Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 161 The God of Demolition who makes a wish?

The short figure that suddenly jumped out was Gao Nan.

The Tang Sect's generation of weapon refiners.

Just like Tang Ming is Tang Miaoxing's confidant, he is also the confidant of Zhang Wang, the director of the Tang Sect's Outer Education Department.

It was Zhang Wang who took the initiative to lead him into the door of mechanism production.

Zhang Wang just called him and asked him to use this large machine array to stop these people who made wishes.

That's right, just stop it.

Because in the pursuit just now, Xu Yuan and others had already proved their strength.

There were so many Tang Sect members, including Tang Sect teachers, not to mention that they failed to stop Xu Yuan and the others. Many Tang Sect members who rushed in front were even knocked down.

Gao Nan is the treasure of the entire Tang Sect!

Although the mechanical weapon refining method is also one of the many methods of the Tang Sect, the weapon refining master needs talent!

Among the disciples of this generation in the entire Tang Sect, apart from Gao Nan, there is no other person with the talent of a weapon refiner!

Although along the way, Xu Wan and his party did not actually kill the Tang Sect members. At most, they knocked them out and suffered some minor injuries.

But the Tang Sect couldn't afford to gamble. If Xu Yuan and others were really put into this machine array, and it really caused some irreparable harm to Gao Nan, then they wouldn't even be able to find a place to cry.

The most important thing is that although Tang Sect's large-scale organization array that has been passed down for thousands of years has been abolished due to company regulations, it is not completely abolished.

It can still be activated and controlled by controlling the main string. In this way, this mechanism array is not considered a large impersonal mechanism, but a personal mechanism!

The control authority and refining method of Zongxian are in Gao Nan's hands.

In other words, Gao Nan is now the core of this large organization!

After Gao Nan accepted Elder Zhang Wang's call, especially after hearing Elder Zhang Wang's warning, he did not show off and did not try to put Xu wish and others into the formation and then capture them.

Instead, he obediently came to the formation one step ahead, activated the mechanism, and prepared to block the wishing group from outside the formation.

He just needs to stop Xu Yuan and others here for a while and wait for the people from the Tang Sect to arrive.

Gao Nan has a clear understanding of himself. When it comes to his one-on-one ability, even most of the inner sect members of the Tang Sect can beat him, let alone those who make a wish.

And if he was in this large machine formation, even if all the Tang Sect members of his generation came together, he wouldn't be afraid!

Is it possible that we still can’t stop these people from making wishes?

Gao Nan's confidence is not groundless.

The Tang Sect may not be an expert in the art of refining weapons, and mechanism techniques and traps also fall into the category of assassination methods.

The inheritance time is almost the same as that of Tang Sect!

The array of mechanisms in front of us is the essence of the Tang Sect's mechanism technique that has been passed down for thousands of years, so it should not be underestimated.

Just after Gao Nan opened his mouth to provoke everyone, Wang Zhenqiu, who had the most out-of-the-box personality, was the first to resist.

He directly activated the godhead mask, asked "Nezha" to get on top of his body, reached full status, and walked towards the mechanism formation.

Of course, Wang Zhenqiu is not that stupid.

In fact, he was just testing.

The moment Wang Zhenqiu's left foot stepped into the mechanism array, the already activated mechanism array was instantly activated.

Several hidden weapons and mechanisms were triggered at the same time, attacking Wang Zhenqiu!

Iron sticks, hidden wires, poisonous darts contaminated with poison, rolling stones, traps, poisonous gas...

Anyway, there is nothing you can’t think of but nothing you can’t do!

Wang Zhenqiu looked at the overwhelming attacks coming from all directions. He reached out and tried to deflect the attacks away with the fire-tip gun in his hand.

He did push aside these incoming hidden weapons, but the force of the attack made Wang Zhenqiu involuntarily take a step back.

The strength is surprisingly strong!

After all, the predecessor of this mechanism formation was the mountain guard formation at the core of the Tang Sect. There were countless mechanisms in it. Compared with the power of manpower and machinery, it was only one step behind.

But Wang Zhenqiu's step back just left the range of the machine formation.

He also just escaped the poisonous gas that came one step late.

Wang Zhenqiu is indeed a person who gives Zhang Chulan a headache.

