Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 142 Fear comes from insufficient firepower

"Grandma Jinfeng, have you ever thought about completely destroying this place?"

I left the wish until the end and said to Grandma Jinfeng.

"Wugesheng modified the pattern of the Twenty-Four Tongtian Valley to cut off the possibility of ordinary people becoming aliens through this place. I think we can completely destroy this place."

Xu Wish doesn't know why Wu Gensheng did this instead of directly destroying the Twenty-four Tongtian Valley.

But he knew he had to destroy this place.

On the one hand, it is to prevent a place like Biyou Village and Xiu Shen Furnace from appearing again.

On the other hand, it is also the main reason.

That's because Qu Tong knew this place, and the internal flesh and blood structure of the core of the self-cultivation furnace that Qu Tong gave to Ma Xianhong was very similar to that in the He Wei Man Cave.

It would be safer to completely destroy the places related to the legendary immortals.

Hearing Xu Yuan say this, Grandma Jinfeng also fell into deep thought.

She had never destroyed this place before, just because the Twenty-fourth Tongtian Valley was one of the few places where the leader left traces before his disappearance, and the leader's collection has always been stored here.

Now the master's collection has been stolen, and the real secret of the Twenty-Four Festival Valley has been completely revealed by Xu Wish and others.

It's ridiculous to say that she has been guarding this place her whole life, and it's only now that she really understands the leader's thoughts.

The leader completely rejected the preaching ideas of Zhang Boduan, a native of Ziyang Mountain.

She didn't know whether the idea of ​​rootlessness was right or wrong, but it was enough for her to know the idea of ​​rootlessness.


There is no need to stay now.

Thinking of this, Grandma Jinfeng raised her head and looked at the entrance of the Twenty-fourth Tongtian Valley again.

She took a deep breath and finally made up her mind.

"Okay! Then destroy this place!" Granny Jinfeng turned to look at Xia Liuqing, "Old Xia, do you have any way to get explosives?"

Xia Liuqing was about to nod, but was interrupted by Xu Yu's cough.

"Ahem, Old Man Xia, it is illegal for private individuals to hide explosives! Strangers are no exception."

In terms of the management of arms and firearms, there is not much difference between the laws of the alien world and ordinary people.

Xu Yuan knew that since Old Man Xia could get to know a foreigner like Barron, he would definitely be able to get explosives.

But knowing is knowing.

It's wrong for you to say this in front of me, the leader of the company's inspection team.

If you don’t tell me, I can just pretend that I don’t know!

Xia Liuqing's face darkened when she heard the reminder to make a wish.

"Don't ask me! I have no way, just go to Xuanyuan, he is from the company!"

Grandma Jinfeng turned to look at Xu Yuan.

Xuanyuan also nodded to her.

"Okay, as long as you don't have any objections, Grandma Jinfeng, I will take care of the rest."

Make a wish and activate the godhead mask again, and the target of becoming a god is still selected as [Organ Creation - Luban No. 7].

Although the appearance of Luban No. 7, who made a wish and turned into a god, is indeed strange and even a bit funny, as a stranger from the turbulent era, Granny Jinfeng, how can she judge the strength of her methods through superficial appearance.

And then, Grandma Jinfeng also witnessed for the first time what shock was.

Make a wish to use [air support] to plow the entire 24-section Tongtian Valley from the inside out!

Of course, the area of ​​the Twenty-Four Tongtian Valley is not small, and the bombing range of one [air support] is not enough.

But it doesn’t matter, the worst is to release it twice more!

Grandma Jinfeng looked at the bomber-like puffer airship and opened her mouth in surprise.

If we say that before coming to the 24th Festival Tongtian Valley, I was somewhat polite when I told everyone that I couldn't stop them.

Then she really feels like she can't stop it now!

The ability to make a wish allowed her to see the despair of seeing bombers roaring in the sky in that turbulent era...

In fact, to be honest, this is not the first time that Grandma Jinfeng has experienced the [air support] of making a wish.

As early as when I made a wish to use [air support] to bomb Biyou Village for the first time, Grandma Jinfeng was actually present.

It's just that she was in a coma at the time and was taken into the bite bag.

As for everyone else.

But he was not surprised by this scene.

Several people present, including Xia Liuqing, had participated in the battle of all temporary workers to encircle and suppress Biyou Village. They had seen this scene as early as in Biyou Village.

