Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 146 Make a wish, you will also come to the board of directors

"Looking for me?"

After Xu Yuan hung up the phone, Wang Ye smiled at him.

"Did you hear that?" Xu Yuan replied subconsciously, still a little distracted.

"No, I'm not a young person who likes to listen to people in the corner. I just guessed from your reaction that it must have something to do with me."

Make a wish and nodded.

In fact, he was not surprised that Chen Jinkui was driven crazy, but he was a little surprised that it was done so early.

Normally, Chen Jinkui was driven crazy, which should have happened after Nathan Island.

Maybe it was the butterfly effect caused by his own appearance?

In fact, it is reasonable to think so.

After all, the person in charge of Daluo Cave who is suspected of being Gu Jiating has his eyes on Wang Ye, but Wang Ye has been staying by his side recently.

Since the other party already knows that he has the means to restrain his Daluo Dongguan, then jumping out will be asking for death!

Since Wang Ya is by his side and can't do anything, he can only find a way to force Wang Ya to leave his side!

Now that the company is investigating the matter of Wang Ye and Chen Jinkui being driven crazy, I can't stay by Wang Ye's side all the time, right?

Wishing to gradually clear up the thoughts from the innumerable tangles!

If the real culprit who drove Chen Jinkui crazy was the mysterious man suspected of being Gu Jiating, then his purpose was to separate himself from Wang Ye!

I have to say, he did succeed.

At this juncture, Xu Yuan really has no intention of taking Wang Ye back to Kyoto, but just wants Wang Ye to go somewhere...

"Old Wang," Xu Yuan raised his head and looked at Wang Ye again, and said calmly, "Chairman Zhao Fangxu called me just now and told me that Chen Jinkui, one of the ten masters of the Shuzi Sect, is crazy and asked me to take you back to the company headquarters to investigate. .”

As soon as he made a wish, the expression on Wang Ye's face suddenly froze!

Although Chen Jinkui had sent people to monitor his family before, Wang Ye was very dissatisfied with him.

But that was before Chen Jinkui came to him personally.

The last time he met Chen Jinkui face to face, Chen Jinkui had already solemnly apologized to himself.

Although Chen Jinkui’s stalking Wang was also very helpless...

But no matter how you say it, it’s not the crime!

What's more, this time the blame falls on myself again...

"What's going on?" Wang Ye asked in a deep voice.

"The company doesn't know the specific situation, otherwise Zhao Fangxu wouldn't let me take you back for investigation." Xu Yuan opened the book and sighed, "But I guess this matter is the Daluo Cave suspected of being Gu Jiating. Watch what the controller does..."

Next, Xu Yuan told Wang Ye his reasoning.

Wang Ye himself is naturally not an idiot.

"So, Lao Wang, what do you mean?" Xu Yuan asked Wang Ye again.

The king also sighed helplessly.

"Then I'll go back with you."

If it were anyone else, Wang Ye might find a way to escape and then go find out the truth himself.

But the bad thing now is that Fatty Zhao asked Xu Yuan to take him back. Let alone whether he can run away, even if he can run away, there is no way to explain Xu Yuan's return in the end!

As for what to do after returning to Kyoto with Xu Yuan?

We can only take one step at a time.

Wang thought the same thing, but the wishing reaction was bigger than him.

"No, Lao Wang, you can't go back! Chen Jinkui is also a member of the Shilao Society after all. Those in the Shuzi Sect may not have the patience to wait for the results of the company's investigation."

"Moreover, this time, the company may not be able to produce any results in the investigation. At that time, except for you and Chen Jinkui, no one else knew what happened between you two, and there was no witness. You and I both faced There is really no way to find out the person who controls Daluo Cave through ordinary means..."

Wang also stopped, turned around to look at Xuanyuan, and asked in a low voice.

"Make a wish, I know everything you said, so what do you think we should do?"

At this time, the two of them had already reached the entrance and exit of the Shaolin Temple Scenic Area. Although the number of tourists in the surrounding area became sparse as the sky gradually darkened, there were still many tourists coming and going.

Xu wish and Wang Ye were not very conspicuous standing here.

"Hit me! Then go to Longhu Mountain!"

Wishing also whispered.

"Hit you?" Wang Ye glanced at Xu Wish inexplicably.

When he saw Xu Yuan's firm eyes, he had a slight realization, but he hadn't yet figured out how Xu Yuan could fool the company.

Wang Ye gently slapped Xu Yuan on the shoulder.

"Ah!" exclaimed.

Xu Wish also flew backwards, until his back hit a big tree, stopping the momentum.

