Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 153 Something is wrong, nine out of ten is wrong!

Tang Miaoxing is the head of the sixth most professional "Tang Sect" in the world of strangers.

Make a wish, a lao Liu with "prophetic power".

When two senior seniors met, it was like thunder from the sky stirring up fire on the earth.

As the two people communicated, Tang Miaoxing felt that this young man Xu Wan was simply...

It’s so congenial!

It even feels like we met too late!

Both his style and methods are very much in line with his taste!

The two of them just hit it off!

"Hey hey hey..."

A slightly perverted smile gradually appeared on their faces.

But just like the law of conservation of energy, smiles also follow the law of conservation - smiles don't disappear, they just move from one person's face to another.

The smiles on their faces were transferred from the faces of Zhang Chulan and others.

On the other side, the dormitory building on the old campus. After Zhang Chulan made a wish and left with Tang Wenlong, she took the initiative to find Wang Zhenqiu.

"Qiu'er, I want to ask you something this time. Please quit. Don't continue to follow..."

Zhang Chulan had only one purpose in finding Wang Zhenqiu in private.

Among the people who came to Tangmen this time, only Wang Zhenqiu made him unsure.

Just as Wang Zhenqiu said about himself, he is a pervert who is very curious and does not take things too seriously when watching the excitement.

It happens to be this kind of person who has no purpose and simply wants to join in the fun, which is the most difficult to figure out.

Zhang Chulan could not imagine what Wang Zhenqiu would do if he knew the clues about Sister Baoer's life experience!

Although Zhang Chulan also knew in his heart that he could hide it for a while, but he could not hide it forever.

Sooner or later, Sister Bao'er's life experience will be exposed to the eyes of the world, but he wants this day to come as late as possible.

Everyone else in the group had no big problems, but Wang Zhenqiu made him really unsure.

As for making a wish...

That guy has long been out of the scope of Zhang Chulan's thoughts. He is mysterious and may know more than himself.

He is not a pushy person. If he can't see through the wish, then he doesn't want to do it. As long as he knows that the wish will not be sold to Sister Bao'er!

Facing Zhang Chulan's request, Wang Zhenqiu first raised his eyebrows with interest, and then looked embarrassed.

"Such an interesting thing, ask me to quit now, Zhang Chulan, you are torturing me..."

It was obviously impossible for Wang Zhenqiu to agree to Zhang Chulan's request and withdraw from it. Telling him not to join in the fun would be even more uncomfortable than killing him!

Zhang Chulan sighed helplessly.

As expected.

After several contacts, Zhang Chulan almost understood the character of these people.

He came to Wang Zhenqiu just to give it a try, what if?

Now it seems that there is no chance.

Just when Wang Zhenqiu was about to say something, Tang Wenlong, who had just left with a wish, left and returned.

"Zhang Chulan, you, please come with me to see the door leader!"

Tang Wenlong found Zhang Chulan who was standing with Wang Zhenqiu.

His appearance interrupted the conversation between Zhang Chulan and Wang Zhenqiu, and made Wang Zhenqiu swallow back what he had not said.

"Now?" Zhang Chulan's face was full of surprise. It was already midnight. How could there be any reason to meet guests in the middle of the night?

Moreover, he suddenly realized another problem.

"Brother Long, where is your wish? He didn't come back with you?"

"No." Tang Wenlong shook his head, but the expression on his face did not change. "I am only responsible for taking you to see the gate leader. Don't ask me about other things. I don't know."

Zhang Chulan was in trouble now.

Before, Tang Wenlong took Xu Yuan to see the head of the Tang clan, but now that Tang Wenlong himself came back, Xu Yuan was nowhere to be seen.

Moreover, Tang Wenlong also announced that he would take him to see the head of the Tang clan.

The situation is unclear at the moment, they are in a completely unfamiliar environment, and no one knows what is going on...

But unlike Zhang Chulan, who was full of doubts, Wang Zhenqiu, who was standing next to him, looked at Tang Wenlong thoughtfully.

I don't know what Wang Zhenqiu thought, but he suddenly reminded Zhang Chulan with a smile.

"Zhang Chulan, didn't you come to Tangmen this time just to meet the head of Tangmen? It's better to worry about yourself than to worry about making a wish. That guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Maybe there is something that has delayed him."

After Wang Zhenqiu said this, Zhang Chulan suddenly realized!

yes! Does that guy still need to worry about making a wish?

