Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 167 Temporary workers? volunteer! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

"Make a wish, is your request that simple?"

After Tang Miaoxing heard the conditions proposed by Xu Yuan, his face was full of weird expressions.

The condition proposed by Xu Yuan is very simple, which is to recruit people from the Tang Sect to become "volunteers" in his supervision team.

The so-called volunteers are just another form of temporary workers.

It's just that Xu Yuan is not the head of the company's headquarters or branches, and he does not have the authority to recruit temporary workers.

It’s just a matter of changing the name!

As for the purpose of making a wish to recruit these Tang Sect members to join the inspection team...

Naturally for their strength.

But it is not used in the country!

With his own [Great Transformation into Living Person], although other members of the Tang Sect have not yet mastered Pill Bite.

But it's just a matter of time.

Not to mention fifty or one hundred, even ten members of the Tang Sect who have mastered the alchemy, in today's domestic alien circle, their power is beyond the standard!

The Tang Sect's elixir bites, and those who hit it will die.

Although it may not be absolute, except for the old heavenly master and the god spirit who is not sure whether he can resist the pill bite, there is no room for negotiation with other people in the alien circle.

Wishing has other arrangements for these Tang Sect members, but that is only after reaching cooperation with the Tang Sect.

"Of course, I have no other conditions." Xu Yuan spread his hands, "After all, Tang Clan can be regarded as a loyal martyr. I personally have always admired Tang Clan."

The wish made Tang Miaoxing fall into deep thought.

The request made by Xu Yuan was not excessive, and even made him a little unbelievable.

In fact, even if he didn't make a wish, Tang Miaoxing originally planned to let people from the Tang Sect enter the company through making wishes. Even if they couldn't get into the company, they would at least have a closer relationship with the company.

Times have changed, and if the alien forces want to continue to survive in the country, they must stand on the right team.

If the Tang Sect wants to maintain the traditional neutral position of assassins and killers, it is obviously not possible!

Not to mention that there is basically no such business in the country now, and there is no chance for Tang Sect himself to actually fight!

This is the general trend in today's peaceful era, and it is also the reason why, in Tang Miaoxing's view, the Tang Sect needs to follow the trend and reform.

I really want to talk about it.

Nowadays, Tang Clan and Xu Yuan are going in both directions.

But just because the conditions proposed for the wish were so simple, Tang Miaoxing couldn't believe it.

It is not necessary for the Tang Sect to make a wish, but the means to make a wish is a necessity for the Tang Sect.

If he were in the position of making a wish, maybe he would put forward more stringent conditions than the wish.

Tang Miaoxing was surprised and asked in disbelief.



Make a wish and answer it truthfully.

Only then did Tang Miaoxing's face show a smile again.

"Okay! I agree!" Tang Miaoxing said excitedly, "But besides this, I have another request!"

Regardless of why you want to make a wish to a member of the Tang Sect, it is always right to agree first. They are not qualified to negotiate terms anyway, right?

"Say, Chief Tang." Xu Yuan said seriously.

"After today, I will pass the position of gate leader to Xu Xin. By then, I will have nowhere to go, old man. I wonder if there is an age limit for the volunteers you wish to recruit..."

This can be regarded as Tang Miaoxing's little selfishness.

The Tang Sect is indeed not qualified to talk about conditions, but if he is also among the volunteers, he may be able to take care of those Tang Sect members.

But for making a wish, he didn't care about this at all.

Xu Yuan even gradually understood the attitude of his immediate boss Zhao Fangxu.

No matter what the people under my command have or what their purpose is, as long as it doesn't affect the action, it just works!

Tang Miaoxing wanted to join the volunteers. Not only did he not think there was any problem with making a wish, he was even very welcome.

After all, except for the special skill factor caused by the card bug like Danqiu, the Tang Sect's highest regular combat power is Tang Miaoxing!

And with Tang Miaoxing as the "front sect leader" here, those Tang sect members don't need to worry about managing them themselves, they can just leave them to Tang Miaoxing.


"Of course there is no age limit," a smile appeared on Xu Yuan's face, "Welcome Mr. Tang to join the volunteers. How about I tell you about the salary first? Oh, no, volunteers should be called subsidies?"

