Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 158 I know your starting point is good, but don’t start yet

"Oh? What if I insist on not letting him go?"

Tang Miaoxing looked at Xu Wish with a smile, his expression was very kind.

But the conversation between the two was not friendly at all.

"Then I can only use my own method." Xu Yuan also laughed, "I don't know if the Tang Sect's cell has ever been broken into."

Tang Miaoxing stood up from the chair, turned his back to Wish, and walked out.

Only one sentence was left behind to make a wish.

"If you can really do it, after the prison robbery, maybe the Tang Tomb in the back mountain is a good place to go. But before you get to the core of the Tang Tomb, if you are caught, you will officially start a war with the Tang Sect."

The content of the conversation between the two was almost tense, but the atmosphere between the two was extremely harmonious.

Say the cruelest words and do the most harmonious things.

This completely opposite feeling makes people want to vomit blood!

After the two sides exchanged "harsh words", Xu Yuan did not stay here longer, and left the small courtyard directly with Liao Duoduo, who had been waiting for him in the side hall.

That’s the beauty of talking to smart people.

Neither party needs to speak too clearly to reach a consensus.

The conversation between the two just now seemed tense, but in fact they were discussing specific "cooperation" details.

As the current head of the Tang Sect, Tang Miaoxing detoxified Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng against Zhang Wang's objections without harming their lives for the time being. This was the greatest that he, the head, could do now. The limit!

Let these two people go?

Let’s not talk about whether it will cause a strong backlash from the Tang Sect members and even junior brother Zhang Wang.

If he really let go of Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng, he wouldn't be able to explain it to Tang Qiushan!


Although the face of the Tang Sect and the opinions of its members were important, there was another thing that was more important in Tang Miaoxing's heart.

That is the future of Tang Sect!

At present, the development of Tang Sect has reached the end of self-destruction. If he wants to revitalize Tang Sect, the only way he can think of at present is to achieve a win-win situation with the company.

In order to achieve this goal, he did not mind making concessions on certain things.

As a result, Tang Miaoxing reached a tacit "consensus" with Xu Yuan!

Make a wish to "forcibly break into" the Tangmen dungeon and rescue Xia Liuqing and Mei Jinfeng.

Tang Miaoxing, as the head of the Tang Sect, naturally has his own power. He will turn a blind eye during this period, and can even provide some secret help to Xu Wish, ensuring that Xu Wish can rescue Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng.

What Xu wished to do was to escape to the Tang Tomb in the back mountain after "rescuing" Old Man Xia and Granny Jinfeng.

It is also from this time that Tang Miaoxing will let everyone in the Tang Sect discover the act of making a wish, and lead people to pursue the Tang Tomb in the back mountain.

As for why he went to Tang Tomb, Tang Miaoxing did not mention it.

But I already knew what I wanted to do.

He wanted to take the members of the Tang Sect to the Tang Tomb, just for one of the people in the Tang Tomb.

Xu Xin!

One of the thirty-six thieves who participated in the sworn sworn ceremony!

So far, he is the only surviving disciple in the entire Tang Sect who still masters the Tang Sect's unique skill, Pill Bite!

It was precisely because Xu Xin participated in the 36 thieves' sworn worship that he was punished and trapped in the Tang Tomb.

The purpose is to pass down the Tang Sect’s unique skill of pill bite!

What Tang Miaoxing wanted to do was to take the opportunity to let all the Tangmen know the existence of Xu Xin, and then release Xu Xin from the Tang Tomb.

A Tang Sect member who is still alive and controls the so-called unsolvable skill of Pill Devouring will be the biggest sign and confidence for the entire Tang Sect to return to the alien world!

The reputation of Pill Eater is not weaker than that of the Eight Wonders!

Simply put, it is an exchange of interest.

Tang Miaoxing allowed Xu Xin to rescue Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng, while Xu Yuan helped Tang Miaoxing release Xu Xin from the Tang Tomb!

However, this did not conflict with the purpose of making a wish, and was even part of his plan. He did not mind cooperating with Tang Miaoxing.

After making a wish and leaving the courtyard, Tang Miaoxing waited for a while before calling Tang Ming over.

"Tang Ming, go to the monitoring room at the inner gate. I need you to do something for me..."

Tang Ming is the confidant of the head of the family, Tang Miaoxing.

