Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 156 Have I become the head of the acting generation?

"Want to leave?"

Tang Miaoxing's figure slowly emerged in the air, his expression was extremely unkind.

He first glanced at Tang Qiushan, who was lying on the ground unconscious.

After he confirmed that Tang Qiu Shan still had signs of life, he looked at Quan Xing and the other four.

"Do you think you guys are leaving?" Tang Miaoxing's tone was gloomy.

At this time, Granny Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing were both hit by the hidden weapon that Tang Miaoxing suddenly shot just now!

The hidden weapon is naturally imbued with the Tang Sect’s signature poison!

As soon as the two of them were hit by the silver needle, they felt sore and weak all over their bodies!

Both of them have been in the martial arts world for a long time, so they naturally know how powerful Tang Sect's Qi poison is. The best way to deal with it now is to exercise immediately to drive away the poison.

However, Granny Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing are not practicing the orthodox Qi refining method, and it is even more nonsense to want to use Qi to drive away poison!

Tang Miaoxing's poison was very powerful and was spreading throughout their bodies at an extremely fast speed!

Let alone running away, the two of them can't even talk now!

But fortunately, Tang Miaoxing took into account Xia Liuqing's relationship with Xu Yuan, so although the poison he used was violent, it was non-lethal and would not kill the two of them so quickly!

As for Tu Junfang and Lu Liang.

Tu Junfang has indeed been famous in the alien circle for a long time. Even though he was passively resisting, his method of becoming famous, Three Corpses, still blocked all the hidden weapons that Tang Miaoxing had just shot at him and Lu Liang.


Tang Miaoxing clicked his tongue, and his figure disappeared into the air again.

"Zi Demon Tu Junfang, it's a pity that I didn't hit you this time."

Tang Miaoxing's slightly regretful words came from the air around him, and at the same time, Tang Qiushan, who was unconscious on the ground, also levitated out of thin air.

Obviously, it was Tang Miaoxing who activated the phantom body barrier again and disappeared.

Then the next moment, the words from Tu Junfang's mouth proved why Tang Miaoxing was a little regretful that he missed the hit just now.

"Uncle Tang." Tu Junfang's voice sounded a little sinister, "If you want to use the phantom body barrier to deal with me, you'd better get rid of your anger first."

This is Tu Junfang's ability.

In other words, it’s a means!

The Three Demon Sect can summon the three corpses that people are born with.

The three corpses are the original sin that humans are born with, the three emotions of greed, anger, and ignorance.

The overwhelming anger in Tang Miaoxing's body was obviously hatred.

Therefore, after the Tang Sect's illusory body barrier was broken by the wish to use [See Shadow], on the same day, it was restrained by Tu Junfang's ability...

Of course, it's not absolute.

If Tang Miaoxing could control his emotions and remain calm, Tu Junfang would naturally not be able to sense his position.

"Forcibly break into my mountain gate, hurt my limbs, and still let me feel at ease?" Tang Miaoxing snorted coldly, his voice was ethereal, "It's hard for someone to do something!"

Tang Miaoxing had already covered himself and Tang Qiushan with the phantom body barrier during this period of time, and both of them disappeared into the air.

Tu Junfang and others could clearly see the movement of the tree crowns in the distant woods.

After making a wish and losing the cover of the illusory body barrier, he was immediately discovered by Guanyuan in the hands of the Tang Sect members.

Tu Junfang and others are naturally no exception.

People from the Tang Sect were coming, and the Tang Sect members also discovered something strange here through the garden.

Tu Junfang glanced at his three companions. Grandma Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing were now blue in the face and had fallen to the ground. They obviously had no fighting ability.

As for Lu Liang...

He was also a little unsure of his fighting ability.

Now that the goal has been achieved, it is better not to have unnecessary battles here for the time being!

"Uncle Tang." Tu Junfang continued to say in a sinister voice, "We will not argue with you today. Senior Qiu Shan is fine and has not been harmed in any way, so we will withdraw first."

Tu Junfang's idea is very simple, that is, since Tang Qiushan has not suffered any substantial harm, and the four of him are obviously a tough nut to crack, there is no need for Tang Miaoxing to fight with him and others, right?

Tu Junfang's idea was correct, but he overlooked one point.

That is to make a wish now that these people are still on the mountain.

In other words, the wish is still here.

Normally, since he had not suffered any substantial damage and Tang Qiu Shan still hadn't woken up, Tang Miaoxing might choose to hold his nose and admit it.

But now the wish is still available.

