"You said Tang Sect wants to see me first?"

Xu Yuan glanced at Tang Wenlong in surprise.

Although this time I came to Tangmen, I did have some different thoughts about Tangmen, but others didn't know that!

Shouldn't the protagonist be Zhang Chulan?

The grievances between his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi and the Tang Clan were no secret, plus the previous competition with Tang Wenlong at the Luotian Dajiao...

This guy has the biggest goal in the eyes of the Tang Sect members.

"Hmm..." Tang Wenlong nodded, with a puzzled expression on his face as well. "Although I don't know why, the door manager did say that."

In fact, the moment he was delayed just now, he was called by the door leader and told him to bring the wish first.

"Okay, I happen to have something I want to discuss with the Tang Sect Leader."

Although it is a bit unexpected, I am not afraid to make a wish.

He and everyone else followed Tang Wenlong and walked toward the back mountain.

On the way, Zhang Chulan scratched his head in embarrassment and took the initiative to speak to Tang Wenlong.

"Brother Long, that..."

But before Zhang Chulan could finish speaking, Tang Wenlong interrupted him.

"Zhang Chulan, don't be nervous. Do you think I will hold a grudge because you defeated me in the Luotian Dajiao arena?"

"Ah? Hahaha..." Zhang Chulan laughed dryly.

"When I first came back, I did feel a little resentful towards you, but later I figured it out and wanted to thank you instead..."

It has to be said that Tang Wenlong may not be the most talented disciple of the Tang Sect's generation, but his character is definitely the most outstanding disciple of the Tang Sect's generation!

The most outstanding thing about his character is that he can constantly learn from failures.

The little trick he lost to Zhang Chulan at the Luotian Dajiao last time made him understand what the core of the Tang Sect was.

assassin! Killer!

Not an aboveboard fighter!

A killer assassin should plan before taking action and complete the mission by any means necessary!

This simply coincides with the concept of making a wish!

Xu Yuan looked at Tang Wenlong's back with admiration as he led the way.


Are you going to bring him over later?

Under the leadership of Tang Wenlong, the Xuyuan group continued to walk toward the back mountain.

The back mountain is the Old Tang Sect!

This is the difference between the Tang Sect and other forces.

If other folk alien forces have been passed down for a long time, they will be transformed into attractions and charge tickets to survive.

And if it is an emerging force, it will need to conduct some business operations to maintain food and clothing.

Tangmen is one of the few alien forces with a long history that has not yet transformed into a tourist attraction. It still ensures its confidentiality to the greatest extent.

Naturally, there are no facilities such as cable cars on the mountain behind the sect.

Therefore, when Xu Yuan and others arrived at the Old Tang Gate in the back mountain under the leadership of Tang Wenlong, the sky had completely darkened.

A bright moon hangs high in the sky above the back mountain.

It illuminated the entire old Tangmen campus.

Although the back mountain is within the scope of the Old Tang Sect, it has also kept pace with the times. In order to accommodate the disciples, they also built dormitories for the disciples to live.

The Wishing group was also arranged here as visitors.

Except, of course, making a wish.

"It's a little too late today. You guys need to settle here for the time being. I'll take you to see the gate leader tomorrow at the latest. I wish you could follow me to see the gate leader first..."

Tang Wenlong led everyone into the old campus and arranged rooms for everyone.

Although the number of people in Tangmen's new campus is not large, compared with the new campus, the number of people in the old campus is even rarer.

There is still a lot of room for each person in the room.

Everyone basically knew about Liao Duoduo's situation, so naturally she was still placed in the next room with Xu Yuan.

After arranging the rooms for everyone, Tang Wenlong said again.

"Make a wish, you come with me first."

Xu wish nodded and took steps to follow Tang Wenlong.

Liao Duoduo naturally followed closely behind.

Tang Wenlong noticed two footsteps sounding behind him at the same time, and turned around in surprise. He looked at Liao Duoduo who was following Xu Yuan.

To this day, although Chen Duo's affairs in the Southwest Region are no longer considered too secretive information in the company, it is still a secret to people outside the company.

Naturally, Tang Wenlong didn't know this Gu-body holy boy.

"This is this?" Tang Wenlong looked at Xu Yuan with some doubts, "Wu Yuan, the door leader only said to see you first."

"This is Liao Duoduo, one of my assistants. Her situation is a bit special and she must come with me. Tang Wenlong, do you want to ask the Chief Tang what he means?"

Make a wish and say it truthfully.

