He saw Gao Nan running towards him while crying.

Xu Yuan twitched the corners of her mouth twice.

Have you really gone too far?

It's too bad to bully this kid...

When everyone who had been following Xu Yuan saw Gao Nan approaching Xu Yuan, they did not stop him. They followed Xu Yuan's plan just now - just follow him.

Now they, even Zhang Lingyu, the most honest among them, have understood that this guy who makes a wish cannot be judged by common sense!

Even if one day, they wish to practice the godhead mask, directly transform a spaceship, and then tell them that they are going to explore another world, they'd better not be surprised.

A godlike mask and a mecha that can be called a war machine. Who knows how wishing connects these two completely unrelated things!

As everyone expected, Gao Nan, who was dressed in black, did not dare to take the opportunity to make a sneak attack after he came close to making a wish. Instead, he kept crying with runny nose and tears.

"Don't take it apart! Don't take it apart! I'll let you go..."

In a sense, Gao Nan is loyal to the Tang clan.

He didn't come over and promised that they had no plans to cause trouble for him for the time being and would just concentrate on the demolition work. All they would lose would be Tang Clan's property.

But when he comes, no one is sure whether Wishes will kill him directly. From this distance, Wishes can kill him with one move at any time, and it's too late to run away!

Fortunately, Xu Wan had no intention of killing Gao Nan.

He took a look at the messy mechanism array, and he realized... it should be called a ruins now.

Although not all of them have been demolished, enough have been demolished. If they continue to be demolished, it will be difficult for Tang Miaoxing to explain.

Now that Gao Nan has admitted defeat, there is no need to continue the demolition.

However, out of caution, Xu Yuan felt that he had to do one more thing before they left the agency formation.

"Your name is Gao Nan, right?"

Xu Yuan stopped the demolition movement in his hands and showed a kind smile on his face.

If Wang Ye or Zhuge Qing were here, they would definitely be extremely familiar with the wish-making smile.

Heshan seems to be exactly the same as Brother Xiao...

It's just that Brother Xiao will eat when he smiles, and he will trick people when he makes a wish.

"Well, I'm Gao Nan." Gao Nan looked at Xu Yuan with a somewhat uneasy look.

He was really scared, wishing that this was indeed the Sangmen Star!

When Zhang Huaiyi forced his way into the Tang Sect, he demolished the house without saying a word of disagreement!

"I accept your surrender, but I'm worried about you. I'm afraid you might launch a sneak attack on our formation today." Xu Yuan spread his hands.

The smile on Gao Nan's face froze.

To be honest, he did have this idea in his mind just now.

No matter how powerful your wish is, is it possible that you can still continue demolition despite being attacked in the middle of a large formation?

Even if you can, so can your companions?

"So, what do you want?" Gao Nan said with a stiff expression after his little idea was exposed.

"So for safety reasons, we must knock you out before entering the agency formation." Xu Yuan smiled and did not pay attention to Gao Nan's little thoughts.


Gao Nan hesitated.

But he quickly thought of something, gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Okay! I agree! Just do it!"

Gao Nan rubbed his neck, with an expression as if he was looking forward to death.

However, combined with the freckles and big teeth on his face, he looked a little funny at this time.

Xu wish smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not going to do it. I'll find a professional for you to ensure the whole process is painless." At this point, Xu Yuan turned to Feng Bao Bao who was staying with everyone and waved, "Sister Bao'er, come here."

"Me? Oh!" Feng Baobao walked over calmly, looking non-threatening.

Of course, it would be more convincing if she put away the folding sapper shovel she carried on her shoulder.

"Sister Bao'er, come here, knock him out, don't kill him, and then let's continue walking in." Xu Yuan pointed at the little Gao Nan.

"Okay, no problem, I'm very professional." Sister Baoer rubbed her two hands separately, then raised the engineer shovel in her hand and slapped Gao Nan on the head.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yuan suddenly thought of something and quickly added something to Feng Baobao.

"Slap his face, the black clothes he is wearing are defensive weapons!"

Originally, the engineer shovel in Feng Baobao's hand was about to hit Gao Nan's head. After hearing the wish, Feng Baobao showed amazing body control abilities!

Following the movements in her hand, the engineer shovel quickly changed direction and hit Gao Nan accurately on the face.