Tang Miaoxing tried to use wishing as a channel to win-win with the company and find a future for the Tang clan, which was gradually heading towards self-destruction due to the peaceful era.

If these people were now allowed to come and leave whenever they wanted, wouldn't it mean that the entire Tang Sect would be trampled on the ground?

The last person to do this was Zhang Huaiyi...

Yang Lie, the head of the front door, even rushed out of the Tang Sect to hunt him down!

No matter what, Tang Miaoxing couldn't let Tu Junfang and Quan Xing go away like this today!

Just when Tu Junfang and Lu Liang reached out to help Xia Liuqing and Granny Jinfeng, a sudden whistling sound came from the air.

Listening to this familiar sound piercing the sky, Tu Junfang's heart rang with warning signs.

He quickly urged the three corpses to coil around him again with all his strength.

What happened next proved his caution.

Because it was Tang Miaoxing who took action again!

Tang Miaoxing carried Tang Qiushan on his shoulders and took action against Tu Junfang and Lu Liang again!

Although Tu Junfang's three corpses still blocked Tang Miaoxing's hidden weapon attack this time, his three corpses were also scattered!

Fortunately, the three corpses were originally intangible and became visible. After being scattered, they gathered together again in just one breath.

But Tang Miaoxing's action just now showed his attitude.

Today, it is impossible for him to let Tu Junfang and Lu Liang go!

"Hmph! Let's go?"

Tang Miaoxing was also wary because he was carrying an unconscious Tang Qiushan on his shoulders.

Therefore, he did not take action again, but only blocked Tu Junfang for a moment.

However, Tu Junfang looked at the swaying tree crowns behind Tang Miaoxing, which were gradually approaching from the distant woods.

Tu Junfang put down Grandma Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing who had just been helped up again, and then said to Lu Liang with a solemn expression.

"Xiao Lu, get ready to fight. It seems we can't be kind today."

The next moment, from the woods in all directions, Tang Sect disciples, all dressed in black, walked out one after another.

Tu Junfang and Lu Liang were surrounded.

Seal all the escape routes for the two of them, leaving no trace of flaw!

Tang Miaoxing handed Tang Qiushan, who was carrying on his shoulders, to one of the Tang Sect disciples, and then said to them.

"All Tang Sect members, listen, this person is called Tu Junfang, the Corpse Demon among Quanxing Sect members! Facing this person, your first task is not to win, but to avoid coming into contact with his corpse poison..."

And Zhang Chulan and others.

They are also gradually dealing with their respective opponents.

As they continued to fight with these Tang Sect members, they discovered that although these Tang Sect members always left room for action, their methods were indeed limited.

There isn't much, but there is something.

Even if they were able to cope with the siege of many Tang Sect disciples, they could not quickly get rid of the entanglement of these Tang Sect disciples. They could only ensure that they would not be injured.

The only special ones among these people are the two Lu brothers and sisters.

Mr. Lu Jin's reputation for a flawless life cannot be faked. Even people in the Tang clan admire the Lu family very much. Tang Miaoxing also emphasized in his notice to the disciples that as long as the two Lu brothers and sisters can be kept out of their hands, try not to Follow the two brothers and sisters.

The Tang Sect disciples only pestered the two of them.

And make a wish here.

Rather than saying that the Tang Sect was pestering him, it would be better to say that the Tang Sect disciples were following him.

After Xu Wish used the power of thunder to stun a group of Tang Sect disciples, and used Zhao Huaizhen to defeat the long-range attacks of the remaining Tang Sect disciples, these Tang Sect disciples would not take action easily.

Although it sounds simple, it is really not that easy to find a way to crack the ability to make wishes.

But they couldn't leave Wish alone. In the end, they could only follow Wish in the surrounding woods in order to find opportunities to take action.

Xuanyuan didn't bother to find them one by one. Anyway, as long as they didn't stop him, he would just let them go.

The two sides are not enemies.

Xu Wan was actually a little lucky that she left Liao Duoduo in Tang Miaoxing's courtyard and asked her to wait for him there.

Otherwise, if we really have to bring Liao Duoduo with us, the situation may become even more uncontrollable.

It's not that Liao Duoduo is weak.

Before coming to Tangmen, Liao Duoduo had completely recovered from the cultivation she had lost due to the [Great Transformation into a Living Person], to the point where she was still Chen Duo.

It's just that Liao Duoduo's methods are all instant death.

If you really lose control during the fight, it will be great fun!

