Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 159 The Tang Clan is rounding up! Level 1 alert!

Xu Yuan knew that people from Tang Clan, or Tang Miaoxing, had been watching their actions.

And Tang Ming, who is in the monitoring room now, is Tang Miaoxing's person.

Tang Ming also knew that Xu Yuan knew that he was paying attention to them.

Therefore, after making a wish, Tang Ming also understood and patted the Tang Sect disciple who was on duty in the monitoring room.

"Okay, Tang Long, do what you should do."

"Yes! Teacher Tang Ming!" Tang Long, who was in charge of guarding the monitoring room tonight, responded.

Then without any hesitation, he directly pressed the alarm button in the monitoring room.

To a certain extent, the disciples of the Tang Sect are really the most suitable candidates for the "Jinyiwei".

Following orders and prohibitions, in order to complete the task, at any cost, practice killing skills...

"All disciples on duty, listen to the order, there is an enemy invasion in the cell in the back mountain..."

Just as Tang Long sounded the alarm.

There was another group of people who also noticed the movement in the cell behind Tangmen.

It was Tu Junfang, Lu Liang and other members who had left Xia Liuqing and Jinfeng Granny and fled alone.

It is not so much that they are staring at the wishing group, but that they have been staring at Tangmen's cell.

If before the Heavenly Master came down to massacre Quan Xing, these Quan Xing were still a group of madmen, chaotic and wanton...

But after the Heavenly Master came down from the mountain, Quan Xing finally woke up from the severe beating, and they finally learned one thing - unity!

Naturally, they couldn't just give up on Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng.

Although the old Heavenly Master came down from the mountain and killed many members of Quanxing, most of the members who were killed were die-hards from the old era, while the surviving members of Quanxing were all the best among the elite!

Even members who are not outstanding in combat power definitely have some strategically significant and special abilities and methods!

Just like painting poison and Lu Liang in the Thousand Faces Man Realm...

In a sense, the Master's trip down the mountain can be regarded as helping Quan Xing quickly complete the process of eliminating the bad and retaining the good!

After all, no one who is really good and crazy can survive the slaughter of the Heavenly Master.

Even though the Tang Sect had discovered their whereabouts, the members of the Quanxing side did not evacuate directly.

Instead, with the help of Yu Huadu's disguise, they kept wandering near the cell, looking for opportunities to rescue Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng.

However, after their investigation, they found that the Tang Sect had always guarded the cell very closely, not only the two Tang Sect disciples in front of the door, but also other Tang Sect members patrolling the surrounding area.

So when these Quanxing members saw Xu Yuan and others rushing into the cell so easily without causing any change from the Tang Sect, they were all shocked and stunned.

Are those members of the Tang Sect just for show?

The Tang Clan, which used to be frightening, has stretched its crotch to this extent?

Although they were shocked and couldn't figure out the reason for a while, Quanxing people were not in a daze.

"Let's go! Let's go together!"

As Tu Junfang's words fell, several people from Quanxing rushed into the cell following the footsteps of Xu Yuan and others.

Time waits for me!

After all, they have only been able to wander around the cell and have never been able to sneak into the cell. Naturally, they do not know what is going on in the cell.

In case Xu Yuan and others encountered other guards arranged by the Tang Sect in the cell, they could also help.

Regardless of why Xu Wish's companions came to "break prison" with Xu Wish, at least they are not enemies now.

Tang Ming, who had been watching the big screen in the monitoring room, naturally saw Quan Xing and the others.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

The door manager was right, you guys came out as expected!

Regarding the cooperation between the door chief and Xu Yuan, Tang Ming actually had no objections.

But just because he is willing to waterproof the wish does not mean that he is willing to waterproof these omnisexual members!

He took a step forward, took the walkie-talkie on the table, and sounded the alarm button again.

"All members of the Tang Sect, listen to the order and gather in the cell in the back mountain. There is an enemy invasion!"

Tang Long, who was also sitting in the duty room, was a little surprised when he heard Tang Ming's order.

Although it was the same alarm, the two alarms they sounded were completely different.

The first alarm summoned only the disciples on duty from the Tang Sect.

The second time Tang Ming sounded the alarm, he summoned all the inner disciples of the Tang Sect in the Back Mountain!

It is all members of the Tang Sect, not just the disciples, but also the teachers of the inner sect!

It is equivalent to directly sounding the first level alarm of Tang Sect!