Therefore, he was very relieved to hand over the task of releasing water to Tang Ming.

"Yes, I understand, Chief."

Tang Ming nodded, turned and left the courtyard.

Tang Miaoxing's eyes narrowed and he stared in the direction of the door.

Now everything is waiting for the wishing action!

It just so happened that we could take advantage of this opportunity to catch the few members of the Quanxing who had sneaked into the Tang Sect.

As for what Tu Junfang said before, making a wish is a matter for the new head of Quanxing Dynasty?

Everything was said by Tu Junfang himself without any evidence. Only a fool would believe his words!

And whether Wish is the new head of Quanxing is not as important as imagined.

As long as he can achieve his goals by making wishes, what if he is really the acting head of Quanxing?

That is something that Nadutong Company should consider and worry about!

Xu Yuan took Liao Duoduo away from Tang Miaoxing's courtyard and returned to the dormitory building on the old campus.

Tu Junfang's previous words have already spread among the Tang Sect disciples!

Xu Wan may be the new acting head of Quan Xing. Although it has not been confirmed yet, it cannot be false that Xu Wan is the apprentice of Xia Liuqing, Quan Xing's evil villain, right?

After all, their teacher and vice-principal Tang Qiushan is still in a coma.

Not to mention that many of their fellow sect members were hooked out of the three corpses of Tu Junfang and Lu Liang and imprisoned in the dungeon.

Therefore, the Tang Sect disciples Xu Yuan met along the way did not give him a good look.

I don’t care if I make a wish.

These inner disciples of the Tang Sect are all within the scope of his "recruitment". This kind of upright character is indeed unpleasant, but if they are his subordinates, then there is no problem!

As for Liao Duoduo...

Xu Yuan didn't care about the looks of these Tang Sect disciples, and she didn't care even more!

Xu wish and Liao Duoduo finally returned to the dormitory of Tangmen's old campus amid hostile eyes all the way.

And Zhang Chulan and others have been waiting here for a long time!

As soon as Xu Yuan and Liao Duoduo entered the room, Wang Zhenqiu was the first to hold back his curiosity and ran to Xu Yuan.

He asked Xu Wish curiously.

"Make a wish, are you really the new acting head of Quanxing? When did this happen? Why have you never heard of it before?"

Wang Zhenqiu felt that he had paid enough attention to making a wish, but he never thought that making a wish could be associated with the position of the head of Quanxingdai!

If it were true, it would be a lot of fun!

The guy who makes a wish is the leader of the company's inspection team, and coupled with the acting head of Quanxing...

It’s simply black and white!

Both black and white have his power!

The most important thing is, what should the company's attitude be?

As a temporary employee of the company, Wang Zhenqiu knows the company's attitude towards this kind of thing. I am afraid that even Chairman Zhao Fangxu will find it difficult to do so...

Facing the curious eyes of everyone in the room, Xu wish felt helpless.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't know anything?"

Otherwise, it would have to be Sister Baoer.

While others were still hesitating, Sister Baoer was the first to stand up and express her belief in making a wish. .

"Believe it and make a wish. Although you are very powerful, you are not powerful enough to be the leader, right?"

Make a wish:…

Sister Baoer, I know your starting point is good, but don’t start yet.

Lies won't hurt, the truth is the sharpest knife.

Quan Xing is a group of lunatics. If you are talking about the leaders of other organizations, you might be able to make a wish, but the position of the acting leader of Quan Xing requires the approval of all Quan Xing members!

This is something that I have no confidence in making a wish for!

Since Xu Yu said so, no matter whether others present believed it or not, they couldn't figure out the reason.

After all, among the people present, except for the two Lu brothers and sisters, they had all fought side by side with Xu Yuan before and had a certain amount of trust.

Moreover, when he made a wish on Longhu Mountain, he had to kill many of Quan Xing's disciples.

Everyone soon stopped worrying about this matter.

"Everyone, you can leave the Tang Clan first, because what happens next may be dangerous, and this matter has nothing to do with you." Xu Yuan's eyes swept over everyone, especially those in the Lu family The brother and sister paused for a moment.

"Now Xia Liuqing and Mei Jinfeng have been locked up in the cell by the Tang Sect. In any case, Old Man Xia is my master after all, and Granny Jinfeng is also half of my master. I plan to rescue them both. This It's my private matter, there's no need for you to accompany me to fight against the Tang Sect."

