
Have I become the leader of the sex generation?

Suddenly, the amount of information was too overwhelming, and I was caught off guard by making a wish.

Is it so easy to be the acting head of Quanxing?

At the beginning, Gong Qing planned Quan Xing to cause a big riot in Longhu Mountain, which was recognized by all Quan Xing members.

But now that Tu Junfang means it, why does it seem like the members of Quanxing have recognized him?

I obviously haven’t done anything for the whole sex!

Not only was Xu Yuan confused, but Tang Miaoxing was also confused.

Make a wish...is he the acting head of Quanxing?

This sounds like nonsense at first, but when Tang Miaoxing remembers that the master who made the wish is Quanxing Xia Liuqing.

He suddenly felt the identity of Xu Wan, the acting head of Quanxing...

It seems to be somewhat credible!

Not long ago, because the old Heavenly Master came down to challenge Quan Xing, almost all of Quan Xing's high-end combat power was slaughtered.

Nowadays, only a few of the older generation, plus the middle-aged and younger generations, have sufficient combat effectiveness.

And the master who made the wish, Xia Liuqing, is the senior one among the older generation...

Coupled with the wish's combat power and identity...


Looking at it this way, the possibility that Xuanyuan is the head of Quanxingdai is not low!

Although everyone present was stunned by Tu Junfang's words.

But Tu Junfang and Lu Liang already knew the inside story!

The two of them were not in a daze.

The current situation is obviously not one where they have the upper hand, and there will be more and more people on the Tang Sect side. Zhang Chulan and those people haven't come yet!

"Lu Liang!"

Tu Junfang shouted.

Lu Liang also understood.

The two of them exploded the three summoned corpses at the same time!

The three corpses exploded, and black fragments shot out in all directions.

The inner sect disciple named Tang Feng just now used his own experience to demonstrate to other Tang sect disciples the consequences of being contaminated by these black fragments.

Tang Feng was looking at his lower body that had been brought out with embarrassment...

His lower body was in the shape of a human, with extremely clear facial features and features. Regardless of the dark color of this lower body, all the disciples of the Tang Sect knew this lower body.


Isn’t this the all-black version of Teacher Tao Tao!

At this time, Tang Feng's penis, Peng Qi, was lying on top of him, constantly making some blood-curdling movements to harass Tang Feng.

Tang Feng's face was red. Faced with the harassment from the corpse, he could only look over the corpse and look behind him at a loss.

Because right behind the corpse, Teacher Tao Tao was watching this scene with black lines on his face and bulging veins on his forehead.

"Teacher Tao Tao, please listen to my explanation..."

Tang Feng wanted to explain something.

He felt so regretful at this moment!

It's okay to just be lustful at ordinary times, but who knew that the ability of this zombie demon Tu Junfang could actually make people so infatuated!

If he had known this, he would never have even tried!

But if you want to hate Tu Junfang...

That's really not the case. Tang Feng even felt a little secretly happy in his heart that he didn't want to admit.

There is really nothing I can do in public now, but after I return to my place later...

"Okay! Tang Feng! You don't need to explain!"

Tao Tao waved her hand with a black line on her face, stopping Tang Feng's next explanation.

Young people all come from that time.

Who hasn’t had sex during adolescence?

What left Tao Tao speechless was that Tang Feng's corpse was so blatant!

The face of this corpse is exactly the same as mine...

"Hmph! It's indeed a corpse demon!"

Tao Tao snorted coldly and forced her eyes away from the corpse.

She retreated from the frontal battlefield, not because she couldn't fight, but because she was also contaminated by the fragments of the three corpses...

As the only teacher among the Tang Sect disciples who were contaminated by the three corpse fragments, she had retreated from the frontal battlefield, but she still had to look at the other Tang Sect disciples who were also contaminated by the thirty corpse fragments. Make sure they don't have any accidents.

Tang Feng's embarrassing situation made all the Tang Sect members present feel lingering fear.

Although all the inner disciples of the Tang Sect have awakened as strangers, being strangers does not mean that they are free from greed, anger and ignorance.

In the entire alien world, perhaps only a handful of people can truly put an end to the three original sins of "greed, anger, and ignorance"!