"Okay, you continue to do what you should do, I have to rush to the cell first!"

After Tang Ming only said one sentence to Tang Long, he left the monitoring room directly.

The disciples of Tang Sect reacted quickly.

After Tang Ming left, Tang Long sat in the monitoring room. Through the monitors arranged everywhere, he saw that the members of the Tang Sect were quickly gathering and rushing to the cells in the back mountain from all directions.

Make a wish and wait for others here.

The door of the cell where Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng were imprisoned was made of specially thickened steel.

For ordinary people, it is really difficult to do violent destruction with bare hands.

But those present were not ordinary people, and the difference between them was only the difference between one punch and two punches.

When Xu Yuan and others opened the cell door and saw their rescue targets - Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng.

The attitudes of the two are completely opposite.

Grandma Jinfeng had an expression of finally being relieved.

"Make a wish, make a wish and put it down quickly! You are finally here!"

Xia Liuqing, on the other hand, had a slight regret on her face and muttered softly.

"It came too soon. I haven't spent enough time with Jinfeng yet..."

Make a wish:…

Seeing Old Man Xia licking a dog like this, Xu Wan felt extremely angry!

Originally, he wanted to ask Xia Liuqing why she didn't listen to his advice and insisted on getting together with these Quanxing.

No need to ask now!

You can guess with your butt, it must be because of Grandma Jinfeng!

Licking the dog...

Although Xu Yuan felt a little angry, after all, everything Xia Liuqing did was of his own free will, and he couldn't blame Granny Jinfeng.

Moreover, no matter what, Xia Liuqing has always been kind to him.

Xu Wan still angrily untied Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng, and then let them go.

The other companions who acted with Xu Yuan, Zhang Chulan, Wang Zhenqiu, and Feng Baobao, were all familiar with Old Man Xia and Grandma Jinfeng.

The only ones who were slightly unfamiliar were Zhang Lingyu and the Lu family siblings.

These three people are even in the opposite camp.

One was born in the Celestial Master's Mansion, the leader of the righteous path, and the Lu family brothers and sisters were born in the Lu family, which had a flawless life.

But fortunately, these three people have a sense of proportion. Since they have decided to work with Xuanyuan to rescue Xia Liuqing and Grandma Jinfeng, they will naturally not turn against each other and cause conflicts at this time!

Although neither Old Man Xia nor Granny Jinfeng are orthodox Qi alchemists.

Xia Liuqing practices the Godhead Mask, which only cultivates his nature but not his life.

And Grandma Jinfeng is a congenital alien, with alien means and power.

But it can still be locked.

This wish-making thing is familiar. After all, the company's temporary workers have dealt with many strange people using various strange methods.

Just as Xu Yuan was helping the two of them unlock the blocked Qi.

There was another rush of footsteps outside the cell.

The sound of footsteps naturally aroused the alertness of everyone present.

Now Xu Wan has not helped the two of them unlock the blocked Qi. If the people from the Tang Sect reacted, they would have no choice but to fight head-on and buy some time for Xu Wan!

Of course, with Tang Miaoxing, the sect leader, as the inner ghost, the Tang sect disciples' reactions, no matter how fast they were, would not be as fast as this.

The source of the footsteps was the Quanxing members who rushed into the cell following Xu Yuan and others!

Tu Junfang, Yu Huadu, and Lu Liang!

Quan Xing's participation was not much, and this time they came to Tangmen not in full force.

However, in order to help Xu Yuan and others escape from prison, Tu Junfang and Lu Liang still brought Yu Huadu with them, who did not have much frontal combat capability.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, the three of them had long since canceled their disguise as disciples of the Tang Sect.

Seeing that the person coming was not a disciple of the Tang Sect, everyone present did not relax their vigilance, but became more alert.

Because everyone present recognized Tu Junfang and Lu Liang. As for the weird bald man with a hood next to them, although they had never seen it before, since they were walking with Tu Junfang and Lu Liang, he must also be Quanxing. undoubtedly!

The expression on Liao Duoduo's face did not change, but her original Gu was already ready. As long as three people dared to come forward, she would kill them all!

"Quanxing! Tu Junfang, Lu Liang!" Zhang Lingyu looked at the three people opposite him solemnly.

Lightning flashed in his hands, and the Yin Five Thunder Techniques were ready to go!

"Master Lingyu, we don't mean any harm, we are here to help you!" Seeing everyone's wary looks, Lu Liang also stopped with his two companions.

