"Senior Tang Miaoxing," Tu Junfang cupped his hands and said, "What I want to talk about is about the three corpses."

Tu Junfang's attitude was very respectful.

"Oh?" Tang Miaoxing raised his eyebrows, "Since you have stood up yourself, that's the best thing. If I'm not mistaken, Lu Liang's three corpses are all due to you..."

Tu Junfang's attitude is very humble, which is completely opposite to the name of Corpse Demon, which is well-known in the alien circle.

He took the initiative to talk to Tang Miaoxing about the Tang Sect disciples who were infected by the three corpses.

This matter actually has something to do with making a wish, but it has nothing to do with making a wish.

What is relevant is that because of the appearance of Wish and the "cooperation" with Tang Sect, Tang Sect's future potential will be unlimited. It is better not to offend Tang Sect.

What doesn't matter is that even if the wish didn't appear, Tu Junfang originally planned to take the initiative to talk to Tangmen about being infected by the three corpse poisons.

As a descendant of the Three Demons Sect, no one knows better than him the dangers of the three embodied corpses to practitioners.

It can be said that if you are not a person with great perseverance or genius, as long as you are infected with the Three Corpses Corpse Poison, it basically means that your path of cultivation has come to an end.

If you interrupt someone's path to spiritual practice, the hatred will be great!

With Tu Junfang's character, if it weren't for a life-or-death feud, he wouldn't have done such a cruel thing!

Of course, if the person infected with the three zombie poison is a genius with great perseverance, it would be a completely different matter. The other party can take this opportunity to completely kill the three corpses and reach the sky in one step!

However, even seniors like Tang Miaoxing and Tang Xin cannot do this, and one can imagine the difficulty.

Tang Miaoxing was naturally nervous about the Tang Sect disciples who were infected with corpse poison, and the two sides hit it off immediately.

Next, Tu Junfang will be in the Tang Sect, using the secret methods of the Three Demon Sects, until he can help those Tang Sect disciples infected by the corpse poison to control the three corpses for their use and avoid the harassment of the three corpses.

Of course, if there are Tang Sect disciples who really reject this method and want to cut off the three corpses with their own power, then Tu Junfang can't force it, right?

Xu Yuan looked at Tang Miaoxing and Tu Junfang who hit it off.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, he would have laughed out loud.

These Tang Sect disciples are already confirmed volunteers, with the terrifying power of Pill Bite and the treacherous three corpses of the Three Demon Sects...

If you add in the camouflage ability of the Thousand-Faced Human Realm by then, you can already imagine the lethality of this strange soldier when it appears on that island country!

Well... when the time comes, plus Liao Duoduo's original Gu, all the aliens from the island country will not be killed, even if they live quickly!

The abacus in Xu Yuan's heart was ringing loudly, but after Tu Junfang reached a consensus with Tang Miaoxing, he walked to Xu Yuan's side.

"Well, the acting leader..." Tu Junfang said with a smile on his face, "Do you think the volunteers are welcome to join?"

Make a wish:? ? ?


"I mean, people of all genders also want to join the ranks of volunteers and contribute to the company!" Tu Junfang nodded seriously again, "Just like Tang Clan."

This is the result of the discussion between Tu Junfang and Lu Liang just now.

You must find a way to join the company. Even if you can't join the company because of your gender identity, you must still try your best to make some connections!

On the one hand, it's because the ability displayed by the wish is getting stronger and stronger. From the beginning, it was comparable to the thunder method of Tianshi Mansion, and now it has the ability to resurrect from the dead!

On the other hand, it is also because they see clearly the future of Quanxing.

In fact, they saw it clearly after the last time the Heavenly Master came down from the mountain to slaughter the whole sex.

Nowadays there is only one real thigh!

That is Nadutong Company!

Quanxing, indeed, is nominally inherited from Patriarch Yang Zhu's "Keeping the whole nature, keeping true, and not burdening it with things", but as it has developed to this day, it has already become an evil sect that everyone wants to beat.

Rather than continuing to pursue the so-called full sexual fidelity, it is more important to survive first!

When Tang Miaoxing heard Tu Junfang's words, his beard curled up in anger!

What a Tujunfang!

Just now I thought you were a nice person!

As a result, you, a thick-browed guy, actually want to compete with the Tang Sect!

But now in front of Wishing, he couldn't say much. After all, Tu Junfang was asking about Wishing.

He could only hope that the wish would not agree to Tu Junfang's proposal.

