Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 163 Times have changed, new energy pills!

"Do it! Make a wish for those people in front!"

After chasing until now, Xu Wan and his party encountered countless chases and interceptions along the way to Tang Sect. Zhang Wang finally caught up with them with the elite of Tang Sect!

It’s not easy!

Now that Zhang Wang saw the location of Xu Yuan and others through the garden, he almost shed tears!

The last time he was so helpless was Zhang Chulan's grandfather Zhang Huaiyi. At that time, he was not the director of the outer education department...

The sight of the Tang Sect's huge array of agencies once again appeared in front of Zhang Wang's eyes, and his teeth were about to break!

"We must stop them this time!" Zhang Wang ordered through gritted teeth to the elites of the Tang Sect behind him.

Fortunately, they caught up with Xu Yuan and others before they arrived at the core cave of the Tang Tomb, and did not let these people see the secrets in the Tang Tomb. Otherwise, other than killing people and silencing them, they would have no other choice...

Following Zhang Wang's order, the remaining elite disciples of the Tang Sect attacked Xu Yuan and his party at the same time.

But this time, these Tang Sect members have learned their lesson.

They did not all attack from the front.

Instead, some of the disciples attacked directly to attract the attention of Xu Yuan and others, while the other disciples quietly surrounded him from both sides through the phantom body barrier!

The other Tang Sect members who had just been screened out along the way had already used their own personal experiences to tell them how difficult it was to make a wish to these people.

These remaining Tang Sect members finally learned the attack methods that assassins and killers should have!

Under the phantom body barrier, the figures of the Tang Sect members who were outflanking him could not be seen at all!

Only the rustling woods in the night can vaguely prove their existence...

While these Tang Sect members surrounded Xu Yuan and others from all directions, Xu Yuan continued to draw the lottery in his mind.

The Tang Sect is truly a thousand-year-old assassin sect!

In the first draw, a real assassin was directly given to the wisher!

[Blade - King Lanling]

But unlike most other heroes, King Lanling does not have four abilities.

But five abilities!

One passive ability and four active abilities.

All five abilities bring King Lanling's fighting style as an assassin to the extreme!

Extreme explosive power, extremely fast speed...

Among them, the passive ability and the other three abilities are nothing too special. The one that attracts the most attention of the wish is King Lanling's [Secret Skill·Concealment]

[Secret Skill·Stealth: After 1.5 seconds of preparation, enter the stealth state, lasting 30 seconds.

Launching an attack or reaching the limit will exit the invisibility state. 】

If it were just that, it might seem a bit unremarkable.

But the special point lies in the specific value of this ability!

The duration is 30 seconds, but it can be used infinitely without consuming any Qi!

In other words, as long as he makes a wish, he can remain invisible indefinitely!

Moreover, unlike Tang Clan's phantom body barrier, which is a blinding method, Wish's invisibility state is true invisibility!

Completely hide your own existence!

Not only can a wish in the invisible state avoid detection by most alien means, but even if the enemy uses a large-scale attack method, the wish will not exit the invisible state after being attacked!

For a killer assassin, [Secret Skill·Concealment] is no less significant than the Eight Wonders!

This is just the first draw.

After all, Tang Sect is a hidden sect, and the power of faith that has been gathered for thousands of years is naturally not as good as that of sects with many believers such as Longhu Mountain or Shaolin Temple, but after all, it has been passed down for nearly a thousand years.

Wishing can feel that although his lottery this time has consumed the power of faith in the surrounding environment, it is still enough to support him in at least two draws.

There was no delay in making a wish. After taking a cursory glance at King Lanling's approximate abilities, he continued with the second draw.

The lottery light curtain flashes rapidly.

When the lottery light curtain stopped again, the portrait of a hero was still locked on the lottery light curtain.

She has white hair and a green glow on her face.

[Good and evil strange doctor——Bian Que]

Poison King!

He is also a medical saint!

Whether to kill or save, it all happens in one thought!

Make a wish and your spirits will rise.

In terms of secondary attributes, Bian Que is indeed in line with the Tang Sect's poison-using characteristics!

As for Bian Que’s healing ability...

Wishing has not tried it yet, but he feels that the recovery effect should be enough to challenge the red hand in Shuangquan's hand!

