"So, Master Lingyu, are you interested in finding a job with a decent salary?"

As Xu Yuan spoke, he suddenly showed an expression of realization and pointed at the food on the table.

"Oh, by the way, Master Lingyu, it looks like you are really hungry. Let's get started and talk while eating."

Zhang Lingyu was not polite and immediately started using his chopsticks.

It has to be said that Zhang Lingyu, as a direct disciple of the old Heavenly Master and Zhang Chulan's junior uncle, still has something.

He was actually able to eat at an astonishing speed while still maintaining his image and demeanor.

Xu Yuan's face twitched as she saw how quickly the food on the plate in front of Zhang Lingyu disappeared.

The whirlwind chopsticks and forklift mouth, coupled with your otherworldly appearance, what a contrast, Zhang Lingyu!

Fortunately, the three of them were sitting in a private room. Otherwise, this speed alone would have made Zhang Lingyu appear on the local hot news!

In fact, it is easy to understand. Zhang Lingyu is a practitioner after all. Practicing Qi does not mean cultivating immortality and not eating the fireworks of the world.

Except for some specific exercises, the underlying foundation of most Qi refining exercises is to refine Qi.

The same is true for the Golden Light Curse of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

The energy contained in the human body is limited and needs to be replenished through food in time. High-level Taoist priests like Zhang Lingyu from the Tianshi Mansion require more energy.

He hasn't eaten for two days...

Zhang Lingyu didn't say anything for a while and just ate without bothering to make a wish.

He also finished downloading Homework Helper on his mobile phone.

Wishing now I am really curious, how exactly does Xia He broadcast live on Homework Help?

After opening the wishing app, he found Xia He's live broadcast room without even asking Zhang Lingyu.

Right on the homepage…

Xia He's long pink hair is so recognizable!

And the title of the live broadcast room...

"National Primary School Mathematical Olympiad Contest Assault Tutorial Class"

Even the dressing style has changed from the past, and the wrapping is tighter than the rice dumplings...

Make a wish:? ? ?

I have to say, Zhang Lingyu and Xia He, you two really cannot sleep in the same bed!

A Zhang Lingyu, with an immortal spirit, a forklift mouth with whirlwind chopsticks, and a starving ghost who shows off his rice crazily.

Xia He, who was naturally charming, ended up opening a cram school. It was a serious cram school that really taught Mathematical Olympiads, not role-playing...

A contrasting couple?

Wishing just glanced at the live broadcast room, casually swiped some money, closed the live broadcast room, and uninstalled the APP.

It's not that Xu Wan doesn't want to support education in impoverished mountainous areas, it's actually because the Mathematical Olympiad questions Xia He taught were real Mathematical Olympiad questions, and his head hurt just listening to them...

As for Zhang Lingyu.

He was also replenishing his empty stomach at an extremely fast speed.

After eating almost eight minutes full, the chopsticks in Zhang Lingyu's hand finally slowed down.

In fact, his original intention was to refuse to make a wish.

After all, he knew that Xu Yuan was from the Nadutong Company. Although he had been expelled from the Tianshi Mansion, in the eyes of outsiders, he was still from the Tianshi Mansion.

It is better not to have anything to do with an alien force like Tianshi Mansion that has an official background like Nadutong.


When he recalled what it was like to be hungry for the past two days, he really didn't want to experience it again!

But he didn't want to rely on Xia He for support...

After Zhang Lingyu's heart was briefly and deeply entangled, he could only convince himself that he had been expelled from the master by the old Heavenly Master and would not be involved in the Heavenly Master's Mansion no matter what.

Of course, Zhang Lingyu still doesn't know that the relationship between the Heavenly Master he is worried about and Xu Yuan is actually closer than his relationship with Xu Yuan...

"Hmm...what kind of job?" Zhang Lingyu said awkwardly. He would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable when applying for a job to his former rival in the ring.

But there is no way, after all, I am bent down by life.

But contrary to Zhang Lingyu's expectation, Xu Yuan did not take the opportunity to embarrass him, but spoke very kindly.

"Work as a temporary assistant for me, with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, eight insurances and three allowances, and annual leave."

Zhang Lingyu was stunned and froze in place.

After a long while, he came back to his senses and looked at the wish in disbelief.

"Seize the young master?"

He is no longer ignorant of world affairs, he only knows the disciple of the Heavenly Master who is cultivating - Master Lingyu.

The period after he came down the mountain allowed him to see the truth of life clearly.

It’s not that the benefits offered by Make a Wish are too little, but too much!

With a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan when I first started working, as well as eight insurances and three financial benefits, I was considered to be one of the best even in Kyoto!

"Well... the benefits should also include the allocation of a residence. If you work for a long time, you can also get a salary increase and an official car." Xu Yuan thought for a while and continued.

