Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 178: Confrontation! King Nathan is in trouble!

"If someone really makes trouble, just do it!"

After receiving clear instructions from Li Qiang, director of external affairs, to directly do something if someone makes trouble, Xu Yuan and others were sent to various checkpoints.

After all, we are not going to fight.

Naturally, these temporary workers cannot be arranged at the same checkpoint, but are scattered at different checkpoints.

However, Xu Yuan knew the development of the plot. Although he didn't know where King Nathan would come ashore, he knew that it must be where Feng Baobao was in charge.

So before setting off, Xu Yuan approached Li Qiang alone and proposed the idea of ​​being responsible for a stuck spot with Feng Baobao.

"You want to be with that Feng Baobao from North China..."

Li Qiang fell into deep thought.

Normally, according to regulations, this arrangement is definitely not feasible. It is undoubtedly a waste of already tense manpower!

Now there are two people in charge of Feng Baobao's level.

Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan, who are also from North China!

Because the two came from the same region, and Zhang Chulan was a temporary assistant rather than a temporary worker, it was difficult for Li Qiang to separate the two.


Then again.

The third-rank official in front of the prime minister's door.

Although the temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters of Wishes is nominally a temporary worker, who doesn't know that his immediate boss is the boss of the company!

Moreover, Wishing itself also serves as the leader of the supervision team.

As long as it does not violate the company's principles, Li Qiang feels that there are many things that cannot be discussed.

His baseline is solid, but also flexible.

Therefore, it was "very reasonable" for Xu Wish to be placed at the same checkpoint as Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.

However, in order to make up for the shortage of manpower, Zhang Lingyu was sent to another stuck point to help by Li Qiang.

And Liao Duoduo still stays with Xuanyuan because of her own uniqueness.

Of course, others do not have such special treatment.

Especially Wang Zhenqiu, together with other temporary worker children, is the super focus of Li Qiang's attention.

Even Li Qiang, the director of external affairs, has heard of Wang Zhenqiu's reputation as a cancer in Southwest China.

Li Qiang knew that he liked to cause trouble. In order to prevent Wang Zhenqiu from doing anything outrageous at this foreign-related meeting, he directly sent Wang Zhenqiu to the most marginal level and the one with the least number of people to pass.

Lao Meng was placed at the checkpoint next to Wang Zhenqiu, responsible for just in case.

The remaining most reliable clarinet and Brother Xiao were placed on the left and right of the level in charge of Xu Yuan, Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan.

If Chairman Zhao Fangxu asks about it later, it can be regarded as his work achievement.

Otherwise, how could Li Qiang stand out from the many employees of Nedoutong and become the external director?

This workplace wisdom really has both dignity and face.

But he was not a temporary worker after all, and he neglected one of the most important things.

That is, the reason why temporary workers are temporary workers is not because the company's staff is tight, but because these people do not play according to the routine at all!

If nothing else happens, he will soon know what a fucking surprise is!

Xu wish, Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan and Liao Duoduo were sent to the checkpoint by the company's car.

After a brief handover with the staff here, they replaced the staff here.

In fact, there is nothing to hand over, the main thing is the style of the pass.

The work of the checkpoint is very simple, just check the communication certificate.

Feng Baobao was not confused next time. He muttered and tried to write down the appearance of the pass.

After replacing this group of staff, the stuck point where the four were located soon welcomed the first batch of alien forces who came to attend the meeting.

"Hello everyone, I'm very happy to come to this ancient land. We are from the Thai Alien Pavilion..."

The person who came was a short man with dark skin.

As he spoke, he reached out and handed the pass to Feng Baobao.

Judging from his skillful appearance, this may not be the first time he has visited China as a clone.

The Wishes didn't make things difficult for them. After confirming that the other party's pass was correct, they let them pass the level.

It wasn't until the other party drove away that Feng Baobao took out a piece of beef jerky from his pocket and said casually while eating it.

"This mission (chew chew chew) hmm (chew chew chew) seems to be very simple, no need to do anything at all..."

Make a wish:…

It can be seen that the beef jerky in Sister Baoer's hand is very fragrant.

If it were really that simple, that would be great!

However, Wishes did not forget the plot of Sister Baoer beating up King Nathan.