The most important thing is that according to Bian Que's ability and means, he can release poison and heal his allies at the same time during the battle.

Make a wish because of the vision bonus of the super intelligent life form brought by Nuwa's [Brilliant Guidance].

Therefore, the field of vision that wishing can see is much farther and clearer than that of others.

Although he didn't have the Tang Sect's viewing garden in hand, he still noticed the slight movement in the woods with his super vision at the first time!

Apart from Tang Clan, there can be no one else!

Although the remaining disciples of the Tang Sect are all elites, there are still a lot of them after all. When moving in the lush jungle, it is inevitable that they will encounter some branches and the like.

Wishing saw the swaying branches getting closer and closer to them, and quickly started the third lottery.

The lottery light curtain flashes again.

However, the lottery results given this time made Xu Wishan's face look a little weird.

Because he is still a hero.

And with the results of this lottery, the power of faith accumulated in Tang Tomb for nearly a thousand years has finally been exhausted!

[Eye of Silence—Baili Keeping the Promise]


This guy should...

Also considered an assassin, right?

After all, it has a high burst, can camouflage, and has a long range...

These characteristics all belong to assassins, well, new era assassins!

That’s how it goes with making a wish anyway.

However, Baili Shouyu's attack method is a bit interesting.

It all depends on the ultra-long-range sniper rifle in his hand.

Especially after the combination of Baili Shouyu's ultra-long-range sniper rifle and the vision bonus brought by the wish's own [super-intelligent life form].

This hero's combat effectiveness has undergone an earth-shaking qualitative change!

The range of [Breath of the Wind] is indeed ridiculously long, but its disadvantage is that it requires vision, otherwise the accuracy will have to rely on blindness.

But this shortcoming is perfectly made up for by the vision brought by the super-intelligent life form of the wish itself!

Now as long as he is within the wishing field of vision, he can rely on [Breath of the Wind] to hit wherever he wants!

Coupled with the magic balls and attribute bonus effects brought by various wish-making equipment...

Except for a very small number of top masters, it’s basically just whoever you beat will die!

Among the top masters, except for Zhang Zhiwei, the supreme Taoist Master, there is no certainty at all in making a wish.

As for the remaining top players...

If one shot can't solve the problem, then it's a matter of two shots. If that doesn't work, then three shots.

Anyway, the attack distance is far enough!

Tsk, what is this?

New energy elixir?

Sir, times have changed?

Of course, if you look at Baili's ability to keep promises, it's not that strong.

It's just that Baili's ability to keep promises is completely partial.

Occupying the advantage of super long distance and first move, how could ordinary people imagine that bullets would be fired at him from 800 miles away?

Moreover, the only shortcoming of needing to set up the field of vision in advance is made up for by the wish's own stronger field of vision...

All I can say is that everything is a coincidence, nothing more than chance!

Making a wish is a bit overwhelming.

With his current strength and strong ability, he may not have any fluctuations in his heart.

After all, no matter how strong she is, is she not as strong as her "mother" Nuwa?

But if you draw a perverted ability, then you will be interested in making a wish!

Baili Shouyu's range is abnormal enough!

Just at this moment, the remaining elite members of the Tang Sect finally arrived nearby.


It is still the classic Tang Sect way of appearing.

With the sound of breaking through the air, a silver needle contaminated with poison shot out from the seemingly empty air, heading straight towards the wishing group!

Xuanyuan has already noticed it.

Naturally, it is impossible for such a sudden attack to hit him!

The others also reacted very quickly and used their methods in time.

Either he quickly dodges to the side, or he uses some means to push away the incoming silver needle.

Even though the attack missed, the Tang Sect member who had just shot was not discouraged.

Everything is expected.

He immediately used the Phantom Body Barrier again to hide his figure.

As for Xu Yuan and others, leave it to other disciples!

Other fellow students will naturally take action!

Sure enough, just after everyone escaped the first wave of attacks, the second wave of attacks from the Tang Sect members followed.

It was still an attack from the seemingly empty air!

These elite Tang Sect members have learned enough experience from the battle and are getting closer to becoming qualified assassins and killers.

If he misses a hit, he is not eager to fight, but quickly casts the phantom body barrier again or retreats quickly.

If you miss one hit, you will be able to escape thousands of miles!

Every part they attack is a vital part!

