Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 149 Zhang Lingyu? Still have to practice!

"Zhang Chulan, do you want to go to Tangmen?"

Xu wish asked directly on the phone.

"Ah? Make a wish, what did you say?"

Zhang Chulan on the other side of the phone was a little confused, wishing to go to Tangmen in the middle of the night.

"Aren't you investigating your grandfather's affairs? The last alien force that your grandfather Zhang Huaiyi went to before his death was the Tang Clan."

Since he wanted to take back the initiative and disrupt Qu Tong's rhythm, Xu Wan didn't bother to be polite and went straight to a showdown with Zhang Chulan.

Qu Tong secretly guided Zhang Chulan to continue the investigation, perhaps worrying about revealing some clues and arousing the suspicion of others.

But if you make a wish, you don’t have such worries at all!

A simple sentence.

I have a showdown!

As for how I know, don’t ask, just ask for company information!

Although the wish was made about Zhang Huaiyi's death.

But both Xu Wish himself and Zhang Chulan knew it.

The real core message in the wishing words is actually Sister Baoer, whom Zhang Chulan cares about the most!

After all, Zhang Chulan had long known from his grandfather's memory fragments that his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi died at the hands of Sister Bao'er.

Both Sister Baoer and my grandfather have been to Tangmen before!

Maybe we can really look for clues from the Tang Sect...

Therefore, whether you want to trace Sister Bao'er's past or trace Grandpa Zhang Huaiyi's affairs, the Tang Sect cannot avoid it!

Zhang Chulan understood clearly in his heart.

Making a wish is giving him a good excuse.

Coincidentally, since a portrait of Sister Baoer was found in a rootless treasure cave not long ago, the progress of the investigation has stalled again.

Right now, Tang Clan may also be a good choice.

"Okay, I'll go!"

Zhang Chulan figured out his thoughts in a very short period of time.

However, Zhang Chulan thought of the two brothers and sisters who had just come to see him during the day, and he quickly added.

"However, if I wish, I would like to take two more people with me."

Although Xu Yuan did not directly say that he would go, but since Xu Yuan raised the topic himself, Xu Yuan would naturally go too.

If you want to take someone with you, it's best to say hello to Xuanyuan first.

Xu Wish was a little surprised.

"Oh? Who?"

"Lu Linglong and Lu Lin from the Lu family." Zhang Chulan said truthfully, "But you don't have to worry, they won't cause you any trouble."

Speaking of Lu Linglong and Lu Lin, Zhang Chulan felt a little guilty.

It was Zhang Chulan's selfish intention to take Lu Linglong and Lu Lin together.

Because he had acted with the wishing several times before, whether it was Biyou Village or the Twenty-Fourth Festival Tongtian Valley, almost everyone who appeared had something to do with the wishing.

Although there is no hostile relationship between himself and Xuanyuan, there are many things that are naturally more convenient to do with "one's own people".

Zhang Chulan has even made up reasons in advance to cope with making wishes.

But it was completely beyond Zhang Chulan's expectation.

Instead of questioning or stopping Xu Yuan, he just remained silent for a moment and then agreed.

"Okay, no problem, Zhang Chulan." Xu Yuan said with a smile, "It just so happens that I have to take someone with me. You know me well."

"Ah?" Zhang Chulan on the other side of the phone was stunned. "Isn't Taoist Master Wang Ye at Longhu Mountain?"

He was also in the supervision group and naturally saw the conversation between Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye.

"It's not Lao Wang. I'll find out when I go to Jinmen City to find you and Sister Bao'er first."

After saying that, Xu Yuan stopped talking nonsense to Zhang Chulan and hung up the phone directly, leaving Zhang Chulan alone on the other end of the phone to guess.

Who else could it be, of course Zhang Chulan’s junior uncle Zhang Lingyu!

Moreover, Xu Yuan was silent for a moment, just thinking about how Lu Linglong and Lu Lin got together with Zhang Chulan again...

But after much deliberation, I couldn't figure out the wish.

It doesn't matter anyway. Lu Linglong and Lu Lin will also go to Tangmen together this time.

For Xu Yuan, whether Zhang Chulan goes to Tangmen or not will not affect his plan to go to Tangmen.

The Tang Sect can be regarded as a sect that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Although the nature of its sect is similar to that of a killer organization, it is different from other Buddhist sects.

But a sect that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years must also have a corresponding gathering place for the power of faith.

A check-in point is also a lottery location!

After Xu Yuan hung up the phone, she left the room and knocked on Zhang Lingyu's door.