The words of the wish are very clear.

Although this was the result of a tacit agreement between him and Tang Miaoxing, others didn't know that. To make it clear, the choice had to be left to them.

The wish he made was very honest, and the results given by everyone did not disappoint him.

The first one to give feedback was Wang Zhenqiu.

I don't know what Wang Zhenqiu thought, but he jumped out with interest on his face.

"How can I leave now! I have to help with such an interesting thing!"

Zhang Chulan did not hesitate at all.

"I don't plan to leave either. I haven't asked my grandfather what happened in Tangmen."

When Xu Yuan heard Zhang Chulan's words, the corner of her mouth twitched.

Zhang Chulan didn't know, but he knew.

It was inexplicable that Zhang Huaiyi forced his way into the Tang Clan back then, and Tang Miaoxing didn't know much about it...

The two Lu brothers and sisters hesitated for a moment.

This is human nature, after all, before this, the only intersection between them and Xu Wish was that they were both contestants at the Luotian Dajiao.

But the two of them came with Zhang Chulan.

Now that Zhang Chulan doesn’t leave, the two of them will naturally not leave either!

As for Zhang Lingyu, who has just become a temporary assistant.

In fact, in the heart of this honest man, he has no regard for this kind of sneaky behavior. Some are unwilling to participate.

But it was reasonable for everyone else here to want to leave, but he was the only one who couldn't pass the test in his heart.

After all, his current identity is as a temporary assistant to Make a Wish, taking people's money to help them eliminate disasters.

If he ran away now, he would be really uneasy about the treatment promised to him!

Zhang Lingyu could only grit his teeth and shake his head in the end.

"I'm not leaving either."

No matter what their reasons were, no one left in the end.

In this case, Xuanyuan did not continue to dwell on this matter.

Instead, he studied the "prison robbery" plan with everyone.

It's daytime again.

Even with Tang Miaoxing's covert cooperation, it would still be too conspicuous to do it during the day, and the disciples of the Tang Sect were not blind.

So Xuanyuan did not choose to do it right away, but chose the time to do it at night.

Of course he knew that the treatment Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng were receiving in the Tangmen cell were not very comfortable.

But in fact, Xu Yuan was also a little angry at Xia Liuqing. He had told Old Man Xia more than once not to hang out with those Quanxing people, but this time Old Man Xia still came.

Just let him suffer some punishment in the Tang Sect's cell, as long as he doesn't die!

But making a wish actually ignores one point.

That's why Xia Liuqing is the most affectionate (dog-licking) person in the world.

Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng were locked in the same cell, and now the pain in her body had long been covered by the joy in her heart...

He wished he and Granny Jinfeng could be locked up for a little longer...

After the "prison robbery" plan was finalized, everyone returned to their respective rooms and fell asleep.

After all, they haven't had much rest since arriving at Tang Sect during the day yesterday. In addition, they staged a chase drama with Tang Sect's disciples at night, so their respective states have actually declined a bit.

During this period, the disciples from the Tang Sect did not disturb anyone.

After all, the Tang Sect is actually in a mess now, and those disciples who were hooked out of the three corpses still don’t know how to solve it!

Until the sunset, the last trace of light completely disappeared into the sky.

All the talents adjusted their condition to the best and then gathered together.

"Everyone, we'd better change our clothes." Wang Zhenqiu looked at the gaudy casual clothes of everyone present and reminded him.

This time it was difficult for these people.

Before coming to Tangmen, they never thought about doing such "sneaky" things.

Even Sister Baoer, who is a sap and skilled worker, has no habit of carrying night clothes with her.

But fortunately, Xu wish and Liao Duoduo are here.

Both of them have bite bags in their hands.

And because they had gone out several times before, the supplies the two of them had hoarded in their pockets were all kinds of strange and diverse.

There's nothing you can't think of, but nothing you can't find.

Night clothes, a frequently used piece of equipment, are a must-have item!

Soon, Xu Wan and Liao Duoduo took out enough night clothes from their respective pouches.

This level of completeness of supplies made the Lu family siblings and Zhang Lingyu look very strange in their eyes.

What did this guy do before making a wish?

Why does this even exist?