Of course, this "subsidy" goes to the supervision team!

Just like when Tang Miaoxing and Xu Yuan talked about "jail robbery" to save people.

Xu wish and Tangmen reached a preliminary cooperation intention under such tacit understanding.

Of course, this is just a preliminary intention to cooperate.

The specific number of personnel and detailed rules still need to be gradually finalized by both parties.

The first one is to make a wish to recruit the number of "Tangmen volunteers".

It doesn't matter if you make a wish, naturally the more the better, the more the better.

But Tang Miaoxing also had his own considerations.

On the one hand, although Wishing has no bad intentions towards them, no one knows what kind of tasks they will face after becoming volunteers.

You can't put your eggs in one basket, or at least leave a queen for the Tang Sect!

Therefore, Tang Miaoxing did not directly draw all Tangmen members into the category of volunteers.

On the other hand, it’s because of confidentiality!

The fact that Tang Sect has mastered the method of stably cultivating alchemy must not be exposed!

Otherwise, the same thing as the master of the Eight Magic Skills would very likely happen to Tang Sect.

Never underestimate the evil in people's hearts!

Especially those from aristocratic families.

The Tang Sect does not have much contact with the alien circle. Even if some outstanding inner sect disciples were brought to Tang Tomb by Tang Miaoxing and practiced alchemy in seclusion here, they would not be noticed by the alien circle.

But if dozens or hundreds of Tang Sect members disappeared in the alien world at the same time, I'm afraid even a fool would see the problem!

So after discussions between Xu Yuan and Tang Miaoxing, it was finally decided that the number of Tang Sect volunteers, including Tang Miaoxing, would be set at twenty!

Twenty members of the Tang Sect who have mastered the unique skill of eating pills...

Xuanyuan thought for a moment and nodded.

"Well, barely enough."

The unintentional words of making a wish made Tang Miaoxing a little frightened.

Those are twenty alchemy masters!

Let alone twenty, even ten appearing at the same time is enough to put most people in the alien circle into fear!

Even when the ancestors of the Tang Sect and Bihe Nin had a battle in Changbai Mountain, they only used ten people. Among these ten people, not everyone had mastered the alchemy!

Although excluding other combat prowess other than Danqiu, today's Tang Sect disciples definitely cannot compare with the top ten of those years.

But just twenty pill bites are terrifying enough!

What exactly are you planning to do with your wish?

"Um...Team Leader Xu." Tang Miaoxing said with some anxiety, "Can I ask what the volunteers are going to do?"

"Senior Tang Miaoxing, just ask me to make a wish." Xu Yuan shook his head first and refused the other party's courtesy, "Senior Tang Miaoxing, I wonder if you still remember the Bihe Ninja from the island country?"

I heard the two keywords island country and hijen being mentioned in the wish.

At this moment, not only Tang Miaoxing, but also Xu Xin, who had not spoken much, had murderous intent in his eyes!

Both of them came from that chaotic era.

Those Tang Sect members who died at the hands of the island country's Bihe Ren were all their senior brothers and masters!

Not to mention those other Tang Sect members who sacrificed their lives in that war to protect their homeland and country!

There is a big feud!

The hatred of the country and the family is gathered together!

"Remember! How could I not remember!" Tang Miaoxing gritted his teeth and said, "I only regret that I didn't have the opportunity to participate in it! Those bastards died too early! Otherwise, I would definitely give them cramps and skin removal!"

Although Xu Xin still didn't speak, his murderous look was enough to prove his thoughts.

"What if I say that the remnants of the yin are still alive in the world?"

Although the tone of the wish was calm, the news he said exploded in the ears of the two of them like a thunder!

Xu Xin's pupils shrank, and he finally asked.


The fewer words, the bigger the story.

These older generation of Tang Sect members are not people who like to talk.

Just knowing the target and location is enough.

"Northeast." Xu Yuan shook his head, "But I only know that they are hiding in the northeast, but I don't know where exactly."

The wish did not lie to them both.

And even if Xu Wan catches Lao Zhang now, there is only one most likely consequence, and that is to alert the snake.

After all, the Hiko nin has been hiding in the Northeast region for many years and has many spies in various fields.

The time has not come yet!