In fact, there is no temporary assistant position in Wandoutong at all. Even Zhang Chulan from the North China Region only has this title, and his real identity is still an employee of the company.

What's more, if you really want to recruit people, you have to get the company's permission.

The treatment that Xu Yu said was actually given to Zhang Lingyu according to the treatment of the supervision team.

Of course, the money will naturally come from the funds of the supervision team. The leader of the supervision team still has this authority.

It’s just that Zhang Lingyu cannot be included in the supervision team for the time being, otherwise wouldn’t the Heavenly Master’s intention of expelling Zhang Lingyu from the mountain be hidden?

The old Celestial Master asked Zhang Lingyu to go down the mountain to experience and grow, but he didn’t really come to find a job. This real Lingyu might be the next Celestial Master...

Zhang Lingyu:......

Now he really made a wish by mistake!

Xuanyuan is such a good person!

Not only did he not embarrass himself because the two were once rivals in the ring, but he also provided himself with a job with such a generous salary!

Zhang Lingyu was extremely moved.

There is absolutely nothing to hesitate about!

"Okay! I'm willing to be your assistant!" Zhang Lingyu agreed without even thinking too much.

There was also a smile on Xu Wish's face.

Wang was also sent to the Tianshi Mansion, and now someone finally helped him write a mission report!

Facts will prove that Zhang Lingyu was happy too early. Speaking of which, this assistant is not that easy to do!

Zhang Lingyu is still young. He has never heard of the legend of the humble Party B changing the plan online...

Moreover, the monthly salary of 30,000 yuan is really the lowest among the salaries of temporary workers or members of the inspection team...

After we finished chatting, we could finally eat.

Xu Yuan just ordered two bottles of Maotai, but Zhang Lingyu did not refuse to drink.

It's true that he was born in the Tianshi Mansion, but the chief disciple of the Tianshi Mansion does not prohibit his disciples from drinking, not to mention that he has been "expelled from the master's sect" now.

Zhang Lingyu, who had just experienced a huge downturn in her life, seemed to have found an outlet to vent her anger. She picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp!

Zhang Lingyu's momentum is very strong.

But this amount of alcohol...

Not so much.

Perhaps because he had just experienced some ups and downs in life, he did not use his own cultivation to dispel the alcohol in his body.

After two glasses of white wine, Zhang Lingyu's eyes became a little erratic, and then she pulled Xu Yuan's nose and tears.

Liao Duoduo, who was on the side, glanced at Zhang Lingyu at first, and after confirming that he was not hostile, she stopped paying attention to him and concentrated on cooking.

Instead, he made a wish. His expression gradually became subtle as he listened to Zhang Lingyu's complaints.

He originally thought that Zhang Lingyu was the only one in the entire alien circle who thought that being kicked out of the school was just a prank.

But, let’s look at it now…

Seems true?

As one of the few honest people among the younger generation, Zhang Lingyu's appearance of tears and runny noses should not be an act...

Making a wish is almost dumbfounding.

Fortunately, not long after, Zhang Lingyu finally became too drunk and passed out under the wine table.

Xuanyuan was finally freed from the torture.

After settling the bill, Xu Yuan carried Zhang Lingyu on his shoulders and took Liao Duoduo back home.

After the honest man Zhang Lingyu sobers up, he will officially start working!

At the same time, in the Secret Service Department of the company headquarters.

Bi Youlong, who left the board meeting angrily not long ago, summoned a "newcomer" who had just joined the company.

It was Zhuge Qing who had just undergone ideological education with Biyou Murakami Genji not long ago!

"Bi Dong."

Zhuge Qing was the first to say hello.

But he was a little surprised.

I don't know if it was his misunderstanding, but Bi Youlong was quite wary of him before. Since the training ended, Bi Youlong has not asked him to perform any tasks.

Not to mention being an undercover agent close to Bi Youlong, why did Bi Youlong suddenly call him over today?

"Zhuge Qing, sit down." Bi Youlong pointed to the chair in front of him.

"I called you here this time because I want to give you a task to bring the king back."

"Wang Ye? What happened to him?" Zhuge Qing was shocked when he heard this.

An old acquaintance.

"That's right, Chen Jinkui, the master of Shuzi Sect, is crazy..."

Bi Youlong directly told Zhuge Qing about Wang Ye and Chen Jinkui.

Of course, he didn't forget to make a wish.

However, Bi Youlong is still a decent person and did not slander Xu Wish during his narration.

Bi Youlong knew very well that Xu Yuan, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing were closely related.

It's useless even if he slanders him, he's not a villain in vain.

This time, he suddenly found Zhuge Qing, the "newcomer", for this reason.

"I can't contact Wang Ye at all now, and his phone number can't be reached either. That's why I came to find you. You have a good relationship with Wang Ye in private. I hope you can contact him and bring him back."

