Tang Miaoxing looked at his garden, and his face suddenly turned cold!

Because in the garden, something was obviously wrong with his junior brother Tang Qiushan!

When Tang Qiu Shan and Zhang Wang arrived after hearing the news, they both called Tang Miaoxing.

Tang Miaoxing turned his phone into airplane mode just because he was with Xu Yuan and it was inconvenient to answer.

In his imagination, with their personalities, Tang Qiu Shan and Zhang Wang would probably secretly take care of the Tang Sect disciples.

However, the facts were indeed as he expected. Tang Qiushan and Zhang Wang went to look after the Tang disciples separately.

As for the safety of these two people?

Although people like Zhang Chulan and Wang Zhenqiu are very good, they can indeed be ranked among the younger generation.

But why are you the Tang Sect's outer sect dean and inner sect's vice principal?

Even if his strength is not as good as that of Lao Tianshi, or even as good as some of the older generation's abilities, it is definitely not something that juniors like Zhang Chulan can hurt.

Originally, according to Tang Miaoxing's plan, there would be no accidents.

But it happened that there was an accident!

Tang Qiushan suddenly fainted, apparently being attacked!

An old man from the Tang Clan who specialized in sneak attacks and assassinations suddenly lost his ability to resist!

Who are the attackers?

A big question mark was drawn in Tang Miaoxing's heart.

If the attacker had made a wish, he might have thought it was possible, but now that the wish was right under his nose, it was impossible to make a wish.

As for Zhang Chulan and Wang Zhenqiu?

There is no possibility at all!

Tang Miaoxing didn't know, but now was not a good time for him to guess.

It's true that he turned on airplane mode on his phone, but he didn't really want Tang Qiushan to really fly!

"Make a wish, it's broken, something happened! I'll go take a look first!"

Tang Miaoxing didn't have time to say anything, he just opened the phantom body barrier and ran out!

Xu Yuan was also caught off guard by Tang Miaoxing's sudden move.

ah? Something happened?

It wasn't until Tang Miaoxing ran out that he came back to his senses.

When Tang Miao was immobile, the illusory body barrier could indeed cover the existence of the wish. Not only was it visually invisible, it was also unable to be displayed in the Tangmen's garden.

But when Tang Miaoxing left, the phantom body barrier still followed Tang Miaoxing, and the wish was exposed.

In an instant, the wishful figure appeared in the woods.

At the same time, a strange mark appeared on the viewing garden in the hands of the disciples of the Tang Sect.

"There is another one here, make a wish here!"

The Tang Sect disciples reacted very quickly, and someone immediately came nearby, and then shouted an alarm message to other disciples.

It is true that they are proud of being disciples of the Tang Sect, but they also know the value of making a wish to become the Luotian Dajiao champion.

They never thought about winning a wish one-on-one!

This is the Tang Sect, their territory.

They are a group of Tang Sect assassins, what kind of martial ethics do they talk about?

"Everyone, come shoulder to shoulder!" Following the greeting of a Tang Sect disciple, a group of Tang Sect disciples shouted and surrounded Xu Wan!

These Tang Sect disciples really attach great importance to making wishes.

In terms of the number of people under siege, Wishes faced more enemies at the same time than anyone else!

"Wait, wait, there's a misunderstanding..." Xu Wan still wanted to explain.

But these Tang Sect disciples had been aroused by the battle with others just now, so they were not interested in hearing Xu Wish's explanation at all.

"Whoosh!" A slight sound broke through the air.

Several hidden threads that are almost completely imperceptible to the naked eye shoot towards the wish!

Although the hidden line method is used more frequently by Tang Tingting, the granddaughter of Tang Miaoxing, the head of the Tang Sect, but as a part of the Tang Sect's inheritance system, it does not mean that only Tang Tingting can use it.

Most Tang Sect members know a little bit about it, it's just a matter of what they are good at and what they are not good at.

Of course Xu wish would not be attacked by such a small trick, so he dodged aside.

While retreating and dodging, Wish also activated the Godhead Mask.

Transformation god Sikong Zhen.

"Crush the darkness with thunder!"

Make a wish and directly activate the ultimate move [Thunder], transform into the Lord of Thunder, and trigger the thunder drum behind you.

Countless thunderstorms and lightning struck at the Tang Sect members.

Now that these Tang Sect disciples are unwilling to listen to my explanation, they should get out of the predicament on their own!