"I don't believe it! I can't believe it!"

Zhang Lingyu, an honest man, speaks righteously.

"Uh..." A few black lines appeared on Lu Liang's forehead.


Absolute prejudice!

Prejudices between people are as insurmountable as mountains!

The Lu family siblings also had similar expressions.

While the two sides were in a stalemate, Xu Yuan finally released the Qi from Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng.

"Master Lingyu, Lu Lin, Lu Linglong, they are not here to cause trouble." Xu Yuan spoke to ease the tense atmosphere.

Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng also walked up to a few people, and Xia Liuqing made a joke.

"Hey! Boy Lu Liang, you have a conscience and know how to save us both!"

And just when the two sides had just resolved their misunderstanding, Xu Yuan was about to ask about what Tu Junfang had said before about the new acting head of Quanxing.

There was a sound of slight footsteps again from the corridor in the distance!

Although the footsteps were light, the people present were not ordinary people.

Especially in this silent night, everyone present caught the sound of footsteps.

In this burst of footsteps, you can tell that there are many people!

Now that the wishing group is here, even if there are people from all over the world who have not come to participate in the rescue, there are definitely not that many!

There is no need to say more about the origin of the other party!


He is definitely from the Tang Sect!

Xuanyuan had known about this situation for a long time, so there was nothing surprising.

Others who acted with him were also mentally prepared.

But for omnisexual trios, it's different.

They didn't meet anyone from the Tang Sect in this cell just now.

This cell is the absolute centerpiece of the Tang Sect.

Except for the two disciples on duty at the door, there are no Tang Sect disciples on duty inside, which is very strange.

Now this chaotic sound of footsteps instantly made the three of them understand that they must have fallen into a trap!

This is Tang Sect's "fishing for law enforcement"!

What they want is for them to rescue Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng, and then catch them all!

Although I understand clearly in my heart, now is obviously not the time to hesitate.


After all, this is the territory of Tang Sect.

"Quickly! Get out of here! People from the Tang Sect are coming!" Lu Liang summoned his two corpses again and rushed out of the cell.

Make a wish and follow the trend, leading others to follow.

"Let's go! Go to the back mountain, to the Tang Tomb. The guards there can be looser!" Xu Yuan also said. "But if you escape later, you'd better explain to me about the new acting head of Quanxing!"

This was what he had agreed with Wang Zhenqiu, Zhang Lingyu and others before he took action.

It is also the true destination of this trip to Tangmen.

After arriving at the Tang Sect, Xu Yuan also inquired about some situations from the Tang Sect disciples.

Among the entire Tang Sect, it has the longest inheritance time, and the only place that may be related to the power of faith is the Tang Tomb!

It also happened to be where Xu Xin was. This was the plan he had agreed with Tang Miaoxing before!

No one hesitated.

He just ran straight out of the cell.

Xia Liuqing and Grandma Jinfeng had also unlocked the blocked Qi at this time, and each used their own methods to keep up with everyone!

At this juncture, even Zhang Lingyu and the Lu family brothers and sisters, who were honest and disliked people, knew that now was definitely not the time for internal strife.

On the other side, the first batch of Tang Sect disciples who rushed to the cell had already entered the cell.

The alarm that just sounded in the control room has made it very clear what happened here.

What they did was indeed correct. They only needed to block Xu Yuan and others for a while, and then they could wait for the support of more Tang Sect members.

When the time comes, Xu wish and others will definitely be in a tough fight!

The idea is correct.

But they ignored one problem.

That is whether they can stop these people who make a wish!

Halfway back to the entrance, Xu Yuan and others finally encountered the first wave of Tang Sect disciples!

There was no nonsense between the two parties, they just started to attack each other as soon as they saw each other!

But it is a pity that after just a moment of fighting, the first wave of Tang Sect disciples were killed instantly!

They all fell to the ground and lost the ability to move!

After all, not all members of the Tang Sect have the strength of Tang Ming or Teacher Tao Tao.

The strength of ordinary Tang Sect disciples is simply not enough in front of this group of monsters!

However, everyone present was able to maintain their sanity and did not kill anyone. Although they had robbed the Tang Sect's cell and injured many Tang Sect members.

But in the end, it still didn't reach the point of fighting to the death with the Tang Clan.

If you really want to kill someone in Tangmen, then I'm afraid you will never stop fighting!

