Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 171: Killing everyone? Where is this going?

In the room, Xu wish just hung up the phone.

Although Xu Yuan had already planned a countermeasure in his mind, he didn't feel relieved until Fatty Zhao agreed to deal with the Tang Sect.

In any case, in today's era of hot weapons, no matter how powerful the foreigners are, even if they are as powerful as the old master, they will not be able to confront the state machinery head-on.

Although the call with Fatty Zhao was not smooth sailing, and there were some surprises in the middle, but fortunately, the final result was not far different from what Xu Yu expected.

After experiencing this "reform", the Tang Sect has completely integrated into the new era in the most suitable way for them.

But for making a wish.

During this trip to the Tang Sect, he gained quite a lot.

On the one hand, it is the world compatibility, the number of draws, and the rewards drawn by using the power of faith that Tang Sect has gathered for thousands of years.

The three new heroes can all be considered assassin types.

Invisibility, poison, and super long-range attacks!

Taken alone, any one of them is enough to shine in the alien circle!

In fact, if we look at the attack distance, Nuwa's attack distance is the farthest, but making a wish cannot be used as a regular method yet...

Three attack methods make the means of wishing more comprehensive.

On the other hand, it is the power at one's disposal, or the increase in the power of one's subordinates.

Tangmen, Quanxing.

Neither party is weak and can be regarded as the top force in the alien circle.

Even within the country, Make a Wish has almost no chance to use all its power.

After all, his current methods and company background alone are enough to give most people a headache...

However, I wish I knew it in my heart.

Everything he is doing now is not meaningless, but is paving the way for the next action.

Next, the foreign forces in the country are about to officially come into contact with other foreign forces outside the country!

The real point of change is the battle for the throne of Nathan Island!

Although the alien forces in the country seem to be very powerful, the alien forces in other countries are also not weak. After all, everyone is the top alien force in their respective countries. Except for bugs like Lao Tianshi, no matter how big the gap is Where to go……

What's more, there are pseudo-inhuman forces like Behemoth that are mixed with current technological means. If they want to take the initiative on the muddy Nathan Island, no matter how powerful they are, it is not an exaggeration.

Nathan's Island is a key location and will definitely yield a lot of world compatibility and draws!

He was very interested in the sacred tree on Nathan Island.

That sacred tree has been passed down for thousands of years and must have gathered a lot of power of faith.

In addition, Xu Yuan always felt that the sacred tree should not be that simple, and maybe it could have other uses.

However, making a wish subconsciously ignored a problem.

That is, he has actually become a bug in the eyes of others from a certain perspective.

Reversal of the yin and yang of life and death!

Even compared with the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei, it is even worse!

Just when Xu Yuan was thinking about his next action plan.

There was another knock on his door.

"Huh?" Xu Yuan raised his eyebrows and replied loudly. "Please come in!"

The door was pushed open, and it was the two brothers and sisters of the Lu family who came.

Before Xu Yuan could take the initiative to speak, Lu Linglong spoke first.

"Make a wish, Lu Lin and I came to see you because we want to tell you something..."

Then, Lu Linglong took the initiative to explain her and Lu Lin's decision to Xuanyuan.

In order to ensure that the secret of wishing would not be leaked from them, the Lu family brothers and sisters took the initiative to ask Mr. Yu Hong, the master of restraint techniques, to customize a restraint for them and the wish upon their return.

The wish is full of weirdness.

He was not surprised that the Lu family siblings could make such a decision.

This is in line with the Lu family's style.

Although Mr. Lu Jin's reputation for a flawless life has always been ridiculed by some of the older generation "informed people", we have to admit that compared with other alien forces, the Lu family's family style is indeed a breath of fresh air.

Xu Yuan also knew that the Lu family brothers and sisters should have signed the same prohibition as Zhang Chulan.

However, I know that when things happen to me, I still feel a little shocked.

I am used to seeing the intrigues in the alien world, and when people like the Lu family appear in front of me who are sincere and loyal, I feel a sense of incompatibility...

Regardless of whether it was the wishing party or the Tang Clan, although they had promised to keep everyone secret, they had never taken any coercive measures. Now the Lu family brothers and sisters took the initiative to come to me and said that they would set up such coercive measures on themselves, which shows their character. A spot!

"How about we say goodbye? I'm willing to trust the Lu family." Xu Yuan spread his hands. "The Lu family's family tradition is well known."