Hearing Xu Xin's answer, Xu Xin's face looked slightly disappointed.

"It doesn't matter, just wait until they jump out on their own." Xu Yuan said in a confused manner. "However, the remnants of the ninjas are not worthy of using so many volunteers."

"Make a wish, what do you mean?"

Tang Miaoxing looked at Xu Yuan with surprised eyes and asked for confirmation.

He is not a stupid person. Since Xu Yu said so, an unbelievable conjecture was born in his heart!


If it was really what he thought, it would be too audacious to make a wish!

"Who said revenge has to be within our country?" The smile on Xu Yuan's face became even brighter, "When we go beyond the borders of the country, the company is not allowed to attack ordinary people, but there is no compulsion! More Not to mention people from other countries.”

If you make a wish, just click it.

But Tang Miaoxing and Xu Xin both understood it tacitly!

Both were shocked by the audacity of the wish!

This guy……

Is he really someone from the company?

Evil! Righteousness or evil? The evil is brought to justice?

Neither of them knew how to evaluate the audacity of making a wish.

But let's not talk about it, the two people were quite moved by the wish.

After all, if there is such an opportunity, on the one hand, it can indeed provide an environment for today's Tang Sect disciples to show off their skills in actual combat.

Can a killer who has never killed anyone be considered a killer?

Even Tang Miaoxin was thinking in her heart, should we add more Tangmen people as volunteers?

As for Xu Xin, he suddenly didn't want to take over the position of Tang Clan's head and lead the Tang Clan to carry out reforms. How could he go out to seek revenge and enjoy killing?

But Xu Wish's next words made the two of them calm down a little.

"We can't rush this matter. The time has not come yet." Xu Wish looked toward the northeast. "Even if we really want to do this kind of thing, we have to wait for a suitable opportunity. As the saying goes, teachers are famous..."

"But don't worry, it'll be soon, it'll be soon..." the wishing god said nonchalantly.

This time, two smart people, Tang Miaoxing and Xu Xin, failed to understand the profound meaning of the wish again.

However, the two of them did not ask further questions. At least they now had something to look forward to!

After determining the number of volunteers and their secrets, the next thing Tang Miaoxing had to make was the candidates for the volunteers.

After thinking carefully for a moment, he finally selected another nineteen people from among these Tang Sect members!

Because he knew about the "crazy" plan of making a wish, the Tang Sect members he chose were the nineteen most outstanding disciples among them!

Of course, there are not only the younger generation of disciples, but also several teachers from the Tang Sect among the nineteen people to form a tactical team.

I can't get involved in this matter if I wish.

After deciding on the candidate, Tang Miaoxing looked at Xu Wish again.

"Make a wish, I wonder if you can continue to use that method?" Tang Miaoxing was a little embarrassed, "If possible, I would like to let all nineteen Tang Sect disciples complete the practice of alchemy today!"

Xu wish frowned.

Seeing this, Tang Miaoxing quickly added.

"Of course, if using this method is too much of a burden for you, then you can do it another day."

Xuanyuan shook his head.

"No problem, Senior Tang Miaoxing, then you can call them all in together, just in time to issue a gag order."

He frowned just now, but it wasn't actually because casting [Great Transformation into Living Person] was too much of a burden on her. Now [Great Transformation into Living Person]'s only restriction on him was the cooling time.

But the equipment he now has has a lot of bonuses that can reduce the cooldown time.

So the cooldown time is not very restrictive for him.

Xuanyuan was just thinking about how to keep the secret from being leaked.

After all, with the persecution paranoia of some aristocratic sects in the alien world, once the news that the Tang Sect can stably control the alchemy is leaked, it is very likely that there will be another bloody storm in the alien world!

But I made a wish and then had second thoughts.

Nowadays, among the people in the Tang Sect, apart from the original Tang Sect disciples, there are only people from the company and Quanxing. The only outsiders are the Lu family brothers and sisters.

The people in the company are all acquaintances and can be trusted.

And the omnipotent person...

Lu Liang, Ding Shian, Tu Junfang...

Although the contact between the two parties is not deep, Xu Yuan feels that as long as they are not stupid, there should be no big problem.

What's more, he now has the title of head of the whole sex generation on his head!