The idea of ​​making a wish is very simple. First, get rid of the entanglement of these Tang disciples and go see what accident happened to Tang Miaoxing.

As for the follow-up, let’s leave it to Tang Miaoxing, the head of the family!

Facing the overwhelming thunder bombarding them, these Tang Sect disciples finally intuitively sensed the strength of Xu Yuan, the champion of the Luotian Dajiao!

Although they already value Wishes enough, the combat power displayed by Wishes now still exceeds the upper limit of their previous expectations!

If there were some disciples of the Tang Sect who were lucky because Tang Wenlong had not yet made a wish at the Luotian Dajiao, and felt that the champion of the Luotian Dajiao was worthy of making a wish.

So now they know very well that even if Tang Wenlong really reaches the finals, he may not have any chance of winning against Wishing!

And then, the intensity of the wish made them confirm this.

It’s full!

Really full!

"Five treasures body protection method!"

"Tumu Liuzhu!"

Facing the thunderstorm caused by making a wish, these Tang Sect disciples each used their own methods to avoid it.

Most of the Tang Sect disciples were lucky because they evaded in time and made a wish and did not attack with all their strength, so they were not hit by the thunder.

But those Tang Sect disciples who had just taken advantage of the hidden line were in bad luck.

Because the material of the hidden thread in their hands is made of metallic silver, they cannot avoid it at all.

The hidden thread is like a lightning rod, attracting thunder, and these thunderbolts are like tracking missiles, chasing the Tang Sect disciples who use the hidden thread.

The speed of thunder is extremely fast, and the speed of activation using the Tang Sect's secret technique Earth Muliu Pillar is already the limit for these Tang Sect disciples.

They couldn't dodge the second wave of thunderous lock-on attacks!

The speed was so fast that these Tang Sect disciples couldn't even throw out or retract the hidden line of their mobile phones!

In just the blink of an eye, the thunder followed the hidden thread and climbed onto the bodies of these Tang Sect disciples.

Thunder spells already have the effect of breaking spells, not to mention that making a wish uses the power of thunder.

These Tang Sect disciples cannot resist the thunder to a limited extent, no matter whether they use the poison barrier or the five treasures to protect themselves.

The result is self-evident, these Tang Sect disciples all trembled for a while, then fell to the ground with smoke coming out of their mouths, completely unconscious.

But fortunately, Xuanyuan didn't really want to kill them, so he naturally kept his hand when he took action.

The strength is just right, and it's not nerve-wracking.

It just knocked out those Tang Sect disciples with electricity. At most, they suffered only minor injuries, and they didn't even leave any sequelae.

The other surviving disciples of the Tang Sect became even more cautious after seeing this scene!

Of course, at this point, they were determined and did not shrink back because of the "sacrifice" of their companions. Instead, they changed their strategies and adopted a more cautious strategy, using Tang Sect's hidden weapons and poisonous and other long-range attacks from a distance. Constantly launching attacks on the wish.


Their "Plan B" also quickly failed.

Because the wish did not always keep the god Sikong Zhen, but after the Tang Sect disciples changed their attack methods, they immediately changed the goal of the god transformation to [The Heart of Freedom - Zhao Huaizhen]!

Looking at the hidden weapons and energy balls shooting at him from all directions, he made a wish and directly activated [Reversal of Yin and Yang].

Two slightly illusory yin and yang qi appeared and began to circle around him as he made a wish.

Now, the advantage of wishing to be able to transform into multiple targets is finally revealed.

For all enemies, as long as they are not completely overwhelmed by combat power, he can choose the corresponding restraint ability to fight against them!

The black and white cyclone showed great power, enveloping all flying objects that came into contact with the cyclone!

Xu Wish's strength is no longer what it used to be. In the past, he would be seriously injured if he tried to use [Reversal of Yin and Yang] to receive Xiao Zizi's attack.

But now, facing the siege of many Tang Sect disciples, he has not been harmed in any way!

Many Tang Sect disciples were also a little dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

How to fight this?

Long-range attacks were useless, and they had no chance of fighting in close combat. Before they infected Wishing with poison, Wishing's thunder power was obviously faster than their poison!

But that's not all.

After intercepting these attacks, Xu Wan waved his arms and used a bird's tail to compress the black and white cyclone, the hidden weapons and Qigong that were trapped in it, into a cyclone the size of a basketball, gathering it in his palms.

Then, Xu Wish slowly pushed the cyclone out.

