Except for the danger of death caused by alchemy backlash, the nineteen Tang Sect disciples originally did not take other problems caused by practicing alchemy as one thing.

Failure to practice alchemy will inevitably lead to extreme pain. Although many members of the Tang Sect have known this for a long time, they did not take it seriously.

During these years of cultivation in the Tang Sect, they had experienced countless pains. In their opinion, no matter how painful it was, how could it be so painful?

I can handle it!

But when the extreme pain caused by the failure to practice alchemy came to them.

Only then did they realize that they had thought too much!

Naturally, it is impossible for all nineteen Tang Sect disciples to succeed in cultivation at one go.

In other words, when it comes to practicing alchemy, most people don't have enough talent.

Doomed to fail.

After all, even when the Tang Sect was at its peak, those who could successfully master Danqi could only do so with two hands.

Soon, the first loser appeared.

A Tang Sect member was running the Qi in his body according to the route of Dan Qi. Just when he thought everything was going well, the Dan Qi seeds that had just formed in his body suddenly lost control!

It started running around in his body!

At this moment, unspeakable pain spread throughout his body.

If I had to describe it in words, it would be more painful than having my genes torn apart!

Under the severe pain, this Tang Sect disciple could not regain control of the pill-eating seeds that were constantly swimming in his body.

The only thing he could do was to subconsciously bite his lips tightly and try not to let out a painful howl.

But even this he will soon be unable to do!

Because the alchemy seeds in his body have begun to attack the organs in his body.

More intense pain struck.


This Tang Sect disciple finally couldn't help but scream!

His scream was like turning on some switch, and the other Tang Sect members present also started screaming!

It turns out that he was not the only one who failed!

All nineteen Tang Sect disciples present were practicing alchemy for the first time. All failed!

Everyone was holding back the pain of being swallowed up by the elixir inside their bodies. Now the first person finally shouted out, and the others couldn't help it anymore!

Only now could they understand how severe the severe pain Tang Miaoxing mentioned was!

The scene completely collapsed!

Nineteen members of the Tang Sect were rolling and twisting on the ground due to the pain that penetrated their bones. Their bodies had been twisted into an angle that was completely inhuman...

The entire Tang Tomb was filled with howls!

Just in the blink of an eye, it seemed to turn into a hell on earth.

Extremely tragic.

Whether they were other members of the Tang Sect or outsiders who were not from the Tang Sect, they all looked at it with sadness. They finally intuitively saw the consequences of failing to practice alchemy.

No wonder there hasn't been another disciple of the Tang Sect who has successfully practiced Alchemy for so many years.

Talent is one aspect, and this terrifying backlash is also another aspect.

But not like others.

The expressions on the faces of the three elders of the Tang clan, Tang Miaoxing, Tang Xin and Zhang Wang, had not changed much.

After all, Tang Miaoxing had already demonstrated this scene to them just now.

What they are more nervous about now is whether the wish-making method can be effective on these nineteen Tang Sect disciples.

Although making a wish already shows a very strong faith, only seeing is believing can give them complete peace of mind.

Of course they won't be disappointed.

All nineteen Tang Sect disciples failed in their cultivation, and the backlash process was very fast. After a while, these nineteen Tang Sect disciples gradually became silent and completely lost all signs of life.

The entire Tang Tomb turned from noisy to silence again.

The eyes of everyone present were focused on the nineteen twisted Tang Sect members on the ground.

Under the gaze of these eyes, green light gradually appeared on the bodies of these Tang Sect disciples.

Green light separated from them and fell on the ground aside...

Next, just like what happened in Tang Miaoxing before, the green light gradually materialized, showing in front of everyone what it means to be a [big transformation into a living person]!

The only difference from Tang Miaoxing is in quantity.

Tang Miaoxing was only one person at that time, but now there are nineteen of them!

Nineteen people were transformed into living beings at the same time. Not only was this scene inconsistent, but the visual shock it brought caused the brains of everyone present to suffer a brief shutdown.

Counting the "bodies" of the nineteen people just now, nineteen more people appeared out of thin air in the entire Tang Tomb, just like copying and pasting!

Zhang Lingyu couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene, and then looked up at the sky.

