Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 147 Xia He is doing the homework help live broadcast?

Xu Yuan followed Fatty Zhao out of the chairman's office and went straight to the conference room.

As for Liao Duoduo, she went to the lounge, where she had food, drinks and wifi, which was enough for this internet-addicted girl.

This is the first time Xu Yuan has participated in the board of directors since joining the company.

Although the temporary workers in each branch of the company are equivalent to the direct descendants of the branch heads, he, the temporary worker at the headquarters, is equivalent to the direct descendants of Fatty Zhao.

But Fatty Zhao had never brought him to the board of directors.

After the meeting, you, Zhao Fangxu, are willing to tell Xu Yuan that it is your freedom, Zhao Fangxu, but the system is here, and if you are not qualified, it is not enough.

But things are different now. Although Xu Yuan is still not a member of the board of directors, he is the leader of the supervision team responsible for supervising each branch.

It also makes sense for the rank to report directly to the board of directors.

The two entered the conference room.

At this time, all the board members have arrived in the conference room. It is obvious that the board meeting has been prepared for a long time.

"Make a wish, where is the king?" Bi Youlong took the lead in attacking.

Xu Yuan glanced at Zhao Fangxu calmly with his peripheral vision.

At this time, Zhao Fangxu had already walked slowly towards his seat, as if he had not heard Bi Youlong's question.

Xu Yuan knew in his heart that he might have to solve the problem from Bi Youlong by himself.

Fatty Zhao also helped himself in an obvious way!

But fortunately, the wish has already been made in my heart.

"The king also ran away." Xu Yuan shrugged and said directly.

"Ah?" Bi Youlong's face darkened, "It was because of your outstanding abilities as the leader of the inspection team that the board of directors voted to establish the inspection team. Now it seems that your ability is not that good either!"

He didn't hesitate at all to make a wish and replied.

"I'm just the leader of the supervision team, not a god. And you, as a director, are higher than me, right? You can do what you want!"

The quarrel between the two made the entire conference room audibly quiet.

On the one hand, everyone present, including Fatty Zhao, did not expect that Xu Wan would be so tough. Although the position of leader of the supervision team is very special, it is not as high as the director Bi Youlong...

A tough argument?

Even Fatty Zhao looked at Xu Wish in astonishment.

Is this what you call "persuasion"?

And another reason is because of Bi Youlong's reaction next...

Maybe it was because of the "inaction" of the wish, or maybe it was because he really didn't like the wish, and the wish made Bi Youlong angry.

In anger, Bi Youlong slapped his hand on the table.

"I'll do it! If I can't bring Wang Ye back, you can take my position as director!"

After saying that, Bi Youlong left the meeting room angrily.

The other board members all had question marks on their heads.

No, is it such a big deal?

Gambling your board seat?

Bi Youlong was born in the front line, and he had to go through countless narrow escapes to climb up from the front line!

Even making a wish, he expected Bi Youlong to have this kind of reaction.

But then he thought about it, could Bi Youlong really run to Longhu Mountain and force the Heavenly Master to hand over the king?

That nature has changed!

Evidence! The key is evidence!

It is impossible for Bi Youlong to obtain evidence that does not exist at all!

After thinking about this, an idea suddenly flashed in Xu Yuan's mind.

yes! Why should I keep an eye on the ghost on the board of directors?

Now the top combat power in the alien world, the Heavenly Master, is on his side. The people around him are either part-time employees of the company or successors of the Eight Wonders. Even the most incompetent Zhuge Qing is also a child of a famous family.

No need to worry about their safety at all.

All I have to do is wait for Qu Tong and the ghost on the board of directors to reveal their flaws!

However, despite wishing to think so, he was still wondering in his mind what tricks Bi Youlong might use.

After all, if the news can be known in advance, it is better to inform the Heavenly Master in advance so that the Longhu Mountain side can be prepared.

The board meeting has reached this point, and there is obviously no need to continue it.

And the board members present are also waiting to see the follow-up of this "battle" between Wishing and Bi Youlong.

"Okay, since everyone has nothing else to do, the board of directors will stay here for the time being."

In the end, it was Chairman Zhao Fangxu who spoke up and ended this extraordinary board meeting.

Xu Yuan followed Zhao Fangxu and left the conference room as before.

Xu Yuan and Fatty Zhao returned to the chairman's office.

Xu Yuan originally thought that Fatty Zhao would say that he made arbitrary decisions or acted rashly.

