Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 166 I still like your unruly look just now

Chapter 166 I still like your unruly look just now...


Not long after Tang Miaoxing began to practice alchemy, a miserable cry of pain came from his mouth.

Just like the development in the original plot, Tang Miaoxing failed in his first practice!

The contrast in talent between ordinary people and geniuses is obvious.

The same is true when it comes to cultivating alchemy, food is food.

Xu Xin was able to practice successfully in one attempt, but Tang Miaoxing could not.

The consequence of failed cultivation was that the elixir-devouring seeds that had just formed in his body instantly ran out of control.

The first target of attack was the organs in Tang Miaoxing's body!

Tang Miaoxing fell to the ground in pain, with a ferocious face, and his whole body curled up into a shape like a prawn.

Later, as the pill-eating seeds continued to move around in his body, under the extreme pain, Tang Miaoxing's figure was like a zombie, constantly twisting into various weird postures.

All kinds of inhuman screams kept coming from his mouth!

Just listening to it is terrifying and terrifying.

His screams naturally rushed out of the Tang Tomb and fell into the ears of the Tang Sect members who were waiting outside. These Tang Sect members rushed in when they heard the screams.

Fortunately, Zhang Wang was guarding the entrance of Tang Tomb, and with his comfort, these Tang Sect disciples did not rush in.

However, in the Tang Tomb, none of the four people present, including Tang Miaoxing himself, focused their attention on Tang Miaoxing, who was being crazily tortured by the alchemy.

They are more concerned about the next development!

Xu Xin stared intently at Tang Miaoxing, who was rolling on the ground and wailing. As someone who had experienced this, he was already used to this scene. He was not even surprised that Tang Miaoxing failed to practice alchemy.

The unique skill of Dan Devouring is not so easy to inherit!

Tang Miaoxing's vitality was rapidly weakening, but he still hadn't seen anything unusual about Tang Miaoxing's body, which made Xu Xin have some doubts about his wish.

On the other hand, when he made a wish, he looked at Tang Miaoxing on the ground, without any worry on his face.

The process of Tang Miaoxing being devoured by the pill sounds long, but in reality it is very short.

The alchemy spread all over Tang Miaoxing's body in almost just a few breaths, and his body became as if it were withered.

It has developed to this extent, but there is still no response to the means of making wishes. Tang Miaoxing, like Xu Xin, has become pessimistic about the means of making wishes.

Yes, it is so easy to achieve such a heaven-defying thing like resurrection from the dead...

However, Tang Miaoxing didn't blame Wish-making. After all, even if he didn't have the ability to make wishes, he originally wanted to practice Pill Devouring, and he had long been prepared to bear all the consequences.

The only thing that he can't let go of now is Xu Yuan and Tang Men.

Tang Miaoxing endured the physical pain that almost made him faint and held back his last breath.

"I can rest assured that the Tang Sect is in your hands..." Tang Miaoxing turned to look at Xu Xin, "Also, don't make it difficult to make a wish, this matter has nothing to do with him..."

Tang Miaoxing stammered the last two sentences, then clenched his teeth and turned pale.

The whole person actually stopped breathing completely in an instant!

Seeing this scene, even Xu Xin, who had always been uninterested in anything except Dan Yan, shrank his pupils.

After decades, he finally saw the character of the Tang Sect members again!

Last time……

It was still during the battle with the Bihe Ninja Changbai Mountain...

Xu Xin is like this, let alone Zhang Wang, who has been Tang Miaoxing's brother for decades!

Zhang Wang stood at the entrance and exit of Tang Tomb and watched with his own eyes as Tang Miaoxing died from the backlash of the alchemy, and then none of the substitutionary death techniques mentioned in the wish occurred.

Grief welled up in his heart. Zhang Wang, who had a bad temper, suddenly lost control of his emotions and subconsciously blamed all the responsibilities on Xu Yuan.

He directly activated the Tang Sect's five-treasure body-protection method - Tumu Liuzhu, and in a flash, he rushed directly to Xu Yuan's side.

Zhang Wang grabbed Xu Wish's collar with a face full of grief and anger, and then asked Xu Wish angrily.

"Make a wish, is this what you call a substitute for death?"

Xu Wan was not angry because of his actions. Regarding Zhang Wang's short temper, Xu Wan had a condescending and tolerant attitude.

It's understandable, after all, Zhang Wang just "died" his senior brother.