The movement between the two people immediately attracted the attention of other people in front of the scenic spot.

Seeing this exaggerated scene, the tourists all whispered.

"Are you filming a martial arts movie?"

"It must be! Otherwise, do you think there is real inner power in this world? This is the Shaolin Temple scenic spot, a scenic spot!"

"Then why can't I see the wire rope on the guy who flew out upside down?"

"Hey, it must be the latest technology! We are not from the film and television industry, so it is normal to not understand..."

Passing tourists whispered and took out their mobile phones to start recording.

Watching the excitement is engraved in human genes.

Especially Wang Ye's unique temperament that belongs to a Taoist priest. Although he no longer wears Taoist robes and has changed into casual clothes, he still cannot completely conceal it.

In addition, this place still belongs to the Buddhist Shaolin, and these tourists unconsciously imagined a drama of grievances and grievances in the world.

Make a wish and give Wang Ye a look.

Wang also understood instantly, turned around and ran away, completely disappearing in a flash.

And just as these tourists were looking at the direction in which Wang Ye disappeared inexplicably, Xu Yuan, who had just finished playing the cruel trick, also took the opportunity to run away and disappear!

Soon I made a wish and stopped in an uninhabited forest in Shaoshi Mountain.

Of course, he still took Liao Duoduo with him.

Although Liao Duoduo lost all his cultivation due to the [Great Transformation into Living Person], he had already had an experience after all, and he was a very special "Gu Body Holy Child", so after so many days , her cultivation has almost recovered a long time ago, and it is not too difficult to keep up with the normal speed of making wishes.

After making a wish and stopping, he took out his cell phone.

Clicked on the chat interface with Gao Erzhuang.

[Make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters: Erzhuang, are you here? 】

[High school sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: I’m here, brother wishing (-ω-)]

[Make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters: Erzhuang, do me a favor and help me cover up the traces Wang Ye left on his way to Longhu Mountain. 】

After all, this is modern society, the information age, and cameras are everywhere.

There are quite a few even in the king bed room.

Only with the help of Gao Erzhuang, Wang Ye was able to completely cover his tracks.

[The second high school student in the Northeast Region: Brother Xuyuan, Wang Ye is now involved in the case of Chen Jinkui, the leader of the Chen clan, this...]

Xu Yuan rubbed his forehead and continued typing on his phone.

[Make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters: Erzhuang, you know what Lao Wang is like. Do you think Lao Wang can do such a thing? If you say it was me, it's more likely. Now that the traitor in the company has not been found, no one can help Wang Ye prove that Wang Ye must not return to the company now. You help him cover his tracks first. If anything goes wrong, I'll be responsible for it! 】

[The second high school student in the Northeast Region: Oh, brother Xuhui, it’s not that I don’t believe in Wang Ye...]

Although Gao Erzhuang said so, he had already helped Wang Ye eliminate traces of surveillance along the way.

She even helped Wang Ye create a false identity.

Once Wang Ye's true identity information appears in the public transportation information system, it will be automatically modified in the background to the false identity prepared for him by Er Zhuang.

In terms of strength on the Internet, Erzhuang is comparable to the old master in the alien world!

No one knows the Internet better than Er Zhuang!

[High School sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: Oh, by the way, Brother Xuhui, would you like to delete the video of your "fight" just now? 】

[Make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters: That’s not necessary. I wish to explain it to the company. 】

[High school sophomore Zhuang from Northeast Region: OK! Then I’ve finished it all (-^〇^-)】

[Make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters: Okay, Erzhuang, please excuse me. When I have time to go to Northeast China, I will come and play with you! 】

Although Xu Yuan said this on his mobile phone, in fact, he had already made a plan in his heart, and he still didn't know what the situation of Er Zhuang was.

However, if [Great Transformation] can also repair the physical defects of Er Zhuang, he must help Er Zhuang recover when he goes to the Northeast Region.

Erzhuang has actually helped a lot, and it's all a big help...

After making a wish, he took out his phone and called the Heavenly Master.

"Hey, Heavenly Master, it's me, making a wish." Xu wish said with a playful smile.

"Why did you call me when you had time? Didn't you go to the Shaolin Temple?"

Xu Yuan was slightly surprised when he heard this.

There's something about Master Tianshi's intelligence system... there's something!

Although Taoism is quiet in modern society, it really cannot be underestimated!

"That's it, Heavenly Master, I want to ask you to do me a favor and help me take in someone." Xu Wan continued.

This is the wish-making plan!

How to help Wang Ye eliminate suspicion, we can only find opportunities.