In fact, he was not afraid that Tang Miaoxing would fall out, but out of good intentions.

After all, Liao Duoduo is a Gu-body holy boy, and the situation of the Tang Sect is unknown.

If someone really attacks Liao Duoduo, causing the original Gu to go out of control and be as powerful as He leaked, the entire Tang Sect will be in a state of death.

Then won't his reputation as a "lost star" be confirmed by then?

Tang Wenlong still attaches great importance to Xu Wish, who is recognized as the number one among his peers.

He did not refuse directly, but walked aside and called the door owner Tang Miaoxing.

The result was also beyond Tang Wenlong's expectation.

The door chief, who was known for his strictness in the past, actually showed far more lenience and accommodation than expected when it came to making wishes.

"Okay, if there's only one person, let's bring the wish together."

Tang Wenlong even suspected that Xu Yuan and the sect leader had some kind of relationship that was not known to outsiders, such as having an illegitimate child...

However, Tang Wenlong didn't dare to speak out his slander, because after so many years, Tang Miaoxing's majesty as the head of the sect had long been ingrained in the hearts of these Tang sect disciples.

Tang Wenlong took Xu Yuan and Liao Duoduo straight to Tang Miaoxing's residence.

Others also temporarily settled down in their respective rooms.

However, after Xu Yuan left with Liao Duoduo and Tang Wenlong, everyone who was traveling with him was unable to sleep and had different thoughts in their minds.

When Wang Zhenqiu was guessing why Tang Wenlong, the head of the Tang clan, treated the wish-maker differently, he suddenly saw a shadowy figure in front of the glass bed at the door of the room.

"Zhang Chulan, since you are here, let's come in and talk..."

Just when Zhang Chulan tried to persuade Wang Zhenqiu to retreat.

Wishes on the other side.

He also followed Tang Wenlong to a small courtyard of a bungalow.

It can be seen from the ancient architectural style that this should be the real core area inherited by the Tang Sect.

"Okay, make a wish." In front of the courtyard gate, Tang Wenlong stopped and pointed towards the courtyard, "You can go in by yourself, I won't go in, the gate manager didn't say to see me."

Xu Yuan looked around the small courtyard, then nodded and walked in with Liao Duoduo.

Even though this courtyard is unremarkable, ever since Xuanyuan came near this courtyard, he could faintly feel that he was being watched!

Obviously, as the core area inherited from Tang Sect, the defense here is obviously not as lax as it seems on the surface.

Seeing Xu Yuan and Liao Duoduo walking into the small courtyard, Tang Wenlong turned around and walked towards the dormitory building of the old campus again.

When Tang Miaoxing, the head of the family, came to him, he not only asked him to bring the wish, but also asked him to bring Zhang Chulan over after he brought the wish to the place!

Tang Wenlong couldn't figure out why the door leader did this, but he knew that he just had to carry out the order!

The killer only needs to know the mission, not why there is such a mission!

Xu wish and Liao Duoduo walked into the small courtyard.

The small courtyard is not big, and you can see it all at a glance. After all, this is just the private residence of Tang Miaoxing as the door leader.

"Chief Tang?"

Xuanyuan shouted tentatively.

But there was no response.

He carefully looked around the environment in the small courtyard, but there was no sign of anyone.

Could it be that Chief Tang Miaoxing is not here?

Maybe for other people, they really think so.

But for making a wish, this is not the case.

Because even in this deserted courtyard, making a wish still feels like being watched!

This sixth sense cannot fool anyone!

Xu Yuan just thought about it for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face.

Chief Tang Miaoxing, you are a little naughty!

Immediately, Wishing did not activate the Godhead Mask, but directly activated the ability of another piece of equipment.

[Jiying·Benlang·Xingzhao] Zhongxingzhao’s [Seeing Shadow] effect!

[See Shadow: Gain vision of enemies within a certain range and complete spell damage]

The magic damage of [Seeing Shadow] is not very strong, but the magic damage is not what making a wish is.

It's the effect of [Seeing Shadow] that breaks the invisibility!

A dark golden streak spread rapidly around the center of the wish.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire courtyard was covered.

Under the pale golden ripples, a figure appeared in the courtyard.

It is none other than the current head of the Tang Sect—Tang Miaoxing!

"Mr. Tang is so excited." Xu Yuan said with a smile, "You are also willing to play hide and seek with me."

Originally, Tang Miaoxing looked at Xu Yuan with a smile.

This development completely exceeded his expectations.