In just one moment, not only did he test out the strength of the machine formation, but he also tested out the attack range of the machine formation!

"No, make a wish. It's impossible to resist so many attacks at once. The power is too great, and there are too many ways to attack."

Wang Zhenqiu retreated to the crowd and whispered to Xuanyuan.

The power of the machine formation is indeed strong, but the attack range is also limited to the formation. As long as they don't go in, the machine formation can't do anything to them!


If they were stopped here by a large array of agencies, wouldn't it be like Zhang Wang and Gao Nan's wish?

Seeing that Wang Zhenqiu had just made a move, he was beaten back by the machine formation. Gao Nan, who was in the formation, looked at Xu Yuan and others with a smile again.

"How is it? How is our Tang Sect's mechanism skills? If you ask me, don't come in. Anyway, I can't hit you if you don't come in."

Although Gao Nan is the treasure of the Tang Sect, he is still a young man after all, and naturally he is not as calm as those old guys.

On weekdays, because he does not particularly need to use mechanism skills, he has almost no sense of presence within the Tang Sect. His existence is actually similar to Xu Xin in Tang Tomb, and they are Tang Sect's trump card.

The weapon-refining mechanism technique that he had been practicing but had no chance to use finally came into use at this moment, and Gao Nan couldn't help but squeak.

Xu wish looked at the array of mechanisms in front of him and fell into a brief contemplation.

If it were him, he could use various means to force his way through this mechanism formation. Although it would not be that easy, it would not be impossible.

It's not that he is the strongest among everyone, but because there are so many ways to make wishes!

As long as he transforms into the god Nezha, he can fly, allowing him to evade most mechanisms.

But now it's not just him, but also the group of people behind him.

Judging from the intensity of these attacks that Wang Zhenqiu just tried out, if he had to force his way in, someone would definitely be trapped inside!

Wang Zhenqiu is not the strongest among this group of people, but he is definitely not the weakest either.

What's more, this mechanism formation is not only as small as the stone forest in front of you. According to the information Lu Liang found from Tang Qiu Shan's memory, there are nine such stone forests in the entire mechanism, and they must be passed through according to the correct route. Reach the true core of Karazuka!

It is obviously unrealistic to rush through such a large area with so many people.

No matter what the others are for, the group has been together all the way, and there is no reason to leave the others behind here until now.

After thinking about this, Xu Yuan happened to hear Gao Nan's proud and provocative words.

"How is it? How is our Tang Sect's mechanism skills..."

Xu Yuan was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed.

Yes, the Tang Sect's mechanism skills do have something to offer.


I seem to know more about mechanism techniques?

He made a wish and ignored Gao Nan who was dancing happily in the center of the machine formation.

He turned his head and looked at everyone.

At this time, everyone was looking at him, waiting for him to make a decision.

After all, let alone the people who came with him, they had been following the plan before making the wish. This time the "jail robbery" was the action advocated by the wish.

As for the newly joined member Quan Xing, Xu Wan has just taken over the position of the new acting leader, so naturally he mainly focuses on making wishes.

"Sister Baoer, how do you think we should get there?" Xu Yuan asked Feng Baobao with a smile.


Everyone present, as long as they knew something about Feng Baobao, did not expect that Xu Yuan would ask Feng Baobao.

I’m afraid I’ve lost my mind when I made a wish!

The strength of this confused girl is indeed strong, and it is obvious to all after coming into contact with her in several previous actions.

But ask her about her plans…

It’s better to go straight to A!

However, Feng Baobao's answer was not what everyone expected.

"A straight line is the shortest between two points, just rush over there!"

Everyone present:...

However, the reaction from the wish surprised them even more.

"Yes." Xu wish nodded, "The hero expected the same thing."

Feng Baobao's eyes lit up immediately and he nodded excitedly.

"Make a wish, you are a smart person, so I will say it! They always say that I am stupid, but most of the time I am witty!"

Everyone's expressions were strange.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is really nothing wrong with Feng Baobao's answer.

Although they have the correct route, it is the correct route without interference.

Now that the little man is in the organization formation, the correct route they know has no meaning.