The wishing group finally felt the pressure.

The Tang Sect's Phantom Body Barrier is indeed one of the Tang Sect's inherited skills. It is a legacy passed down after being tested in actual combat.

Under the attacks of these elite Tang Sect members one after another, everyone was in a hurry to deal with them!

Of course, making a wish is an exception.

Because at the same time that the first Tang Sect member took action, Xu Wish activated the Godhead Mask.

But the goal he chose to become a god was not the hero he had been in the past.

But the [Blade-Lanling King] he just obtained.

[Secret Skill·Concealment]

After he dodged the silver needle shot by the Tang Sect disciple, his reading time was over.

Make a wish and enter the invisible state directly!

In the eyes of others, Xu Yuan's figure only flickered for a moment, and then completely disappeared into the air.

See this scene.

Both the other companions present and the disciples of the Tang Sect were all a little surprised.

When did Xu Wan learn the Tang Clan's phantom body barrier?

It was obvious that everyone present regarded the wish-making method as a phantom barrier for the Tang Sect.

It’s not that their knowledge is so shallow.

But in the entire alien circle to this day, except for some special talents that cannot be copied by innate aliens, the only way to hide one's body is the Tang Sect's Phantom Body Barrier!

Although these Tang Sect members were surprised, now that they had taken action, there was no turning back when they fired their bows.

Now is obviously not the time to worry about how Wishing learned the illusion.

Forget about making wishes!

It’s better to deal with the others first!

After taking care of the others, and with Guanyuan in hand, it shouldn't be difficult to find the wish!

And make a wish after entering the invisible state.

He was not far from the battlefield.

Of course, he did not attack those Tang Sect members.

He just stood on the side of the battlefield and observed the situation.

It's not that I'm afraid of these Tang Sect members when I make a wish.

In fact, now they can fight or continue to run away!

If they were to fight, if they really wanted to be serious and not hold back, they would really be worthy of the pursuit of the Tang Sect.

In other words, as long as Xu Xin, who was imprisoned in Tang Tomb, did not take action, there was almost no possibility of them losing.

And if you want to continue to escape, it is very simple.

Now this place is actually not far from the cave at the core of Tangzhong.

Xu wish knew in his heart that as long as they entered the core cave of Tangzhong.

When the time comes, Tang Miaoxing will naturally stop the pursuing Tangmen and give a reasonable explanation.

And now, the reason why Xuanyuan didn't fight or run away.

It was entirely because he wanted to test the ability of the hero he had just acquired.

Xu Yuan stood next to the battlefield and looked at a group of Tang Sect members who kept appearing and then disappearing on the battlefield.

As he expected, King Lanling's invisibility was completely different from the Tang Sect's illusory body barrier, which also made it impossible for these Tang Sect members to discover him at all!

At present, the rest of his companions can still hold on, and Xu Wan is not in a hurry to take action. Instead, he walks in the direction of these Tang Sect members in a stealth state.

After passing through these Tang Sect members, Xu Yuan finally saw his goal.

Director of the Tang Sect’s Outer Education Department—Zhang Wang!

If he remembered correctly, this guy should also have a "Garden View" detector in his hand.

Xu Yuan quietly came to Zhang Wang's side.

Zhang Wang did not take action together with those Tang Sect members, but stayed where he was.

In fact, he was also very aware of the Tang Sect's current predicament.

That is, in peaceful times, the Tang Sect, which originally specialized in assassination, has no place to use it.

Not to mention assassinations, even fights between strangers are rare!

Now is the perfect time to hone the Tang Sect members' attack methods with the help of Xu Wish and this group!

Of course, Zhang Wang didn't just watch.

He also took out the viewing garden and observed the situation on the battlefield.

It was this behavior that made Zhang Wang also discover the strangeness of making a wish!

Because in the display of the garden, the red dot representing outsiders disappeared at that moment!

It’s the red dot that represents making a wish!

In the invisible state, Xu Yuan quietly came to Zhang Wang's side, but Zhang Wang didn't notice it at all!

Xu Yuan lowered his head and glanced at the display on the garden.

Sure enough, as he expected, the invisible state is also effective for the detection of the garden.

In fact, according to the speculation of making a wish, the principle of Guanyuan detection is based on the reaction of Qi.

