"I have decided to practice alchemy! At the same time, I will pass on the identity of Tang Clan's head to Xu Xin!"

As Tang Miaoxing finished speaking, the entire Tang Tomb fell into silence.

After a short period of silence, the Tang Sect members suddenly burst into an uproar!

The rest of the Tang Sect members were fine, just whispering to each other in small groups.

But Zhang Wang’s reaction was nothing short of great!

"Senior brother, you!" Zhang Wang almost jumped three feet high and said angrily, "I don't agree with this! Let's not talk about how dangerous it is to practice alchemy. Xu Xin alone must not leave Tangzhong! This is the rule set by the old gate leader!”

None of the disciples of this generation of the Tang Sect have successfully cultivated the Pill Devourer!

Among the inner disciples of the Tang Sect that Tang Miaoxing had brought to Tang Tomb before, even after so many years, none of them had succeeded in practicing Alchemy.

As long as someone dares to try, they will definitely fail in endless pain!

This is enough to show how likely it is to fail in practicing alchemy!

There is another problem.

That is, Tang Miaoxing wants to pass the position of head to Xu Xin!

Zhang Wang couldn't agree with this!

Although he has always been dissatisfied with Tang Miaoxing's style of conduct, but what about changing the head of the family from Tang Miaoxing to Xu Xin?

Stop it!

Don’t you think the Tang Clan’s troubles are not big enough?

Are they really planning to let the Tang Sect and those alien sects fight to death?

I heard Zhang Wang taking the lead in speaking out against it.

Tang Miaoxing was not angry, or he had almost no mood swings.

Zhang Wang's reaction was exactly what he expected.

Times have changed!

Today's era is no longer the turbulent era it was back then!

It was Zhang Wang's stubbornness that made him determined to take this opportunity to completely reform the Tang Sect!

He, Zhang Wang, and Tang Qiushan were not very good at adapting, so he could only place his hope for reform on Xu Xin.

After such a long time, it is meaningless to dwell on the right and wrong of the thirty-six thieves' sworn alliance.

But Tang Miaoxing knew one thing very well. Since Xu Yuan dared to form a sworn brotherhood with Wu Gensheng as a disciple of the Tang Sect back then, at least Xu Xin knew how to adapt better than the three of them!

And the most important thing is that Xu Xinhui can eat pills!

This unique skill is what gives Tang Sect the confidence to return to the world of strangers!

Since Tang Miaoxing had already made up his mind, there was no way he would give up his plan because of Zhang Wang's words.

"Junior Brother Zhang Wang, I am not negotiating with you." Tang Miaoxing said calmly, "And you also said that this is the rule set by the old gate leader. Now I am the gate leader! What I said is called Regulation!"

Tang Miaoxing's words instantly made the atmosphere on the field almost freeze, and even made Zhang Wang look at him with disbelief.

Is Tang Miaoxing crazy?

This is the second time that Tang Miaoxing has used his position as door manager to oppress him!

But that's not the point. The point is that Tang Miaoxing's words were overthrowing the rules set by the old gate leader!

Although the rules set by the sect leader are not considered sect rules, the new sect leader directly overturned the decision made by the old sect leader. This is the first time in the history of the Tang Sect!

However, even though Zhang Wang was distorted by Tang Miaoxing's words, he still failed to break the constraints of the rules on him.

In the end, Zhang Wang just stepped aside unhappily and stopped talking.

This made Tang Miaoxing feel relieved, and at the same time he felt more and more that his decision was correct!

On the contrary, it was Xu Xin.

When he heard that Tang Miaoxing wanted to overturn the old gate leader's decision and release him from Tang Tomb, he didn't have much fluctuation.

On the contrary, when he heard that Tang Miaoxing was going to practice alchemy, Xu Xin seemed to finally come to life.

He raised his head and looked at Tang Miaoxing.

"Junior Brother Miaoxing, are you sure you want to practice alchemy? Are you really ready?" Xu Xin's voice was dry.

But it is not difficult to hear the uncontrollable excitement mixed in his dry voice.

Tang Miaoxing and Xu Xin were of the same generation, so it was okay for Xu Xin to call Tang Miaoxing his junior brother.

"Yes." Tang Miaoxing nodded, his expression very solemn.

Is he ready?

