Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 144 If you don’t understand Mahayana Buddhism

Chapter 144 If you don’t understand Mahayana Buddhism...

Under the leadership of Master Jiewu, the three people who made a wish were brought into the Bodhidharma Courtyard.

Although Bodhidharma Courtyard is included in the scenic area of ​​Shaolin Temple, there is something else going on inside Bodhidharma Courtyard.

When the three people who made a wish came in, it happened to be the time when the monks from Bodhidharma Academy were doing their homework and meditating.

Hmm... Zen practice, and martial arts training can also be considered Zen practice.

There are not many people in Bodhidharma Academy, and there are only less than fifty people in total.

Dozens of bald and muscular men, naked to the waist, were exercising in the open space with buckets and stone-like weights, accompanied by bursts of cheers.

The entire Bodhidharma Academy is filled with the burning breath of the muscular brother.

Wishing to see this scene, he grinned.

Sure enough, Bodhidharma Temple is the authentic Shaolin Temple, and these strong men whose brains are almost filled with muscles fit the image of the orthodox Shaolin monks in people's minds!

No wonder Master Jiekong ran to Lingyin Temple, with those little arms and legs...

This group of muscular men also saw the three outsiders who made a wish, and they all looked at the three of them curiously.

Obviously, they still don't know the origins of the three people who made a wish.

Otherwise, their eyes might not be so friendly.

Dharma debate, to put it lightly, is a debate competition, but for these muscular men who study Dharma every day, to put it more seriously, it is called a dispute over orthodoxy!

Under the gaze of these muscular men, the three of them followed Master Jiewu into the main hall of Bodhidharma Academy.

Although the Shaolin Temple had to embark on the road of business due to the pressure of life, the group of monks in Bodhidharma Hall who only think about martial arts still have some bottom lines.

This is the place of faith that Shaolin Temple truly enshrines!

After entering the main hall, the spirit of making a wish suddenly shook!

Because after entering the main hall, the compatibility of the wishing world finally jumped again!

It increased from 52% to 53%.

The number of draws has also accumulated to 11 times again!

After all, Buddhism and Taoism are the mainstream systems in the spiritual world that have been passed down for thousands of years!

It makes no sense that Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion, as a Taoist holy land, can provide world conformity but Shaolin Temple cannot.

It's just because the "Shaolin Temple" outside is just a scenic spot, and the current Bodhidharma Temple is the real Shaolin Temple!

However, Xu Wan suddenly realized a problem, that is, as his world compatibility continued to advance, the speed at which he obtained world compatibility became slower and slower, and the remaining world compatibility that had not yet been obtained was less than half.

It seems that I will have to be more careful with my drawings in the future!

It would be best to conduct the lottery at a gathering place for the power of faith...

Xu Wan raised his head and looked around at the circle of statues around him. He felt the strong power of faith in these statues!

Great place to draw!

"Thank you, donor, this is the main hall of our Bodhidharma Hall. Here are the incense offerings we use on daily basis. You can use them as you like."

Although Master Xie Wu has a fiery and rough personality due to his martial arts training, he still has a lot of respect for his faith!

Even in the main hall, he even lowered his loud voice a lot.

After making a wish, he took three incense sticks from the altar table in the direction pointed by Master Jiewu's finger and placed them in his left hand. Then he walked to the incense burner in front of the Buddha statue and put the three incense sticks in the incense burner with a serious expression.

Master Jiewu watched this scene from the side, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

It seems that although I am not a member of the Buddhist family who made this wish, it is indeed as Jie Kong always said, that I have a predestined relationship with the Buddha and that the Buddha nature is extraordinary.

Although normal non-Buddhist secular people also have the habit of burning incense and worshiping Buddha during festivals, few people pay attention to the order of left and right hands, and the rules of not blowing on the mouth to aid the combustion after lighting the incense...

But this kind of problem has been perfectly avoided in Xuanyuan, which is enough to prove the piety of Xuanyuan.

In fact, if you put aside the dispute over Buddhism, Xie Wu’s impression of making a wish is still relatively good.

However, only if you make a wish, you will know.

To be pious...

He really couldn't tell.

As a practitioner of the Divine Mask, he is very aware of one essence: there are no gods and Buddhas in the world, and the so-called gods and Buddhas are just the power of faith.

Even the legendary immortals are just more powerful aliens!

When you pray to gods and worship Buddha, what you ask for and worship are nothing more than your own desires!

And if there is no desire...

Buddha, it’s time to worship me!

So on the surface, he was adding incense to these clay Buddha statues.

However, in fact, it is time to offer incense and draw prizes.

