Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 168 Resurrection! Or group resurrection! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Xu Xin, who had just changed his name to Tang Xin, called out the nineteen people one by one according to the list given by Tang Miaoxing.

These nineteen people had puzzled faces. They had no idea what the new headmaster was doing when he asked them to come out.

However, they didn't have to wait too long.

After all nineteen people came out in sequence, Tang Miaoxing finally spoke.

"I'm calling you out because I'm going to take you to practice alchemy together..."

As soon as these words came out, the nineteen Tang Sect disciples immediately froze on the spot.

Their loyalty to the Tang Sect naturally goes without saying.

In other words, any Tang Sect disciple who can be promoted from the Qianshan Tang Sect Martial Arts School to the Inner Sect has been proven loyal to the Tang Sect.

Naturally, his strength and talent are both good.

Naturally, the cultivation conditions for alchemy are also met.

It doesn't matter what task they are asked to perform.

But now let them practice alchemy...

The main reason was that none of these nineteen people had any preparation in mind, and they were suddenly caught off guard.

The dangers of practicing alchemy can already be heard from the previous conversation between Director Zhang Wang and Tang Miaoxing.

As for the pain…

These Tang Sect members are not worried.

In their view, no matter how painful it is, the worst result of failure in cultivation is nothing more than death!

After all, you are still young...

I have made it very clear before, if you don’t have a truly indifferent attitude towards life and death before practicing, you will never be able to succeed.

Even if they risk their lives now, their mentality cannot be adjusted in a short time.

Now they are suddenly asked to practice alchemy, and the success rate is completely close to zero!

These nineteen people looked at Zhang Wang.

There is a saying, although Zhang Wang, the teaching director, is usually quite irritable, and his behavior makes these Tang Sect disciples quite slanderous, but if the Tang Sect disciples really encounter trouble, Zhang Wang will take it seriously!

Originally, these Tang Sect disciples thought that Zhang Wang would say something to stop Tang Miaoxing who was confused. But in the end, instead of stopping Tang Miaoxing, Zhang Wang looked at them with a smile on his face.

As if something good happened.

Tang Miaoxing looked at the nineteen people who suddenly froze in place, and he didn't blame them.

After all, it did happen suddenly.

"Don't worry, I'm not asking you to come out and die, but now I have a method that can be 100% successful in practicing alchemy!"

As soon as Tang Miaoxing opened his mouth, the news he told was earth-shattering.

Not only did it suppress the disciples of the Tang Sect, it also shocked all the members present.

But soon, these all-sex members found their way and looked towards the wish.

Everything happened after Xu Wish came to Tangmen, and Xu Wish also stayed at Tang Tomb just now...

If making a wish has nothing to do with all of this, it doesn’t matter whether others believe it or not, they don’t believe it anyway!

On the contrary, people like Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Chulan didn't have the slightest expression of surprise on their faces, they all looked as expected.

"Chief, this..."

As Tang Miaoxing's confidant, Tang Ming was the first to lose control and looked at Tang Miaoxing in shock.

Tang Miaoxing smiled and shook his head.

"Now that I am no longer the head of the door, this method has been confirmed by me personally." After Tang Miaoxing said this, he turned to look at Quan Xing, Zhang Chulan and others.

"Dear guests, what I want to say next is the top secret of our Tang Sect. If anyone present leaks the top secret of our Tang Sect, they will face the endless pursuit of the Tang Sect until death!"

Tu Junfang lived up to his reputation and didn't play by the rules at all. There was a look of surprise on his face, and he was about to walk out of the Tang Tomb.

"In this case, we outsiders should take the first step."

"No! No one is allowed to leave now!" Tang Miaoxing shouted, causing Tu Junfang to stop in his tracks.

To be precise, it was probably the actions of the Tang Sect disciples present that made Tu Junfang squat on the spot.

Because as Tang Miaoxing finished speaking, all the Tang Sect disciples present looked like they were going to attack him.

Although Tang Miaoxing said that he was no longer the head of the Tang Sect, over the years, his status as the "former" head of the Tang Sect had been deeply ingrained in the hearts of many disciples.

And even if there is no such factor, the Tang Sect disciples present also know that what Tang Miaoxing said next is about the unique skill of pill swallowing!

Must be handled with caution!

After Tu Junfang stopped, there was no look of surprise on his face, but he looked at Tang Miaoxing with a smile.

