Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 143 The dispute between Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism

Xu Yuan hung up the phone after a brief communication with Fatty Zhao.

I have told Fatty Zhao everything I need to tell him. As for the rest that I haven’t told him, I will naturally not tell him.

Of course, although Xu Yuan completed the communication with Fatty Zhao on the phone, the report that should be written still had to be written.

After all, there are still many expenses that need to be reimbursed on this trip.

"Eh? Lao Wang, are you interested in studying the thesis report..."

Those pens and papers knocked on Wang Ye's door.

Wang Ye:......

I have to write a paper when I go to school. I am a monk and have returned to lay life, but I still have to write a paper?

Then isn’t my family’s fortune in vain?

With Wang Ye's ghostwriting, Xu Yuan passed the action report to Zhao Fangxu in just one day.

But it has to be said that there is a big difference between the report Wang Ye wrote and the report Xiao Zizai helped write.

If there must be an accurate description, one is the academic school and the other is the practical school.

If it was written by Brother Xiao, the cause of death of those foreign expedition teams who died in the valley must be some kind of "accident."

In Wang Ye's report, he perfectly analyzed the various ambitions of the foreign expedition team, and then went online to pin all kinds of scapegoats and big hats on the opponent's head.

Finally come to a conclusion.

——They have a reason to die, otherwise it will be a violation of national property, territory and dignity!

Even Xu Wan, the blame-shifting king, was shocked by Lao Wang after reading Wang Ye's report!

Even though he knew the truth, after reading Lao Wang's report, he felt that the death of the foreign alien team was not unfair at all!

Is this the person with a high degree of education who takes the blame?

Tsinghua teaches these? Otherwise, where did he learn it?

Taking advantage of the time to write the report, after resting in this city for two days, I made a wish to set off again to HN Province in Central China.

The people who went to the Shaolin Temple with him this time were still Liao Duoduo and Wang Ye.

Needless to say, Liao Duoduo couldn't leave her side for too long, so she naturally wanted to go with him.

As for the king...

Although there is no use for him to go to Shaolin, because the Daluo Cave user suspected to be Gu Jiating has not been "caught" yet, so in order to prevent Gu Jiating from continuing to secretly attack Wang Ye, Wang Ye may be willing to go with him.

Xuanyuan didn't know if Bodhidharma Academy would allow these two people to enter with him, but he had to at least give it a try.

Xu Wan brought Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo to the airport and prepared to buy air tickets.

Shaolin Temple is indeed a famous ancient temple that has been passed down for thousands of years. Even the airport in Dengfeng City is named after Shaolin Temple!

I made a wish and purchased three first-class tickets directly with my business card.

Now that Liao Duoduo also has a new legal identity, there is no need to trouble Wang Ye's private jet anymore.

While waiting for the flight in the VIP waiting room, he was not idle when making a wish. He took out his mobile phone and logged in to the Yiren Circle Forum again.

The forum is still lively.

After all, this forum is the only place where foreigners in China can communicate with other insiders on the Internet.

Xu Yuan swiped twice, and found that among the discussion threads in the forum, none of them were about the Qinling Mountains or the Twenty-Four Tongtian Valley.

It seems that the company should be putting in the effort!

After all, even if Qinling is in the deep mountains and old forests, the aliens have all kinds of strange abilities. It's hard to say who will discover them, and Qu Tong is also an insider.

However, the current hot topics of discussion in the Stranger Circle forum made Xu Wish somewhat unexpected.

Still lingering on the topic of the Heavenly Master challenging all the members of the whole society in the Xilin Gol grassland.

The Master's descent from the mountain this time has completely redefined the entire alien world as to what it means to be number one in the world!

Now Ding Zhangan and Tu Junfang, the two survivors of the "Battle of Xilin Gol", have been unanimously recognized as masters by the alien circle.

You are considered a master if you are not beaten to death by the Heavenly Master...

As for making a wish.

It has also become a hot topic of discussion in forum posts.

However, unlike Ding Jianan and Tu Junfang, who are unanimously recognized as masters, the reputation of Xuanyuan's strength in the forum is polarized, and he is in a state of Schrödinger's combat effectiveness.

Some people think that since Xu Wish can "capture" Lao Tianshi back to the company headquarters, he must be stronger than Lao Tianshi.

Others believe that Xu Wishan only relied on his background in the Nadutong Company to prevent Lao Tianshi from resisting. The fact that Lao Tianshi is powerful does not mean that the people in Tianshi Mansion are also powerful. As for Xu Wan’s strength, he is still at a young age. The forefront of our generation.