And I took out so many sets at once!

In this regard, the answer given by Xu wish is——

"I'm just prepared. Do I look like a bad person?"

Zhang Lingyu:......

It doesn't look like it, but your night clothes make it hard for me to trust my own judgment...

Everyone put on their night clothes and then quietly left the dormitory building on the old campus.

Although this is a dormitory building on the old campus, it has been around for a while.

But this is also the core inner gate of Tangmen. In fact, the equipment of the entire old campus is constantly updated with the changes of the times and technology!

The dormitory building was naturally included in the Tang Sect's surveillance system, and with the skills of assassins like the Tang Sect, the surveillance cameras were disguised so that they were almost impossible to detect by outsiders.

After all, there were a large number of people including Xu Yuan and others, so naturally their movements could not escape the surveillance of the cameras.

But fortunately, at this time, in the Tang Sect's monitoring center, a tall figure was standing on the big screen watching this scene.

This figure is none other than Tang Ming, who was assigned by Tang Miaoxing!

The Tang Sect disciple who was on duty in the monitoring room today saw the figure of Lian Shudao wearing night clothes on the big screen quietly sneaking out of the Tang Sect Old Campus dormitory. He was about to sound the alarm.

However, Tang Ming, who was standing behind him, reached out and stopped him.

"Tang Long, after a while, I will warn the Tang Sect disciples again. This is the order of the sect leader." Tang Ming said to Tang Long, who was sitting in front of the screen.

Tang Long was stunned when he heard this.

But the movement of his hand that tried to sound the alarm also stopped.

In Tang Clan, the head of the clan does have the highest power.

Tang Long actually couldn't figure out why the gate chief would issue such an order, but he only needed to know that it was the gate chief's order!

"Okay, I understand, Teacher Tang Ming." Tang Long nodded and responded.

Then the two of them continued to watch Xu Yuan and others on the big screen as they kept passing under the surveillance cameras everywhere.

Naturally, there are corresponding Tang Sect disciples patrolling the Tang Sect in the back mountain at night.

Naturally, these Tang Sect disciples who were responsible for patrolling did not receive the order from the sect leader Tang Miaoxing for them to cooperate.

But the strength of these Tangmen disciples who were responsible for patrolling was obviously not enough in front of people like Xu Wishan.

The group of people are all masters among their peers.

Especially when the vision of wishing is combined with Feng Baobao's perception of Qi, combined with their strength.

While the patrolling Tang Sect disciples found nothing, Xu Yuan and others quickly approached the location of the Tang Sect's cell.

This is also converted from a building on the ground.

All the windows in the entire building have been sealed with cement and bricks, leaving only an entrance at the door.

At this time, there were two Tang Sect disciples on duty at the door of the building.

There is no way to sneak in peacefully here.

We must deal with the two Tang Sect disciples at the door!

"Sister Bao'er, you are familiar with this matter. You and Qiu'er go to deal with them together."

In the woods next to the building, Xu Yuan whispered to Feng Baobao and Wang Zhenqiu.

"By the way, control the intensity. Don't really kill people. Just knock them unconscious, but don't give them a chance to warn them."

"Yeah!" Feng Baobao nodded.

Her outfit is very "special" and looks very familiar to Xuanyuan.

Moreover, he was dressed the same as when he was attending the Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain, with a scarf on his head and tied under his nose.

Normal people would cover their faces when wearing night clothes, with only a pair of eyes exposed. Only Sister Baoer could pull off such a unique look...

Under the leadership of "skilled worker" Sister Bao'er, the two of them approached the two Tang Sect disciples on duty at the cell door.

The strength gap between the two sides is really quite big, plus practice makes perfect.

Just the moment Feng Baobao and Wang Zhenqiu were exposed, the two Tang Sect disciples on duty were knocked unconscious by the two with precise force.

There is absolutely no chance to warn!

After clearing the last barrier, Xu wish and the others quickly rushed towards the cell.

There were no other people in the whole building, and everyone had an unimpeded journey.

"Everyone, you'd better move quickly, we shouldn't be able to hide this for long."

Xu Yuan reminded everyone while pushing open the door of the cell where Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng were imprisoned.

At the same time, he did not forget to glance at a corner of the corridor.

There happens to be a surveillance camera there!

Everything is going according to the previous plan...

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