What surprised Xia Liuqing and Wang Ye secretly was that they felt that their ability to make wishes seemed to have been significantly enhanced!

This growth rate is too fast!

After a lot of effort, the entire twenty-fourth section of Tongtian Valley was thoroughly plowed.

Only when I made a wish did I feel completely relieved.

Fear comes from insufficient firepower.

Immortal? How many divisions can an immortal resist?

Then he took the initiative to say goodbye to Old Man Xia and Granny Jinfeng, and left the Qinling Mountains with Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo.

As for Grandma Jinfeng and Old Man Xia, although they look like frail old people, if they really want to fight, most people really can't do anything about them, so they don't need to worry about it at all.

Xu Yuan took Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo away from the 24th Tongtian Valley. To be precise, it should be the ruins of the 24th Tongtian Valley.

Then the three of them rushed towards the nearest urban area.

Speaking of which, although the three of them have bite bags in their hands and are much richer in supplies than the others, after spending several days in the mountains, they really should take a good bath!

Of course, on the way back to the city, Xu Yuan still told Wang Ye what he had discovered - about what the topography of the man cave was and the internal structure of the core of the self-cultivation furnace was almost the same.

Wang was also quite surprised after hearing the wishing discovery.

But after much thought, he still couldn't find any clues.

He also personally went into the He Wei Man Cave. The terrain there was indeed complex and changeable, but it was different from the 24-section Tongtian Valley outside. There was no reaction of any aura at all!

In the end, the issue could only be shelved for the time being.

What makes Xu Yuan a little regretful is that the progress of Village Chief Ma's undercover job as the sixth child does not seem to be ideal. It has been many days since he returned and he has not been contacted.

Naturally, he would not suspect that Ma Xianhong ran away like this. Village Chief Ma was not that kind of person, and Qu Tong was indeed suspicious about Ma Xianhong's family. Village Chief Ma would not "defect" either due to circumstances or reason.

It wasn't until the three of them left the no-man's land in the mountains and near the edge of the town that the signal was finally restored!

The next second the signal on the three people's mobile phones was restored.

The wishing cell phone rang.

It's a call from a sophomore in high school!

"Hey, Erzhuang, what's wrong?"

Xu Yuan answered the phone while continuing to walk towards the city.

"Brother Xuyuan, I have finally gotten through to you. A stranger died in a car accident in Qinling Mountains before. After investigation, it was found that the guy was from Nathan Island. Do you know Nathan Island..."

Although Gao Erzhuang on the other side of the phone used an electronically synthesized voice, it could still be seen that she was anxious.

Xu Yuan naturally knew this information a long time ago, but he was also very touched when Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, was able to tip him off.

"Er Zhuang, Er Zhuang, don't be in a hurry, speak slowly..." Xu Yuan comforted Gao Erzhuang and said, "By the way, what's the reaction from Nathan Island?"

"There was no response from Nathan Island. Even if the company contacted them, they just refused to deal with the matter in a few days. Something seemed to have happened on Nathan Island and they were delayed. Unfortunately, there was no There’s no internet, so I can’t find it…”

Xu wish naturally knew in his heart what was holding back Nathan Island.

It is nothing more than the golden branches of the sacred tree being broken and the struggle for the throne of Nathan Island.

He only wanted to know the extent of the company's control over the information on Nathan Island when he asked Erzhuang for information.

But it is obvious that the company is not omnipotent, and the news on Nathan Island is still relatively unknown.

In this case.

Perhaps by then the maneuverable space on Nason Island will be much larger, and of course the degree of danger will probably increase a lot...

After Xuanyuan thanked Ichiban Erzhuang for the information, she hung up the phone.

Xu Wan planned to go straight to the hotel to take a good shower, but as soon as he hung up the phone, another unfamiliar number called him.

The person on the other side of the phone was Zhang Chulan, who had left Tongtian Valley in the 24th Section first.

"Make a wish, are you back?" Zhang Chulan asked on the other side of the phone. "Where are you? I have something to tell you."

Xu Yuan thought for a while and told Zhang Chulan the address of the hotel where she planned to stay.

"Okay! I'm here now, and I'll find you later!"

Xuyuan took Wang Ye and Liao Duoduo to check in at the hotel and came down.

Naturally, there are three rooms, one for each person, and a business card is required.

Now that the proposal to establish the supervision team has been approved by the board of directors, it can naturally be included in the task funds.

Wait until I wish to take a shower and walk out of the bathroom refreshed.