And it is very likely to be more dangerous than other routes. After all, the opponent also knows this route and will definitely focus on defending here, and will also take the opportunity to attack everyone.

But the problem is, it doesn’t mean it’s safe to go directly through straight line A...

But this problem is a problem for other people, but not a problem for making a wish.

Since it's dangerous in the agency formation, I won't go in.

If the large array of government agencies is blocking the road, then just tear down the large array of government agencies and demolish it!

[Rampage Mechanism——Liu Chan]

organ? architecture?

It’s you who are being beaten!

[Magnetic barrier: Liu Chan can cause the same amount of damage to the mechanism by releasing skills on the mechanism, and also cause interference effects. When Liu Chan causes damage to the mechanism, he will plunder the mechanism parts to restore his own injuries]

Xu Yuan raised his head and looked at Gao Nan, who was hiding in the formation of agencies and kept jumping to provoke him, with a smile on his face.

"Let's go! Everyone, follow me, but keep a certain distance."

Xu wish said to the others walking together, while walking towards the mechanism formation.

Although others don't understand what Xu Yuan wants to do, they believe that Xu Yuan is not the kind of person who seeks death.

Only old acquaintances like Wang Zhenqiu know.

Now that I have made a wish, it means that the little dwarf in the organization formation is probably going to be unlucky...

Everyone followed the wishing instructions and hung far behind him, always keeping a certain distance.

Under their gaze.

Xu Wan walked to the machine formation, and his body was once again wrapped in the round panda mecha that he had smashed against the wall in the cell.

Gao Nan, who was in the machine formation, looked at Xu Wish.

It's not that he's afraid, he doesn't believe that making a wish can break the Tang Sect's trap array.

The last time he did this, according to Director Zhang Wang, was Zhang Chulan’s grandfather Zhang Huaiyi...

What kind of person is Zhang Huaiyi? How can he be compared to making a wish? What's more, after Zhang Huaiyi forced his way into the Tang Tomb last time, the Tang Sect once again strengthened the organs in the large array of organs.

However, Gao Nan ignored another point.

That is, the mechanisms in the mechanism array have been strengthened, but it does not mean that the mechanism array has become stronger.

Make a Wish had no intention of taking the ordinary path.

He drove the panda mecha to the edge of the machine formation.

Just when he was about to smash it down, he suddenly remembered a key question.

"Um, um, Lu Liang, which direction is the Tang Tomb? In the straight direction." Xu Yuan turned to Lu Liang and asked.

Lu Liang gave the answer based on the memories he obtained from Tang Qiushan.


Xu wish nodded and then turned his head.

Because the distance between the two parties was far away, and Gao Nan majored in machine arts and his cultivation was not very strong, he did not hear the conversation between the two clearly at all.

"Hahaha! Stop struggling. If you can break this mechanism..."

When Gao Nan was laughing and mocking.

Xu wish had already controlled the panda mecha to jump high, and then crash down.


[Little Overlord Shield]

At the same time as this loud noise sounded, Gao Nan also choked back the remaining words he didn't say!

Because in just this moment, the large array of organs surrounding the wish was completely reduced to ruins in the smoke and dust!

Gao Nan was stunned by the rubble everywhere.


Gao Nan rubbed his eyes, completely unable to believe the scene in front of him.

Indeed, the Tang Sect's mechanism formation was indeed built on the basis of this stone forest.

But this stone forest is no ordinary stone!

They are all stones that have been specially reinforced by the Tang Sect's weapon refining and mechanism skills, and have some special resistance to Qi.

Since the Tang Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, more than one wise person in the world has made a wish.

According to Tang Sect's records, there were other people who wanted to break through the mechanism array by destroying the mechanism array itself.

But none of them succeeded.

Why are you so vulnerable here at Make a Wish?

Gao Nan was stunned, but he didn't make a wish.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Xu Wan continued to control the panda armor to attack the stone forest.

【Mechanism Claw】

Under the control of Wishing, the panda armor raised its two thick arms and slapped a stone pillar in front of it fiercely!


There was another loud bang.

This stone pillar also fell down!

This time Gao Nan finally reacted.

Huge beads of sweat instantly overflowed from his forehead.


It's a big deal now!