After a night's rest, Zhang Lingyu did not deliberately use his cultivation to dispel the alcohol in his body, but Longhushan was a practitioner of both life and life, so he naturally woke up long ago.

When Xu Yuan came in, Zhang Lingyu had already finished washing.

At this time, he had already put on his own Taoist robes, stood on the balcony of the room, squatted on horseback, and began his daily breathing and refining.

When I made a wish and walked into the room, I saw the fairy-like Zhang Lingyu, who was completely different from the fortune teller under the overpass yesterday!

"Master Lingyu," Xu Yuan said with a smile, "you should be on duty today."

Zhang Lingyu exhaled and finished the exercise with a serious expression.

"Okay, tell me, who are you going to kill today?"

Make a wish:…

Xu Yuan looked at Zhang Lingyu with a murderous face, and in her heart she agreed with her evaluation of him as an honest person.

Does this guy have any misunderstandings about the job of temporary assistant?

"Master Lingyu!" Xu Yuan said with a serious expression, "You may have misunderstood. We are a regular state-owned enterprise! We are not Dongchang Jinyiwei. Even temporary workers and temporary assistants cannot kill people at will!"

"We are a sharp blade to maintain the stability of the alien world!"

"What is the meaning of the company's existence? It is to serve the people and to contribute to social stability between strangers and ordinary people..."

Zhang Lingyu was stunned for a moment after being told the wish, and even a look of shame gradually appeared on her face.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm superficial when making a wish." Zhang Lingyu asked carefully, "Then when can we take action?"

The company may be aboveboard, but no matter how much it is covered up, it cannot change the fact that temporary workers do "dirty work" for the company.

"Of course, we have to report to the organization and get approval before we can take action!"

"Then how should we report to the organization?" Zhang Lingyu continued to ask.

"Well..." Xu Yuan pondered for a moment, "Now that you are my assistant, just ask me."

Zhang Lingyu:......

So, after you spared such a big deal, didn’t you still decide who to kill in the end?

Xu Yuan looked at Zhang Lingyu's confused expression. He easily guessed what Zhang Lingyu was thinking and smiled.

"Master Lingyu, this is your name and your words! Pack your things, let's go to the North China Company to find Zhang Chulan today."

When I made a wish, I didn’t forget what the Heavenly Master asked me to do.

This is the first lesson I want to teach Zhang Lingyu, an honest man.


The effect does not seem to be very good.

Zhang Lingyu had a very complicated expression on his face while packing his things.

Obviously did not understand the true meaning.

But I don’t care if I wish, there are still opportunities anyway.

A guy like Lao Wang, who is so free and easy, can learn to blame others around him. There is no reason why he can't teach Zhang Lingyu!

"Back, back, back, back, I carried my luggage. The moment I left home, I knew the real life..."

After packing their luggage, Xu Xu, Zhang Lingyu, and Liao Duoduo set off on their way to the high-speed rail station with Liao Duoduo humming softly.

It was said that she was packing her luggage, but in fact Zhang Lingyu didn't have much to pack.

Xu Yuan and Liao Duoduo both had pockets, and they left at the drop of a hat.

The three of them arrived at the high-speed rail station.

In front of the ticket window, Xu Yuan asked Zhang Lingyu.

"Master Lingyu, how many seats do you think we should buy?"

Zhang Lingyu carefully looked at the departure time and arrival time on the ticket window, pondered for a moment and then gave the answer.

"It takes less than an hour from Kyoto to Jinmen City, and a second-class seat is enough."

Although Zhang Lingyu had rarely gone down the mountain before, it was not that he never went down the mountain at all.

It’s not that first class is unaffordable, but second class is more cost-effective.

Unexpectedly, he made a wish but shook his head, turned to the staff at the ticket window and said.

"Three high-speed rail tickets to Jinmen City, and I want a business class seat."

Zhang Lingyu:? ? ?

After the staff at the ticket window handed the ticket to Xu Yuan's hand, Xu Yuan led Liao Duoduo and Zhang Lingyu to the high-speed rail station.

Xuanyuan said as he walked.

"Master Lingyu, why should you wrong yourself if you can reimburse yourself?"

This is the second lesson Xuanyu taught Zhang Lingyu.

To be honest, it was really heartbreaking to make a wish to teach Zhang Lingyu.

Zhang Lingyu:? ? ?

Zhang Lingyu glanced at Liao Duoduo, whose expression remained unchanged.

Although it was only his first day on the job, he already had the inexplicable feeling that Nadoutong Company still had this temporary assistant position. It seemed...

Not quite what you imagined?

An hour later.