But when the office door closed, the first words Zhao Fangxu said made Xu Yuan's jaw drop.

"Make a wish, the replacement of the company's board of directors seats is not that simple, and it cannot be decided by a bet or a single person."

Make a wish:? ? ?

Fatty Zhao, what are you going to do?

I had no intention of becoming a board member!

"So, be mentally prepared. Bi Youlong's bet is meaningless."

"Uh... Okay, I understand, Director Zhao." Xu Yuan looked strange and asked tentatively, "Aren't you angry about what I just said at the board meeting?"

"Angry? Of course you're not angry anymore." Zhao Fangxu adjusted his round glasses on the bridge of his nose, his eyes revealed the light of wisdom, "I know your plan, it's very good, it's just to anger Bi Youlong and make him take action. If the flaw is exposed, if he is really a traitor, the evidence will be found. After all, without evidence, there is still no way to touch a director..."

Make a wish:…

It's a little difficult to make a wish.

But he kept nodding.

That’s right!

Director Zhao really understands me, yes, that’s what I think!

Well done to both of us!

Zhao Fangxu sat back on his office chair, picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of water.

"Make a wish. Let's put Bi Youlong's affairs aside for now. I won't ask you where you hid it for Wang Ye. Now let's talk about another matter."

While talking, Fatty Zhao took out a stack of printed A4 paper from the drawer.

"Tell me, where did you copy this mission report?"

"I didn't copy it!"

You definitely can’t admit it when you make a wish!

After all, he really didn’t copy it, it was completely written with Wang Ye’s help.

"Fart! Did you write this report yourself?"

"It's me! I was still very educated at that time!" Xu Yuan said harshly.

"I said you didn't write it!"

While speaking, Fatty Zhao slapped the pile of reports on the table.

"See for yourself, the previous reports and the style of your report this time are completely different!"

"If I hadn't deducted it for you this time, and then helped you simulate a copy and hand it over, the board of directors would definitely want to see this report! Then it will become another point of attack on you!"

Make a wish:…

Actually, let's be honest, Director Zhao...

At least those two mission reports were not written by myself, Brother Xiao wrote them for me...

But Xu Wan finally remained silent this time. It’s not like he was ungrateful. Speaking of which, the chairman helped write the action report, so he should be the first one...

After Zhao Fangxu's "soul baptism".

"Make a wish, don't ask someone to write it for you next time. I don't always have time to change the mission report for you..." Zhao Fangxu rubbed his forehead and threw over a file bag, "Okay, you go deal with Zhang Lingyu first. It’s about that.”

Zhao Fangxu still has a lot of things to be busy with now, including the ghosts on the board of directors, Nason Island, the end of the Qinling Incident, Chen Jinkui and the Shuzi Sect...

In other words, he always has a lot to be busy with, after all, he leads the entire country's alien circle.

After making a wish, he turned around and left the office without continuing to chat with Zhao Fangxu.

He went to the lounge and called Liao Duoduo, who had been fiddling with his mobile phone, and then prepared to go find Zhang Lingyu.

Just don't wish, I'm still thinking about the mission report in my heart.

I definitely can’t ask Wang Ye to help write future mission reports. After all, Wang Ye writes too literately...

Let's try our best to let Brother Xiao help.

Xu Yuan glanced at Liao Duoduo beside him, why not let Liao Duoduo also learn to write?

Well, learning to write mission reports can also be a rare life experience...

Xu Yuan opened the file bag that Fatty Zhao threw to him, and then read it carefully.

This is exactly the information about Zhang Lingyu after he was "expelled" from the mountain by the Heavenly Master.

Of course Xu Wan knew the inside story. After all, the Heavenly Master asked him to help "take care of" Zhang Lingyu, and he was not even Zhang Chulan's "nephew".

However, after seeing the contents of the information, Xu Wan couldn't hold himself back any longer.

Heavenly Master...

Are you too lazy to pretend?

The reason why the Heavenly Master expelled Zhang Lingyu from the mountain was ridiculous - he had an affair with the all-sexual witch Xia He.

"Old Accounts" from Longhu Mountain?

This happened a long time ago, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that this reason is simply untenable.

This is clearly a traditional skill of the Tianshi Mansion - sending disciples down the mountain to practice, and the old Tianshi Zhang Zhiwei was no exception...

After all, in the final stage of Quan Xing's riot in Longhu Mountain, if the Heavenly Master hadn't shot Xia He away, Xia He, like other Quan Xing, would have been granted a wish to be taken care of.