Moreover, now that I and others have entered the Tang Sect's territory, does the Tang Sect leader really want to use this little trick to harm himself and others?

"Okay, I'll go with you. Let's go, Brother Long." Zhang Chulan's face regained its ungrateful smile.

But there was still some worry in his eyes.

Although the head of the Tang Sect has not taken action against himself and others now, it does not mean that he will not take action in a while. The details will depend on how the talks go.

After all, the Tang Sect and what his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi did back then...

In this complicated mood, Zhang Chulan followed Tang Wenlong and left the old campus.

Wang Zhenqiu, on the other hand, stared thoughtfully at the backs of the two people as they left, with a smile on his lips.

He had a hunch that something interesting would happen soon...

Make a wish here.

He and the head of Tang Miaoxing also made plans before Zhang Chulan arrived.

"Make a wish. You go to the side room and wait for me. I'll take care of Zhang Chulan as planned first..."

Tang Miaoxing said to Xu Yuan with a smile.

It can be seen that he is in a good mood.

Xu Wan nodded, took Liao Duoduo and followed Tang Miaoxing to the side room in the small courtyard, then closed the door to hide her body, and quietly waited for Zhang Chulan's arrival.

Tang Miaoxing sat back in the small courtyard.

Without waiting too long, Zhang Chulan arrived in front of the small courtyard.

Tang Wenlong still sent Zhang Chulan here and left. He would never go in before being summoned by the head of the door.

It's not that the relationship between Tang Wenlong and Tang Miaoxing is so unfamiliar.

Instead, act according to the rules. This is one of the major rules of the Tang Sect. After all, the killer is not allowed to think too much, he only needs to know what task to complete!

"Dong dong dong..."

After all, Zhang Chulan knocked on the door politely.

At this time, Tang Miaoxing, who seemed to be in a good mood in the yard, showed off the characteristics of Shu under Xu Yuan's eyes.

Sichuan Opera - Face Changing!

Tang Miaoxing's smiling expression instantly turned into a serious one.

Make a wish: ...Yo! Does Mr. Tang have two faces?

"Come in!" Tang Miaoxing whispered in the direction of the courtyard door.

Zhang Chulan opened the courtyard door and saw Tang Miaoxing sitting in the center of the courtyard at first sight.

The stern expression on Tang Miaoxing's face made Zhang Chulan feel nervous, and his expression became a little reserved involuntarily.

"Zhang Chulan, do you want to see me?" Tang Miaoxing asked Zhang Chulan in a deep voice. "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Um... Chief Tang." Zhang Chulan felt Tang Miaoxing's unkind tone and said bravely, "Is this what you wish for?"

"Aren't you here to see me? Xuanyuan is busy with other things. What are you doing with him?"

Seeing that Tang Miaoxing was gradually wanting to issue an eviction order, Zhang Chulan no longer bothered to make a wish, which he shouldn't need to worry about.

"Chief Tang, the reason why I came to see you this time is to tell you about my grandfather Zhang Huaiyi..."

In Zhang Chulan's imagination, although his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi had some grievances with the Tang clan, after all, his grandfather had passed away, and the grievances were not so irreconcilable.

But what Zhang Chulan didn't expect was that Tang Miaoxing's reaction would be so intense.

The first time he heard Zhang Chulan mention his grandfather, Tang Miaoxing suddenly became angry like a tiger whose butt was touched!

"Zhang Chulan, do you still have the nerve to mention your grandfather?" Tang Miaoxing was caught off guard by his explosion, "It is true that our Tang Sect has declined, but do you really think that our Tang Sect has no one left?"

Not only did it catch Zhang Chulan off guard, it even made Zhang Chulan feel a little baffled.

My grandfather, Zhang Huaiyi, doesn’t seem to have such a deep hatred against the Tang clan...

What is Tang Miaoxing doing? Can’t even mention it?

I can't figure it out. I can't figure it out.

But Zhang Chulan doesn't have the heart to think about this now, because just after Tang Miaoxing burst into flames, Tu Qiong saw him!

"Zhang Chulan, since you dare to come to our Tangmen, then don't leave and stay with your friends!"

Tang Miaoxing's body was filled with overwhelming murderous intent, attacking Zhang Chulan!

Zhang Chulan only felt like a small fishing boat about to face a huge tsunami, as if it might be submerged at any time!

Tang Miaoxing had really killed someone!

And as a person who came from that war-torn era, there were not a few people who died at the hands of Tang Miaoxing.


Zhang Chulan cursed secretly in his heart, and then turned around and ran away without any hesitation!