"No! It must be!" Lu Linglong looked at Xu Yuan and said seriously, "After all, people talk a lot. If the news is really leaked one day, at least it can be guaranteed that it will never be leaked from the Lu family. The Lu family Your reputation will not be damaged!”

This is just like the difference between having a gun but not using it and not having a gun. It is always right to be prepared.

Although now I don’t really care about whether my wish will be leaked...

His current strength and influence are enough to ensure his own safety.

However, seeing that Lu Linglong had already mentioned the Lu family's family tradition, it was hard to refuse the other party's goodwill, so she had to verbally agree to sign a ban with them when she returned to Kyoto.


When to return to Kyoto is another matter!

I have already made my next plan in my mind.

Now the number of draws he has accumulated has reached 8 again. After leaving Tang Sect, he plans to go to some known power of faith gathering points to conduct a draw.

After all, the next trip to Nason Island is in a vast sea. If there is no boat, many things will be restricted.

You must at least take out the [Sea of ​​Light—Sun Ce] before heading to Nason Island so that you can be prepared!

at the same time.

Zhang Chulan on the other side also followed Tang Miaoxing and others to their residence.

Tang Miaoxing is fairly trustworthy.

Not only himself, Zhang Wang, and the new sect leader Tang Xin were here, but even Tang Qiushan, whose injury had just healed, was dragged out by Tang Miaoxing.

The appearance of the wish gave a boost to the declining Tang Sect, and also put these old people in a good mood.

Even looking at Zhang Chulan is much more pleasing to the eye.

So, when Zhang Chulan asked a few people about what happened to his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi back then.

The four Tangmen elders present did not hide anything and directly told Zhang Chulan everything they knew.

Of course, they were just people from that era and not the real parties involved.

All they knew was that Zhang Huaiyi forced his way into the Tang Clan, and in the end, Yang Lie, the former head of the Tang Clan, chased him out of the Tang Clan and died together with Zhang Huaiyi.

Even Xu Xin, who now goes by the pseudonym Tang Xin, doesn't know much. The information he knows only ends when the thirty-six thieves became sworn brothers, and he was imprisoned in the Tang Tomb after that.

However, Zhang Chulan, this little fox, still combined all the information he knew now to deduce something really useful!

For example……

The person who leaked the list of the thirty-six thieves back then was probably not the traitor among the thirty-six thieves!

Also, Grandma Jinfeng may have noticed Feng Baobao’s life experience!

On the previous point, the current relationship with Zhang Chulan is not big.

The latter point puts Zhang Chulan in trouble!

There is no need to say much about the relationship between Granny Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing. If you want to touch Granny Jinfeng, you must first get rid of Xia Liuqing.

And Xia Liuqing is the master who makes wishes.

In the final analysis, this matter was mixed with wishing.

On Zhang Chulan's journey back to the old campus dormitory alone, he had been thinking about how to deal with it...

After Zhang Chulan got the answer he wanted and left, Tang Miaoxing and the four Tang clan elders did not disperse.

Because Tang Qiu Shan was injured, he didn't know what happened next in Tang Tomb.

But others had relayed to him what had happened.

"Junior Brother Miaoxing, Junior Brother Zhang Wang, from now on, Senior Brother Tang Xin will be the new sect leader of the Tang Sect. You must fully cooperate with his arrangements. Our Tang Sect finally has a chance to rise again. We cannot make any more mistakes. .”

Zhang Wang naturally had no objection to Tang Miaoxing's words, and Tang Qiushan naturally supported his decision.

"Oh, by the way, I will tell my disciples to let it go and say that I and the nineteen disciples have died from the cultivation pill." Tang Miaoxing suddenly remembered something and added, "Next, I will lead As they continue to practice in the Tang Tomb, they will not come out unless absolutely necessary. The Tang Sect with more than 20 alchemy masters can easily cause siege from other sects..."

"Well, I understand..." Zhang Wang nodded.

"I also have two things." Tang Xin, who had not spoken much, finally spoke.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Lao Liu's true colors were exposed.

"The first thing is to spread the word about our private meeting with Zhang Chulan tonight. No one knows what we talked about with Zhang Chulan. He can help Tang Sect attract the attention of some alien circles."

Zhang Wang:......

Sure enough, you still have to be the sixth child!

Just this decision made Zhang Wang convinced of Tang Xin, the new door leader.

According to his character, he shouldn't be able to think of such a deceptive strategy.

Well, maybe the boy who made a wish and the new door leader are the same kind of person!

"The second thing is to teach me how to use this thing."