Achieve true killing of three corpses!

However, this small group of people obviously does not include these disciples of the Tang Sect.

Not even Tang Miaoxing, the current head of the Tang Sect, can do it, let alone others!

For these Tang Sect disciples who besieged Tu Junfang and Lu Liang.

They can die, but they cannot die!

The corpse demon's methods are simply too insidious!

If it weren’t for the old practice of truly eliminating the three original sins of greed, anger, and ignorance, who wouldn’t have a dirty little Jiujiu in their heart...

So the moment Tu Junfang and Lu Liang exploded the three corpses, all the Tang Sect members present stepped back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tu Junfang and Lu Liang didn't get entangled, they turned around and ran away!

Because of the obstruction of the corpse demon fragments, the Tang Sect disciples were unable to prevent the two from escaping.

As for Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng, who have lost their ability to move?

Tu Junfang and Lu Liang didn't care at all!

Although this is the territory of the Tang Sect, it is indeed unethical to leave these two old people here.

But Tu Junfang and Lu Liang knew it very well.

Now that the wish has come, Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng should not be in danger!

Mainly due to the relationship between Xu Yuan and Xia Liuqing.

Usually, they often heard old man Xia mention making wishes from his mouth.

The relationship between master and disciple is absolutely reliable.

As for Granny Jinfeng, given Old Man Xia’s most affectionate character, if Xu Wan really refuses to save her...

Both Tu Junfang and Lu Liang believed that Old Man Xia could definitely do something like crying, making trouble and hanging himself!

Make a wish and you can always trust it!

As for what happens next, we can only wait until we escape first.

Fortunately, among their full members, there is also a Thousand-faced Man from the Realm of Painting Poison, who can help them collect intelligence to a certain extent and adapt to changes!

After Tu Junfang and Lu Liang escaped.

The Tang Sect members quickly reacted.

They all looked at the wish.

Their eyes were full of hostility.

Because these Tang Sect disciples have always been taught that they are worthy of death!

Now Wishing is suspected to be the new acting head of Quanxing!

As long as the gate leader gives the order, they are ready to attack Wishing at any time!

Tu Junfang's three-corpse ability can make people die, but it's impossible to make a wish and have this ability, right?

Just at this time, Zhang Chulan, Wang Zhenqiu and others also arrived here due to the entanglement of some Tang Sect disciples.

Seeing the Tang Sect members staring at Xu Yuan, although they didn't know what happened, they immediately stood on the same front as Xu Yuan.

His firm stance even surprised Xuanyuan.

He originally thought that Zhang Chulan, the sixth child, would take this opportunity to propose some conditions to the Tang Clan. After all, Zhang Chulan came to the Tang Clan for his own purpose!

The two sides faced off like this.

When a group of Tang Sect disciples rounded up Zhang Chulan and others just now, they had already personally experienced how difficult these outsiders were.

Now that the two sides are facing each other, some of the Tang Sect disciples are afraid to take action for a while.

Of course, if the gate leader Tang Miaoxing gives the order, they will try their best to attack even if they know they are losing.

This is the style that Tang Sect has always handed down!

During the confrontation between the two sides, it took a long time before Tang Miaoxing walked out from the crowd.

He looked at Xu Wishan seriously.

"Make a wish, aren't you going to explain or say something?"

No one hopes this is false news more than Tang Miaoxing!

He has laid so much groundwork before, if Xu wish is really the next acting head of Quanxing, then all his previous plans will probably be ruined!

Make a wish:…

"Chief Tang, if you say that I don't know anything about this matter, and there's no way of knowing whether it's true or not, do you believe it?"

Wishing also had a wry smile on his face.

He really didn't know the news.

And being the acting head of Quanxing shouldn’t be that easy, right?

If this news is true, what exactly did Gong Qing do?

As the two spoke, everyone present focused their attention on the two.

The tense atmosphere has not been relieved at all. Whether or not a fight will start depends on the outcome of the conversation between the two!

I wish I didn't even know this news, let alone others.

Zhang Chulan and others were all confused when they heard that Xu Yuan was actually related to the position of the new generation leader of Quanxing.

This is not what they had speculated before!

They had indeed guessed what kind of cooperation Xuyuan and Tang Miaoxing had secretly reached before.