Not only did he turn around and run away, he even activated his own unique thunder method at the same time - Full Power Thunder Membership!

Maximize your escape speed!

No matter why there is such a big reaction, it is wise to run now!

Tang Miaoxing didn't chase him, but still maintained a master's attitude and watched Zhang Chulan run out of the small courtyard.

It was only after Zhang Chulan escaped from the courtyard that Tang Miaoxing took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

In fact, it is normal for Zhang Chulan to not figure it out.

Because Tang Miaoxing already has acting elements, it can even be said that most of them are acting elements.

This was the plan he had just agreed upon with Xu Yuan.

The "recruitment conditions" given to Tang Sect disciples before making a wish are indeed good, but they are also conditional and require Tang Sect disciples to prove their abilities.

And outsiders like Zhang Chulan have become the touchstone to prove the abilities of Tang Sect disciples!

Even if Zhang Chulan doesn't mention his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi, Tang Miaoxing plans to turn the conversation between the two of them into another topic!

Otherwise, the Tang Sect would not have a suitable reason to attack the "guests", right?

And the text message Tang Miaoxing just sent was an instruction to the Tang Sect disciples to take action against these outsiders!

As for why he didn't do it himself...

He didn't really want to keep people like Zhang Chulan here. Unless he really wanted to fall out with the company, there was no need for him to cooperate with Xu Wish. Part of the reason was because Xu Wan had a certain corporate background.

The younger generation of Tang Sect disciples are enough as a touchstone.

After doing all this, Tang Miaoxing turned around and walked to the side room in the yard.

"Make a wish, everything is going smoothly." Tang Miaoxing's face returned to a smile, full of confidence, "Let's go, let's see if the methods of my disciples of the Tang Sect can catch your eye..."

Although it is now a peaceful era, Tang Miaoxing also knows that this generation of Tang Sect disciples are gradually abandoning the Tang Sect's core idea of ​​being an assassin due to the limitations of the environment, and are gradually heading toward self-destruction.

However, it is only the core ideas of Tang Sect disciples that lead to self-destruction, not the Tang Sect's methods.

Tang Miaoxing was still very confident in the Tang Sect's methods.

Xu Yuan smiled and did not dampen Tang Miaoxing's self-confidence.

The Tang Sect's methods are indeed powerful, but people like Wang Zhenqiu, Zhang Chulan, and Zhang Lingyu...

But it’s not a fuel-efficient lamp either!

The two of them left the small courtyard together and went straight to the Tangmen old campus.

Although Zhang Chulan escaped from Tang Miaoxing's courtyard before the two of them, Xu Yuan directly chose a closer path under the leadership of Tang Miaoxing, a "local".

However, the two of them arrived at Tangmen's old campus before Zhang Chulan.

Of course, as a follower and a small accessory, Liao Duoduo has naturally been following the wish.

Zhang Chulan's side.

After he left the small courtyard, he did not forget to send a message to Zhang Lingyu and other people while escaping.

The message is simple.


Of course, making a wish is also on Zhang Chulan’s group sending list.

Although Zhang Chulan was not worried about making a wish, she still informed him as much as possible.

It's just that Zhang Chulan never imagined that it was the idea developed by Xu Yuan and Tang Miaoxing that had developed to this point...

The only thing Zhang Chulan felt might be a little strange was that the sudden rise of clan leader Tang Miaoxing was a bit inexplicable.

However, he was not very clear about his grandfather's forced entry into the Tang Sect. In the end, he could only attribute it to his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi doing something particularly egregious to the Tang Sect, which made the Tang Sect members hold grudges for so many years...

Xu Yuan and Tang Miaoxing came to the old campus of Tangmen first.

Tang Miaoxing released a large amount of Qi all over his body, wrapping himself and the wish in the form of a phantom body barrier.

Although it is very difficult to wrap another person with a phantom barrier, if you look carefully, you will definitely find something wrong.

However, fortunately, the two of them have been hiding in the dark, and the protagonists of this drama are not the two of them.

After Tang Miaoxing and Xu Yuan disappeared, Zhang Chulan's message happened to be sent to everyone's mobile phones.

"Dang Cang..."

Several beeps sounded at the same time.

Having just arrived in a completely unfamiliar environment, no one was actually sleepy, and they all saw Zhang Chulan's message immediately.


Everyone's hearts suddenly condensed.

They all knew more or less that there was some grudge between Grandpa Zhang Chulan and Tang Clan.