If he was prepared to be able to practice successfully, then he was not, otherwise he would not have waited until now to practice the unique skill of the Tang Sect, Alchemy Devouring.

What he was prepared for was failure in cultivation and death!

"Okay! Now that you are ready, let's start now!"

Xu Xin is a veteran.

He knew very well that there was no need to prepare much for practicing alchemy. The only preparation he could do was to fail the practice, die, and leave the rest to fate!

This is also the reason why he is still lingering in the Tang Tomb for so many years!

Inherit the elixir for the Tang Sect!

Seeing that Tang Miaoxing had made up his mind, no one present tried to persuade him.

The outsiders present - that is, the wishing group, plus the Quanxing people, consciously planned to turn around and leave Tangzhong.

Although Alchemy's Qi path is not a secret among the aliens, even if they knew it, no one except the Tang Sect would dare to practice it, and there is no possibility of stealing it.

But Pill Devouring is the Tang Sect's unique skill after all. When other sects inherit the unique skill, turning around and avoiding it is a sign of respect.

Except for making wishes, of course.

Xu Wishan has no intention of leaving, he still has a big job for Tang Clan!

By the way, I will recruit some "new employees" for myself. These Tang Sect disciples are very suitable for the "kill first and report later" supervision team!

Seeing that these people were planning to turn around and leave the Tang Tomb, Tang Miaoxing once again gave the order in a deep voice to the Tangmen disciples present.

"All Tang Sect disciples, listen to the order! Before I fail or succeed in my cultivation, no one, including all my Tang Sect disciples, will be allowed to leave the Tang Tomb, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"

Regardless of whether the members of the Tang Sect agree with Tang Miaoxing's decision, he is still the head of the Tang Sect!

All Tang Sect members must unconditionally carry out the orders of the Sect Leader. This is the Tang Sect's rules!

Now none of the outsiders present can leave!

But just after Tang Miaoxing gave the order, Xu Yuan stepped forward.

"Chief Tang Miaoxing, why don't you ask the others to leave first." Xu Yuan said with a smile, "I have something I want to talk to Head Tang Miaoxing and senior Xu Xin alone."

"What's there to talk about?" Tang Miaoxing said, "Just say it now!"

Having reached this point, Tang Miaoxing had no way to look back.

And he was also afraid that he would regret it, so he spoke very firmly.

"Why don't you listen first? If you think it's not possible, you can call everyone back at worst?"

Xu Yuan was still smiling and didn't mind Tang Miaoxing's attitude at all, but the smile on his face was intriguing.

"Huh?" Tang Miaoxing looked at the smile on Xu Yuan's face and recalled what Xu Yuan did after coming to Tangmen, and then suddenly woke up.

It’s impossible to make a wish without understanding what you mean!

But now he still insists on having something to say to himself.

He shouldn't be aimless...

"Okay! All Tang Sect disciples obey the order..."

After Tang Miaoxing thought for a moment, he issued the order again.

However, this time the order was for these Tang Sect members to temporarily withdraw from Tang Tomb with these outsiders.

If he gives the order again later, these Tang Sect members will still have to come back with many of these outsiders!

Naturally, many Tang Sect members had no objections.

There was only Zhang Wang, who frowned and looked at Xu Yuan.

Among these outsiders, he could more or less understand each other's intentions, but the only one he couldn't understand at all was Xu Yuan!

He had no idea what the wish was for.

"I'll stay too!" Zhang Wang said.

Tang Miaoxing turned to look at Xu Yuan.

"Okay." Xu Yuan shrugged.

He didn't have any objections. After all, Zhang Wang was hostile to them before, just because the two sides were in different camps.

But for what he wants to do next, Zhang Wang is completely in the same camp as him!

And a group of Tang Sect disciples coerced Zhang Chulan, Wang Zhenqiu and others to exit the Tang Tomb. Except for the honest Zhang Lingyu, the Lu family brothers and sisters, and all the members of the family, all the "insiders" looked at the wish maker with meaningful eyes. .

They have probably guessed what Xuanyuan wants to do!

Xu Wan intends to pack up and take away all the Tangmen...

In other words, he tied the entire Tang Sect to his chariot!

After everyone had retreated, only four people, Xu Yuan, Xu Xin, Tang Miaoxing and Zhang Wang, were left in the Tang Tomb.

"Make a wish, what exactly are you going to say?"

