Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 154 Tang Clan? Reincarnated Living Buddha?

Wang Zhenqiu is very smart.

So, when Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Chulan mentioned making wishes again, he finally realized something was wrong.

That is, the wish has not yet appeared!

If Xu Wan had other things to deal with before these Tang Sect members appeared, and lost contact with them, it would be excusable.

But in this case, if the wish doesn't appear, then something is wrong!

Although the movement of these Tang Sect members was small just now, now that the other party has taken action, the movement is naturally not much smaller.

I'm afraid the entire Tangmen Old Campus in Back Mountain should have noticed the movement here.

Make a Wish must have noticed it too!

According to Wang Zhenqiu’s understanding of Xu wish after being in contact with him for so long.

Although this guy likes to cheat people, he is still very reliable in key matters and will never betray his teammates.

Now the Tang Sect is obviously going to attack them. Under such circumstances, Xu Wishan still doesn't show up...

The only possibility that Wang Zhenqiu could think of was—this was Xu Yuan’s intention!

In other words, Xuanyuan and Tangmen reached some unknown agreement!

Wang Zhenqiu had a smile on his face.

As he expected, there was really something fun to do with the wish!

Although Wang Zhenqiu had already guessed it, he did not go directly to make a wish. Instead, he continued to rush into the woods with the others as if nothing had happened.

Now that it has been exposed, how can he still participate in this game?

Wang Zhenqiu guessed correctly.

Now in the Tang Sect Old Campus, since these Tang Sect members have taken action, everyone in the entire old campus in Back Mountain can notice the movement here.

Not only people from Xuyuan and Tangmen can notice it, but also other people in the back mountains of Tangmen can notice it.

For example……

Complete sex!

After Gong Qing died in the Xilin Gol Prairie last time, although Quan Xing's vitality was severely damaged, his basic combat power was basically completely lost, and there was not much high-end combat power left.

However, adhering to the last wish of the previous leader Gong Qing, they still did not give up on pursuing the truth about the Jiashen Rebellion.

Speaking of Gong Qinglai, after his death, although he still held the title of acting head of Quanxing, because of his battle on the Xilin Gol grassland, he stood up at the last moment and calmed down the anger of the Heavenly Master at the cost of his own life. Rescued the two top combat forces of Corpse Demon Tu Junfang and Ding Shianan.

Therefore, although he died at the hands of the Heavenly Master, he was recognized by all the members of the Universe after his death!

Compared with the real head of Quanxing, the only difference between him and him is that he took off the title of acting head while he was still alive.

The remaining Quanxing disciples are still pursuing the truth of the Jiashen Rebellion.

So, this time, with the help of Thousand Faces Man Realm Painting Poison, they successfully sneaked into the Tang Sect!

Since Yu's ability to draw poison is known as a man with a thousand faces, he naturally has his own uniqueness.

As long as the person covered by his disguise technique does not use his own Qi, he can always maintain his disguised appearance.

This kind of ability, in peaceful times, is naturally invincible against the new generation members of the Tang Sect who have already lost their vigilance.

Many members of the Tang Sect have been replaced by these Quanxing!

As for Zhang Chulan and his party, they fell into full surveillance as soon as they arrived at Tangmen.

The Tang Sect martial arts man in the front mountain, the Thousand Faces Man Realm Painting Poison himself, even disguised himself as the gatekeeper "Uncle Wang"!

Of course, because the last time Gong Qing killed Tian Jinzhong, angered the Tianshi Mansion, and directly caused the Tianshi to come down from the mountain, Quan Xing still had some discretion in his actions this time.

Including "Uncle Wang", all the replaced Tang Sect members were only knocked unconscious by Quan Xing and taken away and imprisoned, without harming their lives.

Several figures stood deep in the woods.

"The people from the Tang Sect have taken action against Zhang Chulan and the others, but the wish hasn't appeared yet. Should we take action?"

Corpse Demon Tu Junfang asked a young man beside him.

Because he used his own Qi as a means, the disguise of his disguise was naturally broken and his appearance was restored.

If Lu Ci were here at this time, he would definitely have a headache when he saw this young man standing next to Tu Junfang.

Because this young man is none other than Lu Liang, the member of the Lu family who has the highest talent for Minghun (?) in this generation!

Rather than saying that it is the talent of Minghun Technique, it is better to say that it is the talent of having both hands!