Moreover, when the Old Heavenly Master came down to challenge all the members of Quanxing, Xia He, the only survivor of the Four Mad Men, did not show up at all...

The entire alien circle knows that Xia He, Quan Xing, may be the only member of Quan Xing whose relationship with Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion is ambiguous!

This is not the end.

According to what was recorded in the intelligence, Zhang Lingyu did come to see Xia He after going down the mountain.

But I don't know why he came out after staying at Xia He's house for two days.

This reason is not included in the intelligence. After all, if it is not particularly important information, the company is not so perverted as to listen to the corner.

Now Zhang Lingyu is making a living by telling fortunes under the overpass.

Oh, by the way, Zhang Lingyu’s fortune-telling business is not doing well. It can even be said that she is about to starve to death. According to company information, Zhang Lingyu seems to have not eaten in two days...

Xu wish saw the contents of the information and understood in her heart.

No wonder Fatty Zhao had to call him back urgently.

If he doesn't come back, I'm afraid Zhang Lingyu will really starve to death...

If the Heavenly Master comes down from the mountain again, he will probably collect the body of his youngest closed disciple.

Xu Wan took Liao Duoduo to the overpass.

This place can be regarded as a traditional performing arts area in Kyoto. It has been prosperous since the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and there are people from all walks of life.

But setting up a fortune-telling stall here...

Sir, times have changed, and now those "masters" are at the door of the temple!

And when Xu Yuan and Liao Duoduo rushed to the location where Zhang Lingyu was recorded in the intelligence, the expression on his face completely changed into that of an old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone.

There are no strangers under the entire overpass. After all, not long ago, Quan Xinggang "set an example" and showed the entire circle of strangers what it means to piss off an extremely angry person.

Even though everyone in the alien circle now knows that Zhang Lingyu possesses one of the eight magical skills, the Tongtian Ru, no one dares to stroke the tiger's beard. They hide as far away from Zhang Lingyu as possible, for fear that the Heavenly Master will produce something that should not be done. misunderstanding.

What makes Xu Yuan unbearable is that Zhang Lingyu is really messing around...

It's too awful!

In the overpass, a place where three religions and nine streams gather, Zhang Lingyu has been squeezed into the darkest corner under the entire overpass.

A shabby wooden horse, a dark black Taoist robe, a shabby wooden sign with fortune telling, and a bottle of mineral water with only one bottom left were all Zhang Lingyu's possessions.

Well, although the brand is a bit worn, Zhang Lingyu’s handwriting is pretty good.

Hmm... How about asking Zhang Lingyu to help you write a report?

But in this darkest corner, no one would pay attention to his words.

Business is even more bleak.

When the wish came, Zhang Lingyu's face was already slightly pale from hunger.

But fortunately, he had good cultivation of the Golden Light Curse, and his physical condition was not bad, so he could hold on and not faint from hunger.

This time Zhang Lingyu was closing her eyes to rest.

"Master Lingyu."

Xu Wan came over with Liao Duoduo and said hello with a smile.

When Zhang Lingyu heard this familiar voice, her heart suddenly tightened.

And when he opened his eyes, he saw that the person in front of him was making a wish.


He didn't know the girl next to Xu Wish, but it didn't matter.

Zhang Lingyu got up, picked up her pony, board and the bottle of mineral water with only one bottom left, and ran away!

It's so embarrassing!

Who would have thought that the former disciple of the Heavenly Master in the Heavenly Master's Mansion and the second in the Luotian Dajiao would actually be reduced to such a state?

But it's a pity.

Make a wish and be prepared.

He grabbed Zhang Lingyu first.

Although both parties did not use other people's methods, the power in Xu Wish's hands at this time was so great that Zhang Lingyu's heart was stirred up!


The life cultivation level of this divine mask cultivator is actually so strong!

He was not this strong at the Luo Tian Dajiao last time, and his life cultivation level was definitely no worse than his own.

The only thing that defeats him is the power of heavenly thunder to restrain the Yin Five Thunder Technique!

Speaking of which, although the Golden Light Spell of the Tianshi Mansion is for cultivating both life and life, and the Godhead Mask is for cultivating the nature but not the life, the equipment and blessings of making a wish now are much better than those of Luotian Dajiao!

Just when Zhang Lingyu was shocked, Xu Yuan spoke.