In shock, his smile completely froze on his face!

He did have something to see Xu Yuan, but Tang Miaoxing decided to test Xu Yuan's ability before talking to Xu Yuan.

After all, before this, he had only learned about some rumors about wishing through a few words in the alien circle.

As for the matter he wanted to discuss with Xuanyuan, he needed someone with real abilities!

As for whether he is truly capable of making a wish, he still needs to confirm it himself!

That's why Tang Miaoxing cast the Phantom Body Barrier on himself in advance, planning to test the wish first.

The phantom body barrier is one of the unique skills of the Tang Sect. By wrapping the whole body in a special running route, and combining it with the method of concealing the aura, it can achieve a certain invisibility effect.

Of course, the illusory body barrier does not really disappear completely, it is just like a blind eye.

Therefore, Tang Miaoxing did not feel that Xu Wish could not find him at all. In his expectation, Xu Wish could find him through many methods, such as large-scale attacks...

But making a wish was definitely not what he had in mind!

Means of attack?

Not really.

Just now, Tang Miaoxing felt as if he had just been pushed. With a stagger, he was pushed out of the phantom body barrier!

What is the means to make a wish?

Only if you make a wish, you will know.

[Seeing Shadow] said it was not very lethal, but that was only for Tang Miaoxing himself.

After all, Tang Miaoxing has been practicing for decades, and he is not practicing sword-playing techniques, so his life skills are naturally not bad.

If a few ordinary people are put here today, [Jian Ying] will kill at least half of their lives!

As for how to break the phantom body barrier...

After all, the phantom barrier is just a blinding method in the final analysis, not true invisibility or display.

Not to mention Tang Miaoxing, even Tang Jiaren, the great lord of the Tang clan back then, had a history of having his physical barriers broken through.

"Mr. Tang is so excited. He is actually willing to play hide-and-seek with me."

Xu wish said with a smile.

Tang Miaoxing:...

"Good job, make a wish." Tang Miaoxing said calmly, "Sure enough, there are no deceitful people under the reputation."

Tang Miaoxing found the method of making wishes very interesting indeed.

But that's all. After all, there is no way to evaluate the strength of a person's strength just by relying on a method of breaking the illusory body barrier.

As a former assassin sect and a true assassin, Tang Miaoxing knew very well that a person's strength was multi-dimensional.

Attack ability, defense ability, latency ability, and combat awareness...

If you want to test your ability to make a wish, you need to have multiple dimensions.

But just when Tang Miaoxing was about to continue taking the test on Wishing, what he didn't expect was that Wishing didn't follow the routine at all.

Xu Wan directly said something that made Tang Miaoxing's descendants sweat!

"Chief Tang Clan, this is just a small trick that is not worthy of publicity." Xu Yuan spread his hands, "If Senior Xu Xin, who is in the Tang Tomb in the back mountain of Tang Clan, is here, it may not work."

Tang Miaoxing:! ! !

These words of making a wish made Tang Miaoxing feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

It's not that Xu Xin's phantom body barrier is so powerful.

As a former fellow disciple, Tang Miaoxing knew very well what Xu Xin's phantom body barrier was...

Real shit...

Among his peers, he was the most skilled in the phantom barrier. After Xu Xin used the phantom barrier, he could not completely hide his figure. From a distance, he looked like a ghost.

Although it is of little use to strangers, it is quite a deterrent to ordinary people.

What really made Tang Miaoxing's hair stand up was that Xu Yuan actually knew that Xu Xin was still alive and was in the Tang Tomb in the back mountain!

You know, even during the Jiashen Rebellion, when many sects worked together to hunt down the thirty-six thieves, the fact that Xu Xin was saved by Tang Bingwen, the old sect leader at that time, using special methods was still considered important even within the Tang Sect. This is top secret news!

Not to mention the sects and aristocratic families in the outside world, even within the Tang Sect, only Tang Qiu Shan and Zhang Wang, who are the same generation as Tang Miaoxing, know this secret!

Think again of the background of the Wishing Company...

A bad feeling arose in Tang Miaoxing's heart, and at the same time as this bad feeling, there was also a strong murderous intention!

"Wish, where did you know about it?"

Just in case, Tang Miaoxing asked Xu Yuan in a deep voice.

Tang Miaoxing is different from the Tang Sect members of this generation. He has actually killed people and knows the core of an assassin.

Therefore, even though he has a murderous intention in his heart, he still remains subtle on the surface.