But why is it related to Quan Xing?

Wang Zhenqiu's eyes rolled. He first glanced at Xia Liuqing, who was unconscious and lying on the ground, and then looked at Xu Wish.

The new acting head of Quanxing? It's kind of interesting...


Tang Miaoxing pondered for a moment and finally made an ambiguous decision.

"Tang Ming! You first led people to press Xia Liuqing and Mei Jinfeng into the cell, and then help them detoxify."

After Tang Miaoxing said this, he turned to look at Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, come with me."

As Tang Miaoxing made his decision, the atmosphere on the court finally became more relaxed.

Although these Tang Sect disciples are brave enough to obey orders, to be honest, the current state of the Tang Sect is not very good.

Because of the three corpses controlled by Lu Liang and Tu Junfang just now, many Tang Sect disciples have already been infected!

Although the three corpses that were seduced by the Tang Sect disciples did not cause any harm to them in a short period of time, they only materialized and harassed them.

But these Tang Sect disciples who had been seduced by the three corpses also lost their fighting power.

"Yes!" Teacher Tang Ming responded with clasped fists.

Then just when Tang Ming was about to lead people to suppress Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng.

But there was another fierce voice.

"I disagree!"

Zhang Wang, director of the Outer Education Department, pushed through the crowd and walked out.

"All members of All Sex should die! I propose to punish these two heinous members of All Sex on the spot!"

Zhang Wang's words were naturally referring to the unconscious Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng.

Xu Yuan raised his eyebrows.

Although Quan Xing was such an unexpected thing, and his master, Old Man Xia, was actually hanging out with Quan Xing, he really didn't expect it.

But how he settles the score with Old Man Xia is his business.

No matter what, he couldn't let Zhang Wang kill Old Man Xia here today!

Should old man Xia die? If you really pursue it, you deserve to die!

Don't look at old man Xia's affectionate appearance now. When he was young, he was actually...

Also a licking dog.

But he is indeed a crazy licking dog!

Many innocent people died as a result of his various actions, not to mention those who were not innocent!

Those who kill will always be killed. Old Man Xia himself once said that no matter what fate he ended up with, he was not unjust.

However, Xu Wan, as Old Man Xia's apprentice, truly has a master-disciple relationship. As a disciple, he cannot let Old Man Xia die in front of him or at the hands of others under any circumstances!

This is your own responsibility.

After Old Man Xia wakes up, it will be his choice to die.

Tang Miaoxing's heart skipped a beat when he heard Zhang Wang's words.

He knows his junior brother very well.

He can be regarded as a good person, he hates evil as much as he hates it, his nature is like burning fire, and at the same time he follows the rules.

However, not everything needs to be done according to the rules, especially when it comes to interests. Some things that do not violate principles and bottom lines can be discussed!

In fact, he didn't know anything about what Xu Yuan just said, and Tang Miaoxing had already believed more than half of it.

After all, if Xu Yuan is really the new acting head of Quan Xing, then he doesn't have to wait for Tu Junfang and the others to take action. Xu Yuan will already have plenty of opportunities to take action against the Tang Clan.

And don't forget.

There is also a corporate background behind making a wish!

As the background of Nadutong Company, it not only provides help and shelter to Xuanyuan, but it is also a kind of constraint!

These people are restrained from acting recklessly within the borders of the country!

Will the company let the new acting boss surnamed Quan become the leader of the inspection team?

Seeing that Xu Yuan was about to open his mouth and start a quarrel with Zhang Wang, in order to prevent the situation from getting worse, Tang Miaoxing quickly spoke first.

"Junior Brother Zhang Wang, this is the inner sect, and I have the final say on this matter! You are just the director of the teaching department of the outer sect. It's useless if you don't agree."

Tang Miaoxing paused.

"Don't forget, junior brother, I am the current head of the Tang Sect."

Tang Miaoxing not only talked about the distinction between inner and outer sects, but also directly brought out the identity of his own sect leader.

Zhang Wang's expression suddenly froze, and the look on his face became even more angry, but he couldn't refute!

Because everything Tang Miaoxing said were the rules of the Tang Sect!

People from the outer sect have no right to interfere in the affairs of the inner sect.