"Master Lingyu, why are you running away? You look like you're too hungry to run away. You didn't even say a word to me when you came to Kyoto. I'll treat you to dinner first."

Zhang Lingyu:......

Am I too hungry to run? Who knows why your life cultivation has grown so fast!

Of course, although his strength was no match, Zhang Lingyu was still very conscious. He was not an old heavenly master, and he would not dare to expose his alien methods in front of so many ordinary people on the bridge.

Although Zhang Lingyu was thinking this in his heart, when he heard Xu Yuan invite him to dinner, his body was still very honest and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Oh well."

After Xu Yuan explained his intention to treat guests to dinner, Zhang Lingyu stopped setting up the stall and closed the stall directly followed Xu Yuan and Liao Duoduo.

The main reason is that there is no business if we continue to set up stalls here...

Under the leadership of Xu Yuan, the three of them once again came to the Jindingxuan Ditan Store where Wang Ye invited Zhuge Qing to.

"Waiter, please get a private room." Xu Yuan said to the waiter with a smile, "Then two bottles of Maotai."

This was a task assigned to him by Zhao Fangxu, so it could naturally be reimbursed.

After entering the private room, Xu Yuan did not speak in a hurry. Instead, Xu Yuan poured Zhang Lingyu and himself a glass of wine each after waiting for all the dishes to be ordered.

Although Zhang Lingyu is a Taoist disciple, he does not avoid meat and wine.

"Master Lingyu, I know that you were expelled from Longhu Mountain by Master Tian, ​​but why didn't you go find Xia He?"

Xu Yuan finally asked the doubts in his heart.

Zhang Lingyu first looked at the steaming food on the table and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

However, he still maintained his dignity as a descendant of the Tianshi Mansion, and did not move in a hurry, but vomited his bitterness to the wish.

"Speaking of this matter, I still blame you for making a wish..."

Make a wish:! ? ?

"Eh? Wait, Master Lingyu, what do you mean by blaming me? Xia He and I have nothing to do. I made it clear to you last time at Longhu Mountain! I will not take the blame!"

Xu wish waved her hand quickly.

Zhang Lingyu shook his head, with a bitter expression on his face, "I know, but I'm not saying it's your fault. Do you still remember the theory about the Bodhisattva incarnate body that you told Xia He last time..."

Listening to Zhang Lingyu's explanation, Xu Wish's expression was subtle.

He didn't expect things to develop so dramatically.

Since Xia He came back from Longhu Mountain last time, he has followed the example of the female anchor who made a wish and taught during the day and stayed by the side at night.

I started to enjoy the Internet.

All the income from Xia He's live broadcast was donated to various educational charities, but to be honest, the income was not much.

Moreover, not long ago, Quan Xing's disciples were almost killed by the Heavenly Master. Now Quan Xing doesn't have much money, and Xia He's money is only enough for his own living needs...

But now that Zhang Lingyu has come down the mountain, the two of them also need to eat.

There is no other way, Zhang Lingyu can only go out to tell fortunes...

The expression of making a wish is a little subtle.

Xia He's naturally charming personality doesn't seem to be very popular on the Internet.

After all, the effect of natural charm is greatly reduced across the screen.

It's hard to comment on this matter, but it has nothing to do with him. What kind of life to live and what kind of path to take are decided by Xia He and Zhang Lingyu themselves. If they don't have any opinions, then he will No more comments.

At least, Xia He's life now is kinder than when he was a four-sex madman...

However, Xu Yuan still asked Zhang Lingyu for the sake of the next plan.

"Good brother, where is Xia He's live broadcast now? I'll go and give her some points."

The idea of ​​making a wish is simple.

What Xia He pursues is to atone for her sins through her own efforts, rather than getting money from other people to do good deeds.

Only by doing this can Xia He's needs be met.

Speaking of this, Zhang Lingyu's expression became even more subtle.

"Because Xia He's live broadcast content was indeed a bit excessive at first, so she was permanently banned from several platforms. Now she is live broadcasting on Zuoyebang..."

Make a wish:? ? ? ?

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Xia He, a naturally charming woman, is actually doing a live broadcast at Homework Help?

If he remembered correctly, shouldn't the main users of Homework Help be children? What is she broadcasting?

Wishing to open her phone with a confused expression on her face, she downloaded the homework helper.

While Tu Qiong saw this, he asked Zhang Lingyu.

"Master Lingyu, by the way, do you have any plans for your future life? Are you interested in finding a job? The income is not low and not bad..."

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