How can there be any reason for the opponent to throw two 4s in Landlord and just bomb them with nuclear bombs...

Not to mention "recruiting" Tang Sect disciples, maybe all the Tang Sect disciples of this generation will be lost here, and even the Tang Sect will be lost.

Then his reputation as a Sangmen star is really solid!

Whether the divine spirit and the source of gas can undo the Tang Clan's backlash, Xu Yuan doesn't know, but he knows that the Tang Clan definitely doesn't have a solution to the original poisonous poison...

Although Wishing does not have the Guanyuan in the hands of those Tang Sect disciples, it is not difficult to find Tang Miaoxing.

And when Xu Yuan followed the direction Tang Miaoxing left towards the battlefield.

Tu Junfang and Lu Liang have already fought against a group of Tang disciples and Tang Miaoxing!

At first, the Tang Sect disciples were a little disapproving after hearing the warning from the sect leader Tang Miaoxing.

After all, the last time he faced God in the Xilin Gol grassland, the zombie demon really acted like a jerk.

Quanxing gathered dozens of people, but in the end they were defeated by one person with a slap.

Only two survived, and one of them was a useless person, and that useless person was Tu Junfang.

But these disciples of the Tang Sect don't know one thing - that is, when facing the old Heavenly Master, no matter who they are, they are very crotchless.

Tang Miaoxing was naturally dealt with by Tu Junfang.


Strong and weak are relative.

Whether it is strong or weak depends on who the opponent is.

Just like Tu Junfang right now.

When facing the old master on the Xilin Gol prairie, Tu Junfang was vulnerable, and the old master killed him with a casual slap.

But at this time, facing Tang Miaoxing, Tu Junfang shined!

Tu Junfang mobilized the three corpses with all his strength, and the three corpses composed of black mist finally showed their specific shapes.

This is also the first time that the younger generation of Tang Sect disciples present have witnessed the method of three corpses with their own eyes.

The upper body was lying on top of Tu Jun's room, resembling a giant wasp.

The middle corpse is squatting on the side of Tu Jun's room, resembling a python.

The corpse was in a state of limbo, and she looked like a human woman, but she was squatting in front of Tu Junfang in a crawling posture, like Sadako who had just crawled out of the TV.

Tang Miaoxing's strength was indeed not weak, but the hatred in his heart was the biggest flaw.

The three corpses are most sensitive to the three original sins of greed, anger and ignorance.

Tang Miaoxing's phantom body barrier was completely ineffective!

This is the greatest restraint for a Tang Sect assassin!

The dead body was stupefied, and Tang Miaoxing was directly stared to death.

The three corpses seemed to have sanity of their own and could launch attacks on their own!

Because Tang Miaoxing was afraid of the corpse poison brought by the three corpses, he did not dare to have direct physical contact with the three corpses, and was restrained in attacking.

But other Tang Sect disciples are just like newborn calves and are not afraid of tigers.

In recent years, Sanzitu Junfang's presence in the artist circle has not been strong. Although he is famous, few people of the younger generation have seen him take action.

A Tang Sect disciple named Tang Feng launched a poisonous Qi attack directly at Tu Junfang from a distance!

Seeing the cautious attitude of the door leader Tang Miaoxing, Tang Feng naively thought that as long as he didn't attack Tu Junfang, it would be fine...

His poisonous Qi group did approach Tu Junfang.

But just when the Du Qi Group approached Tu Jun's room.

Tu Junfang remained motionless, but his body, Pengju, which looked like a large bee, spread out like a puddle of mud, blocking all the incoming poisonous energy balls.

"Is that it?"

Tang Feng was a little unimpressed.

As we all know, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. As long as they continue to launch long-range attacks from a distance, Tu Junfang will definitely fall!

Then, the next moment, Tu Junfang made these younger generation of Tang Sect disciples understand why he had rarely taken any action in recent years, but his legend was still circulated in the alien circle.

The corpse Peng Ju, who had just resisted the poisonous Qi group, slowly dispersed.

From one giant wasp to thousands of tiny wasps!

Tang Feng's attack just now was like poking a real hornet's nest. These small hornets rushed towards the Tang Sect disciples present at great speed!

Seeing this scene, Tang Miaoxing's eyelids jumped.

Only people like them, who have witnessed Tu Junfang's methods with their own eyes, know the horror of the corpse demon.

"All Tang Sect disciples who have not mastered Poison Barrier must retreat! You go deal with Lu Liang! He is the one wearing glasses!" Tang Miaoxing shouted to all the Tang Sect disciples.