But at least send Lao Wang to the Heavenly Master first.

Even though that mysterious man never showed his face, no one else could find him, but he dared to jump around in front of the Heavenly Master.

There is no big difference between the masters of the Eight Magic Skills and other strangers. If you dare to jump out, the Heavenly Master will kill you.

Even the old Heavenly Master does not need to leave the Heavenly Master's Mansion, the entire Longhu Mountain is under his control.


"Wang Ye."

"Xiao Wangya? What's wrong with him?"

Xu Wan did not hide it, but told about the dispute between himself and Wang Ye, and even the suspected controller of Daluo Cave in Gu Jiating.

I really want to talk about it.

In fact, Gu Jiting is a stranger of the same generation as Lao Tianshi.

It's just that when the old Heavenly Master was not a Heavenly Master, he was restrained by the old Heavenly Master and wouldn't let him get involved in the Jiashen Rebellion.

Otherwise, the Jiashen Rebellion might have ended before it even started...

The old master on the other side of the phone pondered for a moment after hearing the description of the wish.

"Make a wish. Logically speaking, my Tianshi Mansion should not get involved in the affairs of the alien circle, and I am now banned on Longhu Mountain by the company and the Ten Guys Association. But... if Xiao Wang also comes to the mountain as a guest, as a guest When it comes to hospitality, I still have to ensure the safety of my guests.”

Make a wish and feel happy!


In fact, although Wang Ye's matter is a bit difficult to solve, it is actually not a big deal.

However, this is the first time that the inspection team has defied the company's orders!

Xu Wan had never thought about establishing a Third Reich. All he wanted was for people within his supervisory team to have their own views on good and evil, and to make their own judgments, instead of just blindly following the company's orders.

On the premise of not affecting stability, the supervision team is composed of talents as a whole.

Foolish loyalty and loyalty are not the same thing.


This is why the temporary labor system exists and has become an indispensable part of each branch.

After convincing the Heavenly Master, the only thing left missing was Wang Ye.

"Old Wang, you should go to Longhu Mountain now. You don't have to hide yourself. Just go there normally. I have already taken care of the other matters for you. Please contact us for the follow-up matters."


Wang didn't ask any more questions, he just hesitated for a moment and then answered.

He didn't know what Xu Wish was going to do, but he was willing to believe in Xu Wish!

This series of actions sounds complicated, but in fact it doesn't even take half an hour together.

After arranging Wang Ye's affairs, Xu Yuan and Liao Duoduo left the woods and went straight to the airport as if nothing happened.

Now he has to follow Fatty Zhao's instructions and rush back to Kyoto to deal with Zhang Lingyu's matter.

As for the king...

Sorry, Director Zhao, I wanted to bring it back to him, but he ran away and I didn't stop him.

The main thing is that he has a sincere attitude and lacks ability.

As for whether the company will send others to deal with Wang Ye's matter.

Who else could the company send?

Wang Ye is just a suspect, not a real fugitive. The company's regular employees have no reasonable reason to intervene in this matter. The only executors the company can use are temporary workers like them.

Temporary workers...are all members of the inspection team!

As for those members of the Shuzi Sect.

Even if they knew that Wang Ye was at Longhu Mountain, they would not dare to go to Longhu Mountain to seek help from the Heavenly Master, right?

Not long ago, Master Lao Tian challenged all the members of Quanxing. Even if Chen Jinkui was not crazy, he would not dare to go to Longhu Mountain to ask for someone...

Xu wish and Liao Duoduo came to the airport.

While waiting for the flight, Xu Yuan took out his mobile phone and browsed the Yiren Circle Forum again.

He originally thought about whether he could find some clues in the forum.

After all, this is the only place where aliens can communicate.

But there was no valuable news.

As one of the members of Shilao Guild and the leader of the Shuzi Sect, the news that Chen Jinkui was crazy could not be suppressed. It had already been exposed by the people of the Shuzi Sect.

This wish comes as no surprise.

The influence of the Ten Guys is there!

But another post Xu wish saw on the forum was completely beyond his expectation.

——"The Sangmen Star made a wish to visit Bodhidharma Academy, forcing Bodhidharma Academy to change its orthodoxy and return to the circle of strangers..."

Make a wish:…

The reopening of Bodhidharma Academy to the outside world will be known to the outside world sooner or later. This is inevitable.

After all, the monks in Bodhidharma Monastery are walking outside, and they are not killers who need to hide their heads and tails.

I have long been mentally prepared for this wish.

But what he didn't expect was that this message would be posted to the forum so quickly!