Xu Wan just stretched out her hand to pull Zhang Wang's hand away from his collar, and then slowly raised her chin in the direction of Tang Miaoxing.

"Don't worry, take your time and watch...it's starting."

Although Zhang Wang had just witnessed Tang Miaoxing's "death" with his own eyes, when he heard the wish, he still held on to his last glimmer of hope and looked in the direction of Tang Miaoxing's body.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be shocked when you look at it.

A familiar green light appeared on Tang Miaoxing's corpse, which had been twisted into a ball due to pain and backlash.

It was the light that shined when he had just made a wish to perform the death-substitution technique.

Green light enveloped Tang Miaoxing's body. After a brief pause, the green light separated from Tang Miaoxing's body and fell next to the body.

Immediately afterwards, in the horrified eyes of Xu Xin and Zhang Wang, this green light gradually materialized!

The materialized appearance is the shape of a human body!

This is not the end yet. After taking the approximate shape of the human body, the details of the body also began to be refined!

It turned out to be another Tang Miaoxing!

It's just that Tang Miaoxing closed his eyes tightly.

The entire resurrection process was not very slow, but in the eyes of Xu Xin and Zhang Wang, it seemed like the days were like years.

This magical scene rekindled the flame of hope that had been extinguished in their hearts!

At this time, those Tang Sect disciples outside the Tang Tomb were also very curious about what happened inside the Tang Tomb after Zhang Wang suddenly left the entrance.

But fortunately, they still remembered Zhang Wang's order just now and did not enter the Tang Tomb without permission out of curiosity.

There are only a few limited insiders such as Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Chulan. They just listened to the noise coming from the Tang Tomb and already had a rough inference in their minds about what happened in the Tang Tomb.

Among the Tang Tombs.

After a few breaths, the [Great Transformation into a Living Person] that had just been blessed on Tang Miaoxing was finally completed!

A new Tang Miaoxing completely replicated the corpse on the ground before!

Tang Miaoxing slowly opened his eyes.

"Eh? Am I not dead?" Tang Miaoxing said to himself subconsciously.

As Tang Miaoxing spoke, Zhang Wang and Xu Xin instantly became excited.

The technique of making a wish for death actually worked!

"Junior Brother Miaoxing!"

"Senior Brother Miaoxing!"

The two people immediately surrounded him and began to question Tang Miaoxing carefully.

"I feel very good now. It's not like the feeling of gradually failing to swallow the pill, but..."

Tang Miaoxing also discovered the shortcomings of this magical substitution technique.

My cultivation level is completely gone and I need to practice again. But fortunately, because I already have the previous foundation, I can recover my cultivation level very quickly!

Tang Miaoxing truthfully told Zhang Wang and Xu Xin how he felt. Also through conversations with the two, Tang Miaoxing also figured out what happened after his "death".

I have experienced making a wish more than once for [Great Transformation into a Living Person], and I have long been used to it.

Therefore, he did not get involved in the conversation between the three brothers. He just watched quietly from the side.

But in fact, Xu Yuan was thinking about another thing, that is, how to negotiate terms with the Tang Sect later.

After all, now I have made an offer that the other party cannot refuse...

While Xu Yuan was thinking about how to negotiate terms, Tang Miaoxing and the other three also finished exchanging general information.

Zhang Wang was the first to come over. A flattering smile suddenly appeared on his face that had always been full of bitterness and hatred. He took the initiative to reach out and try to smooth out the wrinkles on his wishing collar...

"Ahem, Team Leader Xu, it was my fault before. Are you tired of standing? How about I bring you a stool?"

Zhang Wang had just witnessed with his own eyes how a wish to make a wish come true in front of him!

Let’s not talk about the incredible level of this ability. Just the significance of this ability to the Tang Clan. Let alone asking him to take the initiative to make a wish by asking him to make a wish. Even if he is asked to be a manservant for the wish, he will not do anything about it. hesitantly!

As long as you make a wish and are willing to cooperate with Tangmen!

From this point of view, although Zhang Wang is not very likable, he really cannot be called a bad person!

Xu Yuan was also dumbfounded by Zhang Wang's flattering expression. He even couldn't help but shake the goosebumps on his body.

"Senior Zhang Wang, I actually prefer your unruly and unruly look last time. Please recover."

Zhang Wang:......

Zhang Wang couldn't figure out for a while whether Xu Wan was mocking himself or whether he really liked that kind of himself.

But now that Xuanyuan had made a request, even if Xuanyuan was mocking him, he had to hold his nose and admit it, without any emotion at all.