But the results are obvious.

There is no reason to refuse a wish.

Now that the whole nature has been "purified" by the Heavenly Master, those who survived can't find any big problems in terms of strength or style of conduct.

Make a wish and immediately agree to Tu Junfang's proposal.

Tang Miaoxing became alert.

As the saying goes, only with competition can there be motivation.

Originally, the only volunteers under the wishing staff were people from their Tang sect, but now Quan Xing has also joined.

In order to maintain its position, it seems that the Tang Sect must become stronger...

After the matter at Tangzuka was completely over.

The position of head of the Tang Clan was completely handed over to Tang Xin from Tang Miaoxing.

The change of power went very smoothly, or in other words, the Tang Sect members didn't really care who was the leader, as long as they knew what they were going to do.

With the appointment of the new sect leader and the internal reforms of the Tang sect, the entire Tang sect still has many things to be busy with.

The Tang Sect, a sect that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, is finally running smoothly again.

It is naturally inconvenient for these outsiders to stay in Tangmen longer.

However, it was getting late today, so they could only stay one more night at the old Tangmen campus and wait until daytime tomorrow to get up and set off.

On the way to send Xu Yuan and others back to the old campus, Zhang Wang, the external dean who had been very hostile to them before, seemed extremely enthusiastic this time.

Even those people in Quanxing looked a lot more pleasing to him.

After sending Xu Yuan and others back to the old campus, Tang Miaoxing did not forget his promise to Zhang Chulan.

"Zhang Chulan, don't you want to know what happened to your grandfather? I, Zhang Wang, Tang Qiushan and the head of Tang Xin were all those who experienced it at the time. If you have any questions, you can ask them all."

Tang Miaoxing called Zhang Chulan away.

Others are in the dormitories on the old campus.

However, this time is completely different from before. Including all the people, they stay in the old campus and don't need to worry about people from the Tang Sect doing evil things to them.

Because of the appearance of Wishing, the two parties have changed from the previous state of tension to a honeymoon period.

Even Ding Shian is no exception.

Because he forcefully ate twenty-one pills from the Tang Sect, he was resurrected and lost all his cultivation.

As soon as he entered the room, he continued to practice.

He has been insecure since he was a child, but he still trusts his fists more!

However, regarding Quan Xing’s decision to join the “volunteers” under Wishes, Ding Shian agreed with both hands and feet!

It's not that he wants to rely on the big tree of the company.

But in his opinion, after becoming a volunteer, it was only reasonable to ask Xu to help with the technique of surrogate death.

He can challenge more powerful people.

This realization between life and death is the greatest gain.

He had just eaten twenty-one elixirs, and he had already realized something!

Perhaps, if you have the opportunity, you can challenge the Heavenly Master again.

Of course, the premise is that there is a wish-for-death technique to back it up!

Xu wish also returned to his room.

It was the single dormitory that Tangmen arranged for him when he first arrived in Tangmen.

But at this time, a trace of sadness appeared on Xu Wishan's face.

Because next, he is about to face another problem.

That's how he should explain to the company's chairman, Fatty Zhao!

Although the identities of the members of the supervision team are kept confidential, Wishing has never been arrogant enough to believe that the company knows nothing about the supervision team.

Moreover, he plans to take these Tang Sect disciples to that island country for a "team building" tour when he has the opportunity!

It's best to say hello to Fatty Zhao first.

Just when Xu Yuan had a headache, there was a knock on his door, interrupting his train of thought.

After opening the door, Xu wish saw a familiar face.

It's Zhang Lingyu.

But at this time, Zhang Lingyu's expression was completely different from the usual calm expression.

His face was full of confusion.

"What's wrong, Master Lingyu?" Xu Yuan was a little curious, "With such an ugly face, could it be that Xia He went to Naiwan to live broadcast?"

Zhang Lingyu:......

Zhang Lingyu's face darkened.

Although he was "expelled from the school" not long ago, he is not ignorant of the world.

Naturally, we know what kind of illegal platform "Naiwan" is.

However, after being interrupted by making a wish, the tangled emotions in his heart were reduced a lot.

"It has nothing to do with Xia He." Zhang Lingyu stared closely into Xu Yu's eyes, "I came to you to ask you something. Is Master Tian really dead?"

Now it was Xu Wish's turn to be surprised.

He actually began to doubt the death of Mr. Tian Jinzhong!

Xu Yuan originally thought that it would take at least some time for Zhang Lingyu to get better, but she didn't expect it to happen so quickly!