Resurrection from the dead is contrary to the law of heaven!

And nineteen people were resurrected at the same time!

But why is there no response?

In his expectation, the moment the resurrection was completed, the sky would be filled with thunder!

Zhang Lingyu may be an honest person when it comes to worldliness and trickery.

But in matters related to spiritual practice, he is an undoubted genius.

He quickly deduced the truth through this.


This is not the ability to resurrect, this is the refinement of the human body!

Xu Wan just used means to create another body, and then transferred the souls of these nineteen Tang Sect disciples into the new body!

If that's the case, then it all makes sense!

Although this method is still beyond his imagination, it is no longer heaven-defying!

Can’t humans also clone human bodies through scientific means?

Although the efficiency of both parties is completely different...

After these nineteen Tang Sect members regained consciousness and slowly opened their eyes, they immediately looked around.

The first time they saw their "corpse", they all froze on the spot with their mouths open.

If you don’t experience this kind of thing for yourself, you won’t be able to appreciate the shock at all!

Then they discovered another unexpected surprise!

Although after the "resurrection", all the cultivation in their bodies was lost, some of their old wounds and stubborn illnesses also disappeared!

The whole body is restored to its best condition!

Of course, what disappears is only the hidden injuries and stubborn diseases, and it cannot change the physical constitution.

Just like Liao Duoduo, before she was resurrected, her body had already turned into a Gu-body saint child, integrating with the original Gu. In a sense, the original Gu had become a part of her body organs, and naturally it would not Will disappear with her resurrection.

The process of practicing alchemy is undoubtedly difficult.

Even with the wish-making method of [Great Transformation into a Living Person] as a "guarantee", these Tang Sect members had to go through a lot of trouble to practice the alchemy!

After all, for any living creature, survival is a subconscious instinct at the genetic level.

The wailing sound in the tomb rang intermittently throughout the day!

But fortunately, the severe pain caused by the failure of alchemy practice and the backlash also played a role.

Let these nineteen Tang Sect members truly live without love...

To put it bluntly, it hurts and makes me depressed...

The repeated severe pain allowed these Tang Sect members to finally overcome their instinct to survive and meet the conditions for cultivating alchemy.

Until night falls.

These nineteen named members of the Tang Sect have finally completed their transformations one after another!

Nineteen members of the Tang Sect have all successfully mastered Pill Bite!

Tang Miaoxing and Zhang Wang couldn't hide their excitement on their faces.

The Tang Sect, which had been dormant for decades, finally bottomed out at this moment!

Counting the new sect leader Tang Xin, the entire Tang Sect has a total of twenty-one disciples who have practiced Alchemy!

As long as the Tang Sect announces this news to the outside world, except for the unpredictable old heavenly master who is "banned" at Longhu Mountain, the Tang Sect is fully qualified to become a top force in the alien circle!

Of course, they can't announce this publicly.

Because next, the twenty new disciples of the Tang Sect who have mastered the pill bite will secretly join the wish-making inspection team as volunteers!

They can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

As long as the cooperation with Xuyuan continues, more Tang Sect members will master the alchemy bite in the future, and it is not impossible for everyone to master the alchemy bite!

As for how to explain it to the outside world...

"Make a wish," Tang Miaoxing pointed to the corpses left on the ground of Tang Tomb, "I think these corpses can be used."

"How to use it?" Xu wish asked subconsciously.

"From today onwards, to the outside world, the twenty of us are already dead. If we really cause any trouble during the operation, it will not involve the company and the Tang Sect."

Tang Miaoxing whispered.

He knew the purpose of making a wish to form this volunteer organization.

After all, if you have to go abroad and make trouble on the territory of other countries, it is very likely to cause some big troubles.

But if the person causing trouble is a "dead person", then that's no problem.

The murderer mentioned by the victim died a few months ago. They must have been wrong...

Xu Yuan touched his chin.

"Okay! No problem." Xu Yuan raised his head and glanced at the already darkened sky, "But now is not the time to use your power. You can continue to practice in Tangmen. If you need your power, I will come back then." Inform you."

Tang Miaoxing also nodded.

Although he desperately hopes to kill some ninjas and onmyoji who have lived a good life as soon as possible as sacrifices for the reappearance of Danshi.