The flattering smile on Zhang Wang's face disappeared, and he returned to the serious and fiery director of the Tang Sect's outer sect before.

"Okay! Then I'll go to the Tang Tomb entrance and continue to guard it. You guys can talk first!"

Zhang Wang walked towards the entrance and exit of Tang Tomb with a serious expression on his face.

It's just that although he is trying his best to suppress his emotions, it is not difficult to see from his fluttering steps how happy he is!

Tang Clan is saved!

Let’s not talk about the limitations of the general trend of the times. Just take the Tang Sect’s unique skills as an example. Only those who truly possess the alchemy can be the real Tang Sect!

After Zhang Wang left, Xu Xin also walked over with Tang Miaoxing.

"Make a wish, you have given the Tang Clan a big surprise! If it weren't for your identity, I'm afraid I would have to keep you in Tang Tomb even if you were forced to stay!"

Xu Xin's eyes sparkled.

As a person who has experienced this, no one knows better than him the importance of using the magical ability to substitute death for the Tang Sect!

Xu Xin's words didn't surprise Xu Yuan. Xu Xin said it, and she respected him for being honest.

Money moves people's hearts, and this is true everywhere!

It’s normal for Xu Xin to have crooked thoughts!

However, there is nothing he can do about it now, the initiative is in his own hands!

Xuanyuan smiled.

"Okay. Senior Xu Xin, as for other things, let's talk about it later when we have time." Xu Yuan turned his attention to Tang Miaoxing.

"Chief Tang, I wonder if you are interested in trying to practice alchemy again?"

"Oh? Make a wish, do you still have the energy to use this method again?" Tang Miaoxing's eyes lit up.

"Well, it's no problem." Xu Yuan shrugged, "It doesn't consume much."

For today's wish-making, the consumption of [Great Transformation into a Living Person] is nothing at all.

Judging from his current batch size and recovery speed, it is enough to support him to perform [Great Transformation into Living Person] dozens of times at a less frequent rate!

As for why he didn't negotiate the terms first, but offered to continue helping Tang Miaoxing master the pill bite...

It’s nothing more than making a wish to be confident!

This ability is completely controlled by the wish. He can use it if he wants to, and no one can force him to use it if he doesn't want to.

As for the Tang Sect, although having one more person who controls the Danqie can indeed change the current situation of the Tangmen, if only one more person controls the Danqie, it will completely change the situation. The future of Tang Sect?

Stop dreaming!

And he helped Tang Miaoxing completely control the alchemy through [Great Transformation of Living Beings], which also made Tang Miaoxing more clear about the value of this method, and was also conducive to the subsequent negotiations between the two parties.

Tang Miaoxing was also an old fox, so how could he not understand the meaning of the wish?

But he had no choice.

His talents are not as good as Xu Xin's.

When it comes to cooking, just practice more!

"Okay, make a wish, then please use the method you just used again!"

Tang Miaoxing didn't talk nonsense and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Although because he had just experienced a [Great Transformation into a Living Person], Tang Miao had lost all his cultivation.

But as long as he exerts a little bit of energy, he can recover a little bit of cultivation.

And if he wants to gradually acquire alchemy, this newly recovered cultivation level is enough to support his consumption of practicing alchemy again!

The wish-making [Great Transformation into Living Being] is a perfect match for the Tang Sect’s Pill Bite!

After waiting for Tang Miaoxing to recover a little, Xu Yuan used [Great Transformation into a Living Person] again.

This time Xu Xin felt the faint green light more carefully, trying to pry into the mystery of resurrection from the dead.

But he still found nothing.

This made Xu Xin a little helpless.

If possible, he would never want the Tang Sect to be controlled by others.

But now he can't understand the means of making a wish at all, let alone perform it!

As for Xu Yuan being arrested, tortured and interrogated?

Let’s not talk about the strength of Wish Wish’s group, nor the fact that although he himself is proficient in pill bite, the methods of other Tang sects are so weak that they are not as good as some of the inner sects of Tang sect!

Just in this day and age.

Is it still that turbulent era?

For people with a corporate background like Wishing, if they replicate what those sects of aristocratic families did to masters of the Eight Magic Skills, they might just be arrested in the morning, and the entire Tang sect will be plowed by missiles at noon!

Xu Xin just couldn't step out of the Tang Tomb, but he was not isolated from the world. Over the years, he had no lack of understanding of the outside world through the news from the disciples who had been brought by Tang Miaoxing to the Tang Tomb to practice alchemy.