No one was talking nonsense, they all walked out of their respective rooms immediately and gathered together.

at the same time.

A large number of younger generation Tang Sect disciples also gathered in the woods outside the old campus at an extremely fast speed.

These Tang Sect disciples were already holding back their bad breath towards Zhang Chulan. When they were in the new campus, because there was no instruction from the sect and Tang Wenlong came forward, they could not continue to embarrass Zhang Chulan.

But now that they have instructions from the sect, they have nothing to be polite about!

This time I must take a good breath of bad breath!

Tang Tingting took the lead, and a group of Tang Sect disciples followed her, slowly walking into the old campus.

The people who had gathered together at this time also saw these Tang Sect disciples surrounding them through the glass windows.

Wuyangyang's Tang Sect disciples were all dressed in tight-fitting black clothes. Under the cover of night, a sense of oppression rushed towards them!


Although these Tang Sect disciples were silent and even made very weak sounds when walking, Zhang Lingyu and others could tell with their buttocks that they were not good-natured!

Tang Miaoxing and Xu Yuan, who have been observing secretly.

I also saw these Tang Sect disciples.

Tang Miaoxing looked a little embarrassed, while Xu Yuan smiled and shook his head.

Although the two people's reactions were completely opposite, they were for the same reason.

Although the scene created by these younger generation of Tang Sect disciples was very grand.

But it really doesn’t fit in with Tang Sect’s style.

"Extremely stupid!" Tang Miaoxing also shook his head.

Tang Tingting is his granddaughter.

If he were to direct this operation, he would definitely disperse the people and then move forward to surround those in the old campus.

A frontal attack?

Extremely stupid!

Not only was it unable to use the Tang Sect's methods to their full potential, but it also aroused the other party's vigilance!

Sure enough, in peaceful times, the Tang Sect, which specializes in assassinations, is gradually heading towards self-destruction...

Wang Zhenqiu and others from the old campus noticed these incoming Tang Sect disciples.

Be ready to escape immediately.

But there is another person who is an exception.

That is the honest man Zhang Lingyu...

Zhang Lingyu saw that Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan were nowhere to be seen. He opened the door and rushed out to rescue the two.

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, a large amount of toxic liquid was sprayed out from the fire sprinkler heads arranged above the corridor. The liquid quickly evaporated after encountering the air, forming a large colorful green poisonous barrier.

This poisonous barrier quickly spread throughout the corridors of the old campus!

Obviously, this was the kind of thing that the Tang Sect disciples wanted to block them in in the dormitory building on the old campus.

Although these poisonous barriers looked very permeable, they could not stop Zhang Lingyu.

Zhang Lingyu wrapped his whole body in golden light, then waved his arms, dispelling the poisonous barrier in front of him without much effort.

Just when Zhang Lingyu was about to rush in despite the poisonous barrier to find Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Lingyu saw another golden light.

Immediately afterwards, he was dragged back to the room.

"Uncle Junior, it's me!"

Zhang Lingyu just wanted to break away from the other party's pull, but Zhang Chulan's voice rang in his ears.

"Zhang Chulan?" Zhang Lingyu was a little surprised.

But Zhang Chulan had no time to pay attention to him now. He dragged Zhang Lingyu towards the window and shouted to everyone.

"Brothers, please stop standing still. The conversation has collapsed and the wind is blowing!"

As Zhang Chulan's words fell, he remembered the sound of breaking glass.

Everyone present covered their faces with their hands, broke the glass of the old campus dormitory, and jumped out of the window.

At this time, those Tang Sect disciples had also surrounded him.

"Do it!"

Following Tang Tingting's sharp shout, the Tang Sect disciples launched their own methods and attacked Zhang Lingyu and others together!

"Let's go, go into the woods!"

Faced with this situation of using less to defeat more, everyone did not choose to bear it head-on. Instead, under the leadership of Zhang Chulan, they went into the woods next to the dormitory building.

"Eh? What's going on, Zhang Chulan? Talk has fallen apart, what about making a wish?"

Zhang Lingyu was still asking persistently.

"Worried about making a wish?" Zhang Chulan took the lead and ran towards the woods, while taking a moment to look at his honest little uncle, "Worry about yourself first!"

But Wang Zhenqiu, who had not spoken much, suddenly thought of something when he heard Zhang Lingyu mention making a wish...

Ever since Zhang Chulan sent a warning message just now, he felt something was wrong!

Nine out of ten things are wrong!

Now he finally knows what's wrong!

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