Because the reason why Corpse Demon Tujunfang is standing here intact is entirely because of Lu Liang!

After Lu Liang learned the information about Shuangquan Hands from Tian Jinzhong at the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain last time, he returned to the Lu family to ask about his great-grandfather Lu Ci.

Lu Ci was originally quite tolerant of this talented Lu family child. Even if he escaped from the Lu family without permission and mingled with Quan Xing, who was shouted at and beaten by everyone, he did not make it too difficult for him.

However, just after Lu Liang asked the question about both hands, Lu Ci finally showed his mad dog side!

After a short silence, he actually cut Lu Liang into a human stick, and even cut out his tongue!

At this point, Lu Liang has completely broken with Lu Ci and even the entire Lu family!

He was not a fool. Lu Liang finally recognized the fact that the Lu family's so-called soul-clearing technique was all hands!

But Lu Liang's awakening at this time did not have much effect, because he had completely lost his ability to move!

But as if God wanted to help him, after being cut into a human stick, Lu Liang accidentally awakened the full version of his hands!

Red hands heal the body, blue hands control the spirit!

Through the awakened hands, Lu Liang not only restored his mutilated body, but also escaped from the Lu family overnight after finding an opportunity!

After Lu Liang escaped from the Lu family, he had nowhere to go.

The people of the Lu family will never let him go. Shuang Quanshou does not have strong frontal combat capabilities. As for his Ruyi Jin...

In the Lu family, his Ruyi Jin was not outstanding.

There is a high probability that other decent people from well-known families will not fall out with the Lu family because of him.

Therefore, Lu Liang finally chose Quanxing.

After he returned to Quanxing, he also cured the corpse demon Tu Junfang who was crippled by a slap from the Heavenly Master, and again led these Quanxing members to continue to trace the truth of the Jiashen Rebellion.

Through some clues obtained before, this time they, like Zhang Chulan, are eyeing the Tang Sect!

"The wish has not shown up yet..." Lu Liang pondered for a moment, and finally made a decision, "Forget it, the opportunity is rare, let's not wait! Our goal is not to make a wish anyway!"

Lu Liang has become the commander of these Quanxing disciples through his newly awakened hands.

Of course, it's not all about having full hands.

Also because of Lu Liang's brain.

After Lu Liang made the decision to act, he did not act directly.

Instead, he turned to look at another person in the crowd.


This is the difference between Lu Liang and the previous acting head Gong Qing.

A sense of proportion!

It is precisely because he has had the inhumane experience in the Lu family and personally witnessed Gong Qing's mistakes that he has a sense of proportion!

Lu Liang knew very well what Xu Yuan, a closed disciple, meant to Xia Liuqing, a well-known celebrity. If he dared to ask Xia Liuqing to kill Xu Yuan, or instruct Xia Liuqing to attack Xu Yuan.

Putting aside the outcome of the battle, I am afraid that before the wish appears, Xia Liuqing may be the first person she kills!

However, Xia Liuqing's reaction was not what Lu Liang expected.

"Hey! Lu Liang, you little thing, you are bossing me around. You can't even make a wish with a finger..." Xia Liuqing opened her big mouth with only two teeth left, and was about to spray Lu Liang.

But at this moment Jinfeng pushed him.

"Lao Xia! Listen to Lu Liang! You came with me this time! If you don't want to, you can leave now..."

Xia Liuqing is worthy of being the mainstay among the licking dogs - the old licking dogs.

Xia Liuqing, who was grinning just now, suddenly stopped and licked her face and smiled at Jinfeng.

"Jinfeng, I don't mean that. I just feel that making a wish is not an enemy..."

"Lao Xia, no matter what, I am a full-sex person for one day and a full-sex person for the rest of my life. And Xiao Lu is also trying to find clues about the leader..."

Jin Feng said sternly to Xia Liuqing.

Lu Liang was too lazy to listen to the conversation between Granny Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing.

He had heard this conversation many times.

Old Man Xia is indeed difficult to deal with. He is not weak in strength and is a well-known figure.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Xia Liuqing doesn't know why. Ever since Xu Yuan became famous in the alien circle, he is not willing to get involved with Quan Xing. Faintly, he even wants to quit Quan Xing.

However, as long as Granny Jinfeng is still there, these problems will not be a problem!

