign-related affairs?

While others were shocked, Ron, the director of Behemoth, was a little embarrassed.

This King Nathan didn’t spare any face for him!

As a result, he is now a little bit unable to get off the stage, and it is very likely that he will become a joker.

So Ron, who had a grudge, once again challenged the wish.

"Dear King, you just said that the official language of Nason Island has been Chinese since ancient times? Then do you mean that Nason Island and Huaxia..."

Ron didn't say everything he said, but the other leaders of the alien forces present understood the sinister intentions behind his words.

This is to put Nason Island on the fire!

Force Nathan Island to take sides!

King Nathan may be a little stumped this time!

But what everyone present didn't expect was this.

"King Nathan" is tougher and more unscrupulous than they imagined.

"Of course, Nason Island has been an integral part of China's territory since ancient times..."

Ron: Huh?

It’s bad, he is no longer a joker, he has become a clown (a clown among clowns)!

This time it was Zhao Fangxu's turn to be dumbfounded.

Even when he just arrived at the banquet hall, the Southwest Cancer King Zhenqiu, who is always known for his unscrupulousness, was dumbfounded...

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