Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 151 The evergreen tree among licking dogs, the mainstay among clowns

"Do you want to fight? Then I will fight with you!"

As the wish was made, a white chess piece blasted a hole into the reinforced concrete ground, forcing Liu Feixiong to stop.

Several Tang Sect disciples gathered behind Liu Feixiong and confronted Xu Yuan.

Liu Feixiong looked at the hole on the ground with an ugly expression.

In fact, not only Liu Feixiong, but also the Tang Sect disciples present looked a bit ugly.

Before, when they learned that Xu Yuan would come to the Tang Clan, these Tang Clan disciples had imagined that they would compete with Xu Yuan and win.

After all, who among young people doesn’t want to get the title of beating the number one among his peers?

It was precisely for this reason that the two Tang Sect disciples made provocations and made wishes at the entrance of the martial arts school.

But it wasn't until they made the wish that they realized how outrageous and naive their idea was!

Judging from the combat power that Xuanyuan has shown so far, they have no chance of winning in a head-on battle!

They all saw it clearly just now. There was no warning before the wish was taken, and the attack was completed almost in an instant!

There's no way to avoid it, at least not with their strength!

The power of that chess piece is also amazing, comparable to a sniper rifle!

Although the Tang Sect also has a body protection technique - the Five Treasures Body Protection Technique, it is still unknown whether it can withstand the wish-making blow!

Moreover, who said that this is the only way to make a wish?

Nowadays, in the circle of strangers, it is not a secret that the technique practiced by making a wish is the mask of the godhead.

Although the Godhead Mask is only a non-mainstream system of techniques in the alien world, it is also famous for its diverse methods.

There are as many methods as there are gods in a belief system!

Of course, how many gods can be "invited" depends on their own methods. Currently, in the alien circle, there are at least ten kinds of "gods" who have been exposed for making wishes!

Things that other Tang Sect disciples can understand, Liu Feixiong, as the outer sect senior brother, can naturally think more clearly.

Although the reform of the Tang Sect's modern fighting style failed, it does not mean that their brains have also been changed!

He had to sadly admit a fact.

That is to say, Xu Wish's current strength is no longer at the same level as them, and perhaps he should be able to compete with their coach Tang Ming...

Liu Feixiong would definitely not dare to fight. It was just their personal behavior to embarrass these outsiders.

But if he really gets into a fight with Xu Wan and this group of people and causes a large number of casualties among the Tang Sect disciples, he cannot bear the responsibility!

The two sides faced each other in silence.

It wasn't until a moment later that Liu Feixiong spoke again to break the silence.

"Make a wish, I don't want to fight you." Liu Feixiong shook his head, "Your strength as the Luotian Dajiao champion is indeed convincing, but since you guys have come to the Tang Clan, you must abide by the Tang Clan's rules! "

What Liu Feixiong said sounded reasonable and well-founded, neither humble nor arrogant.

But it was a bit sad to hear the wish.

Obviously, Liu Feixiong relented.

But it doesn't matter. If you can't beat him, you can't beat him. It's useless to talk harshly.

But when did the Tang Sect fall to the point where it needed to use rules to suppress people?

When the battle was scheduled with the Bihe Ren, Tang Bingwen, the old sect leader of the Tang Sect, said - If you don't leave someone alive, you won't break the agreement. This is the real core secret of the Tang Sect Assassins!

Xu Wan thought about it for a while, and if he were in Liu Feixiong's position to take command, he would choose to paralyze everyone with words while sending people to prepare for a secret attack.

Although it may not be successful, it is just that this has the highest probability of success.


Liu Feixiong, are you sure that the Tang Sect has a rule to embarrass visitors?

Although Xu Yuan knew it well, he had great respect for those loyal ancestors of the Tang clan back then.

For the sake of the ten heroes of the Tang Sect, and after all, we are on their own territory, let's save some face for them.

"Okay, forget it if you don't fight. Then tell me about the rules of the Tang Sect." Xu Yuan did not expose Liu Feixiong's words and retreated to the crowd.

"It's very simple." Liu Feixiong breathed a sigh of relief and raised his finger to point in the direction behind him, "There is another exit of this building behind me. Zhang Chulan goes through alone. When you get there, someone will take you up the mountain to meet you. Chief Gate."

Liu Feixiong emphasized the word "a person".

Now that Wishing has shown strength that completely exceeds their expectations, the top priority is to exclude Wishing.

This was a plan that they, the disciples of the Tang Sect, had agreed upon before Zhang Chulan and others arrived at the Tang Sect.