The Tang Sect's mechanism array has been passed down for thousands of years. If it is destroyed in his hands now, then he will really become the sinner of the Tang Sect!

The kind of sinner who wants to be written down in the family tree!

Regardless of how Wish had gotten there, he now had to stop Wish from going any further!

But just when Gao Nan pulled the main string and activated the formation mechanism, he discovered another thing that made him even more desperate!

That is……

The mechanism is malfunctioning!

This is totally abnormal!

You must know that the Tang Sect's mechanism array was not built in one day.

Likewise, the internal mechanisms are not completely integrated.

To put it in better terms, it is the difference between parallel connection and series connection that we learned in junior high school physics class.

The mechanism array adopts a parallel connection method. Each mechanism adopts a separate control system, and all of them will not fail just because one of the mechanisms is destroyed.

This is also why this organ formation has become the Tang Sect's mountain protection formation for nearly a thousand years.

Otherwise, if you want to, hit all the power to destroy one of the mechanisms, there is always someone who can do it.

To be precise, it should be that all the mechanisms around the wish have failed!

However, other mechanisms outside the certain range of wish-making are still very easy to use!

This is the ability of "Demolition Bully" Liu Chan!

While using skills to cause damage to institutions and buildings, you can also cause interference and control effects on institutions and buildings.

Gao Nan sat down on the ground, his face full of despair.

He finally realized the despair of meeting the biological chain nemesis!

He didn't know what method Xu Wish used to cause the mechanism array to fail, but he knew that everything was over!

All his fighting power was spent on the mechanism technique. When the mechanism failed, he was almost a useless person!

As for rushing up to fight the opponent in close combat?

Stop it!

If he faced ordinary people, he still had to fight. But if he faced these monsters, did he think he didn't die quickly enough?

Now he could only pray in his heart. Director Zhang Wang quickly brought his disciples over to support him!

At the same time, Xuanyuan was not idle either.

【Rampage Panda】

Xu wish controlled the panda mecha to spread out its two thick mecha arms, and then began to spin crazily with himself as the center.

During the rotation, the two mecha arms kept hitting the surrounding stone pillars.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of stone pillars being smashed was endless!

Large areas of mechanism stone pillars were bombarded into pieces.

This move is Liu Chan's method of causing the greatest damage to government buildings!

A "peerless mowing" of sorts.

Seeing such a horrific and outrageous scene, not only Gao Nan was stunned, but also the others who were traveling with Xu Wish.

Temporary workers such as Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Chulan, who have had several contacts with Xu wish, are better off. After all, what Xu wish did before was even more outrageous...

Resurrection from the dead...

But for others taking action with Make a Wish for the first time, there was only one thought in their minds.

That's what the hell is this that Wishes is driving?

Are you sure you are using a godhead mask now?

Which god did you invite? God of demolition?

Just when he made a wish to carry out "demolition and resettlement" work for the Tangmen government formation.

Zhang Wang and others, who had been chasing behind them, were also attacked by Ding Zhangan.

Ding Shian's name is known to everyone in the entire alien circle.

Zhang Wang originally didn't want to get entangled with him. This guy's fighting ability, which was tied for second in the world with Na Ruhu, one of the ten men, was not just talk.

But no matter what, even if Ding Zhangan spares no effort to kill the Tang Sect disciples, these Tang Sect disciples will not be able to get rid of his entanglement in a short time.

Zhang Wang felt anxious as he listened to the loud rumbling noises coming from far ahead.

Gao Nan...there shouldn't be any problem, right?

He made up his mind to get rid of Ding Shanan's entanglement as soon as possible. He really couldn't worry about Gao Nan and the Tang Sect's organization.

Ever since they started chasing Xu Wish and others, these people, mainly Xu Wish, showed so many things that they didn't expect!

Gao Nan on the other side.

After continuing to try to activate the mechanism array to attack Wishing, but to no avail, he saw that Wishing was still in a deserted area, running rampant through the mechanism array.

The array of agencies that used to select and devour people was now as powerless in the face of Wishes as a bungalow violently demolished by an excavator.

Gao Nan's mentality finally collapsed.

He shouted loudly while running towards the direction of the wish with tears in his eyes.

"Don't tear it apart, don't tear it apart, I'll let you go!"

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