"Call everyone in? Give a gag order?"

Tang Miaoxing was stunned for a moment when he heard the wish.

Then he followed his wish and asked Zhang Wang to call in all those waiting outside the Tang Tomb.

Zhang Wang naturally had no objection.

He witnessed what just happened with his own eyes.

It's too late for him to be happy now. In his heart, making a wish is the savior of the Tang clan. Whatever he says when making a wish, he will do it.

Of course, although Zhang Wang had completely admired Xu Yuan in his heart, in fact, he kept firmly in mind what Xu Yuan had just said to him.

"I still like your unruly look just now, please recover..."

Therefore, Zhang Wang still has a bad face on the surface.

"Everyone come in!"

As Zhang Wang brought everyone back into the Tang Tomb.

Everyone in the Tang Sect present looked at Tang Miaoxing who was now in the center of the Tang Tomb with excited eyes.

Now that the gate leader is still standing here, plus the screams that just came from the Tang Tomb.

I'm afraid the sect leader has successfully practiced alchemy!

But when these Tang Sect members saw the corpses on the ground.

They couldn't help but wonder again.

Weren't there only four people in Tangzhong just now: Xu Yuan, the gate chief, Director Zhang Wang and senior Xu Xin?

Where did these corpses come from?

They were clearly guarding outside the Tang Tomb, and it was impossible for anyone to sneak in quietly!

Moreover, these corpses look...

Why do you look so much like the door manager?

Because of the angle, these Tang Sect members could only see many corpses scattered on the ground. As for the true appearance of the corpses, they could not see clearly at all!

In an instant, the CPUs of the Tang Sect disciples present were about to boil!

However, there are still some understanding people present.

For example, Zhang Chulan, Wang Zhenqiu, Feng Baobao and other insiders.

After they saw the body on the ground, they immediately turned their attention to Xu Wish.

They remembered that the last time they helped Chen Duo escape, they used the same method to make a wish...

As for the omnipotent person.

Only Ding Shian showed a thoughtful expression, while the others were still confused.

Tang Miaoxing did not keep everyone present waiting for too long.

He took the initiative to stand up.

"The Tang Sect members present, as well as the guests who came to the Tang Sect..."

Regarding Tang Miaoxing's title, Zhang Wang shrugged noncommittally.

Although he is still unhappy with those people who are full of sex.

But because of the wish, he didn't intend to care about it.

It's a big deal, out of sight and out of mind.

"The first thing I want to announce is that I, Tang Miaoxing, have successfully cultivated Pill Bite!"

As Tang Miaoxing finished speaking, the Tang Sect members suddenly cheered!

At the same time, Ding Zhangan's face showed an eagerness to try.

"The second thing is the second thing. As the head of the Tang Sect, I made a decision to abolish the imprisonment of Xu Xin, a member of the Tang Sect. From now on, the position of the head of the Tang Sect will be held by Xu Xin!"

As soon as Tang Miaoxing said these words, everyone in the Tang Sect who had been cheering just now gradually became quiet.

They all looked at Zhang Wang with blank expressions.

Xu Xin, because he has been imprisoned in the Tang Tomb, has almost no sense of existence in the hearts of the younger generation of Tangmen, and naturally has no support.

But no one objected.

The only person who might have different opinions on this is Zhang Wang.

But contrary to the expectations of these Tang Sect members, Director Zhang Wang had no objection at this time.

Now for Zhang Wang, it is no longer important who is the head of the Tang clan!

The key point is to make a wish!

Seeing that no one raised any objection, Xu Xin took a step forward.

"I, Xu Xin, will change my name to Tang Xin from now on and serve as the head of the Tang Sect!"

This is the rule of the Old Tang Sect!

Although now, the distinction between inner and outer sects of the Tang Sect is no longer determined by surnames. Starting from the previous sect leader Yang Lie, people with the surname Tang are no longer required.

But Xu Xin still abides by the rules of the old Tang clan and changed his surname to Tang!

This is what he owes Tangmen!

"Next, the Tang Sect member whose name I called will come out!"

The first thing Tang Xin did when he became the head of the door was to read out the names of the nineteen people in order according to the list given by Tang Miaoxing...

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