Now they have already laid a dragnet in this unfinished building.

Of course, they didn't really want to kill Zhang Chulan, they just wanted to make Zhang Chulan suffer.

Liu Feixiong didn't want to make the situation worse.

Zhang Chulan didn't want to either.

This time there was no need to make a wish, Zhang Chulan stepped forward directly.

"a man of his words!"

Zhang Chulan's hand ignited a golden light spell, and he reached out and collided with Liu Feixiong's palm wrapped in a poison barrier.

"Never break your promise!"

"Never break your promise..."

As soon as Liu Feixiong finished speaking, Zhang Chulan rushed out!

The speed was so fast that Liu Feixiong looked shocked.

So fast?


Not good!

Zhang Chulan's strength seems to be much stronger than expected!

But fortunately, there is not only one person in this building who is ambushing in front, but there are many masters of the same generation in front!

In a few breaths, Zhang Chulan had already run away.

Wang Zhenqiu stood up just now, just to follow him and take a look.

Liu Feixiong naturally didn't mind.

This time their target was Zhang Chulan!

Xu Yuan looked at Wang Zhenqiu and Liu Feixiong who were talking, and smiled secretly in his heart.

From a certain perspective, Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Chulan are the same person.

At least in this matter, neither of them intends to abide by the agreement honestly!

Everyone followed Zhang Chulan and sprinted forward, trailing far behind.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Zhang Chulan to encounter the first wave of ambush!

Two small metal balls suddenly flew from in front of him!

The seemingly harmless metal ball suddenly decomposed when it flew not far in front of Zhang Chulan, revealing a caviar-like core!

Immediately afterwards, the core of the "caviar" exploded!

Every "roe" is a sharp steel needle!

It was like a cluster bomb, covering Zhang Chulan!

Tang Sect’s hidden weapon!

Zhang Chulan would naturally not be hit by such an attack. He activated the "Thunder Membership" in an instant, speeding up his speed several times!

While dodging most of the steel needles, he instantly activated the golden light spell to block the remaining steel needles that could not be avoided from his body!

Zhang Lingyu was following everyone, watching the "battle situation" on Zhang Chulan's side from a distance.

After all, he is his junior nephew, so Zhang Lingyu cares more about Zhang Chulan than others.

Because they were practicing the same system of exercises, just this time, Zhang Lingyu discovered Zhang Chulan's progress!

Compared with the last time at the Luotian Dajiao, Zhang Chulan's strength has grown so much!

And just when Zhang Chulan landed and stood firm, before he had time to take a breath, a large green poisonous barrier spread quickly towards him from the darkness behind Zhang Chulan!

This is another Tang Sect disciple ambushing here!

And at the same time Zhang Chulan faced the ambush from the Tang Sect disciples.

Tang Wenlong was also on his way back to Tangmen as quickly as possible.

He only received the news after Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan brought people to Tangmen.

As a fellow disciple who gets along day and night, he is very aware of the tempers of his group of fellow disciples.

I'm afraid they are going to embarrass Zhang Chulan!

We must go back quickly to rescue Zhang Chulan and the others!

Before Luo Tian Dajiao lost to Zhang Chulan last time, his understanding of fighting was the same as other brothers.

But after losing to Zhang Chulan, he finally figured it out!


Assassin killer!

Stealth, efficiency, and planning before taking action.

This should be the fighting style that the Tang Sect should have!

To be precise, he even wanted to thank Zhang Chulan. If it weren't for Zhang Chulan, he probably wouldn't have been able to realize this.

As for Zhang Chulan.

Along the way, he was attacked by several Tang Sect disciples one after another with their own unique Tang Sect skills.

Although Zhang Chulan took them all, he was still in a hurry. Not to mention fighting back, he was already sweating slightly on his forehead.

His individual strength is indeed stronger than these ordinary Tang Sect disciples.

But I can't stand the siege!

What's more, the Tang Sect's unique skills used by these Tang Sect disciples are all killing skills in theory!

But fortunately, he has seen hope, and the exit is not far in front of him!

Zhang Chulan is in great spirits!

He glanced at the Tang Sect disciples who were chasing him from behind using various hidden weapons and techniques, and the golden light spell around him was greatly activated.

He planned to rush over!

Then just when Zhang Chulan was about to rush out to the door of the unfinished building.

But he suddenly noticed several extremely thin silver threads suspended in mid-air at the door of the unfinished building.

So fine that it’s almost unnoticeable!

He didn't even notice these silver filaments until they were close to him!