Now that he is here, this plot should be changed.

He is now very interested in the sacred tree on Nathan Island!

King Nathan, who had always been remembered by the wish, finally landed on the old ship.

With a weak look on his face, King Nathan was helped onto the shore by his Nason Guards.

Until the hand of one of the curly-haired Nathan Guards lit up with white light, and the small magic circle formed by the white light fell on King Nathan.

King Nathan's complexion improved a lot.

"Alfonso, the recovery ability of light magic passed down from your family is really useful."

King Nathan took a breath and said to Curly Nathan Wei with a smile.

"It is our honor for my family and I to serve the king and the sacred tree." Alfonso was not complacent at all, but humbly bowed and agreed.

King Nathan nodded and said nothing more.

This time, it was her first public appearance after succeeding to the throne of King Nathan.

The reason is naturally because of the battle for the throne of Nathan Island.

Just in case, she brought four Nathan Guards along with her to go ashore.

The old acquaintances who made a wish are the alchemical gunner Elijah and the light magician Alfonso, and the two Nathan guards are Joaquina, the controller of heaven, and Irina, the mind controller.

The presence of four people is enough to handle most situations...

enmm, seasickness is obviously unexpected.

After a while, when King Nathan had completely recovered from the weakness of seasickness, Elijah, who had been away alone since he landed, also came back.

He also bought a business car by the way.

For Elijah, who often goes ashore to pick up bounty missions, renting a car is nothing new.

In order to prevent the disgraceful situation of seasickness from happening again, he also rented the most luxurious business car.

From now on, King Nathan not only represents King Nathan personally, but also represents the face of the entire Nathan Island.

King Nathan took four Nathan guards into the car and went straight to the venue!

As for the old guy they were riding in when they came, they could just throw it on the shore. No one would steal it if it was thrown here anyway.

Their top priority now is to get to the venue as soon as possible.

Because according to the previously agreed time, this meeting that King Nathan took the initiative to hold was about to begin.

But whether it was King Nathan or Wei Nathan, these four people ignored one thing.

That is, they did not contact Nadutong Company after landing, so naturally no one could issue them communication certificates...

This world is one huge coincidence.

The route that King Nathan took the four Nathan Guards to the venue happened to pass through the checkpoint responsible for Xu Yuan, Feng Baobao, and Zhang Chulan.

From a distance, King Nathan, who was sitting in the car, saw the three people blocking the road ahead.

She just had never been to this land, she was not stupid, and there were others who taught her this knowledge.

King Nathan naturally knew what he was doing. Originally, she wanted Elijah to go down and reveal his identity.

But after Elijah who was driving said something, she immediately changed her mind!

"Wang, have you seen the man in front of you? He is the Chinese guy I met last time."

King Nathan followed Elijah's eyes and looked forward, locking his eyes on Xu Yuan.

It's not that Zhang Chulan ran away to fish, but because the temperament of Xu Wan is so special that it's hard not to notice.

As more and more heroes are drawn by wishing, his temperament becomes more and more complex!

Light, darkness, war, peace...

A variety of contradictory temperaments are integrated harmoniously in him!

At the same time, King Nathan, as the spokesperson chosen by the Divine Tree of Nathan Island, although he did not inherit the entire strength of the Divine Tree, he did inherit the Divine Tree's perception of living entities, which made her feel that there was an inexplicable energy in the wishing body. Attractive!

It is precisely the transformation of wishing from Nuwa's ability!

Super intelligent life form!

The girl next to her with stupidly clear eyes also gave her a special feeling, but compared to making a wish, it was much weaker.

As for the other man...

It's unremarkable, nothing noteworthy.

King Nathan changed his mind at the first sight of the wish.

"Elijah, rush over!"


Elijah, who was driving, suddenly had questions in his head.

Wang, we are here to participate in the meeting, not to cause trouble. If we disagree, we will be blocked. Is this appropriate?

Although Elijah couldn't understand what King Nathan was thinking, he still adhered to his duty as Nathan's guard.

He stepped on the accelerator again.

I have to say, it’s expensive for a reason!

Even the acceleration is far superior to other commercial vehicles.

Amidst the roar of the engine, the commercial vehicle accelerated towards the stuck point!