Next, I'm afraid it's time for Xu Yuan to make a request. No matter what request Xu Yuan makes, the Tang Sect probably doesn't have the qualifications to refuse...

Tang Miaoxing is indeed a ruthless person.

Although the [Great Transformation Living Person] who made a wish ensured that he would not die from the backlash of the alchemy bite, the pain caused by the backlash was unavoidable.

Tang Miaoxing's subsequent attempts at cultivation all failed!

That’s right, several times!

Tang Miaoxing adheres to the choice of practicing more and more, and fights and fails again and again, and fights again and again!

Not only did they leave bodies scattered all over the place.

Hearing his screams made Wishong feel a little unbearable.

It was so painful!

Even the members of the Tang Sect outside the entrance of the Tang Tomb couldn't help but feel doubts.

What on earth are they doing in the tomb of the Tang Dynasty?

Fortunately, Zhang Wang is here, and Zhang Wang is confident now. He knows that now has reached a critical moment for the development of Tang Sect.

Under his strong suppression, Tang Zhong's disciples had not caused much commotion.

But Tang Miaoxing seemed to be working hard with Dan Xi, staring at his eyes that were bloodshot due to extreme pain, and kept repeating this process.


Finally, after another resurrection from the dead.

Tang Miaoxing finally reached the mentality standard for practicing alchemy-getting used to it.

He mechanically moved the Qi in his body according to the Qi path of Dan Qi, just like before.

But this time, Danqie did not lose control, but completed the entire route very smoothly.

In fact, Tang Miaoxing was already in a daze from the successive severe pains. He didn't notice this at all. It wasn't until the seeds of the alchemy had circulated in his body for the second time that Tang Miaoxing realized something was wrong.

Why is there no pain this time?

When Tang Miaoxing noticed the extremely docile pill-eating seeds in his body, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face!

"It's done! I'm done!"

Tang Miaoxing looked up to the sky and laughed wildly!

No one can understand his excitement at this moment!

On the one hand, he found a clearer and safer development path for Tangmen!

On the other hand, it was because he finally fulfilled his obsession!

Since the death of the previous sect leader Yang Lie, he has taken over the position of sect leader. However, after he took over as the sect leader, the only person in the entire Tang Sect who mastered the alchemy was Xu Xin, who was imprisoned in the back mountain!

The Tang Sect fell into decline in his hands.

Alchemy has also become his obsession!

Tang Miaoxing's excited laughter not only spread throughout the Tang Tomb, but also reached the ears of the Tang Sect disciples outside the Tang Tomb.

Is the door ready? What's done?

I’m sure I’ve succeeded in practicing alchemy!

The Tang Sect disciples all looked expectantly at Zhang Wang, who was guarding the entrance to the Tang Tomb.

But Zhang Wang has now become a staunch supporter of Make-A-Wish!

He knew that the next step was the most important thing, which was what kind of benefits should be used to make Xu Yuan willing to cooperate with Tangmen!

"Wait! Wait until the gate leader informs you before going in!" Zhang Wang ruthlessly suppressed these Tang Sect members once again.

Zhang Chulan and other insiders knew clearly. They had guessed what means the Wishing Club would use to help Tang Miaoxing master the elixir, but they were not sure what conditions the Wishing Club would propose next.

After all, it has become common sense to wish for something beyond common sense.

Among the Tang Tombs.

After laughing wildly, Tang Miaoxing forced himself to hold back the excitement in his heart.

He gathered his good emotions, walked to Xu Xin with Xu Xin, and bowed deeply to Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, thank you." Tang Miaoxing's thank you was very sincere.

As far as he is concerned, if he had not made a wish, let alone trying so many times, he would have been completely dead once!

"You're welcome, Chief Tang. Since you have mastered the alchemy, let's talk about cooperation." Xu Yuan said with a smile.

The expressions on the faces of Tang Miaoxing and Xu Xin also became serious.

Both of them knew the current situation clearly.

The Tang Clan must have the help of making a wish, and making a wish does not necessarily require the Tang Clan.

I am a fisherman and a fisherman.

No matter what conditions the wish was made for, they were not qualified to refuse.

The only thing they can do now is hope that the request made by the wish is not too excessive...

But when the two heard the request made by Xu Yuan, both of them had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

The wish once again exceeded their expectations!

"Make a wish, is this all your cooperation request? This..."

Please give me a monthly pass~

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