Moreover, the current head of the Tang Sect has the highest power in the entire Tang Sect!

In other words, once Tang Miaoxing, the current sect leader, issues an order, the entire Tang sect must execute it unconditionally, without any room for negotiation!

It's just that before today, Tang Miaoxing had always been quite easy-going, and he had rarely given orders as tough as now as the head of the Tang Sect!

This led Zhang Wang to subconsciously express his objection.

Since Tang Miaoxing issued the order as the head of the Tang Sect, no matter what the Tang Sect members present thought, they could only choose to execute the order.

Tang Ming took Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng into the cell. After tying them up, he sealed them and then detoxified them according to the order of the gate chief.

It is also the Tang Sect's method, and the members of the Tang Sect naturally have ways to detoxify it.

After Tang Ming finished doing this, he imprisoned the two in the same cell, and then waited for the gate chief to issue another order.

Xia Liuqing was very happy now.

Although when they were escorting the two of them just now, the methods of those Tang Sect disciples were "inadvertently" rude, causing him to feel pain all over his body.

But now he and Jin Feng are locked in the same cell!

You know, even though the two have known each other for decades, Jin Feng never lets him enter her room!

"Hey, Jinfeng..." Xia Liuqing swayed her body, using the rope hanging herself as a swing, swinging in the direction of Jinfeng's mother-in-law.

Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng were not the only ones who were also imprisoned in the cell.

Many Tang Sect disciples were also imprisoned in cells.

These Tang Sect disciples were all contaminated by the three corpses of Tu Junfang.

Some of them may have been drawn out of the three corpses, and some may be in the process of being drawn out.

But as an older generation, Tang Miaoxing knows very well that this is the terrifying thing about the Corpse Demon Tu Junfang!

As long as you come into contact with the opponent's three corpses, you will definitely be hooked out of the three corpses!

Except for those practicing masters who have actually cut off the three masters, there are no exceptions!

So in order to prevent the "Three Corpse Virus" from infecting more people, he could only imprison these infected disciples in cells!

The entire inner dungeon was a scene of demons dancing wildly!

Didn't even see it!

But among these Tang Sect disciples, there was one exception.

That is Teacher Tao Tao.

Not only are her three corpses not as hideous and terrifying as other people's thirty, they even have a bit of cuteness in them.

Her upper body is a little bird, a grumpy little bird...

He was so violent that he even beat the host Tao Tao...

The middle corpse is a bag - a Hermès bag. Compared with the genuine product at the counter, the only difference is that the color is darker!

As for her lower body.

It's a small lump that you can't even see if you don't pay attention, and because it's so small, you can't tell what its shape is.

Wishes on the other side.

I was once again separated from the other companions who came with me.

Zhang Chulan and others actually wanted to ask Xu Yuan what was going on and why Quan Xing was involved.

But they didn't have a chance to ask questions at all. Tang Miaoxing called Xu Wish away immediately.

Zhang Wang also wanted to go with him, but Tang Miaoxing refused him.

This made Zhang Wang, who had a fiery temperament, look even more angry.

It wasn't that he suspected that his senior brother Tang Miaoxing had something to do with Xu Yuan or Quan Xing.

But he was a little worried.

After all, the suspicion that Xu Wan is the new acting head of Quan Xing has not been cleared up yet. If senior brother Tang Miaoxing really fell into some dirty tricks, it would be uncomfortable!

But Tang Miaoxing stopped him directly.

Zhang Wang could only angrily go to take care of another senior brother Tang Qiushan...

Xu Yuan and Tang Miaoxing returned to the previous courtyard again.

"Make a wish, tell me what's going on?" Tang Miaoxing said.

"I don't know either." Xu Yuan spread his hands and shrugged, saying truthfully.

"Then what do you think I will do with Xia Liuqing and Mei Jinfeng?" Tang Miaoxing once again asked Xu Wish.

The wish-making expression finally became solemn.

"Chief Tang, Xia Liuqing is my master after all, and Mei Jinfeng can also be regarded as half of my master. No matter what, I can't watch them die here today..."

"Oh? What if I insist on not letting him go?" Tang Miaoxing asked Xu Yuan with a smile.

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