Gao Nan only saw a shadow appear in his field of vision, and then his nose sore, he lost consciousness and fell backwards.

This time, Gao Nan's already flat nose bridge became even more miserable!

Feng Baobao lovingly wiped off the nosebleeds on his engineer shovel, gave Xu a wish a thumbs up, and did not hesitate to express his appreciation.

"A good sound means a good start!"

Make a wish:…

As expected of you, Sister Baoer!

After confirming that Gao Nan has been taken care of, this Tang Sect's thousand-year-old mechanism array no longer poses any threat to Xu Yuan and others!

After this mechanism formation was modified, the automatic triggering function has long been cancelled. Once it loses the control of the mechanism master, it becomes a decoration.

Everyone didn't care about Gao Nan. They just placed Gao Nan in a conspicuous position and then moved on.

There are still members of the Tang Sect chasing them, so someone will naturally take care of Gao Nan when the time comes.

Everyone followed the correct route until they reached the end of the mechanism formation.

There is a huge stone tablet placed at the exit here. The stone tablet looks quite primitive.

The stone tablet is also engraved with a pattern that combines circles and lines.

"This is..." Zhang Chulan was a little confused.

"This is called the Alchemy Devouring Diagram! This figure is the route of Alchemy Devouring."

There was no need for an answer to the wish, Xia Liuqing took the lead in speaking.

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

Tang Sect, Pill Eater!

Although the Tang Sect is now in decline, the reputation of the Tang Sect's unique skill, Pill Devour, is still well-known among the outsiders!

Anyone who succeeds in this stunt will die!

Especially for the older generation like Xia Liuqing, and even the middle and younger generation masters like Tu Junfang.

The deterrent power of Pill Bite was real back then!

When Tu Junfang's generation was not famous yet, the former head of the Tang Sect, Yang Lieke, was still alive in the world!

Especially Zhang Chulan, after hearing the name Dan Yan, his pupils involuntarily expanded twice.

According to the information he has investigated so far, his grandfather's death that year was most likely related to Alchemy.

Zhang Chulan forcibly broke into the Tang Sect and was bitten by pills. Zhang Chulan didn't know the truth, so he won't comment on it. But the only thing he can be sure of is that he didn't come to the wrong place!

Zhang Lingyu asked.

"Didn't you say that Pill Devouring is the Tang Sect's unique skill? Why is it displayed here so openly..."

Zhang Lingyu's words not only asked the doubts in his heart, but also the doubts of others.

Except for peers like Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng, everyone else present knew Alchemy only by reputation.

After all, since the death of Yang Lie, the previous head of the Tang Sect, Dan Shi has not appeared in the alien circle again.

Hearing Zhang Lingyu's question, Xia Liuqing sneered.

"Boy from the Tianshi Mansion, hum, if you want to practice, you can definitely practice according to this line of Xing Qi. I can tell you that this line of Xing Qi is correct, but if you practice it, you are looking for death..."

If there is an old man in the family, there is a treasure, and it is true!

Following Xia Liuqing's explanation, everyone had a more detailed and comprehensive understanding of Alchemy!

The Tang Sect's alchemy route was hardly a secret to the people of that generation in the alien world. Anyone with some weight knew about it.

As for why there are so few people who know how to swallow pills.

Let’s start with the particularity of the unique skill of alchemy.

The alien methods of other sects are easy to get started with, but become more difficult and dangerous the further you go.

But Alchemy is just the opposite.

As long as you can get started, it means you have completely mastered this method.

And the most difficult and dangerous part is at the very beginning!

In addition to the methods of cultivation, life cultivation, and the use of secret medicine to change the body... and a series of other thresholds.

The scariest and most difficult condition is to see through the life-and-death barrier!

It is not the kind of life and death view where one is determined to fight for one's life, but one who is truly indifferent to life and death.

Not only is he indifferent to the life and death of others, but he is indifferent to the life and death of everyone, including himself, without any fluctuations in his heart.

Because survival is the instinct of living things, and people only have one life. Unless it really reaches that moment, no one knows whether it will really be indifferent to life and death.

But once you really reach the point of facing life and death.

Want to regret it? There is no way to go back!

As long as there is a slight hesitation in the heart, the first target of Danqi's attack is the cultivator!

Under the pill bite, there is death but no life!