The two sides were arguing endlessly, and the quarrel alone had already generated hundreds of posts...

Wishing to see these arguments is a bit difficult.

In fact, speaking of it, his current positioning of strength is indeed a bit strange.

After all, the old Heavenly Master, Tong Tiandai, a member of the Heavenly Path, has already trained him twice, and any increase in energy will be doubled!

Coupled with the diversity of abilities, there is basically no problem of attribute restraint.

Coupled with the bonus of equipment...

So, it’s okay to beat up your peers.

But can we say that we are on par with the previous generation?

That's really hard to say.

Not to mention Lao Tianshi, who is the best in the world, even those from the old generation such as Mr. Lu Jin or those from the middle-aged generation such as Ding Zhangan and Na Ruhu.

I wish I had some self-awareness in my heart.

They are all geniuses, and they all have adventures. The other party has practiced for so many years more than me, so it may not be enough.

However, even if the opponent's cultivation and strength are superior to his own, it is not easy to kill him!

Of course, Huan Yuan is now catching up at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people. Maybe it won't be long before his strength is comparable to that of the middle and young generations!

Of course, there was a lot of quarrels in the forum, but there was no such fanatical fan like [Ye Aonai, I, He Xian] that made Xu Wish's blood pressure rise and his eyes darken...

The three of them waited in the waiting room for about an hour before the flight landed at the airport.

Xu wish put away her phone and boarded the plane with Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo.

Shaolin Temple, let’s go!

The airport they departed from was not too far from their destination, Shaolin Temple.

Just over an hour later, the flight landed at Shaolin Temple Airport.

And this is indeed a famous mountain and ancient temple that has been passed down for thousands of years. Even though it is not a holiday, there are still many tourists.

On the contrary, they were strangers. Xuanyuan didn’t see any strangers on the road from the airport to the Shaolin Temple scenic area.

The three of them stood in front of the Shaolin Temple.

Although the three of them are all strangers, they are not much different from the other tourists coming and going around, and they blend in perfectly.

The wish-maker looked up at the magnificent mountain gate in front of him.

This is the Shaolin Temple.

But it was not the Bodhidharma Academy he wanted to go to.

"Three tickets, swipe your card, thank you."

Xu Wan walked forward with Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo and said to the conductor at the door.

Speaking of this, we have to mention the survival mode of Shaolin Temple.

Like other Taoist temples, Shaolin Temple also charges entrance fees, but it is not directly operated by Shaolin Temple, but has been contracted out for a long time.

The commercialization that has been criticized by the world comes from the hands of contractors...

After all, according to the character of a great monk like Master Jie Kong, it is really impossible to do business.

Nowadays, this famous ancient temple has long been turned into a commercial scenic spot, and the real core of Shaolin Temple has retreated to Bodhidharma Temple in the core area of ​​​​the scenic spot.

After purchasing the tickets with their business cards, the three of them entered the scenic spot according to the procedure.

Make a wish and follow the map and go straight to Bodhidharma Temple in the core area of ​​Shaolin Temple.

Along the way, Xuanyuan rejected three incense sellers, two sellers of bracelets and beads, and one seller of Buddha statues.

They all say that they have a fate with these objects...well, eighteen thousand fates.

When Xu Yuan took the two of them to Bodhidharma Temple, the core area of ​​the Shaolin Temple scenic area, the tourists here had basically disappeared.

After all, this place is not a tourist spot on the map, and no one in modern times would believe in legends such as the Nine Yin Scriptures of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

There are two strong monks guarding the entrance of Bodhidharma Academy. They are the warrior monks from Bodhidharma Academy!

They guard this place to persuade tourists who mistakenly enter this place to return.

"Three donors, behind it is the living area of ​​the monks in the temple, which is not open to the public. Please return the same way."

Xu Wan knew that the two monks in front of him didn't mean what they said, so he didn't talk nonsense to them. Instead, he shook the beads on his wrist directly at the two monks.

It was the string of beads given to me by Master Jie Kong.


When the two monks looked at the wish-making movement inexplicably.

"Um... Donor, if you want to buy rosary beads, you can go to the front to buy them. We don't sell souvenirs here."

Make a wish:…


do not know?

That's right, it was my negligence.

These two monks are obviously young. Master Jiekong must have been away from Shaolin for quite some time. They probably don’t know Master Jiekong, and even if they do, they may not be very familiar with him.

It’s normal to not recognize Master Jie Kong’s beads.