But we still have to focus on the overall situation.

It's a good time to take this opportunity to help these Tang Sect members get familiar with the elixir they just obtained.

Speaking of this, it is necessary to mention the unique skill of Pill Devour.

Although the methods of practicing Qi are the same, because everyone's personality is different, the forms of alchemy displayed are also different.

To describe it in terms of types of firearms, some people's pill bites are sniper rifles, while some people's pill bites are shotguns, or silent crossbows...

After Tang Miaoxing and Xu Yuan discussed the resettlement issue.

Tang Miaoxing announced the news that twenty people had "escaped to death" to the Tang Sect disciples present.

In order to ensure that the news about the Tang Sect would attract enough attention from the alien circle, the twenty of them must be buried in a grand ceremony, and the louder the noise, the better!

As for the corpse...

Everyone can just take one, since these corpses are all real anyway!

Even if the DNA was tested one by one, nothing would be the same.

At the end of this day, it was not only the three views of these Tangmen that were refreshed.

Even people like Quan Xing, Zhang Lingyu, and the Lu family brothers and sisters were also refreshed in their outlook on life.

At this time, Tu Junfang had selectively forgotten what Tang Miaoxing had told him before - Tang Miaoxing had promised him that if the Tang Sect received a bounty mission about them, he would refuse to accept the mission and notify the person involved.

At present, people like the Tang Clan have completely moved closer to the company or made wishes.

How could he possibly accept some damn bounty mission?

Tu Junfang was also helpless.

He really can't afford to offend the Tang Sect now. There are twenty pill bite masters. Even if he is called the Three Corpses, he can't handle twenty!

What's more, Tang Clan is now hooking up with Xu Yuan...

Tu Junfang silently made a decision in his heart.

If you can’t beat it, join!

If the Tang Sect can hook up with Xu Wish, then they may not be able to. In terms of relationships, Xu Wish is nominally the new acting head of Quan Xing!

It’s better to have a closer relationship with them!

Tu Junfang then turned around and whispered to Lu Liang, who was standing next to him. Lu Liang also nodded frequently, seeming to agree with Tu Junfang's words...

But there is another person who is an exception.

That’s Ding Shian!

He saw that nineteen Tang Sect disciples had successfully practiced the unique skill of Pill Devouring.

"Senior Tang Miaoxing," Ding Ji'an stood up again and said with cupped hands, "As agreed, I want to challenge Alchemy personally."

Tang Miaoxing was angry and funny and took a liking to Ding Zhangan.

"Ding Zhangan, I know you. You are not that kind of fanatic. The Tang Sect's pill bite will kill you if you hit it. Why are you so persistent that you want to experience it for yourself?"

There was an expression of reminiscence on Ding Shian's face, but his eyes were extremely fanatical.

"Because I saw the real goal, which is a concrete image of the end of the spiritual path..."

"The reason why I embarked on this path of spiritual practice is because I don't feel any sense of security. I am too weak. Ever since I was a child, a stone or a branch can hurt me..."

Ding Shian's words almost made other people present spit out their words.

You are second in the world.


How did such cold words come out of your thirty-seven-degree mouth?

If you are weak, who are we?

Weak chicken?

But no matter what others think, they can't change Ding Shian's mind.

"I am unable to fight against natural disasters, but I can defeat man-made disasters through human factors!"

"And your Tang Sect's pill bite... is a man-made disaster!"

As Ding Shian's words fell, his eyes ignited with fighting spirit!

"Senior, please help me!" Ding Zhangan said again.

Tang Miaoxing saw that Ding Zhangan had made up his mind and told him about the danger, so naturally he couldn't persuade him any more.

After all, this kind of thing, at the most minor level, is Ding Shian'an's personal appeal, and at the most serious level, it is Ding Shian'an's pursuit of truth.

"Okay, if you have really made up your mind, then I won't advise you. Now, there are twenty-one people in our Tang Sect who have mastered the unique skill of Alchemy Devouring. How many do you want to challenge at one time?"

"All of them!" Ding Shian's eyes glowed with a captivating light.

The Tang Sect's elixir bites, and those who hit it will die.

If you hit one, you'll die if you hit one, and if you hit twenty-one, you'll die too!