Zhang Chulan also took Feng Baobao to find this place.

Wang Ye, Xu Yuan, Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao.

The four people appeared in the same room again.

As for Liao Duoduo...

She is not interested in this kind of thing at all. At this time, she is greeting her teammate named "Weizi" in the next room to have a black and chicken game...

"When I made a wish, I entered the rootless treasure cave first. It wasn't like there was nothing inside. There was a painting inside, which was exactly the same as Sister Bao'er's..."

Zhang Chulan went straight to the point and handed over the phone.

Although there is no signal in the deep mountains of Qinling Mountains, the camera function can still be used normally.

But Zhang Chulan is not stupid. When he returned to the city, his mobile phone did not have a card inserted at all, nor was it connected to any network. Instead, he bought a new mobile phone just for making calls.

Xu Yuan did not answer Zhang Chulan's cell phone, but just glanced at it.

The photo on the phone was exactly the same as what he remembered. It was indeed an oil painting portrait of Sister Baoer.

"I thought you wouldn't tell me." Xu Wan said teasingly.

Zhang Chulan's heart tightened when he heard this.

Speaking of which, before planning to find Xuanyuan, he did debate whether to tell him or not.

In the end, he decided to tell the truth to Xu Wan.

It's not that he completely believes in making a wish, but it's just that there is no other way.

He knew that Xu Yuan knew something about Sister Bao'er, but he didn't know exactly how much Xu Yuan knew.

Instead of letting Xu Yuan say it, it is better to say it himself. At least from the current point of view, Xu Yuan has no ill intentions towards Sister Baoer.

And now the reaction to making a wish has indeed proved my suspicion!

Sure enough he knew!

"So, what do you want to do by telling me this?" Xu Yuan spread his hands.

Zhang Chulan glanced at Wang Ye, who was lying dead beside him, and finally did not avoid Wang Ye, gritting his teeth and said.

"If this portrait was originally of Wugensheng, then Sister Baoer is most likely a relative of Wugensheng. Judging from the time when Sister Baoer appeared, Sister Baoer is very likely to be Wugensheng's daughter... "

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Feng Baobao, who had been wandering in the world, finally came back to his senses. There was some surprise and confusion in her tone.

"Zhang Chulan, you said Wugensheng is my old man?"

Wang, who had been watching the show in silence, also turned his head.

Make a wish and spread your hands and say it truthfully

"I don't know either. Sister Bao'er might be Wu Gensheng herself. Anyway, what can't happen if someone else uses his methods?"

Zhang Chulan:......

Wang Ye: ...I shouldn’t have expectations about making a wish!

"Is it possible that I was born without roots?" Feng Baobao was even more confused.

Zhang Chulan pulled Feng Baobao with a black line on his head, "Don't listen to the nonsense of wishing, I am a rootless student and you can't be a rootless student."

"Then you need to investigate by yourself." Xu Yuan said with a smile, "Now you at least have a clue, right?"

Now Zhang Chulan can see it too.

Xu Wan does know a lot about Sister Baoer, but not as much as she imagined.

Otherwise, why would you say such nonsense!

But fortunately, his main purpose of coming to Xu wish this time was not to find out the truth from Xu wish.

"Make a wish, I will naturally continue to investigate Sister Baoer's life experience. I am here to ask you for a favor. If Sister Baoer's life experience is really related to Wugensheng, then Mr. Lu Jinlu will , I hope you can help mediate..."

Zhang Chulan had long known about the grudge between Wu Gensheng and Lu Jin, or the Trinity Clan, through the siblings Lu Linglong and Lu Lin.

As one of the few remaining survivors in the Trinity Gate area, Mr. Lu Jin's grudge against Wu Gensheng is not trivial.

If Sister Bao'er really had something to do with Wu Gensheng, he was afraid that Mr. Lu Jin would be angry with Sister Bao'er.

"Well, you don't have to worry about this. Just check yours. Every wrong has its owner. If Mr. Lu really has a grudge against Wu Gen, it can only be between the two of them." Xu Yuan nodded. It can be regarded as agreeing to Zhang Chulan's request.

The rules of the world do not bring harm to the family.

Zhang Chulan felt relieved when he saw that his wish had been agreed.

Although he has always been unable to understand the wish, through this period of contact, he at least has a clearer understanding.

If he makes a wish and promises something, he will definitely do it!