After arranging Xia Liuqing's tasks, Lu Liang turned to look at the other person.

A bald man wearing a white hood.

Man with a Thousand Faces - Domain Painting Poison!

"Yu Huadu, your ability is not suitable for frontal combat. Just help everyone improve the disguise skill later. You don't need to go out with us. If there is any unexpected situation, you can also find opportunities to rescue in secret."


Yu Huadu just nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Lu Liang didn't care either.

Yu Huadu has this kind of temperament. Perhaps only this is one of the reasons why he has not been hunted to death to this day because of his ability that makes other alien forces hate him...

Lu Liang pushed up his glasses and issued action instructions.

"Okay, let's take action. The target this time is Tang Qiu Shan, not killing people. Try not to cause the death of Tang Sect members..."

At the same time all members of the Omnisexuals started to move.

A group of Tang Sect disciples finally fought with Zhang Chulan and others in the woods.

The dense woods did provide cover for Zhang Chulan and others, and also allowed the Tang Sect disciples to spread out.

But there was very little interference to these Tang Sect disciples!

Because in the hands of these Tang Sect disciples, they all held a disc that looked like a large pocket watch.

Several red dots flashed on the disk.

The number of red dots just matches Zhang Chulan’s number of people!

This disc is a magic weapon made by the Tang Sect's weapon refiner using a unique technique.

View the garden!

Guanyuan does not have good defensive or lethality like the magic weapons of Ma Xianhong or Quan Xingyuan Tao.

In terms of power alone, Guanyuan is simply weak!

But it is precisely because of this that the refining of Guanyuan is not difficult, and all Tang Sect disciples can have one!

The function of the garden view is very simple, that is, it can monitor specific abnormalities within a certain range around it at any time.

A simplified version of God’s perspective!

If it is normal, this function may be somewhat useful, but it is not very useful.

But now, it’s finally time for the garden to function!

Using the Tang Sect's special method of controlling Qi, the positions and movements of Zhang Chulan and others were displayed in the garden in real time!

The entire forest is the Tang Sect’s home field!

Of course, normally speaking, the wish that has been hidden in the woods cannot escape the monitoring of the garden.

But at this time Tang Miaoxing was using a phantom body barrier to cover up his existence.

The Tang Sect's garden is open to external enemies. Let's not talk about whether there is a way to detect the Tang Sect's illusory body barrier. Even if it is possible, the Tang Sect will never allow it.

Therefore, in the Guanyuan, the color of Tang Miaoxing's location is the same as that of Tangmen, and there is no difference at all.

Although the Tang Sect disciples were a little surprised that there was an extra Tang Sect sign in the woods, they didn't think much about it.

Maybe they are the Tang Sect disciples who have just arrived here...

Naturally, the first person to attack Zhang Chulan and others was Tang Tingting, who had great opinions on Zhang Chulan.

She shot the invisible line directly towards Zhang Chulan and others!

A sound broke through the air.

Zhang Chulan and others quickly dodged aside.

Then came the overwhelming Qi balls, all of which contained the Tang Sect's unique Qi poison!

Zhang Chulan and others dodged again.

After such an attack, Zhang Chulan and others have been separated!

Everyone can see clearly that these people from the Tang Clan want to separate them, otherwise they will never let it go!

If we continue to insist on taking action together, I'm afraid the speed will be even slower than if we separate!

not to mention……

There was no fool among the people present. Although the others present were a beat slower than Wang Zhenqiu, they had also discovered the abnormalities that Wang Zhenqiu had discovered before!

Although they don't know why the wish is made in this way, they know that the wish will not be too deceiving to them, so they just have to carry out the wish!


There really is a "fool"...

Zhang Lingyu.

"Everyone, there is nothing we can do! They must separate us and take care of ourselves!" Zhang Chulan shouted and ran towards the woods on the left.

But Zhang Lingyu still didn't notice anything was wrong.

"No, Zhang Chulan! It's too dangerous to separate!" Zhang Lingyu shouted and chased after Zhang Chulan.

It's true that he is a "temporary assistant" to Make a Wish. He takes people's money and helps them deal with troubles. It's also true that he should have a close relationship with Make a Wish.

But Xu Xu is not here now, and neither is Liao Duoduo, who is also the "assistant".

So among the people present, Zhang Chulan was the only one who had the closest relationship with him.