[Secret Skill·Concealment] does not consume Qi at all, nor does it use Qi. It is more like an instinct.

Apart from being invisible now, he is completely an ordinary person!

It is normal that it cannot be detected by Guanyuan.

After confirming this, Xu Yuan did not hesitate any longer.

After all, he had just obtained the hero, and only King Lanling could test it in this situation.

As for Bian Que and Baili keeping their promise.

He didn't really want to kill these Tang Sect members.

Even from the beginning, in order not to accidentally kill these Tang Sect members, their group had already held back from attacking the Tang Sect members...

Xu Yuan silently placed the sharp blade that appeared in his hand on Zhang Wang's neck after transforming into a god.

It wasn't until the sharp blade in Xu Yuan's hand was pressed against Zhang Wang's neck that he felt the cold and sharp foreign object.

Zhang Wang is worthy of being a veteran of the Tang Sect.

His reactions were extremely quick.

Although he didn't see the specific situation or what it was.

But after he trembled, he then retreated in the opposite direction of the sharp blade to avoid it!

It's just a pity that making a wish is not a vegetarian, especially when the wish takes the upper hand.

As soon as Zhang Wang made a move, the sharp blade in Xu Yuan's hand came closer to his throat.

"Don't move, if you don't want to die, Senior Zhang Wang."

The voice of making a wish softly appeared in Zhang Wang's ear, making his heart completely sink!

He was just thinking about what kind of means Xu Wish used to avoid Guanyuan's detection.

As a result, Wishing now put a knife on his neck!

Because the action of making a wish can be regarded as an attack, he naturally exited the invisibility state and appeared next to Zhang Wang.

"Make a wish, what do you want to do?" Zhang Wang's face was gloomy, with no trace of fear on his face.

Although Xu Wan has put a knife on his neck now, Zhang Wang himself is a qualified killer assassin.

If Xu Yuan makes any excessive demands, he doesn't mind dying for Xu Yuan!

"Don't think that just by holding me hostage you can let me let them escape!"

Make a wish:…

He now understood why Tang Miaoxing would make such a plan together with him, an outsider.

Although Zhang Wang is loyal to the Tang Sect, his character is not flexible at all.

Just like the stones in the latrine - smelly and hard.

It can't even threaten his life!

"Senior Zhang Wang, who said I was going to run away?" Xu Wan did not take the sharp blade away from Zhang Wang's neck, "I just hope you can stop these disciples, and then we can have a good communication."

"Impossible! The Tang Sect will never compromise!"

Zhang Wang didn’t even think about it and sternly refused!

Make a wish:…

It's smelly, hard, and really hard to handle!

Have you ever thought about it, it’s actually because we didn’t kill you Tang Sect members, otherwise you Tang Sect members who haven’t experienced much actual combat would have been consumed by us long ago!

Moreover, who asked you to compromise? It makes us look like bad guys. This is obviously your sect leader Tang Miaoxing’s plan!

Since Zhang Wang couldn't make sense, Xu Wan didn't bother to talk nonsense to him.

He shouted directly in the direction of the Tang Sect members.

"People from the Tang Sect, please stop now. Senior Zhang Wang has fallen into my hands!"

As the cry of making a wish spread.

Those Tang Sect members who were concentrating on the siege turned around. They suddenly discovered the situation here, and their faces were full of disbelief and astonishment.

I just made a wish to use the "Phantom Body Barrier" to become invisible, and they all saw it.

But no one took it seriously.

No matter how Xu Yuan learned the Tang Clan's stunt, after all, it was the Tang Clan's stunt.

Isn't it just a trick to cast a phantom body barrier in front of an expert in phantom body barrier?

Not to mention Director Zhang Wang, even they, the younger generation of disciples, would be able to detect it in advance once they wish to sneak attack them through the illusion barrier or get close to them.

But now the result is...

Among the Tang Sect members, Director Zhang Wang, who is best at illusions, was actually held hostage by Wish?

Zhang Wang is right about at least one thing.

That means Tang Sect will not compromise!

Even though Xu Wish had kidnapped Zhang Wang, the Tang Sect members present did not put down their weapons.

Instead, he held a weapon and confronted Xu Wish.

The scene was at a stalemate.

While the two sides were in a stalemate, a figure gradually came from a distance...

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