After flying a short distance, the cyclone finally hit a tree.

The cyclone exploded in all directions instantly!

This big tree was naturally the first to bear the brunt of the damage, and naturally could not escape the fate of being torn apart.

Then after the big tree exploded, the hidden weapons and energy balls rushed into the woods, just like when these Tang Sect disciples launched the attack, they returned the same way!

Suddenly there was a cry of pain in the woods.

The wish was made on that tree intentionally, otherwise none of these Tang Sect disciples would survive if they were hit head-on by this cyclone!

By then, he will probably fall out with the entire Tang Sect!

This is completely inconsistent with the wishing plan.

Of course, these Tang Sect disciples were hit by their own attack methods.

For other people, the Tang Sect's deadly hidden weapons and poisons, for themselves, they naturally have ways to detoxify them, so they don't need to worry about killing them!

Wishing only used the methods of two heroes, but those Tang Sect disciples were afraid to step forward for the time being.

It's not that they are afraid, but there is no need to make meaningless "sacrifice". At least until they find a way to effectively deal with wishing, they cannot act rashly.

Xu Yuan did not care about these Tang disciples, but quickly chased them in the direction Tang Miaoxing left.

Tang Qiushan.

Vice principal of the inner sect of Tang Sect.

After he separated from Zhang Wang, when the two of them were looking after the Tang Sect disciples in different directions, he had been using the viewing garden to observe the movements on the field.

Just at this moment, three Tang Sect disciples dressed in black walked out of the woods.

But at this time, what was displayed on the garden in Tang Qiushan's hands was not the icon of the Tang sect, but the icon of the outsider.


Tang Qiu Shan frowned and quietly put the Guanyuan in his sleeve into his sleeve.

"How's it going? What's the result of your battle?" Tang Qiu Shan asked the three Tang Sect disciples.

"The latest news is that Zhang Chulan has been arrested, Zhang Lingyu is still on the run, and Xu Yuan is missing..."

The Tang Sect disciple who was the leader among the three said.

At this time, in Tang Qiu Shan's heart, he also sighed that these outsiders were indeed very detailed in their investigation of intelligence.

Even Zhang Lingyu and Xu Yuan were not ignored!

But this group of outsiders obviously got something wrong.

That means the wish is not missing!

Both Tang Qiushan and Zhang Wang knew that Tang Miaoxing took the initiative to call Xu Wan over.

Although they don't know what senior brothers Tang Miaoxing and Xu Yuan are doing now, they both know that Xu Yuan must be with Tang Miaoxing!

But Tang Qiushan remained calm on the surface.

"Oh, by the way, show me your garden and I'll make some changes."

Tang Qiu Shan slowly leaned towards the three of them, without showing the slightest murderous intention.

However, just as he approached the three of them, three darts stained with venom fiercely shot out from Tang Qiu Shan's cuffs like three of them!

And these three people are not just ordinary people.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, the three of them quickly dodged to the side, completely avoiding Tang Qiushan's sudden attack!

"Oh? You escaped? It seems that this time it's not some small fish or shrimp!" Tang Qiu Shan said jokingly.

Now that they have been discovered, the three of them simply stopped pretending.

They circulated their Qi one after another and broke through the disguise put on the three of them by the poison painted by the Thousand Faces Human Realm!

After revealing the faces of the three people, Tang Qiu Shan also recognized the identities of the three people opposite him!

They are Corpse Demon Tu Junfang, Xia Liuqing, and Mei Jinfeng!


A fully human person!

The rootless licking dog and the licking dog licking dog also have a corpse demon Tu Junfang!

But the only thing that made Tang Qiu Shan a little confused was that accurate news had been circulated after the last decisive battle between Lao Tianshi and Quan Xing in the Xilin Gol Prairie.

The only two survivors are Ding Daoan and Zhimo Tujunfang.

But isn’t it said that the Corpse Demon Tu Junfang has been destroyed by the Heavenly Master?

Tang Qiu Shan and the three of them were all of the same generation. Naturally, they were no strangers to each other, and they even had certain ideas about the comparison of combat power between the two sides.

Although Tang Qiushan looked down on the two licking dogs, Mei Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing.

But he had to admit that facing the siege of these three people alone, he was a little stretched!

Tang Qiu Shan tapped his foot lightly on the ground at the first moment, using the Tang Sect's light body technique to push him backwards.