And judging from the tone of the poster, it doesn’t seem like he’s from Bodhidharma Academy?

After all, the monks in Bodhidharma Monastery were truly convinced by his "Buddhism", so how could they give themselves the damn nickname of "Sangmen Star"!

But after I made a wish and clicked into the post, I found...

This nickname of Sangmenxing seems to be very recognized?

Qingfeng Sanren: Sangmenxing, I like this name! I wish this guy would have trouble wherever he goes!

Turkey Flavored Crispy Rice: That’s right! And haven’t you noticed, this guy is simply a hexagonal warrior! Sangmen Star +1!

You Ai Xi, my wet nurse: Speaking of which, at the first performance of the Luotian Dajiao, some people said that there was a shady story to clear Zhi Jinhua’s name! Surrender is the wise choice! Sangmen Star +2!

Anonymous user: I think there may be some misunderstanding here. I think Xuanyuan is not that kind of person...

Awesome slider: Upstairs, are you making a wish? Talk to the tub! There is a kind of anonymity! If you dare to speak up for Xu Yuan, I will let my great-grandfather beat you to death! Sangmen Star +3!

Make a wish:…

He swore that the anonymous user was definitely not his trumpet!

Why does this anonymous user's speaking style look so like the honest man from Village Chief Ma?

Before Shaolin Temple, he only knew in advance where the key plot points were and then took the initiative to participate in them.

As for the change in Shaolin Temple's orthodoxy, it is purely a coincidence.

But when did I become so hated? I haven’t offended many people myself...

However, even if he makes a wish, it is useless for him to take advantage of the big critics in these forums.

Because there were so many people, 95% of the replies agreed with the title of Sangmenxing.

There are so many people that I can’t finish the call even if I follow the network cable...

The last person to receive such unanimous recognition was Wugensheng, who was called a "shit stirrer"...

In the end, Wishes had no choice but to close the forum, out of sight and out of mind.

But fortunately, the plane had already landed, and the airport service staff also came to inform the two of them that they were ready to board the plane.

Xu Xu and Liao Duoduo boarded the plane, and then headed straight to Kyoto amidst the roar of the engine.

When the plane landed at Kyoto Daisei Airport again.

Looking at the company's special car that came to pick him up, Xu Yuan knew that he would soon face Fatty Zhao's attack.

After all, Fatty Zhao had repeatedly told him that he must bring Wang Ye back to cooperate with the investigation, but now Wang Ye has disappeared.

Of course, Fatty Zhao had an easy time with it. After all, Fatty Zhao made it very clear on the phone, and he personally was willing to believe Wang Ye.

The real trouble maker is probably the board of directors!

But not all board members are willing to see their own supervision group established!

Xuyuan took Liao Duoduo into the car and went straight to the Kyoto headquarters.

In the chairman's office.

"What? Make a wish and say that the king also beat you and ran away?"

Zhao Fangxu slapped the table and roared angrily.

"Although it's hard to believe, it's the truth." Xu Xu spread his hands, "You can check it online. There should be videos of Wang Ye beating me online now."

Zhao Fangxu was also unambiguous and directly checked on the computer.

Soon, he found the video taken by previous tourists in front of the Shaolin Temple.

"Make a wish, do you think Wang Ye hit you? Did you get knocked away with such a light palm?"

Zhao Fangxu adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and his tone was so calm that it was difficult to understand.

"Theoretically, it's like this. Mr. Zhao, don't look at his light palm, but Wang is also very powerful. He is called a heavy lifter, a master of skill but no workmanship. It didn't take long for me to recover from my internal injuries..."

Xu Wan continued to talk nonsense.

Zhao Fangxu:......

"Wish, your words have indeed convinced me. I have high consciousness but low means. I don't understand. But do you think you can convince Bi Youlong and Bi Dong? He has climbed up from the front line and his means are not low."

There was a glint in Zhao Fangxu's eyes.

There was also a smile on the wishful face.

Now that Fatty Zhao said this, he knew that he and Fatty Zhao had reached a certain level of tacit understanding on the matter of Wang Ye.

Is the suspect Bi Youlong?

"Director Bi? How do you know you can't convince him if you don't try?"

Zhao Fangxu nodded.

"Okay, since you are so confident, then you can go to the board of directors with me. It stands to reason that you, the leader of the inspection team, should be the only person who is not a member of the board of directors, but is qualified to participate in the board of directors due to his responsibilities. …”

Dear boss adoptive fathers, the plot has been excessive recently, and the undercover story in the bunker is about to end.

Next article, Tangmen!

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