The three people who set up the card actually saw this commercial vehicle from a distance.

After all, this place is sparsely populated, and apart from the leaders of the alien forces who went to the venue, it is basically unlikely that other ordinary people will show up.

But no one expected that this commercial vehicle had clearly seen the checkpoint set up, but instead of slowing down to show the pass, it accelerated towards the checkpoint!

On the land of China, even Behemoth, the world policeman on the other side of the ocean, dare not be so arrogant!

I didn't expect this to happen even when I made a wish.

He knew that King Nathan might come at any time, and he was ready to stop Sister Baoer from taking action.

But now King Nathan and his group were rushing into the card, which really caught him off guard.

In the original plot, King Nathan was not able to rush the card so arrogantly!

In a blink of an eye, the commercial vehicle has arrived!

Xu Wan could even see an old acquaintance of his sitting in the driver's seat through the front windshield of the car - Elijah!

There was no time to think more.

Make a wish and take action immediately, instantly activate the godhead mask and transform into the god Sikong Zhen.

A bolt of thunder shot out!

Of course, the target is not the Nathan Island group in the car, but the engine of this commercial vehicle!

No matter what King Nathan wants to do, they must not be allowed to rush the card!

Setting up a card here, to say the least, represents the company's reputation for being accessible everywhere.

To put it more broadly, it represents the face of the national background behind the company!

Even if Xu Wishan wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to build a good relationship and land on Nason Island, he would still be able to distinguish between the importance and the importance of competing with the great powers!

Just as he made a wish, Feng Baobao's reaction was also very fast!

Only one thought ran through her mind.

That is……

Is this considered a trouble?

Both Xu Si and Li Qiang said that as long as someone dares to cause trouble, they can just kill them!

Just do it!

A sharp short knife appeared in her hand as if by magic.

Afterwards, Feng Baobao rushed forward with a kitchen knife.

The target of the attack is naturally the side of the commercial vehicle!

And because the wish was just to prevent this commercial vehicle from overrunning the card, not to kill everyone on it.

So he specifically asked Liao Duoduo not to let her do anything.

All the destructive power of the primitive Gu is concentrated on living targets, and it has no great effect on objects such as vehicles.

at the same time.

Just as Xu Yuan and Feng Baobao took action instantly.

King Nathan, who was in the car, suddenly shouted to Elijah.

"Stop! Apply the brakes!"

Elijah didn't even think too much. He subconsciously swung the steering wheel and hit the brakes!

The clumsy commercial vehicle, which obviously focused on comfort, was like a racing car at this time, drifting before it got stuck amid the harsh sound of brakes and the green smoke of tires rubbing against the ground.

Finally, it stopped firmly outside the cordon of the stuck point!

The whole process sounds long, but it all happens in the blink of an eye.

It was great when Elijah drifted the car.

The power of thunder shot by Wishing has hit the front engine of the commercial vehicle.

With a muffled sound of explosion, the valuable motor and engine of the commercial vehicle were completely scrapped!

At the same time, the short knife in Feng Baobao's hand also cut open the side door.

While she jumped away, she also pulled out King Nathan who was sitting in the back seat!

The only thing that Feng Baobao couldn't figure out was how could the guy she caught still have a smile on his face when she caught him?

Feng Baobao can live a clear life. Since he can't figure it out, he simply doesn't think about it.

No matter who you are, Xu Si said, if anyone makes trouble, beat him!

After dragging King Nathan down, he directly pushed the opponent to the ground, and a series of old fists were thrown at each other in the face!

When the car stopped, Nathan Wei jumped out of the car.

Except for King Nathan who was being beaten and Feng Baobao who was beating King Nathan on the ground, everyone else, including Xu Wan, were dumbfounded.

Xu Yuan was stunned and didn't expect that even though he had made plans to stop Feng Baobao in advance, he still failed to stop him!

Could it be that it was fate that King Nathan received a beating?

But soon, Xu Wan no longer had the mind to think about this issue.

Because after the four Nathan Guards jumped out of the car and saw how miserable they were being beaten by Sister Baoer, Wang immediately exploded!

"How dare you hit our king!"

Alfonso jumped out first and roared at Baobao Feng.

The light on his hand lights up, and he is about to launch a light magic attack!