"Senior Tang Miaoxing, it's okay for me to keep the secret, but you have to pay some price, right?"

In fact, none of these people from Quanxing and the company are truly stupid!

Even Zhang Lingyu, the simplest and honest person, knew in his heart that it was impossible for the Tang Sect to let them leave like this. Tang Miaoxing said these words just to seal their silence.

However, Tang Miaoxing also knew very well that by now, even if he didn't mention it, these people would probably be able to make a rough guess.

After all, the scope of suspicion is so wide.

Since both parties have a tacit understanding, the next step is the time for the exchange of conditions.

"Okay, as a condition of keeping the secret, I can let all of them leave safely on behalf of the Tang Sect." Tang Miaoxing said, "And once the Tang Sect receives a bounty mission for those present, the Tang Sect will refuse and notify party."

Tu Junfang doesn't care about the previous condition.

If they all really want to escape, even if the Tang Clan people turn against them, they may not be able to stop them all.

But the latter condition made him quite excited.

After all, this is the Tang Sect!

How can a person wander around the world without getting stabbed?

If you really want to carry out assassinations in the country, you will definitely not get around the Tang Sect!

Otherwise, even he would have a huge headache when faced with the endless harassment and assassinations from the Tang Clan.

Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to guard against a thief?

"Okay, I agree!" Tu Junfang agreed, and then walked back to the crowd.

Xu wish twitched the corner of his mouth.

Tang Miaoxing, an old fox, showed off to Tu Junfang.

Tangmen accepts an assassination mission in the country? I'm afraid that after today, Tangmen will transform into a volunteer organization...

If they receive a bounty mission about you, they will definitely tell you, but if they don't receive it, it's no wonder they have it.

"Senior Tang Miaoxing, I also have a condition." Ding Zhangan stood up.

His eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"I want to see the power of Pill Eater myself!"

Compared with other people, Ding Shi'an's popularity is the best in the world.

Tang Miaoxing glanced at Ding Zhangan with a strange look.

Is this guy seeking his own death?

Want to experience the power of alchemy yourself?

It is no less than ordinary people pressing their hands on high-voltage wires and saying they want to experience the feeling of high-voltage electricity.

However, Tang Miaoxing did not reject him.

"Okay, I agree to your conditions, but you need to wait for a while."

Since Ding Shanan wants to die and insists on experiencing it, let him experience it well enough!

Save this guy from bothering you again.

Counting Xu Xin, twenty-one alchemy masters took action together...

Tsk! It’s exciting just thinking about it!

"Okay! No problem!" Ding Shian'an's face was full of excitement, without any awareness that he had fallen into a big pit.

"And me! Senior Tang Miaoxing, I also have conditions." Zhang Chulan also stood up and took the opportunity to express his purpose, "I want to know what happened to my grandfather Zhang Huaiyi in the Tang Clan back then!"

Tang Miaoxing:...

"Okay! I'll tell you later!"

Compared with other people's requirements, Zhang Chulan's conditions are undoubtedly much simpler.

This isn't really a secret.

Fortunately, only these three people put forward the "conditions", and the others did not embarrass the Tang Sect.

Everything is back on track again.

"The method I am going to talk about to be able to master the alchemy bite 100% is the means of making a wish!" Tang Miaoxing finally revealed the truth under the expectant gaze of all the Tang Sect members, "The dangers of the alchemy bite need not be explained... "

As Tang Miaoxing explained, all the Tang Sect disciples present looked like they had seen a ghost.

His mouth opened wider and wider, and he even forgot to close it under the shock.

The technique of surrogate death...

The worldview they have established over the years is undergoing a huge impact.

If Tang Miaoxing hadn't been the gate leader for so many years, he would have accumulated enough prestige in their hearts.

If anyone were to say this, they would probably think that there is something wrong with the other person's brain!

In the alien world, I have never heard of a method to reverse the cycle of life and death!

Moreover, they can’t help but not believe it now.

Tang Miaoxing even used his own "corpse" as physical evidence when explaining.

No wonder Tang Miaoxing said there is a way to achieve 100% success in cultivating alchemy!

Even if you are lucky, once you hit it many times, you will always get it!

Of course, double-color balls do not fall into the category of conventional luck-improving games.

Everyone in Quanxing, including Xia Liuqing, the master who made a wish, also had dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

They did know before that the method of making wishes was different from other people who practiced the godhead mask.

But they also didn’t expect that making a wish would have such a heaven-defying method!