Tang Xin said and pointed to Tang Miaoxing's mobile phone.

Tang Qiushan, Zhang Wang:......

When it gets light the next day.

After making a wish, I got up and washed up.

According to the plan, these people will leave Tangmen today.

But he didn’t wait to make a wish to call others.

Zhang Chulan took the initiative to knock on his door.

"Zhang Chulan? I happen to be looking for you. We should leave Tangmen today."

Wishing seems to be in a good mood.

"I know, make a wish." Zhang Chulan shook his head, "I came to you for another matter, about Grandma Jinfeng..."

After Zhang Chulan thought deeply last night, he finally decided to tell the truth to Xu Wan.

On the one hand, regarding Sister Bao'er's affairs, Xu Wan himself is an insider, and may know more than himself.

On the other hand...

Zhang Chulan also had no choice. After all, this matter was related to making a wish, and he could not avoid it no matter what.

Instead of waiting for Xu Wan to discover what he was doing, it would be better to tell him the truth from the beginning.

After listening to Zhang Chulan's guess, Xu Yuan nodded and shook his head.

I have to say that Zhang Chulan’s guess was very accurate.

As a little fan of Wu Gensheng, how could Grandma Jinfeng not feel the same special feeling in Feng Baobao that is exactly the same as Wu Gensheng...


"Zhang Chulan, are you worried about Grandma Jinfeng telling her?" Xu Yuan looked strange.

"Yes." Zhang Chulan's face looked a little solemn, "Once it is really confirmed that Sister Baoer is related to Wu Gensheng, she will most likely become a public enemy in the alien world."

Xu Yuan smiled and shook his head.

"Grandma Jinfeng is a Quanxing. Without evidence, who in the alien world would believe a Quanxing's words?"

"If there is real evidence that can prove the relationship between Sister Bao'er and Wu Gensheng, isn't this what Sister Bao'er wants to find..."

The words to make a wish can be summed up in one sentence.

It's a blessing, not a curse, but it's a curse that cannot be avoided.

And he still had something to say.

According to the character of Grandma Jinfeng, if Sister Baoer is really a rootless daughter, I am afraid that Grandma Jinfeng will be the one who least wants the news to leak out!

What a damn dog licker!

Xia Liuqing: Will a person who is indifferent to me also become a bitch for others?

After being reassured by the wish, Zhang Chulan's worries were obviously reduced a lot.

Wishes just sent Zhang Chulan away,

But Zhang Lingyu came again.

However, Zhang Lingyu was not here to cause trouble for Xu Wan, but to help him solve his problems.

"Make a wish, I've finished writing the mission report!" Zhang Lingyu surprised Xu Yuan as soon as he opened his mouth.

If he remembered correctly, was this Zhang Lingyu's first time writing a mission report?

Is it so efficient?

Xu Yuan took the mission report handed over by Zhang Lingyu and read it carefully.

But Xu Yuan's expression became subtle as she looked at it.

It's not that there is anything wrong with Zhang Lingyu's report, but because his mission report is too realistic...

Everything they did along the way was recorded very objectively.

He even wrote down things like promising to give a few of them super-standard first-class flights!

This is not possible!

"No, take it back and rewrite it." Party A's ugly face appeared on Xu Yuan's face.

"Ah? Is it written somewhere wrong?"

Zhang Lingyu is still too honest.

Although the report he wrote overnight was directly typed back, he still asked humbly.

"You have to write selectively, you know? Not everything the leader needs to know in detail. What you write is an action report, not a financial summary..."

Make a wish and teach him the experience.

What is the behavior of a temporary worker?

It is never possible to fully regulate everything, there is always some room for flexibility.

This kind of thing can be tacitly understood by everyone, but it cannot be turned a blind eye when it is made public!

Zhang Lingyu nodded in understanding.

Looking at his expression, Xu Wan could only sigh helplessly.

He still didn't understand.

But it doesn't matter, there's no rush, as long as they write the report before they return to Kyoto.

I wish I could not teach Zhang Lingyu how to write a mission report in just a few days!

Everyone is packed up.

The people who made a wish were just as they came, a few came and a few left.

But the situation is different for omnisexual people.

Needless to say, Tu Junfang naturally wanted to stay in the Tang Sect until he could help the Tang Sect disciples who were infected with the corpse poison to completely control their three corpses.

Although his specialty is the Three Corpses Corpse Demon, being good at it and teaching others are two different things.