The remaining three Nason guards also activated their methods and prepared to take action!

"Uh..." Xu Yuan helplessly shouted to Feng Bao'er, "Sister Bao'er, please stop now. This is a misunderstanding. She is King Nathan."

"Eh? King Nathan?"

Sister Bao'er's movements suddenly stagnated. She raised her head to look at the wish, and then looked at King Nathan on the ground.

Then he stood up, scratched his butt, and returned to Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan with a nonchalant expression.

Four Nathan guards quickly stepped forward and helped King Nathan up.

In fact, Feng Baobao is very measured in her actions, and she doesn't know how to kill anyone.

King Nathan's injury was not serious, but because Feng Baobao always greeted him with his face in mind, he looked very miserable.

"Why are you beating our king! You'd better give us a reasonable explanation!"

Among the four Nathan guards, the white-haired old lady, Joaquina, still attacked the three people who made a wish.

"This matter is actually a misunderstanding..." Xu Yuan waved his hand.

At the same time, he glanced subconsciously at the commercial vehicle parked outside the cordon—it should now be called a scrapped commercial vehicle.

It really needs to be investigated in full compliance with the regulations.

Although the group of people from Nathan Island just started driving, it looked like they were going to break through.

But they really can’t be considered a breakthrough!

After all, so far, commercial vehicles have not taken a step beyond the limits!

"You're done with just one misunderstanding?"

Joaquina's appearance made Xu Yuan itchy with hatred.

It looks like those disrespectful old people on the bus and subway, relying on their old age to show off their old age!

The tone of the wish also turned cold.

"What do you want?"

Although they were the ones who made the first move, who made the other party's behavior so easily misunderstood?

Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao did not betray their teammates. Seeing that the tone of both parties changed, they immediately stood next to the wish.

Whether to justify the loss or not is not a question for them to consider for the time being, but who is their own talent is a question for them to consider!

Liao Duoduo also silently put down the mobile phone in her hand, and then stood aside.

Just when the atmosphere between the two sides gradually became tense.

A voice that was very familiar to the four people who made a wish sounded in the woods beside the mountain road.

"Make a wish, is someone making trouble? Do you need my help?"

The three of them followed the sound.

It was Xiao Zizai who came over after hearing the noise here.

Xiao Zizai looked at the king and four guards on Nathan Island with calm eyes.

Make a wish:…

"Well, Brother Xiao, don't use it for now." Xu Wishan's face twitched, "The matter is not serious enough yet."

As he spoke, the conflict between the two sides had indeed intensified, but he did not want to leave the king and four guards of Nathan Island here.

Fortunately, Brother Xiao hasn't laughed yet, so it's not a big problem.

After hearing the wish, he shook his head with regret, and then acted like an ordinary taciturn middle-aged man.

After Xiao Zizai's interruption, the gradually intensified emotions between the two parties calmed down a little.

There were five people on both sides, and the Nason Island side knew very well that they might not have the advantage.

After all, Elijah told them about making vows to these people after he went back last time.

The only thing that the four Nathan Guards still couldn't let go of was the fact that their king was beaten.

Fortunately, King Nathan, who was beaten with a bruised nose and face, stood up in time.

"You are just making a wish, right?"

King Nathan squinted his swollen eyes and looked up and down to make a wish.

"I heard Elijah mention you."

"Even if it's just a misunderstanding, you were the first to attack me this time, so you have to make amends. Now the meeting is about to start. I can't attend the meeting in this state. I need a substitute to attend the meeting on my behalf. "

Make a wish:…

When he heard this, he actually realized that something was wrong.

Now thinking carefully about what just happened, it is difficult to say that this King Nathan did not do it intentionally.

The purpose is to find a chance to find a substitute!

If this is the case, no matter whether he stops it or not, the other party will take the opportunity to cause trouble!

Hit the porcelain!

Pure touching porcelain!

But Xu Wan is too lazy to dwell on this matter. I'm afraid this guy has already targeted Sister Bao'er as a substitute!

He naturally pointed at Feng Baobao beside him.

"King Nathan, I understand what you mean, and I can accept your proposal. Do you want her to be your substitute?"

However, King Nathan's next answer left him stunned.

"No, it's not her, it's you, make a wish..."

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