Sure enough, Gong Qing, the former head of Quanxing, does have the ability to be the acting head!

Although they don't know whether Gong Qing passed the position of acting head to Xu Wan in his will, whether it was a coincidence that a blind cat encountered a dead mouse, or whether he had actually seen this step in advance.

But let’s just assume that Gong Qing saw this step ahead of time!

With such a heaven-defying method of making wishes, coupled with his own powerful combat power, even any small force, let alone them, has the potential to develop into a top force!

Originally, they were willing to admit that Xu Wan, the new acting head, was just out to recognize Gong Qing, but now, they are completely convinced!

Thighs without a doubt!

As witnesses of the mass riot in Longhu Mountain, Lu Liang and Tu Junfang soon thought of another problem!

That is, since making a wish has such a method, and he should have been in the Tianshi Mansion at the time, Mr. Tian Jinzhong, who was killed by the former head Gong Qing in the Tianshi Mansion...

Really dead?

Zhang Chulan and Wang Zhenqiu were among the insiders.

There was no unexpected expression on his face.

They had already made a rough guess, and now Tang Miaoxing's words only confirmed their previous guesses.

The only ones who didn't know were Zhang Lingyu and the Lu family siblings.

Zhang Lingyu was shocked when she saw that there was no expression of surprise on the faces of Zhang Chulan and others.

He opened his mouth wide and asked Feng Baobao next to him in disbelief.

"Baobao Feng, you...all knew this before?"

Zhang Lingyu was just too honest, but that didn't mean he was stupid. How could the old Heavenly Master accept a fool as a closed disciple?

In the past few days following everyone, he had roughly figured out the situation.

These people in the company are all a bunch of idiots!

Not to mention Wang Zhenqiu, who is known as the "cancer of the Southwest", even his nephew Zhang Chulan tells more lies than truth.

If I really want to ask the truth, the only person who can possibly tell the truth is Feng Baobao.

Feng Baobao nodded honestly.

"Well, we already knew that." Feng Baobao pointed at Liao Duoduo, who had been playing with her mobile phone seriously, "That little girl, formerly known as Chen Duo, was a temporary worker in the South China Region, and she has already died once! "

Zhang Lingyu:......

He didn't know much about Chen Duo.

But he knew better.

Thanks! Have been squeezed out!

However, Zhang Lingyu soon stopped feeling sorry for himself, because he also thought of the same thing.

Same problem as full sex members.

That is……

Master Tian Jinzhong, is he really dead?

Everyone present was trying to digest the information they had just learned.

Until Tang Miaoxing finished explaining the cause and effect.

"Dear disciples of the Tang Sect, these nineteen disciples I just selected are only the first batch of people to practice alchemy. Others will also have the opportunity to practice alchemy as long as they continue to practice hard."

Tang Miaoxing spread his hands.

"Of course, having a 100% chance of cultivating alchemy is not without cost. I have reached a cooperation with the leader of the wishing team. After successfully cultivating alchemy, all members of the Tang Sect, including me, will enter Xu as volunteers. The team leader’s inspection team works for the company.”

If just now Tang Miaoxing called these nineteen people to practice elixir, the eyes of other Tang Sect members were puzzled and confused, then now the eyes of other Tang Sect members looking at these nineteen people are full of envy.

They are all members of the inner sect of the Tang Sect. Now they have a 100% chance of mastering the alchemy. Who doesn't want to experience it personally?

As for what Tang Miaoxing said about working for the company as a volunteer, these disciples of the Tang Sect didn't have any objections.

As long as they obey the arrangements!

And compared to safely mastering the alchemy, working for a company is really not a bad thing...

The disciples of Tang Sect didn’t have much reaction, but this time, members of the company and Quanxing had the opposite reaction!

They all looked at Wishing with shock and surprise!

What do you want to make a wish for?

Although none of the people present have personally experienced the power of Tang Sect's alchemy, they have long heard of the terrifying reputation of alchemy!

Xu Wish now has twenty Tang Sect members who know how to eat alchemy under his command...

Thinking about the terrifying power of twenty Tang Sect members taking action at the same time makes the hair on their backs stand on end!

hiss! Make a wish to do something big!

Even Wang Zhenqiu, who had always been worried about the world being in chaos, was completely shocked at this moment!

Perhaps, the ranking of this alien circle should be changed...

Although everyone had different thoughts, no one asked.