"Okay, then I won't stay any longer. If nothing happens, Sister Bao'er and I will go back first."

Zhang Chulan stood up and said goodbye to Xu Yuan.

After making a wish, he stood up and sent Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao to the door.

Afterwards, he returned to the room and appeared in front of the window with Wang Ye, watching Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao disappear at the end of the street.

It was only then that Wang Ye suddenly asked Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, what happened to Feng Baobao?"

"I don't know the specific truth, but it should be related to Wugensheng and Baqiji." Xu Yuan stretched and said truthfully.

The king also nodded.

Put it this way, it makes more sense!

After all, when he tried to measure Feng Baobao in the interior scene, the big fireball shown could not be faked!

"Eh? Then why are you not in a hurry?" Wang Ye asked Xu Yuan with a smile.

"I'm definitely not in a hurry. There are people who are more anxious than me anyway, right?" Xu Yuan also laughed.

Zhang Chulan is too evil.

But if he is really playing tricks in front of the two of them, it’s really not enough!

Both of them knew in their hearts that the one who was really worried was probably Zhang Chulan...

On the other hand, after Zhang Chulan left with Feng Baobao, he immediately bought a ticket to return to Tianjin City.

Regarding the oil painting he found in the treasure cave, he urgently needs to discuss it with Xu San and Xu Si!

After all, these two brothers are truly among his own people. Xu Yuan and Wang also became "one of his own people". He was just forced to do so!

While waiting for the flight, Zhang Chulan was also thinking about making a wish.

Although he achieved his goal, his wishful attitude was too strange!

Xuanyuan was neither curious nor anxious, and his attitude was calm, as if he had seen through the world of mortals.

This made Zhang Chulan's plan come to nothing.

He originally thought that he could trick Xu Wish into joining the team that helped Sister Baoer search for her life experience!

Whether it is the identity of the wish or the strength of the wish, it can play a big role, but the wish is not moved at all!

Zhang Chulan tapped his thigh unconsciously with his fingers, not knowing what he was thinking.

And make a wish here.

After simple repairs.

He also called Fatty Zhao.

On the phone, Xu Yuan briefly talked with Fatty Zhao about the general process of this trip to the Qinling Mountains.

Of course, it is still a cut and beautified version.

For example, a large number of golden monkeys disappeared mysteriously, and Feng Baobao's portrait appeared in the treasure cave. He didn't mention it at all.

Even if he doesn't like Zhang Chulan, he can't betray Sister Baoer.

As for why I took the initiative to tell Fatty Zhao these things...

This trip to Qinling cannot be hidden from the company at all, and there is a lot of noise about using [air support] to plow the Twenty-Four Tongtian Valley. It is better to take the initiative to make a mission report, at least the initiative is still in your own hands.

But in the end, he made a wish and told Fatty Zhao that he had completely destroyed the 24th Section Tongtian Valley.

Fatty Zhao was overjoyed when he heard this.

After all, the Nason Islanders have already appeared, and one of them died in the country. The key point is that the attitude on Nason Island is still very strange.

The status of Nason Island is very special. Different from that in China, a single move can affect the whole body!

Just the matter on Nathan Island was enough to give him a headache!

He doesn't want a new Biyou Village and Slimming Furnace to pop up now!

Even if this self-cultivation furnace has an entrance but not an exit, it won’t work!

"Okay, make a wish, and I will send staff to the location you mentioned to finish the work later." Fatty Zhao praised, "This inspection team leader is really right to do it for you!"

Xu Wan was not grateful for such verbal praise. He hoped that Fatty Zhao could raise his salary to another level, but for Zhao Fangxu, this was obviously impossible.

"By the way, Director Zhao," Xu Yuan continued to say politely on the phone, "If there is nothing urgent at the headquarters, I would like to go to Central China first to investigate the situation."

"Okay, go ahead. There is nothing at the headquarters that requires you to come back to deal with..."

Zhao Fangxu was very easy to talk to Xu Wan, his subordinate who was very capable of relieving his worries.

To him, it doesn't matter what he makes a wish for or what secrets he has. What matters is that he is useful.

And making a wish to go to Central China is indeed not to investigate some situation, but to draw a lottery!

Songshan Shaolin Temple in HN Province! Bodhidharma Academy!

Now that he has accumulated ten lottery opportunities, he has not used the string of Buddhist beads that Master Jiekong gave him before - the admission ticket to Bodhidharma Academy...

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