After all, he was Zhang Chulan's junior uncle before he was "expelled from the school", so he naturally wanted to protect Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan naturally saw Zhang Lingyu chasing him.


He really didn't know what to say about this little uncle.

He is a nice person, and there is nothing wrong with him, but his brain is not very good?

At the same time, the disciples of the Tang Sect launched a siege on Zhang Chulan and others.

The other two current persons in charge of the Tang Sect—Zhang Wang, director of the Outer Sect Education Office, and Tang Qiu Shan, the vice principal of the Inner Sect—also rushed here after noticing the movement at the old campus in Houshan.

Both of them were veterans of the martial arts world, and they also owned a garden. After a casual inspection, they guessed that it was the Tang Sect disciples who were besieging Zhang Chulan and others.

For outsiders with corporate backgrounds like Zhang Chulan, especially Zhang Chulan’s grandfather Zhang Huaiyi, he still had old grudges with the Tang clan.

Zhang Wang and Tang Qiushan naturally had no reason to stop these Tang Sect disciples.

Especially when the two learned from one of the Tang Sect disciples that this was the instruction from Tang Miaoxing, they had no reason to stop it.

Since Tang Miaoxing had already ordered these Tang Sect disciples not to cause trouble, the two of them were too lazy to do anything.

However, these two old Jianghu still attach great importance to these temporary workers from the company.

Temporary workers have made several big moves in the alien world and have gained quite a reputation in the alien world.

In order to prevent unexpected situations - mainly to prevent serious injuries or deaths among the Tang Sect disciples, the two of them separated and were ready to rescue Tang Sect disciples in danger at any time.

But what made the two of them a little confused was that for some reason, none of them could contact Tang Miaoxing, including those Tang Sect disciples.

No one knew where Tang Miaoxing, the door manager, was, and they couldn't even get through to him on the phone.

Xu Yuan and Tang Miaoxing, wrapped in the phantom body barrier, hid in the woods and watched these Tang Sect disciples fight back and forth with Zhang Chulan and others.

It has to be said that as a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years.

The Tang Sect's foundation is still quite sufficient.

At least the methods of these Tang Sect disciples are really wonderful, and they can actually compete with temporary workers like Zhang Chulan and Wang Zhenqiu.

Although the Tang Sect side relied on its large numbers to carry out the siege, using more people to attack the smaller ones.

But there is a saying...

Strong and weak are relative.

Zhang Chulan and Wang Zhenqiu couldn't beat Make a Wish in a one-on-one match. It can be said that they are weaker than Make a Wish, but they definitely cannot be said to be weak!

After all, there are only a few single-digit company temporary workers in the circle of one person within the entire country!

Are you afraid of siege with these temporary workers?

Apparently not afraid.

Even if they are not part-time workers, the Lu family brothers and sisters and Zhang Lingyu are still descendants of powerful forces in the alien world.

The Lu family brothers and sisters are the descendants of the four major families, the Lu family, and Zhang Lingyu was born in the Tianshi Mansion, the leader of the righteous clan.

The power and inheritance of any family are not weaker than that of Tang Clan!

These Tang Sect disciples were not at a disadvantage in the battle, which proved the superiority of Tang Sect's methods.

What's more, the fighting style of these Tang Sect disciples is not the assassination that Tang Sect is best at...

"How's it going? Make a wish." Tang Miaoxing calmly turned his phone into airplane mode, then put it into his arms and looked at the wish. "Is my Tang Sect disciple's method acceptable?"

Xuanyuan nodded truthfully.

"The means are good, but we lack experience in fighting the enemy in actual combat."

Tang Miaoxing naturally knew this.

This was exactly what he felt the Tang Sect was heading towards self-destruction, and it also made him laugh.

As a sect that has made its living by assassination for nearly a thousand years, none of the disciples of this generation have ever killed anyone...

Even Xiao Zizai, who was born in Lingyin Temple and studied under Master Jiekong, had a lot of blood and life on his hands.

A believer in Buddhism becomes a villain, the God of Death, and a killer becomes a living Buddha?

It is simply a rebellion against Tiangang!

What kind of world is this!

But soon, Tang Miaoxing no longer had the time to worry about the living Buddha and the villain Death.

Because he discovered something strange in his garden!

There is a problem with his junior brother Tang Qiushan!

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