Zhang Wang frowned and asked Xu Yuan.

Xu Yuan ignored him and looked at Tang Miaoxing.

"Chief Tang, if you want to practice alchemy, are you really sure of success?"

Tang Miaoxing fell into silence.

After a moment of silence, he shook his head.

"No, but I have to take a gamble. The Tang Sect needs Pill Devour."

There were only four people present now, and Tang Miaoxing became less hesitant when he spoke.

"So, Tang Sect Leader, your plan is that if you fail, you will die. Tang Sect still has the trump card of Senior Xu Xin, right?"

Make a wish and continue.

Before Tang Miaoxing could say anything, Zhang Wang couldn't help it and became furious.

"Make a wish, what do you want to say! If you use this to disturb the headmaster's mood again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhang Wang is also an older generation of the Tang Sect, and has experienced it all the way from the peak period of the Tang Sect. Naturally, he also understands the impact of state of mind on the practice of alchemy!

No matter how much he disagreed with Tang Miaoxing's previous decision, if Tang Miaoxing could really successfully practice alchemy, it would be a major change for the current Tang Sect.

Naturally, he didn't want Tang Miaoxing to fail.

On the contrary, it was Tang Miaoxing.

He waved his hand to Zhang Wang first.

"Junior Brother Zhang, please don't worry. I believe it's impossible to say this for no reason when making a wish."

Tang Miaoxing had long been accustomed to Zhang Wang's temper. He had some brains, but not much.

And once the temper rises, even the few brains will be washed away.

After comforting Zhang Wang, Tang Miaoxing looked at Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, don't worry. Even if I die under the influence of the cultivation pill, it will not have any impact on you. Tang Sect disciples can still work in the company. If Tang Sect wants to continue to survive, it must follow the changes of the times."

company? Work?

Zhang Wang was stunned on the spot.

How many things had Tang Miaoxing done without telling him!

Why doesn't he know anything?

But the other three people present didn't care what he thought.

Because his existence itself is a witness!

Seeing that the groundwork was almost laid, Xu Wan stopped going around the bush and went straight to the point.

"What if I said that I have a method that can 100% allow the Tang Sect members to successfully practice alchemy?"

Xu wish said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Xu Wan could clearly feel that the breathing of the other three people present was stagnant!

In particular, Xu Xin had the biggest reaction.

When others were talking just now, Xu Xin had no reaction.

The expression and eyes on his face were like a pool of stagnant water, without any fluctuation.

But after he said the wish, a piercing light suddenly burst out from his unwavering eyes!

Xu Xin suddenly raised his head and stared at Xu Wish.

"Your name is Wishes, right?" Xu Xin's voice was still dry and hoarse. "I ask you again, do you know what you are talking about now?"

Xu Xin practiced Alchemy himself, and when he was young, he also witnessed many of his fellow disciples die in pain and misery because of practicing Alchemy.

The cultivation of alchemy seems simple, and its power is extremely terrifying, but the success rate is appallingly low!

If there was a 100% way to successfully practice alchemy, the Tang Sect...

It will be the most powerful force in the entire alien circle!

If there is such a way, even if the Tang Sect becomes the enemy of all the alien forces in the entire alien circle!

Tang Miaoxing and Zhang Wang also looked at Xu Yuan with surprise on their faces.

Zhang Wang didn't believe it at all.

Is there such a way in the world? If there is, the wish will definitely be hunted by the entire alien circle.

Even worse than the Eight Wonders of the past!

After all, the Eight Wonders Skills are only better because of their miraculous functions. If we look at them purely in terms of lethality, the Eight Wonders Skills are completely inferior to the Tang Sect's Pill Bite!

The winner will die!

Not to mention that all the disciples of the entire Tang Sect have mastered Dan Bite, just fifty Tang Sect disciples who have mastered Dan Bite is enough to make the entire alien circle tremble!

As for Tang Miaoxing, he was actually willing to believe in Xu Wish. After all, the strength and abilities that Xu Wish had shown so far were beyond the upper limit of his estimate.

But because what Xu wish said was so outrageous, he couldn't believe it at all.

"Well, I know exactly what I'm talking about." Xu Yuan spread his hands, "To be more precise, I should have mastered a method of death..."

Xu Yuan briefly explained the ability of [Great Transformation into a Living Person] in words that a few people present could understand.