"Well, two masters, could you please inform me that the temporary workers at the Kyoto headquarters of Nedotong Company have made a wish and come to visit."

With that said, Xu Wan took off the beads given to him by Master Jiekong from his wrist and handed them to the two of them.

"This string of beads was given to me by an old friend. He said that the head of Bodhidharma Academy would know it when he saw it."

Why Master Jiekong left Shaolin has always been a mystery in the circle of strangers. Just in case, the wish did not directly mention the name of Master Jiekong, but used Buddhist beads to indicate his identity.

Anyway, the person who really has the final say in Bodhidharma Academy must know this thing, and Master Jiekong probably won’t trick him!

After making a wish and revealing their identities, the expressions on the faces of the two monks became obviously cautious.

Although they don't have much communication with the outside world, they are not isolated from the world, and they naturally know that they can communicate with the company everywhere.

They even occasionally learn about recent happenings in the outside world through the outside world forum.

Naturally, I have also heard of wishing, which has been a hot topic in various topics recently.

Luo Tianjiao champion, temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters of Nedotong Company, leader of the inspection team, and even arrested the old Celestial Master Zhang Zhiwei and returned to Kyoto...

Any identity is enough for them to treat with caution!

"Okay! Wishing donor, please wait a moment." The two monks carefully took the beads from the wishing hands, then turned and entered the Bodhidharma Courtyard.

Only the three people who made a wish were left alone at the entrance of the courtyard, and they were not worried that Xu Wish would take the opportunity to break in.

Xu Wan did not do this. Instead, he took Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo and waited there.

He wasn't here to cause trouble, so there was no need to break in.

But Xu Wan did sigh in his heart. It is really difficult to enter Bodhidharma Temple. No wonder Master Jie Kong gave him this string of Buddhist beads. If he didn't have this string of Buddhist beads, he would have no choice but to enter!

It's not that he is dissatisfied with the airs of the Bodhidharma Academy. After all, the isolation of the Bodhidharma Academy is not only external, but also internal and external. The real monks in the Bodhidharma Academy will basically not go out in a circle of strangers. walk.

Soon, there was a sound of footsteps in Bodhidharma Courtyard.

The two monks trotted back all the way, and behind them, there was another old monk who was similar in grade to Master Jiekong and was walking in a hurry.

The old monk was walking like a dragon and a tiger, with a strong figure. He was still holding the string of Buddhist beads tightly in his hand and looked a little excited.

But unlike Master Jiekong, Master Jiekong's face is full of kindness, like a Bodhisattva's lowered eyebrows, without any aggression.

But this old monk's face was full of aggression, and his angry look was nothing more than this.

"A wishing donor?" The old monk spoke with full force and a loud voice, "Welcome to Damo Monastery. At least my senior brother has already greeted me and said that you are a young man with full Buddha nature who can just serve as a substitute for my senior brother. Discuss Buddhism with me at Bodhidharma Academy!"

Make a wish:? ? ?

Why is this old monk so impatient?

And discuss Buddhism with the Bodhidharma Academy for Master Jiekong?

Why does this sound like I want to challenge your entire Bodhidharma Academy alone?

Xu Yuan always felt that Master Jie Kong had tricked him unknowingly...

Wang Ye obviously heard something was wrong in the old monk's words, and he silently moved to the side.

As a Wudang sect that has also been inherited for thousands of years, he naturally heard about Bodhidharma Academy from his master, Taoist Master Yunlong.

Very strong!

Challenge the entire Bodhidharma Academy? Even if it’s just a Buddhist discussion, I can’t do it myself!

However, Wang Ye is not betraying his friend, but he believes in making wishes very much, and nothing can go wrong with making wishes.

It’s just that this guy is so good at performing tricks. Who knows what shocking tricks he can do.

When the time comes, Bodhidharma Academy can't do anything to him, but that doesn't mean it can't do anything to him either...

But Liao Duoduo didn't have so many ideas, she was too lazy to think about it.

She was still standing next to Xu Yuan, looking at the three monks opposite her expressionlessly.

Anyway, as long as she makes a wish and says to start fighting, she will do it right away.

Looking at the three people who were silent, the old monk was stunned for a moment, then clapped his hands in enlightenment.

"What a shame! Look at my brain. The wish donor forgot to introduce himself. My name is Jie Wu, and he is Jie Kong's junior brother. He is now the head of Bodhidharma Academy."

Seeing the old monk's posture, Xu Yuan's mind naturally thought of the great monk Baowen who had been following Master Jie Kong.