Xuanyuan naturally didn't bother to take the initiative to explain.

After Tang Miaoxing announced the news, the next step was naturally to help these nineteen Tang Sect members practice alchemy.

At Tang Miaoxing's request, everyone present will stay here to observe this alchemy practice!

The nineteen Tang Sect disciples sat cross-legged in the center of the Tang Tomb, making wishes and standing beside them.

Under the care of Tang Miaoxing and Tang Xin.

In fact, normally speaking, it is enough to be guarded by a "precursor" when practicing alchemy.

But even Xu Xin has never experienced such a grand occasion of so many people practicing alchemy together!

So to be on the safe side, we decided to work together to provide care and guidance.

Everyone else present looked intently at these nineteen Tang Sect disciples.

Even people like Ding Zhangan or Wang Zhenqiu, who are students of various arts, should start their own "observation methods" and observe the movement of Qi throughout the body of these nineteen Tang Sect disciples.

Although they do not intend to practice alchemy, it may be possible to learn some other things from it.

The members of the Tang Sect did not stop him either.

After all, the Tang Sect’s method of cultivating alchemy is right there, and the core of cultivating alchemy now is the means of making wishes!

There is no way to make a wish, so just practice if you are not afraid of death!

Nineteen members of the Tang Sect sat cross-legged and adjusted themselves to their peak state.

"Make a wish, you can start now, please." Tang Miaoxing said politely to the wish.

Make a wish and nodded.

Activate the godhead mask again and transform into the [Alchemist Master—Taiyi Zhenren].

A weird alchemy furnace appeared at Xu Yuan's feet, and an alchemy robe was also draped on Xu Yuan's body.

Seeing the familiar shape of Wishing, many people present opened their mouths.

If they remember correctly, according to the information compiled in the Yiren forum, the earliest time Xu wish had this ability was when Quan Xing was causing trouble in Longhu Mountain!

The doubts in the hearts of Lu Liang, Tu Junfang and Zhang Lingyu have been vaguely answered...

Others were staring closely at making wishes.

Even Tang Miaoxing and Tang Xin were no exception.

This time it’s not just one person, but nineteen people!

Wishing to have this method of reversing life and death would be enough to shock them. If this method can also lead to group resurrection...

Even their "partners" think it's a bit too much...

But then.

A faint green light centered on the wish and spread to the surroundings, covering the nineteen Tang Sect members.

Looking at the faint green light surrounding these Tang Sect members, Tang Miaoxing opened his mouth.

"Make a wish..." Tang Miaoxing asked in a dry voice, "Should we come one by one or together?"

Tang Miaoxing himself didn't know how he felt now.

He hopes that the wish will give him a positive answer, but he also does not want the wish to give him a positive answer.

"Of course together, it's too slow to do it one by one." Xu Wan said matter-of-factly.

For Wishes, the limit of [Great Transformation of Living Person] is only the range, and there is absolutely no detection of how many targets are within the range of the skill, and even the Qi he consumes will not change at all.

If he wanted to, he could use architectural mechanics to stuff hundreds of people into the range of his skills at 365 degrees without blind spots and resurrect them together.

It's just that such a scene is too ghostly...

It’s okay to make a wish.

But after hearing his answer, everyone else looked at him dumbfounded.

Damn it!

This method of resurrection is group resurrection!

Outrageous! What a hell!


Zhang Lingyu even suspected that he might be dreaming or practicing martial arts and went crazy. In order to confirm the authenticity, he lit up the golden light spell and slapped him with his hand!

oh! It doesn't hurt!

It was indeed a dream!

"Zhang Lingyu! Why are you hitting me!" Zhang Chulan screamed and jumped to the side.

He kept rubbing his shoulders, and Zhang Lingyu's slap just hit him.

"Sorry, sorry, Zhang Chulan, I didn't mean it..." Zhang Lingyu apologized quickly.

Although Zhang Lingyu's slap made a mistake, it brought back the attention of everyone present.

These Tang Sect members can be considered ruthless people, although apart from the invisible layer of green light, they did not feel the slightest abnormality in themselves.

However, out of their absolute trust in the "front sect leader" Tang Miaoxing, these nineteen Tang Sect disciples still began to circulate the Qi in their bodies according to the Qi path of Dan Qi as soon as they came to their senses.

Next, these nineteen Tang Sect disciples demonstrated to everyone present what it means that the world is hell...

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