"The reason why the success rate of Tang Sect's alchemy practice is so low is that you only have one chance to live. What if you have more than one life?"

The wish made the three people present fall into silence again.

The silence of the three people was deafening.

What you said makes a wish.

If it was just the healing ability, they might not have such a big reaction.

After all, Dan Yan Wu Jie’s reputation is not groundless.

Not to mention the healing ability, even the two hands among the eight magical skills are useless!

But if it allows a person to have more than one life...

Maybe it really works!

If you fail in cultivation once, it will happen twice at most. If it fails twice, it will happen three times. Sooner or later, you will succeed!

Isn't there a saying, you just get used to it!

The success rate of practicing alchemy will also change from an outrageously low to a 100% success rate!

For the people of the Tang Sect, the only price they have to bear is the extreme pain caused by failure in practice.

This level of extreme pain is nothing compared to irreversible death!

"How can I be sure what you say is true?"

This time, it was not Zhang Wang who raised the objection, but Xu Xin.

Xu Xin finally "alive" it when it comes to the inheritance of the Tang Sect's unique skill, Pill Devouring.

"Won't you know if you give it a try?" Xu Yuan spread his hands, "Anyway, Clan Chief Tang originally planned to practice alchemy."

In fact, there are other ways to prove a wish, such as moving out Tian Jinzhong who faked his death and escaped.

But resurrection from the dead is too unbelievable for people in the alien world, so it would be more convincing for them to experience it for themselves.

As for whether [Great Transformation into Living Person] will become ineffective?

Making a wish comes with extremely strong confidence.

After all, even Chen Duo, the saint boy with the Gu body who died from the original Gu's backlash, was resurrected, not to mention the Tang Sect's elixir bite.

"Okay, then let me try!" Tang Miaoxing once again showed his courage as the head of the Tang Sect.

Xu Wan also took out her mobile phone very considerately and clicked on the video recording function.

"Chief Tang Sect, you just wanted others to stay, just to let others bear witness, and to do some psychological construction for Tang Sect disciples. It's just that it's not convenient for me to show my ability to others. Don't worry, if you fail If so, I will forward this video to the people of the Tang Sect and the company."

Making a wish freed Tang Miaoxing from any worries.

He immediately sat cross-legged, adjusted his condition, and prepared to practice alchemy.

And now when it comes to Tang Sect's inherited stunts, both Xu Xin and Zhang Wang know the importance of it!

Xu Xin also stood beside Tang Miaoxing, ready to assist him in practicing alchemy at any time.

As for Zhang Wang, he calmed down for a rare moment and volunteered to guard the entrance of the valley leading to the outside world to prevent anyone from breaking in and disturbing Tang Miaoxing's process of practicing alchemy.

"Okay, make a wish, I'm ready! We can start." Tang Miaoxing, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, opened his eyes again.

At this time, his condition has been adjusted to its peak.

everything's ready.

Under Xu Xin's expectant eyes, Xu Yuan nodded.

Then he activated the Godhead Mask.

The goal of becoming a god——[Alchemy Master Taiyi Zhenren]

A strange-looking alchemy furnace appeared at Xuyuan's feet, and Xuanyuan's attire also turned into a pointed robe.

【Great Transformation into a Living Person】

A faint green light spread around with the wish as the center, covering Tang Miaoxing.

Although this green light was extremely weak, because everyone present had been prepared for it, it naturally could not escape the eyes of Xu Xin and Tang Miaoxing.

Tang Miaoxing felt his body carefully, but found nothing strange.

If it were anyone else, there might still be murmuring in my heart.

But Tang Miaoxing put aside all worries very simply and immediately started carrying Qi according to Dan Qi's Qi route!

He wants to create the first pill-eating seed in his body!

Now the only thing on Tang Miaoxing's mind is practicing alchemy.

Let alone life or death, he doesn't particularly care even if he succeeds or not.

He has already finished explaining his "future affairs", even if he fails and dies.

There are always people who come after you!

The only thing that made his mood fluctuate at this time was whether the method of making a wish for death could have an effect on the failure of practicing alchemy!

This is related to whether the future of Tangmen will be smooth or bleak!

Concern leads to chaos.

And precisely because of this nervous mood swing, it was doomed from the beginning that he would not succeed in practicing alchemy this time...

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