However, Xu Yuan did not tell Zhang Lingyu directly the truth, but instead tried to trick him.

"Master Lingyu, it is somewhat inappropriate for you to ask me, an outsider, about this matter. I think you should ask the Heavenly Master."

Make a wish and spread your hands.

In fact, from the moment he made a wish to give the answer, Zhang Lingyu had already confirmed his suspicion in his heart.

He is honest, but he is not stupid.

On the contrary, he has a strong learning ability!

During this time, he stayed with Xu Yuan and learned a lot.

Zhang Lingyu was naturally very happy after confirming that Master Tian Jinzhong was not dead.

But when Xu Yuan mentioned Master Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Lingyu's face darkened again.

"Forget it, the master has kicked me out of the master's door. I can't go back to Longhu Mountain."

Make a wish:…

The last time I was so speechless was the last time.

Zhang Lingyu is enlightened, but not completely enlightened...

Making a Wish is really hard to judge.

However, he couldn't tell Zhang Lingyu directly that your master just asked you to go down the mountain to practice in the name of expelling him.

At the beginning, the Heavenly Master gave the conditions for the end of the experience, but when Zhang Lingyu can realize this, when will the experience be over?

"It's up to you, Master Lingyu." Xu Yuan shrugged, "By the way, we will return tomorrow. If you are free, write a report on this trip to Tangmen and give it to me."

Wishing to teach Zhang Lingyu a new lesson.

Telling lies with open eyes, or selective reporting.

Although Zhang Lingyu was devastated by the fact that he was "expelled from the school", he was still very responsible for his work.

"Okay, I'll go back and write now."

Xu Yuan looked at Zhang Lingyu's leaving figure, and he could swear to the lamp that he really just wanted Zhang Lingyu to experience the dangers of society. It was definitely not that he wanted to be lazy and ask Zhang Lingyu to write a report for him!

After Zhang Lingyu left the room, Xu Yuan took out his phone and looked at Fatty Zhao's number on the screen. He gritted his teeth and dialed it.

It's a blessing, not a curse, but it's a curse that cannot be avoided.


The waiting tone on the microphone waited for a long time before it was answered.

"Hey, make a wish?" Fatty Zhao's voice came from the microphone.

His voice was full of exhaustion, and he seemed to be worried about something.

"It's me, Director Zhao."

"What's wrong? Is something the matter?" Although Fatty Zhao's voice could not hide his fatigue, he still asked with concern, "Is someone from the Tang Sect giving you a hard time?"


This time I was completely stunned by the wish.

"Director Zhao, they didn't make things difficult for me. It's just that there is a situation that needs to be aligned with you..."

Xu Wan was mumbling words with an awkward look on his face.

"Ha!" Zhao Fangxu was also amused by the wish, "Align the granularity? Could it be that you caused some trouble in Tang Clan? Don't worry, I can still withstand the pressure from Tang Clan... "

The expression on Xu Yuan's face became increasingly tense.

Are you sure you can handle it?

Then I really said it!

"Director Zhao, the first thing is that Xu Xin, one of the thirty-six thieves in the Jiashen Rebellion, is still alive and has been imprisoned in the Tang Tomb. Now he has been released, and his name has been changed to Tang Xin, and he has taken over the Tang Dynasty. The position of Men Xin’s new chief..."

The first message Xu Yuan uttered made Zhao Fangxu on the other side of the phone break his guard.

He could clearly hear the sound of something falling to the ground on the other side of the phone.

"What? Xu Xin is still alive and has come out to take over as the new door chief?"

It was not difficult to tell from Zhao Fangxu's tone how excited he was.

It's not because Xu Xin was a survivor of one of the thirty-six thieves.

Zhao Fangxu never cared about the truth pursued by the alien circle, the only thing he cared about was stability!

Now Xu Xin, who was supposed to be dead, suddenly jumped out and took over as the head of the Tang Sect. If this matter is not handled well, it may cause stress reactions in some other sects!

It might be easy for a war between these sects and the Tang Sect to occur.

"Well... Director Zhao, are you okay?" Xu Yuan asked Zhao Fangxu in a low voice on the other side of the phone.

Zhao Fangxu rubbed his temples and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"I'm fine, you... forget it, tell me all the news you have!"

What an eventful time!

He has been very busy recently because of the affairs on Nathan Island, and now the Tang Sect incident has occurred.

But he couldn't blame Xu Wish.