The Tang Sect has indeed declined, this is true.

But the Tang Sect has not yet fallen to the point where it is at the mercy of others.

Xu Yuan and others dealt with the first wave of Tangmen disciples they encountered and quickly rushed to the entrance.

Through the entrance door, they all saw many Tang Sect members waiting outside the cell door.

Not only their younger generation of disciples, but also many Tang Sect teachers among them!

Zhang Wang, director of the Outer Education Department, is also among them!

The only entrance and exit of this cell is obviously impassable. As long as they dare to go out, they will be instantly set on fire by the Tang Sect disciples outside the door!

Make a Wish also knows this.

Although he and Tang Miaoxing have reached a tacit understanding of cooperation.

But these Tang Sect members obviously won't let go now, not to mention that Zhang Wang, the director of the Outer Sect's Education Department, is also here!

Zhang Wang’s character...

There is no possibility of cooperation at all!

Next, we can only rely on our strength to fight hard!

"Go this way!" Xu Yuan greeted everyone, and then rushed directly to the wall on the side.

Wang Zhenqiu and others naturally did not hesitate at all and rushed towards the wall directly following the wish.

Although they don't know what the wish is for, too many things in the past have proven the reliability of wishing at such critical moments!

The three people surnamed Quan also followed the pace of making wishes after a slight hesitation.

It is true that they do not completely trust Xu Yuan like Wang Zhenqiu, but they know that Xu Yuan cannot cheat him!

While making a wish and rushing towards the wall, he activated the Godhead Mask.

This time, the target he chose to become a god was [Rampage Agency—Liu Chan]!

A huge mecha continued to transform from virtual to solid on his body as he moved forward.

Finally, when he made his wish and reached the wall, he completed the transformation into Liu Chan!

Wang Zhenqiu, Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao and Liao Duoduo, no matter whether they have seen the wish-making god Liu Chan in person or not, they all have no expressions of surprise.

got used to.

No matter what I wish to do now, they won't be too surprised.

But others are different.

Whether it was Zhang Lingyu, the Lu brothers and sisters, or the three of them, all of them were filled with questions after seeing the huge mecha that appeared out of thin air.

Is this also the ability of the Godhead Mask?

This kind of change is like a science fiction blockbuster. You tell me it is the ability of the Godhead Mask?

Now the ability to make wishes is no secret in the alien community.

Of course, what the alien circle knows is only general information such as the Godhead Mask. As for the specific means of making a wish, no one can tell clearly.

Only Xia Liuqing was full of pride.

Xuanyuan is his apprentice, his direct disciple!

Although most of the time he doesn't understand the means of making wishes...

No matter what everyone thinks, it has no impact on making a wish.

He controlled Liu Chan's panda mecha, jumped high next to the specially reinforced and thickened cement wall, and then raised his fists and slammed them down against the wall!

[Little Overlord Shield]


A loud bang!

The reinforced concrete wall was like a piece of tofu, and a big hole was opened by the panda mecha driven by Xu wish!

Everyone had no time to be horrified by the power of the wishing method, and rushed out of the big hole in the smoke and dust!

Although the people of Tang Clan all gathered at the only entrance, they were neither blind nor deaf.

They naturally noticed the movement here.

No one thought that making a wish could blow a big hole out of a specially reinforced and thickened cement wall in one go!

By the time they reacted, these people had already run some distance away!

"Chase! We must not let them escape!"

Zhang Wang gritted his teeth and ordered to all the Tang Sect disciples!

At the same time, Tang Miaoxing also saw through surveillance the Quanxing members who escaped with Xu Yuan.

He narrowed his eyes.

Something is wrong!

Now he feels that making a wish really has something to do with the new acting head of Quanxing...

Xu Yuan, who was running away with everyone, turned to look at the Tang Clan people who were chasing after him at a high speed.

He knew in his heart that the next step would be a matter of life and death!

If it were just him, he would have plenty of ways to escape.

But now it's not just him!

However, he did not forget another thing.

"Tu Junfang, Lu Liang, you'd better explain to me now what you said before that I am the new acting head of Quanxing..."

While running away, Xu Yuan narrowed his eyes and said to the two of them.

When being chased by a tiger, you don't need to outrun the tiger, you just need to be able to outrun other people!

If these two people couldn't explain the reason, he wouldn't mind abandoning Quanxing directly to Tang Clan to delay time, and then take the others to run away first!

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