"Of course I have my own channels. Don't worry, Chief Tang. For now, only I know the news."

Make a wish and say it truthfully.

Tang Miaoxing's murderous intention became even stronger.

Xu Xin's existence was of great importance in his plan, and even for the Tang Sect, Xu Xin could not tolerate any mistakes.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to kill Xuanyu here! Cut off the news completely!

As Xu Wan is a temporary employee of the company and someone who has been personally greeted by the company's chairman Zhao Fangxu, Tang Miaoxing naturally knows what kind of disturbance will be caused by killing Xu Wan here.

In order not to affect the Tang Clan, he was willing to trade one life for another!

One person does the work and one person is responsible!

Of course, making a wish is not stupid.

He naturally knew that his sudden exposure of Xu Xin's existence would cause a stress reaction in Tang Miaoxing and the Tang clan.

So he didn't finish his sentence.

Just when Tang Miaoxing was about to take action, Xu Yuan continued.

"Chief Tang Clan, I have no ill intentions towards the Tang Clan, and I think Senior Xu Xin has been imprisoned in the Tang Tomb in the Back Mountain for long enough. It's time to come out and experience the new era!"

Tang Miaoxing:? ? ?

What's the meaning?

Aren't you here for the Tang Sect?

This wish-making sentence completely exceeded Tang Miaoxing's expectations.

Tang Miaoxing felt as if his brain was about to burn.

Make a wish for this guy...

What on earth do you want to do?

But it doesn’t matter, just ask if you don’t understand!

Tang Miaoxing didn't bother to guess anymore and asked Xu Yuan directly.

"What do you mean by making a wish?"

"That's the literal meaning." Xu Yuan spread his hands with a smile, "I can't comment on whether the Jiashen Rebellion was right or wrong back then, but now times have changed, and senior Xu Xin may be able to come out."

"And... Chief Tang Sect, don't you think that with the advent of the peaceful era, the younger generation of Tang Sect have lost their soul as an assassin sect?"

The words of the wish completely touched Tang Miaoxing's heart.

It gave Tang Miaoxing a feeling as if he could read minds by making a wish!

While Tang Miaoxing was horrified, it also gave him an unbelievable suspicion.

"Make a wish, this..." Tang Miaoxing clenched his fists subconsciously. Concern caused chaos, even making him, a veteran assassin, lose his sense of proportion.

"Is this your intention or the company's?"

Looking at Tang Miaoxing's excited eyes, Xu Yuan smiled.

This is the advantage of the "prophet".

Everyone has desires and what they want.

And he "happened" to know Tang Miaoxing's needs, so he could prescribe the right medicine.

It just happened that Tang Miaoxing's needs coincided with his needs to some extent.

Of course, Xu Yuan naturally knew that exposing Xu Xin's existence so directly would easily lead to Tang Miaoxing's attack.

But on the one hand, it was because he was not afraid. Tang Miaoxing could not kill him, and Xu Yuan was sure of this.

On the other hand, it is also because the interests of both parties are consistent!

"That's what I mean. Of course, Mr. Tang, you can also interpret it as what the company means. I think you should know that I am not only a temporary worker at the company's Kyoto headquarters, but also the leader of the inspection team. I think we can Let’s talk about the employment issues of Tang Sect disciples…”

When you make a wish, you express your thoughts.

To put it simply, it is cooperation between both parties.

In peaceful times, the decline of the Tang Sect was indeed an inevitable choice under the tide of the times, and these assassins had no use for them at all.

Because murder is illegal.

The Tang Sect cannot fight against the law.

Tang Sect disciples naturally lost the living environment to truly hone their killing skills.

And the inspection team that makes a wish, kills first and then reports, can just provide the Tang Sect disciples with a living environment to hone their killing skills!

As for the Tang Sect disciples, they need to serve for the wish!

Of course, there are also a lot of benefits, such as high salary, eight insurances and three benefits...

"I have no objection, but..." Tang Miaoxing pondered for a moment, "Make a wish, for the sake of being responsible for my Tang clan children, I need to confirm that you are indeed qualified to lead them."

Xuanyuan nodded, not surprised.

One soldier is raging, and the general is raging in a nest.

No one wants a fool as a leader, especially in a profession where one walks the line between life and death. That is simply a joke with one's own life.

"Exactly, Chief Tang Sect, I also want to see if your generation of Tang Sect disciples are capable of taking on this position..."

"Then let's do this..." A scheming smile appeared on Tang Miaoxing's face

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