There is no chance to prepare for the trial, one life, only one attempt to gradually eat away the opportunity...

However, how many people in the world are willing to take risks with their own lives?

After learning the truth about Alchemy from Xia Liuqing, everyone finally had a clear understanding of the unique skill of this Tang Sect assassin.

It is indeed the ultimate skill of the killer. Just the requirements of this state of mind are not weaker than Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen!


Wang Zhenqiu's reaction speed is the fastest.

His first thought was to make a wish!

It is true that Danqi only has one chance to try in one life, but...

Isn't there that magical way of making a wish to replace one's own death?

Others only have one life, but for making a wish, there is more than just one life!

Tian Jinzhong and Chen Duo died twice, but they saw it all!

It's just that there are still outsiders here, so they can't tell this directly.

Just when these "insiders" have different thoughts.

On the other side, the pursuit team led by Zhang Wang, director of the Education Department, finally got rid of Ding Shian's entanglement.

In other words, it was Zhang Wang who left some members of the Tang Sect to block Ding Shanan!

Because just now, Zhang Wang, who had been observing the movements of Gao Nan, Xu Yuan and others through the viewing garden, suddenly saw a scene in the viewing garden that he did not want to see.

I don’t know why, but the little red dot representing Gao Nan in the garden quickly approached the white dot representing a wish.

After a while, Gao Nan's little red dot stayed in place, while the little white dot representing the wishing group continued to penetrate deeper into the core of Tangzhong.

Although Zhang Wang hated these Quanxings to the core and wished to use the most severe punishment method of the Tang Sect to crush them to ashes.

But compared with these qualities, he still cares more about Gao Nan, the only weapon refiner of the Tang Sect's generation.

The main reason is that the authority to control the mechanism array now belongs to Gao Nan. Once something happens to Gao Nan, the Tang sect's mechanism array will be abolished at least until the next member with the talent to refine weapons appears!

Gao Nan!

Don't let anything happen to you!

Ding Zhangan, who was blocked by the other Tang Sect members, did not react much at this time.

Those Tang Sect disciples left behind by Zhang Wang to stop him were just ordinary disciples.

With his strength, it is not impossible to break through the obstacles of these disciples.

But Ding Shian did not do this.

Although this Zhang Wang is not the head of the Tang Sect and his authority is limited, in the final analysis, Zhang Wang's position in the Tang Sect is also very important and carries a certain weight.

He didn't really come to fight the Tang Clan for a life-or-death showdown.

There is no need to offend the people of Tang Clan to death.

Now he has bought enough time for those who wish.

If they can't break through the blockade of the Tang Sect members in front of them during this period, then there is no need for him to continue to help.

Now as the Tang Sect members led by Zhang Wang continue to advance, the pressure on Ding Zhangan's side has suddenly dropped by a large amount.

Ding Shi'an simply did not hesitate, accompanying these Tang Sect members to fight while continuing to move forward.

When Zhang Wang rushed to the agency formation.

The scene that appeared in front of him made his eyes widen instantly!

A figure was lying alone on the ground, motionless.

It can be seen from the iconic black coat of this figure that this is Gao Nan, the machine weapon refiner of the Tang Sect!

Zhang Wang immediately stepped forward to check Gao Nan's injury.

Gao Nan's face was covered with blood, he rolled his eyes, his posture was miserable...

But fortunately, after Zhang Wang's careful inspection, Gao Nan's injuries only looked miserable, far from life-threatening.

Even judging by the injury level, it is not even considered a minor injury!

The most serious injuries on his body were his nosebleeds and the big bump on his forehead...

Gao Nan fainted because he was hit hard on the face and temporarily lost consciousness.

The worst case scenario that Zhang Wang expected did not happen.

But it didn't let Zhang Wang relax.

Because there is indeed nothing wrong with Gao Nan, the weapon refiner.


There's something wrong with the agency array!

Everything Zhang Wang could see was devastated!

The mechanism array has been destroyed into rubble everywhere.

Although it was only the first of the nine great machine formations that was destroyed, it was enough to make Zhang Wang heartbroken!

The damage to the mechanism array so far is still within the level of repairability.

But the price of strong power must be strong consumption.

The stone forest here and the various mechanisms in the formation require no ordinary materials, and all require weapon refining skills to complete.