At the same time, he also started to take action towards Tu Junfang, trying to buy some time for the Tang Sect disciples.

But it's too late!

Tu Junfang's middle corpse Peng Qi, plus the lower corpse Peng Qi, were enough to withstand Tang Miaoxing's attack!

There's no stopping these tiny wasps for even a moment!

Even the teachers among the Tang Sect disciples could not completely stop these small wasps.

Soon, a large number of Tang Sect disciples were hit by these small wasps!

But what makes these Tang Sect disciples feel strange is that after these small wasps hit them, they did not feel any strangeness or pain. The sharp-eyed Tang Sect disciples saw that these small wasps gradually integrated into their bodies!

What's happening here?

Not to mention these Tang Sect disciples, even the teacher standing among these Tang Sect disciples couldn't figure out what was going on.

They also don’t know the abilities of the Corpse Demon Tu Junfang!

Only Tang Miaoxing felt his heart sink when he saw this scene.

Damn it, those Tang Sect disciples were still tricked...

The corpse demon Tu Junfang's ability to summon three of his own corpses is just an additional function.

What really made Corpse Demon Tu Junfang famous in the outside world was the method he inherited from the Three Demons Sect!

Anyone who comes into contact with his three corpse poisons will have their own three corpses stirred out!


Not only will it interfere with the main body when you are practicing, but it will also surround the main body all the time!

Tang Miaoxing's offensive became more intense. The only thing he could do now was to keep the Corpse Demon Tu in the room as much as possible!

The only one who can solve this kind of three-corpse poison is Tu Junfang!

Seeing that there was no strangeness or harm to them, the Tang Sect disciples did not take it seriously and attacked Lu Liang directly.

Lu Liang...

These Tang Sect disciples know this peer.

Members of the Lu family, one of the four major families, are also the most talented members of the Lu family in this generation!

I just don’t know why this Lu Liang would be mixed up with these Quanxing!

But the reason has nothing to do with them. They only need to know that the mission is to capture Lu Liang!

However, the method Lu Liang used next shocked all the Tang Sect members present, including the head of the Tang Sect, Tang Miaoxing!

Because the method Lu Liang used was also the method used by the Corpse Demon to Tu Junfang!

Three corpses!

But unlike the corpse demon Tu Junfang, there were only two of the three corpses summoned by Lu Liang!

The corpse on top was Peng Chu, a monster with human body and snake tail and wings on its back, coiled around Lu Liang's head.

The corpse in the center is a thin black line, and you can't tell what the prototype is...

I don’t know why, but Lu Liang didn’t lay down his body.

But when these Tang Sect disciples fought against Lu Liang, they found that the corpse demon summoned by Lu Liang was even more violent than Tu Junfang!

After just a few rounds of fighting, these Tang Sect disciples who had not yet practiced poison warfare were beaten back by Lu Liang's upper and middle corpses!

And waves of black mist gradually emerged from their bodies, and these black mist turned into the things they longed for most...

Suddenly, the disciples of the Tang Sect present were completely suppressed by Tu Junfang and Lu Liang.

Tang Miaoxing saw it in his eyes and felt anxious in his heart.

Just at this time, Xu Yuan was also "surrounded" by another group of Tang Sect disciples and arrived at the battlefield.

When Tang Miaoxing saw the wish coming, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He quickly shouted to Xuyuan, "Wishan, help me deal with Lu Liang and Tu Junfang! At least one of them will be left behind!"

Tang Miaoxing's voice caused all the Tang Sect disciples present to have their brains shut down instantly.



Didn't the gate chief give the order to deal with these outsiders?

Now the door manager asks Xu Yuan to help again, what's going on?

Moreover, his voice not only caused the brains of the Tang Sect disciples present to temporarily shut down, but also frightened Lu Liang and Tu Junfang!

The wish is here!

Before they took action, they actually tried to find traces of the wish for some reasons, but they never found it.

Make a wish appeared at this time!

Tu Junfang and Lu Liang had no intention of fighting Xu Yuan at all. It had nothing to do with their strength, but because...

"Make a wish! The former acting head of Quanxing, Gong Qing, left a will and is willing to hand over the position of acting head of Quanxing to you..."

Tu Junfang shouted to Xu Yuan.

Make a wish:? ? ?

At this time, Xu Wan was also stunned on the spot.

No, what is going on?

Old Man Xia, who he originally thought had already drawn a clear line with these people, was not only lying on the ground now, but also...

Have I become the leader of the sex generation?

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