Those Tang Sect members who were infected with corpse poison obviously could not control their three corpses in one night.

Ding Zhangan decided to stay in Tangmen with Tu Junfang for the time being.

It’s not that he coveted the Tang Sect’s Dan Qi.

Rather, he must fully recover his strength before leaving.

The Tang Sect did not refuse. It happened that Ding Zhangan, a practical expert, stayed here and could help the Tang Sect members conduct practical training.

The only one worth mentioning is Lu Liang.

I don’t know what happened to this guy Lu Liang, he ran away last night...

Originally, I wanted to make a wish and learn about his ability to have both hands. After all, Qu Tong also knew how to use both hands. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

But this time it was completely ruined.

But it doesn’t matter, we can talk again when we have the opportunity in the future.

Speaking of which, based on the current strength and intelligence comparison with Qu Tong, Xu Wish actually has an advantage now.

But there is also Village Chief Ma, the undercover No. 6 who is ready to rebel...

In the end, Xia Liuqing, Granny Jinfeng and Hua Du from the Thousand Faces Domain were the only three members who left the Tang Sect with everyone.

Tang Men and others sent Xu Yuan and others out of the gate of Tang Men Martial Arts School in Qianshan.

Seeing this scene, especially seeing the two-level reversal in Zhang Wang's attitude from the outer sect's teaching director, surprised some outer sect disciples who didn't know the truth.

Is this still the cold-faced dean?

Of course, the "dead man" Tang Miaoxing and the nineteen disciples who had just mastered the alchemy did not appear.

Xu Yuan was only slightly surprised by this, and he didn't pay too much attention to it. He just thought that Tang Miaoxing had already led people into Tang Tomb.

Out of the gate of Tangmen Martial Arts School.

Thousand-faced Man Realm Huadu, Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng turned around and left in the other direction.

Although Xu Yuan has now officially taken over the position of acting leader of Quanxing, Quanxing is not a well-organized force. Apart from unified actions, each member has his own life.

For example, Hua Du in the Thousand Faces Realm actually opened a beauty salon!

And Old Man Xia was busy being a licking dog for Granny Jinfeng, and Granny Jinfeng was busy being a licking dog for Wu Gensheng...

After the complete human being leaves.

Xu Yuan and others walked down the mountain along the mountain road.

"Oh, by the way, Lu Linglong, Lu Lin, I still have some personal matters to deal with. I may not return to Kyoto for a while." Xu Yuan took the initiative to break the silence.

After hearing the wish, the Lu family siblings had no objections.

On the contrary, it was Wang Zhenqiu. His eyes kept turning around, as if he was thinking of something.

While everyone was talking, three figures walked over from the opposite mountain road.

Xu wish glanced at the other party subconsciously.

Hey, acquaintance?

The three heads of the group are none other than the current head of the Lu family, Mr. Lu Jin, who has lived a flawless life.

The two following closely behind are Lu Linglong and Lu Lin's fathers...

When the two brothers, Lu Lin and Lu Linglong, saw the person coming, they subconsciously shrank their necks.

"Lu Linglong, Lu Lin!"

Lu Jin shouted angrily.

"Okay! You're so brave! Not only did you run out without saying a word, but you and Quan Xing also made such a big fuss in the Tang Sect!"

While speaking, Lu Jin not only did not stop walking, but instead dodged and rushed directly towards the Lu brothers and sisters!

Although Lu Jin is famous in the alien world for his reputation of having a flawless life.

But as a genius of the same generation as Zhang Zhiwei, who has understood the strength for decades, the level of terror is evident at this moment!

In the blink of an eye, Lu Jin rushed to Lu Linglong's side!


A crisp sound!

Lu Linglong, the beloved granddaughter, was kicked seriously by Lu Jin without hesitation!

Seeing this scene, Xu Wan twitched the corner of his mouth twice, and then transformed into the god Bian Que to help Lu Linglong heal from a distance.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Lu, at your age, you are too angry and your attacks are too harsh."

Lu Jin's face trembled and he glared at Xu Wishuan.

"Wish-making boy, do you know that your name as the Sangmenxing has been confirmed in the circle! You almost wiped out the Tang Clan! Stop kidnapping our family Linglong from now on! How will Linglong get married in the future!"

Lu Lin, who had just escaped:? Is it okay to abduct me?

Make a wish: Huh? ? ?

Almost wiped out the Tang clan? Where is this going?

My skill of [Great Transformation into a Living Person] is simply like a living Buddha!

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