"Make a wish..."

Zhang Wang squeezed out two words through his teeth.

If anything, at least he led people to chase the wishing group, just because of the identity of the other party.

Then he is really angry now!

Although his surname is Zhang, not Tang, who is from the inner sect, he is only responsible for the teaching director of the outer sect.

But after so many years, he has long regarded Tangmen as his home!

His love for the Tang Sect is no less than that of anyone in the inner sect!

"Leave one person to take care of Gao Nan, everyone follow me! We must capture them today! They haven't gone far yet!"

Zhang Wang shouted angrily to the Tang Sect disciples present.

He only needs to give the order. As for who will be left to take care of Gao Nan more specifically, he naturally does not need to worry about it. According to the Tang Sect's rules of action, the weakest one will stay!

As Zhang Wang finished giving the order, a group of Tangmen disciples chased Xu Yuan and others again!

The fact is that as Xiang Zhang Wang said, the wishing group is not very far away from them.

After running all the way until now, the weaker ones among the Tang Sect's disciples have already been eliminated.

The ones who really remain till now are the elites of Tang Sect!

The distance between the two sides is quickly closing!

Make a wish for a group of people here.

The appearance of the Pill Devouring Picture did not stop them.

Although Wang Zhenqiu, Zhang Chulan and other insiders discovered "Hua Dian", it seems that the strange death-substitution technique of making a wish can be used to block the bug that is gradually eating away at the pill.

But no one wanted to commit suicide and wanted to practice according to the Pill Devouring Diagram.

On the one hand, they are on the way to escape now, and are not suitable for gradually eating pills.

On the other hand, it is also because if Dan Yan wants to get started, the most important thing is the state of indifference to life and death, but the relevant practice methods and secret medicine are also indispensable conditions.

Of course, in fact, for these people, except for Wang Zhenqiu, the "southern cancer" who practices Baijia Yi, the compatibility of others with Alchemy is very low, and everyone's path of practice has almost been determined!

As for making a wish...

The appearance of the Pill Devouring Stone Tablet really made him very happy.

But it's not because the Alchemy Devouring Diagram is the cultivation method of Alchemy Devouring.

But because...

The moment everyone saw the Pill Devouring Stone Tablet, the world compatibility in Xu Zhiyuan's thoughts jumped again.

World fit increased from 55% to 56%!

The number of draws has also accumulated to 9 times!

Pill bite is indeed a unique skill that has been passed down by the Tang Sect for nearly a thousand years!

Just in terms of the world compatibility provided for him, it is not weaker than the Eight Wonders!

After everyone crosses the Pill Devouring Stone Tablet, they can clearly feel the changes in the surrounding environment when they make a wish!

To be more precise, it should be the change in the power of faith in the surrounding environment!

With the Pill Devouring Stone Tablet as the dividing line, the power of faith that the Tang Sect has inherited for nearly a thousand years has finally begun to show itself!

The power of faith permeating the surrounding environment made Xu Yuan smile secretly in his heart.

finally reached!

Although I have only accumulated nine lottery opportunities now, it is less than ten consecutive draws.

But Make a Wish now plans to be careful about the lottery opportunities!

As the degree of compatibility with the world gradually increases, the speed at which he now improves the degree of compatibility with the world is getting slower and slower.

After all, there are only so many key figures or key points in the whole world...

He had no intention of performing ten consecutive draws in the Tang Sect!

Therefore, there is nothing to hesitate in making a wish.

While he and the others continued to go deep into the core of Tangzhong, Xu Wish also opened the lottery system in his mind!

A familiar light curtain appeared in front of Xu Yuan.


The light curtain began to flash rapidly.

Finally, when the light curtain stopped flashing, it locked on the head of a hero.

A braided man with a weird mask.

[Blade - King Lanling]

A sixth child that makes Xiao Qiao players hate him to the core!

Hey hey hey, Tang Sect? Killer? assassin?

What is a real killer assassin? (tactical fallback)

A smile appeared unconsciously on the corner of the wishful mouth...

And at the same time.

Zhang Wang, who was furious because the machine formation was destroyed, also led the elite members of the Tang Sect to catch up with Xu Yuan and others!

He saw traces of the wishing group from a very far away place through the garden in his hand.

"Do it! Make a wish for those people in front!"

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