After all, from any point of view, Xu Xin's comeback has little to do with making a wish.

"Well, okay, Director Zhao." Xu Yuan gritted his teeth and continued. "The second thing is that I sent an invitation to people from the Tang Sect, inviting them to join the inspection team."

Zhao Fangxu:......

Zhao Fangxu's silence at this time was deafening.

Regarding Xu Xin's comeback just now, Zhao Fangxu did not want to favor the Tang clan particularly if it did not affect stability.

After all, tracing back to the root cause, the Tang clan is the unruly party.

But now that I wish to invite people from the Tang Sect to join the inspection team, the company will have to favor the Tang Sect to some extent!

"Can I regret this?" Zhao Fangxu asked feebly.

"Yes, but Director Zhao, there is another situation." Xu Yuan continued, "Twenty people from the Tang Sect, led by the former sect leader Tang Miaoxing, have mastered the alchemy with my help. Are you sure you want to go back on your word?"

Zhao Fangxu:! ! !

Although his strength is far weaker than his ideological awareness, after all, he has been in charge of the company for so many years, so how could Fatty Zhao not be aware of the reputation of Dan Yan!

The Tang Sect's pill bites, those who hit it will die!

The excessive lethality is even comparable to modern anti-materiel thermal weapons.

The Tang Sect disciples who have mastered the alchemy bite and the Tang Sect disciples who have not mastered the alchemy bite are two completely different concepts!

One in heaven and one on earth are not an exaggeration!

And there are still a total of twenty!

If this was not what Xu Yuan said, Zhao Fangxu would definitely think that the other party was bragging about Bo Yi!

The company's information about Tang Sect's elixirs all records that practicing Tang Sect's elixirs can lead to a narrow escape from death.

"Make a wish, tell me in detail what happened!" Zhao Fangxu cheered up.

If it can be confirmed that there are twenty masters of the alchemy bite, the price will eventually make him favor the Tang Sect on the matter of Xu Xin's comeback!

He didn't hide anything when he made a wish, and immediately told the story of how he used [Great Transformation into Living Beings] to help the Tang Sect members successfully practice alchemy.

Of course, [Great Transformation into Living Person] still appears as a magical substitute for death.

After listening to the explanation of the wish, Zhao Fangxu on the other side of the phone sighed.

"Make a wish, make a wish, I think your nickname of Sangmenxing is really right..."

Make a wish:…

If I remember correctly, you should have contributed to the nickname Sangmenxing being attached to me, right?

"Okay, I understand this matter, you did a good job." Zhao Fangxu said on the phone, "I will handle the Tang Sect's affairs. If you don't have anything too important, return to the Kyoto headquarters as soon as possible. Recently, There’s so much to be busy with.”

Normally, although the company governs the domestic alien circle and maintains stability, it does not care too much about the methods the aliens have.

After all, no matter how bizarre most people's methods are, they cannot exceed the lethality of thermal weapons.

Except for certain excessive powers.

The old Heavenly Master and the Tang Sect's alchemy... are all super powerful!

Enough to deserve special treatment from Fatty Zhao!

"Okay, Director Zhao, I'll go back tomorrow." Xu Yuan agreed quickly.

"Oh, by the way, give me the Tang Sect's mission report as soon as possible after you come back. You can write it yourself."

Before hanging up the phone, Zhao Fangxu gave another instruction.

Xu Yuan touched his chin.

It’s okay, Master Lingyu is trustworthy!

During the time when Xu Yuan was on the phone with Zhao Fangxu.

In another room in the dormitory building on the old campus, two people were discussing the next plan.

They are the Lu family brothers and sisters.

Lu Linglong and Lu Lin.

"Brother, although Xuanyuan and the people from the Tang Sect have chosen to believe us, after all, we already know other people's secrets. If others believe it, I believe that we should also give each other a promise."

Lu Linglong looked at her brother Lu Lin with firm eyes.

Lu Lin couldn't laugh or cry.

"Linglong, are you planning to ask Mr. Yu Hong to take action again? Not long ago, the two of us asked him to impose a ban on Zhang Chulan because of his secret..."

"Yes! The best way I can think of to ensure that the secret will not be leaked is Mr. Yu Hong's restraint technique." Lu Linglong pointed to the room next door and said seriously, "Brother, do you think it's not worth wishing for a secret that can bring people back to life? A restraint technique?"

"Linglong, what you said makes sense, then let's go find Make a Wish first..."

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