Although he had a quarrel with Xu Yuan at the board meeting, Bi Youlong was not stupid.

Let alone whether he can catch Wang Ye, now he doesn't even know where Wang Ye is.

Obviously this matter cannot be achieved through forceful means.

It is better to go through Zhuge Qing.

Of course, Bi Youlong didn't just paint cakes.

"Zhuge Qing, if you bring Wang Ye back to the headquarters to cooperate with the investigation, I can move you up in rank. Don't worry about Wang Ye. If he really didn't do it, the company will not hurt innocent people."

Zhuge Qing knew that what Bi Youlong said on this point was indeed the truth.

After all, even if Wang Ye comes back, Bi Youlong cannot conduct an "interrogation" alone and privately, which means that there will be no problem with Wang Ye's safety...

Zhuge Qing laughed in his heart when he heard this.

Lao Wang, Lao Wang!

You finally fell into my hands!

"Okay, Director Bi, I'll take over this task!" Zhuge Qing nodded and said with a smile.

Without risking his life, bringing Lao Wang back would give him enough reasons to get close to Bi Youlong.

After all, before making a wish, he said that he would help him be an undercover agent next to Bi Youlong...

After taking over Bi Youlong's mission, Zhuge Qing walked out of the Special Operations Office with confidence.

After he returned to his room, he took out his cell phone.

Bi Youlong couldn't contact Wang Ye and couldn't find Wang Ye, but that didn't mean that he couldn't contact Wang Ye either.

At least Zhuge Qing can be sure that Wang Ye must still be in the group chat of the supervision team and can still be contacted, otherwise the first one to be anxious should not be Bi Youlong, but make a wish.

Zhuge Qing opened the group chat.

[Zhuge Qing: @Wang Ye, Lao Wang, I heard that the company is looking for you recently? 】

Soon, Wang Ye replied to the message.

[Wang Ye: What’s wrong, Lao Qing? Do you know all this? 】

[Zhuge Qing: Yes, Bi Youlong asked me to catch you today. Where are you? 】

After Zhuge Qing sent such a message on his mobile phone, a proud smile appeared on his lips.

Because he had been "vaccinated" in advance by making a wish in advance.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to completely listen to Bi Youlong and go directly to capture Wang Ye.

He just said this because he wanted to regain some ground and listen to Wang Ye explain the ins and outs of the matter.

Although there is a bit of a villain's triumph, there is nothing that can be done about it.

After all, after several previous one-sided contests, Zhuge Qing no longer had much hope of defeating Lao Wang head-on.

Now relying on the company can be regarded as a powerful act.

Just when Zhuge Qing was about to watch Wang Ye try his best to explain so as to exonerate himself.

Wang Ye's next reply made Zhuge Qing freeze in place.

[Wang Ye: I'm at Longhu Mountain, Lao Qing, come here. 】

Zhuge Qing:......

When Zhuge Qing mentioned Longhu Mountain, he thought of Tianshi Mansion, and when he mentioned Tianshi Mansion, he thought of the old Tianshi Mansion.

Thinking of the old Heavenly Master, Zhuge Qing couldn't help but think of the time when Quan Xing made a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, when he used to listen to the wind to listen to the gossip, and that lightning struck out of thin air from the sky...

The sour feeling at that time was still fresh in his memory.

Now that Wang Ye is already in the old Heavenly Master's territory, can the Old Heavenly Master know?

However, the Heavenly Master's next reply completely confirmed Zhuge Qing's conjecture.

[Zhang Zhiwei: Old man, I was busy just now and didn’t look at my phone. Now Xiao Wang is also a guest of Tianshi Mansion, and Tianshi Mansion will not drive away guests. 】

Zhuge Qing:......


Fortunately, Xuanyuan broke Zhuge Qing's embarrassment by speaking up in the group at this time.

[Make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters: Lao Qing, Bi Youlong asked you to go back to capture the king? Let’s talk in detail...]

the other side.

After making a wish, I brought Zhang Lingyu, who was very drunk, back home.

He saw the information in the group chat.

And after he learned about Bi Youlong's arrangement from Zhuge Qing.

Of course, the words Bi Youlong used were not to capture Wang Ye back, but to take Wang Ye back.

Regarding Bi Youlong's arrangement, Xu Wish was not surprised.

But what makes Xu Wan laugh or cry the most is that Zhuge Qing actually planned to take Wang Ye back at first...

Lao Wang regards you as his brother, but you regard your brother as your performance?

However, after Xu Yuan's explanation in the group chat of the supervision team, Zhuge Qing probably knew the whole story and gave up on his plans for promotion and salary increase.

Zhuge Qing also said that he would continue to help Bi Youlong and provide information at any time.

And because the conversation between Xu Yuan and Zhuge Qing took place in the group chat of the supervision team, the entire supervision team basically knew about it.