He is exactly the same as the enlightenment master in front of him!

Hearing Master Jiewu mention Jiekong's name, a look of sudden enlightenment appeared on the faces of the two monks just now.

They have never met Master Jie Kong, but they have heard each other's stories.

Only Xu wish was still a little puzzled.

What is going on here and how to understand the master seems to be full of gunpowder.

"Master Jiewu, I am making a wish. Can I ask what you mean by discussing Buddhism?"

"Jie Kong didn't tell you?" Jie Wu glanced at Xu Yuan in surprise, "He told me that a young man named Xu Yuan will come to visit Bodhidharma Academy in a while, and he has a lot of research on Buddhism..."

When Xu Yuan heard what Master Jie Wu said, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Sure enough, Master Jiekong unknowingly tricked him again...

Speaking of which, Master Jiekong was a member of the Shilaohui who stood up for himself, but starting from the Luotian Dajiao, although he stood up for himself, he also unknowingly cheated himself.

Now it's like this again...

I know shit about Buddhism. It’s not me who knows Buddhism, it’s Jin Chan!

But with this thought in my heart, I wish I couldn't backstab Master Jiekong now.

He still asked Xie Wu.

"Master Jiewu, I don't know what Dharma you practice?"

"Of course it's Hinayana Buddhism!" Xie Wu smiled boldly, "Under the modern social environment, only Hinayana Buddhism is the most suitable! It was because Senior Brother Jiekong couldn't argue with me on Buddhism that he left Bodhidharma Academy to stay at Lingyin Temple!"

Make a wish:…

Case solved!

All solved!

Master Jiekong has never competed in a debate competition, so he went to Lingyin Temple by himself!

Moreover, what Master Jiewu said is reasonable.

Hinayana Buddhism cultivates oneself, Mahayana Buddhism helps people.

After all, people in modern society are indeed too complicated, and their mental state is worrying...

The closed-door practice in Bodhidharma Monastery is the embodiment of Hinayana Buddhism, and Master Jiekong sacrificed his own personal cultivation to liberate his inner demons, which is also the implementation of Mahayana Buddhism.

I can't say who is right or wrong, both sides have their own reasons.

But making a wish to come to Bodhidharma Academy this time not only represents myself, but also represents Master Jie Kong.

Although Master Jiekong unintentionally tricked himself again...

There is no right or wrong, but there is winning and losing!

It wasn't just him who was embarrassed by losing, he had to win this "debate"!

There's just one more thing he has to do before he starts the "debate match" with Bodhidharma Academy!

"It is better to obey orders than to be respectful. Master Jiewu, that boy is asking for advice beyond his own ability." Xu wish paused here, "But before we discuss Buddhism, can you take me to worship in front of the Buddha's throne first?" Fan, as the saying goes, burn incense when you meet a temple, worship Buddha when you see it..."

The words of making a wish are very useful to the master of enlightenment who is a loyal Buddhist.

"Okay! The donor who made the wish indeed has Buddha-nature!" Master Jiewu laughed loudly, "Please come with me! Now I am looking forward to discussing Buddhism with the donor!"

With that said, Master Jiewu took the lead into the Bodhidharma Courtyard.

The three people who made a wish followed closely behind.

The two monks who were responsible for guarding the door did not stop Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo, but let them enter Bodhidharma Academy together.

With the wish-making identity and his relationship with Master Xie Kong, there is no problem in bringing two people into Bodhidharma Academy!

Only when I make a wish, I know in my heart that burning incense in a temple or worshiping a Buddha when I see him is all nonsense.

His real purpose is to quickly perform a wave of ten draws before the "Buddhism Debate Competition"!

Although Jin Chan is also proficient in Buddhism as the Tantan Merit Buddha, how can Bodhidharma, the founder of your Bodhidharma Hall, be proficient in Buddhism.

How can I know anything about Buddhism!

Go debate with your ancestors!

Jin Chan specializes in Hinayana Buddhism, Bodhidharma specializes in Mahayana Buddhism, I want them all!

And Wang Ye followed behind Xu Yuan.

He looked at the back of Master Jiewu leading the way in a hurry, and the corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Although he didn't know how the wish was made, as a good friend who had always been with the wish, he knew that the weird godhead mask of the wish had been summoning the ancestors since Longhu Mountain.

Of course, it is to summon the ancestors of other people's families...

Make a wish, I’m afraid it’s going to be a whole new life!

Still a big job!

Master Jiewu, you are going to suffer...

Thanks to the leader of the old fox boss for the reward~

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