The silver threads are intertwined, like a fishing net that has been waiting for prey.

However, it was too late for Zhang Chulan to dodge at this time. He could only raise his arms in front of him and prepare to rush over!

But since this fishing net made of intertwined silver threads can be used as the last line of defense, it must have its own uniqueness.

The moment Zhang Chulan bumped into him, the protective golden light spreading on his body was instantly chopped into pieces by silver threads!

The golden light curse was broken so easily!

This thing can be regarded as a specialty of Tangmen.

Hidden thread!

Combined with Tang Sect's unique Qi, it can break most of the body protection techniques!

The protective golden light on Zhang Chulan's body was broken, and he couldn't rush forward at all. At the same time, a group of Tang Sect disciples from behind were also chasing him!

Seeing that Zhang Chulan was about to fall into the siege.

But he had no intention of giving up here, let alone abiding by the rules Liu Feixiong said!

"Sister Bao'er! And everyone! I can't hold it anymore! Let's go shoulder to shoulder!"

Zhang Chulan raised his head and shouted to all his "teammates".

Liu Feixiong, who had just raised a smile on his lips, was stunned on the spot.


Liu Feixiong's head was full of questions. This kind of reversal made his brain almost shut down!

But Feng Baobao and Wang Zhenqiu were not in a daze.

The two of them seemed to have expected it, and they directly moved their bodies to attack the Tang Sect disciples!

Although they did not act together with Zhang Chulan just now, they could clearly see the location of the Tang Sect disciples.

Xu Yuan naturally knew Zhang Chulan's temperament for a long time.

But this time he didn't take action.

After all, if he followed Sister Baoer and the others, it would be too bullying...

As for Liao Duoduo, if Xu Yuan didn't take action, she would naturally not take action either.

As for the remaining two siblings, Zhang Lingyu, Lu Linglong and Lu Lin, these three did not react at all.

After all, they don't know much about the working style of Zhang Chulan and other temporary workers.

"Eh?" Zhang Lingyu looked at Wang Zhenqiu and Feng Baobao who ran out, with a question mark on his head.

Isn't it true that a gentleman's words can't be followed by a horse?

Zhang Lingyu looked again at the old god who was still beside him.

"Make a wish, what is going on?"

Xu Yuan turned around and glanced at Zhang Lingyu, who looked innocent.

"Master Lingyu, watch hard and study hard. This is the style of our temporary workers."

This can be regarded as the third lesson for Zhang Lingyu.

I can follow the rules, but I can’t just follow the rules…

Zhang Lingyu:......

"It works everywhere, is it a formal and legal company?"

Zhang Lingyu asked a question that Wang Ye had also had.

"Of course, we are a state-owned enterprise!" Xu Wan said with a righteous expression.

At this moment, Zhang Lingyu seemed to understand something, but not completely.

Since teammates Zhang Lingyu, Lu Linglong, and Lu Lin's two brothers and sisters didn't react.

People from the Tang Dynasty are even less likely to react!

Although there are only two people, Wang Zhenqiu and Feng Baobao.

But both of them were very strong. In an instant, they knocked down several Tang Sect disciples!

What's more, Wang Zhenqiu has long been ready to take action.

Before Zhang Chulan took action, he quietly threw out a large handful of millet refined with a special method.

Li Mi’s daughter’s deposit!

The Tang Sect disciples couldn't even dodge when they stepped on these millets!

The situation reversed instantly!

Liu Feixiong looked at the situation that instantly reversed.

His face was full of anger.

"Zhang Chulan! Don't you say that a gentleman's words are hard to catch up with? You..."

Zhang Chulan shrugged indifferently.

"Brother Liu Feixiong, it is true that a gentleman is hard to catch, but I am no longer a gentleman." Zhang Chulan said with a smile, "Besides, are you sure this is the rule of the Tang Sect? What does Clan Chief Tang Miaoxing mean?"

For Zhang Chulan, or for these temporary workers present.

face? Gentleman? Lower limit?

How much is that worth?

No matter what the means, as long as it can achieve the goal!

Even the moral model king who had been following Xu Yuan had long since learned to take the blame...

Zhang Lingyu:......

Lu Linglong:......

Lu Lin:......

Especially the two Lu brothers and sisters, whose life-long flawless tutoring completely made it impossible for them to imagine what Zhang Chulan had done...

On the Tangmen side.

Liu Feixiong was also momentarily speechless.