At the same time, he waved his hand and threw out several hidden weapons stained with poison.

Tang Qiu Shan is worthy of being a veteran of the Tang Sect, and he controls the battle situation very accurately.

Because just as he was retreating violently, the three people on the opposite side had already launched an attack on him!

Mei Jinfeng is a congenital stranger, and her ability is mind control.

Several pieces of gravel on the ground were controlled by her mind to attack Tang Qiu Shan. In the picture, they collided with the hidden weapons fired by Tang Qiu Shan, canceling each other out.

Xia Liuqing and Corpse Demon Tu Junfang both stepped forward to pursue Tang Qiu Shan!

Although facing the attack of three people, Tang Qiu Shan was a little overwhelmed by himself, but after all, he was the old Tang sect who had been walking on the line of life and death all year round.

Not to mention his backup skills and combat experience!

Tang Qiu Shan opened his mouth and spit out several silver needles, shooting at the two of them!

Xia Liuqing could only wave the waist-thick steel whip to push away these silver needles.

These Tang Sects are so weird! It’s better to try not to directly receive their attacks!

Although the silver needle was shot down, the steps of Xia Liuqing and Tu Junfang were also blocked at the same time!

Completely losing the advantage of being the first mover.

An attack of this level could not stop Tang Qiushan for a moment.

The only thing that made Tang Qiu Shan more afraid was the corpse poison of the corpse demon Tu Junfang. He could only activate his own poison barrier to the maximum to resist the erosion of Tu Junfang's corpse poison!

For Tang Qiu Shan, this is the territory of the Tang Sect after all. As long as he delays for a while, the people from the Tang Sect will rush here, and then these three people will not be able to escape!

While Tang Qiushan was struggling with the three of them with all his strength, a blue illusory hand stretched out from the woods nearby.

This blue illusory palm approached Tang Qiushan silently from behind.

At this time, Tang Qiu Shan's entire experience was on guard against Tu Junfang and his corpse poison, and he did not notice this blue illusory palm at all.

The next moment, this blue illusory palm finally touched Tang Qiushan's body!

The poisonous barrier surrounding Tang Qiushan's body did not offer any resistance at all!

This blue illusory palm turned into several smaller hands, and these little hands invaded Tang Qiushan's brain as if they were in an uninhabited land!

In an instant, Tang Qiu Shan collapsed to the ground as if he had suffered a heavy blow, his whole body trembling!

After Tang Qiushan completely lost his ability to resist, another figure also walked out of the woods.

It's Lu Liang!

Those little blue hands were also connected to his hands through a thin thread.

"This ability is pretty good, even the poison barrier has no effect." Tu Junfang praised.

Lu Liang just smiled softly.

"Well, the only thing that can resist my attack is the power at the mental or soul level. Poison barriers are useless."

While Lu Liang was talking, he was controlling these little blue hands from a distance and constantly wandering around in Tang Qiu Shan's brain.

"Okay! Found it!" Lu Liang chuckled, "It seems that senior Tang Qiushan's mental strength is not as strong as I thought. Compared with another senior, there is a huge difference."

Seeing Lu Liang withdraw his little blue hand from Tang Qiu Shan's brain, Xia Liuqing urged everyone.

"Okay! Let's leave quickly! The people from the Tang Sect will be here soon!"

In fact, among all the members who sneaked into the Tang Sect this time, he was the one who least wanted to come.

On the one hand, he felt that there was really no need to find the truth about the Jiashen Rebellion. So what if he found it? Can he win Jinfeng's love?

On the other hand, he was also afraid of meeting his direct disciple making a wish.

After all, Xuanyuan had told him more than once before not to hang out with people like Quan Xing...

Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to see Make a Wish now?

If it weren't for Jinfeng, let alone Tu Junfang and Lu Liang asking him for help, even if Wugensheng came, he would never get involved in this muddy water!

And just when everyone was about to evacuate, a burst of sound suddenly sounded from the air next to them!

Several hidden weapons attacked the four of them!

Different from Tang Miaoxing's attack just now, the angle of attack of these hidden weapons this time was very tricky, and the timing was also very clever.

Xia Liuqing and Mei Jinfeng didn't react at all!

Even Tu Junfang could only summon his three corpses to defend himself and Lu Liang beside him from the attack!

After the attack, a figure slowly emerged from the air.

It was Tang Miaoxing, the current head of the Tang Sect, who rushed here in a hurry!

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