The three of them left the high-speed rail station.

Because he had already greeted Zhang Chulan in advance, Zhang Chulan brought Feng Baobao to pick him up.

This time, Xu San and Xu Si had no ill intentions towards making a wish, and were even quite optimistic about it.

The reason still lies with Feng Baobao.

After Zhang Chulan left Tongtian Valley on the 24th Festival and returned to North China with Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan naturally told Xu San and Xu Si about the oil painting he found in the Wugensheng Treasure Cave.

An oil painting exactly like Feng Baobao.

Naturally, he also mentioned that Xu Yuan also knew about this matter, and that Xu Yuan was very helpful to him in investigating Sister Bao'er in the 24th Section of Tongtian Valley.

Although Xu San and Xu Si did not particularly agree with Zhang Chulan's involvement in making a wish.

But in Zhang Chulan's narration, the two of them also saw that Xu Yuan had good intentions towards Feng Baobao.

At least for now, not the enemy!

Therefore, the hostility between the two people towards making a wish naturally disappeared.

And when Xu Yuan took Zhang Lingyu and Liao Duoduo out of the high-speed rail station.

When Zhang Chulan, who was coming to pick him up, saw Zhang Lingyu standing next to Xu Yuan, his jaw almost hit the ground!

"Uncle Junior? Why are you here?"

Because the Heavenly Master came down from the mountain not long ago, the Heavenly Master's Mansion in Longhu Mountain has been one of the focuses of attention in the alien circle during this period.

Naturally, word of Zhang Lingyu's direct disciples being "expelled from the master's sect" had already spread among the outsiders.

Zhang Chulan originally wanted to find his junior uncle when he had time to see if he could be roped into his "thief ship".

But before he can take action, his junior uncle has already mixed up with Xu Yuan?

No wonder I said on the phone before making a wish that I would bring an acquaintance with me...

"Zhang Chulan, I am now a temporary assistant to Make a Wish..." Zhang Lingyu was still too honest, and he looked a little embarrassed, "You'd better not call me Junior Uncle. I have been expelled from the school by Master."

Zhang Chulan:......

I'm afraid you are the only one in the entire alien world who thinks so, right?

Do you think why no one has caused trouble for you even though you have eight magical skills like the Tongtian Ru?

You were "expelled from the school", it's really not unfair at all!

Although Zhang Chulan wanted to drag Zhang Lingyu into his thief ship, now that Xu Wan had taken the lead, he naturally had no choice but to do anything else.

Anything else would be equivalent to poaching the corner of Make a Wish. In the entire alien world, Zhang Chulan may only feel this lack of confidence when facing Make a Wish.

On the one hand, it’s because of Sister Baoer’s incident.

On the other hand, because wishing has always been mysterious, so far, he has not figured out the wish...

Zhang Chulan is not an honest person like Zhang Lingyu, so he naturally knows the master's purpose.

So he didn't expose this.

Maybe when Zhang Lingyu can realize this, it will be the time for Zhang Lingyu to return to Longhu Mountain...

Since the few people present were not strangers, there was naturally nothing to be polite about.

After picking up the train, the three of them successfully met Lu Linglong and Lu Lin.

The two brothers and sister had already learned some information from Zhang Chulan, and they had also met at the Luotian Dajiao, so they were not considered strangers.

Speaking of which, Zhang Lingyu was not only Lu Linglong's opponent at the Luo Tian Jiao, but she also used her skillful Yin Wu Lei to knock Lu Linglong into coma...

The so-called "a close friendship"...

But fortunately, Lu Linglong was worthy of being a descendant of the flawless Lu family. She did not hold grudges, but took the initiative to say hello to Zhang Lingyu, which made Zhang Lingyu's face almost burn with shame.

Xu Yuan looked at Zhang Lingyu with shame on his face and shook his head secretly in his heart.


Master Lingyu is still young and still needs to practice!

You can't even perform the Tiger Downhill Slide and Kneeling pose passed down from the Heavenly Master's House. No wonder the old Heavenly Master "expelled you from the disciples".

After a brief meal in Jinmen City, the few people went straight to the airport and prepared to go to Shuzhong.


But on the way before that, Xu Yuan still called Wang Zhenqiu in advance.

After all, the central Sichuan area belongs to the Southwest Region, and the temporary worker in the Southwest Region is Wang Zhenqiu!

It's better to make a wish to take him with you.

But even if he didn't tell Wang Zhenqiu, how could Wang Zhenqiu not know about it once he arrived in Bashu, in his territory in the Southwest Region.