The impact on outsiders like Tian Lao and Feng Zhenghao is not great.

Those who can really help Wang Ye should be the temporary workers in various districts.

After all, Chen Jinkui is one of the ten men and the leader of the Shuzi Sect. He has great influence. The company will definitely not give up looking for Wang Ye in the future.

Whether it's real or just a show, I'm afraid the staff of each regional branch will have to take action.

It will then depend on the help of these temporary workers. After all, the last link of any order is the executor.

Oh, by the way, except South China.

The South China Region has not yet had a new person in charge or temporary workers, and it is now in a mess, relying entirely on command from the headquarters.

Fortunately, Longhu Mountain itself is not within the scope of the South China Region, and the South China Region is currently too busy to take care of itself and cannot send anyone to look for traces of Wang Ye, so there is no need to worry.

After communicating with Zhuge Qing, Xu Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Bi Youlong made harsh words today, and he is a member of the board of directors after all. Who knows what big moves he will make!

But now it is certain that Bi Youlong is the antonym of partial necrosis - the whole good life.

From the inside out, from Bi Youlong's immediate boss Zhao Dong to Zhuge Qing, the executor of the order, they are all their own people...

If Bi Youlong is really a traitor, as long as he dares to make any inappropriate move, I'm afraid he will die very rhythmically...

After dealing with these matters, Xuanyuan did not continue to worry about it, and turned around and went back to the room for daily Qi refining in the presence of the old god.

The battle lines have been drawn, now it's others who need to worry.

Xuanyuan's guess was correct.

There was indeed someone more anxious than him.

Just like Qu Tong!

Early the next morning, Xu Yuan was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

At this time, the sky was just getting bright.

Xu Yuan picked up the phone while sleepy and found that the caller ID showed the words "Fat Zhao".

“It’s rude to work overtime after get off work hours!”

After making a wish, he didn't answer the phone, just put his phone in silent mode, turned it upside down on the bed, and fell asleep again.

He was not afraid at all that Fatty Zhao had something urgent to do with him.

This villa was allocated by the company, so Fatty Zhao naturally knew about it.

If there was really an emergency, Fatty Zhao should stand by his bed and help him change his clothes now!

It wasn't until the sky became completely bright that Xu Yuan finally woke up.

Looking at the nearly ten missed calls on his phone, Xu Yuan smiled.

I don’t know who Fatty Zhao is acting with.

After he finished washing, he called Fatty Zhao back.

After the call was connected.

The news that Fatty Zhao told was indeed not urgent, but it was completely beyond Xu Yuan's expectations.

"Director Zhao, you said Qu Tong, the president of Yaoxing Society, wants to see me?"

Xu wish still couldn't believe it, so he confirmed again.

How dare Qu Tong?

Now that Qu Tong appears in front of him, he can slap her to death!

Qu Tong's hands are indeed buggy, but after all they are not capable of frontal combat.

The recovery effect of red hand is severely restrained by a series of equipment such as sanctions and hero abilities.

Blue Hand's ability to modify the soul and memory is also completely ineffective against Nezha's Samadhi True Fire.

In front of him, his combat effectiveness is almost zero.

"So, do you want to meet? The company does not force you." Zhao Fangxu said on the other side of the phone, "Yao Xingshe and Jianghu Xiaozhan are both large-scale intelligence agencies in China besides the company, but Jianghu Xiaozhan Focusing on China, Yaoxingshe also has considerable influence abroad."

After a short period of thinking, Xuanyuan finally made a decision.

"Director Zhao, please help me reject it. Just say that I am not in Kyoto. I happen to be going to Shuzhong Tangmen recently. Please help me say hello there."

Zhao Fangxu still had enough trust in making a wish. He didn't ask any more questions, just said yes and hung up the phone.

And Wishes also began to prepare for the next step.

It's not that he doesn't dare to kill Qu Tong, but he's not sure whether Qu Tong is actually his true self this time. Qu Tong can even produce the core of the self-cultivation furnace, who knows if Qu Tong can create clones!

Moreover, without evidence, there was no way to explain to the company such a blatant killing of Qu Tong. Just like Chen Jinkui, the leader of Shuzi Sect, Yaoxing Club also had considerable influence.

Fatty Zhao was kind to him, and he made a wish not to embarrass Fatty Zhao.

However, missing Qu Tong doesn’t mean he’s not doing anything!

Now it seems that everyone has passively fallen into Qu Tong's rhythm.

In this case, just jump out of her rhythm!

Don’t you want to guide Zhang Chulan to Tangmen? I'll take Zhang Chulan to Tangmen first!

How should you respond?

Xu Yuan took out her phone and dialed Zhang Chulan directly.

"Zhang Chulan, do you want to go to Tangmen?"

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