Zhang Chulan was indeed right. This was really not an order from the head of the Tang Miaoxing family. It was just a private decision made by the disciples of the Tang family in order to vent their anger for Tang Wenlong.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"Besides, there are so many of us now. If you do this again, we will really fight together!" Zhang Chulan said with a finishing blow.

He also pointed at Xuanyuan and Liao Duoduo, who did not make any movement.

Zhang Chulan had already laid down on his back. His ability to make wishes was obvious to all. Since he could lie down on his back and hug his thighs, why would he do this?

Liu Feixiong glanced at the wish that was still on the beam, looking a little decadent.

He probably knew the strength of the wish, and ordinary Tang Sect disciples like them couldn't stop him anyway.

If we really fight, there is basically no chance of winning.

Just when Liu Feixiong was about to give up, another person quit!

Tang Tingting!

A woman with short silver hair and a leather punk outfit!

An inner disciple of the Tang Sect, he is also Tang Wenlong’s pursuer, and he is also the granddaughter of Tang Miaoxing’s clan leader!

She has always been secretly in love with Tang Wenlong.

When it comes to the person who is most unhappy with Zhang Chulan among the Tang Sect disciples, she is definitely number one!

The fishing net made of silver wire in the last level was made by her!

"I don't care what grandpa thinks! I'm going to destroy this one today and don't want Bilian!"

Tang Tingting said through gritted teeth.

After saying that, Tang Tingting waved her hands.

Although nothing could be seen, everyone present instinctively felt something was wrong.

I made a wish but saw those hidden threads floating in the air.

Following Tang Tingting's control, these hidden threads pierced the necks of everyone present!

Even he and Liao Duoduo are also among the targets of the attack!

Xu wish frowned.

This Tang Tingting is a bit too much, she is really pampered!

The main material of these hidden lines is silver, which is an excellent conductor of electricity.

In other words, Tang Tingting is now a large lightning trigger!

Activate the godhead mask and transform into the god Sikong Zhen!

The power of thunder is brewing in the wishing hands!

Just when Xuanyuan was planning to give her a wave of electrotherapy to cure her young lady's temper.

A man's voice suddenly came.

"Tingting! That's enough!"

In an instant, the hidden thread in Tang Tingting's hand that was picking people to eat lost all its strength and fell from mid-air.

Tang Tingting's face instantly changed from gritting her teeth to a shy look. The change was so drastic that everyone present looked like an old man on the subway looking at his phone...

Seeing this, Xu Wan temporarily stopped the power of the thunder that was about to be released.

As a burst of rapid footsteps came, everyone present looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw a man wearing trousers and a shirt running over quickly.

It was Tang Wenlong, an old acquaintance of Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan!

Seeing that Tang Tingting had been successfully stopped, Tang Wenlong breathed a sigh of relief.


Caught up!

Originally, according to his speed, he should have arrived here just when Wang Zhenqiu and Feng Baobao were about to take action.

However, as soon as he returned to Tangmen, he was called over by Tang Miaoxing, the sect leader, and asked him to bring a few words to make a wish. He was delayed for a moment, and only then did he arrive here now!

But luckily, there was still time.

The appearance of Tang Wenlong instantly transformed Tang Tingting into a love brain with a look of nymphomaniac.

However, Tang Wenlong ignored Tang Tingting and immediately turned to look at Xu Yuan.

"I'm sorry, Make a Wish. I apologize for Tingting and thank you for not taking action. Otherwise, I might not be able to explain it to the door manager."

After saying that, Tang Wenlong glanced at the power of thunder that had just been extinguished in Xu Yuan's hand.

Tang Wenlong had specially studied those players after the Luotian Dajiao.

Of course, making a wish is also included.

He knew very well that Tang Tingting's good hidden line was seeking death in front of Lei Fa.

Make a wish:…

Tang Wenlong was just afraid of hurting Tang Tingting and couldn't explain to Tang Miaoxing, so he didn't even mention Tang Tingting's suitor.

Love brain is really an evergreen tree among licking dogs and the mainstay among jackers!

But this has nothing to do with myself.

Now that the problem is solved, Xuanyuan is naturally too lazy to do anything else.

Next, under Tang Wenlong's rebuke, those Tang Sect disciples could only stop their activities one after another.

After all, Tang Wenlong, the rightful owner, doesn't intend to make it difficult for him to make a wish, so it would be unnecessary for them to fight against each other.

"Everyone, come with me, I will take you in." Tang Wenlong nodded and said. "By the way, make a wish. You can follow me to see the gate leader later. You will be the first one named by the gate leader to see you..."

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