According to Wang Zhenqiu's character, as long as there is excitement, he will definitely help out, not to mention that the Southwest Region itself is the jurisdiction that Wang Zhenqiu is responsible for...

Neither emotion nor reason can avoid him.

"Hello? Qiu'er."

The phone rang twice before Wang Zhenqiu answered the call.

"Eh? Make a wish, why did you remember to call me?"

As soon as he answered the phone, Wang Zhenqiu's voice quickly changed from bored to death to full of interest.

"Is there any fun to join in?"

I have to say that Wang Zhenqiu is very accurate in reading people.

After several contacts, he couldn't say that he fully understood the wish, but at least he had a certain understanding.

"Well, that's the case. Zhang Chulan and I plan to take people to visit the Tang Sect..."

He didn't waste any time making a wish and directly informed Wang Zhenqiu of the situation.

No matter how notorious Wang Zhenqiu is in the company or the entire alien circle, he really doesn't cheat Xu Wish very much...

He didn’t even wish to cheat Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing that many times!

Of course, the main reason is because I can't beat him.

The two met for the first time in Liupanshui. After Wang Zhenqiu was pushed to the ground and beaten by Xu Yuan, he never dared to jump too much in front of Xu Yuan...

"That's it..." Wang Zhenqiu, who was on the other side of the phone, pondered for a moment, and then said with a smile, "I definitely want to join in the fun, so I'll go to Tangmen first and wait for you. I'll take the Tangmen's The information is passed on to you.”


After hanging up the phone, Xu Yuan noticed Zhang Chulan's constant glances at him and shrugged.

"Zhang Chulan, don't look at me like that. The Tang Sect is on Qiu'er's territory and we can't get around him."

Zhang Chulan sighed silently.

Of course he knows better, but...

Eh! I hope that with the wish, that bastard Wang Zhenqiu can restrain himself!

After a while, Wang Zhenqiu sent Tang Sect’s information.

Xuanyuan just glanced at the content and passed the information to others.

The content in the information is not very different from what I know.

Since entering the peaceful era, the Tang Sect, which originally specialized in assassination missions, has gradually lost its usefulness and has been forced to transform under the general trend.

After all, even alchemy can't be eaten as food.

However, unlike other alien forces that have transformed into scenic spots, Tangmen, who was born in a dark area, can only transform into a martial arts school.

Ordinary students study martial arts in martial arts schools on weekdays.

Of course, this part is open to the public.

And when these ordinary students become aliens through gradual or innate awakening, they will be taken to the mountain and become real disciples of the Tang Sect.

There is no longer a dispute between the inner sect and the outer sect in the Tang Sect, but in Xu Yuan's view, these students in the martial arts school have gradually evolved into another form of outer sect disciples.

Although the Tang Sect no longer has the opportunity to offer bounties for assassinations, it can still survive by collecting tuition fees.

However, from Xu Yuan's point of view, the Tang Sect's changes are undoubtedly a failure!

Yes, there is indeed no place for assassination with bounties in peacetime.

But the soul of Tang Sect is not a thug, but a killer!

If you can't do an assassination mission with a bounty on your head, why can't you lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade?

If it doesn’t work at home, shouldn’t it work abroad?

In fact, in Xu Wan's heart, he has some thoughts about Tang Clan. If this trip to Tang Clan goes well, he wouldn't mind putting his thoughts into practice...

But everything will have to wait until he draws the prize...

Just when I was making a wish and thinking.

Zhang Chulan suddenly spoke.

"There are three people in the Tang Sect who have experienced the Jiashen Rebellion?"

Everyone present was not an outsider, and they all knew that Zhang Chulan was investigating the truth about the Jiashen Rebellion.

So everyone was not surprised.

"Well, the current head of the Tang Sect, Tang Miaoxing, the inner sect elder Tang Qiushan, and the outer sect leader Wang Wang, are all people who have personally experienced the Jiashen Rebellion." Xu Yuan paused here and continued with a hint of meaning. , "To the outside world, the Tang Sect is too mysterious. There may be other hidden seniors who have experienced the Jiashen Rebellion."

The person Xu Yuan was referring to was Xu Xin, one of the thirty-six thieves back then, who is now imprisoned in the Tang Tomb in Houshan!

The wish is very clear. During this trip to the Tang Sect, Xu Xin will be released from the Tang Tomb and take over as the head of the Tang Sect.

He could only find Xu Xin to study his thoughts about the Tang Sect...

Only Xu Xin, who had experienced that era, would agree to his plan that seemed almost crazy to someone who grew up in a peaceful society!

Let the name of Tangmen become great again!

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