As the saying goes, if you have too many lice, you won't be itchy, if you have too many debts, you won't have to worry.

However, although Ding Shian is crazy, he is not a fool.

He turned to look at Xu Wish.

"Make a wish, can you help me use the same method again?"

The corners of his mouth twitched as he made a wish, and [Transformation into a Living Person] really became a guarantee.

But he didn't refuse Ding Shian's request. This guy was pretty good and he could help with just a little effort.

After making a wish to bless Ding Shi'an to a level of [Great Transformation into a Living Person], Tang Miaoxing was completely relieved.

He didn't really want to kill Ding Shian.

With the magical technique of making a wish, you can safely discuss it.

"Okay, it's time to take action!"

Following Tang Miaoxing's order.

Including Tang Xin, twenty-one members of the Tang Sect who had mastered the alchemy bite took action together and used the alchemy bite to hit Ding Zhangan!

Everyone present, except those who always had the ability to "observe the law", all activated the method of observation and stared at Ding Shian's body attentively.

Naturally, this includes Ding Shimaan himself!

Ding Shian pinched the Ling Guan Jue with his hand, and a trace of blue light appeared in his eyes.

In his sight, he finally saw the true face of Dan Yan!

Twenty-one small air masses, completely invisible to the naked eye, were surrounding him.

These air masses come in various shapes, and each one is different from the other.

From these suspended Qi balls, Ding Shanan once again felt deep fear!

The last time, the person who made him feel fear was the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei who was on the Xilin Gol grassland at that time!

The other party's breath, which was like a natural disaster, was the specific image of the end point he saw on the road of practice!

People from the Tang Sect took action again and then stopped taking action.

But it was these twenty-one Qi groups that made Ding Shian not know how to deal with them.

He thought carefully for a long time, but couldn't think of a good way to deal with it. Finally, he simply had a sudden change of heart, and he directly used all the energy in his body to use the air-splitting palm.

One palm rotated 360 degrees and struck at the twenty-one energy balls around him!

Seeing this scene, everyone on the Tang Sect side twitched at the corners of their mouths.

How reckless!

But as the Tang Sect's most lethal skill, Pill Devouring is so easy to crack?

The results were unsurprising.

Even Ding Shanan, who was ranked second in the world, could not do anything to defeat these pill-devouring Qi groups with a full blow.

It was as if the two sides were not in the same dimension.

The air-splitting palm shot by Ding Zhangan was directly penetrated by the Qi ball.

Then these Qi balls were like iron filings attracted by a magnet, drilling into Ding Shian's body!


In an instant, Ding Shian's face turned red!

At the same time, twenty-one pill bites hit him. I don’t know if it is unprecedented, but it must be unprecedented!

The pain caused by a single pill bite is not something that ordinary people can endure, and the pain of being hit by twenty-one pill bites at the same time can be imagined.

Fortunately, these pains come and go quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Ding Shian was completely dead!

Instant death!

He was finally freed from the pain of pill bite!

Next, naturally there are no surprises.

Green light emerged.

After leaving a corpse behind, Ding Shian was resurrected on the side.

Even the most poisonous elixir in the world cannot affect the resurrection effect of [Great Transformation of Living Person].

But unlike others after their resurrection, Ding Shian's face was still pale after his resurrection.

On the one hand, it's because he lost all his cultivation after his resurrection.

On the other hand, it was because of the severe pain just now that he still had not fully recovered from it...

After a long time, Ding Shian's face finally regained its color.

He panted heavily and nodded to Wish.

"Thank you!"

This time, if it weren't for the technique of making a wish for death, he might really be dead!

No resistance at all! There was no warning at all!

Ding Ji'an secretly thought in his heart, maybe the only ones who can deal with the Tang Sect's alchemy attack now are Xu Yuan and the one from the Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion...

After Ding Zhangan personally experienced the power of the alchemy, he did not say anything more, but quietly retreated behind everyone and resumed his cultivation.

At this moment, Tu Junfang also stood up.

But he is not looking for trouble with the Tang Clan.

"Senior Tang Miaoxing," Tu Junfang said with cupped hands, "What I want to talk about is about the three corpses..."

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