Making a wish simultaneously opens the lottery system in your mind!

These three incense sticks serve as the metaphysical process before the lottery!


The lottery light screen flashed quickly.

The hero avatar and equipment icons flashed on the light screen again.

Wish-making did not disappoint!

With the full and even overflowing power of faith, the lottery light curtain quickly locked on the portrait of a bald hero!

Boxing Monk - Bodhidharma!

A single draw brings out gold!

The prototype of Bodhidharma is Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism. This Bodhidharma Temple is also the place where Patriarch Bodhidharma practiced Zen and practiced martial arts and has been passed down to this day!

Bodhidharma Academy was directly drained from the bottom of the wishing cauldron, and even the ancestors were dragged away...

But it didn't take too long to make a wish. He just glanced at the Bodhidharma ability he had just obtained and started the next draw!

He was pressed for time, and now the incense in his hand had been successfully lit.

Moreover, if his perception was correct, Master Jiewu was still staring at him closely...

The perception of making a wish is really correct.

Although the master of enlightenment currently has good senses for making wishes.

But he was not completely reassured to make a wish.

Nowadays, Wishes is not a household name in the alien community, but it is not far behind.

Although his abilities have still not been exposed in full detail, the basic godhead mask cannot be hidden.

As a foreign power that has been passed down for thousands of years, Bodhidharma Academy naturally has a rich heritage brought about by its inheritance for thousands of years.

At least in the data of Bodhidharma Academy, it is recorded that the godhead mask can only use its power by collecting the power of faith.

The method of collecting the power of faith is also recorded in the data, which is to collect the power of faith through a strange glove.

Although Shaolin has no use for the power of faith, Xie Wu doesn't want to be taken away by a wish for no reason, right?

He is staring at Xu Wish now. Once Xu Wish takes out any strange gloves, he must stop it as soon as possible.

The master's idea is correct.

But the godhead mask Naihe made a wish for was completely different from the godhead mask he understood.

When it comes to the perception of the power of faith, the Master of Understanding is obviously not as good as the professional and repeat offender Xu Wish.

Therefore, all his efforts in staring were in vain...

At this time, the wish passed through the lottery screen in his mind, and all his ancestors had been taken away...

On the wishing side, after once again consuming the number of draws, he got the second hero.

Seeing the figure holding a wishful golden hoop running through the sky on the lottery interface, I couldn't hide my excitement when making a wish!

Even though he had expected it.

[Monkey King - Sun Wukong]!

Among the thirty-five Buddhas in Buddhism, the Victorious Buddha is among them!

As a Chinese, it is difficult for anyone not to like this special monkey, and Wishes is no exception.

But this monkey, full of resistance and free spirit, has become a loser under the influence of reality and power.

Until one day, it wakes up again.

That time and that moment, exactly this moment!

Great Sage, return!

This time, no Western longitude!

The spread also spread from east to west!

Give Behemoth of the Beautiful Country and John Bull's Emerald Academy a little oriental shock!

Xu Yuan suppressed her excitement and took a careful look at Sun Wukong's abilities.

Then the third draw began.

The light curtain flickered again.

When the light curtain stopped flashing, a hero was locked on the light curtain again.

[Worry-free Warrior——Zhu Bajie]!

At this time, not even one-third of the power of faith in the Bodhidharma Hall has been consumed!

Making a wish even creates a strong sense of unreality.

Except for the last time at the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, he has never fought such a wealthy battle!

Make a wish to strike while the iron is hot and continue with the fourth draw!

[Elite Chief - Bull Demon]!

A huge, even terrifyingly huge tauren!

How should I put it, although it has little to do with the Bodhidharma Academy of Shaolin Temple, it is okay. At least Niu Mo is related to Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie.

Make a wish and continue the fifth lottery!


The upgrade effect of auxiliary equipment is triggered.

Superimposed with the existing [Jiying·Renlang·Xingquan] of Wish to become [Jiying·Renlang·Xingquan·Xingzhao]!

[Guerrilla (Passive lv3): Every once in a while, you will automatically gain energy cultivation. 】

The equipment effect has been upgraded again!

Nowadays, the "on-hook" upgrade experience bonus obtained by making a wish every day has reached a terrifying 90% bonus!

Nearly double!

The active effects of auxiliary equipment have also been added:

[See Shadow (Active): Cause four damage to enemy targets within the field of view within 2 seconds, and expose the enemy's field of vision!

The cooldown time is 3 hours. If the target is missed, 70% of the cooldown time will be returned. 】

Although the damage is not high, it is extremely insulting!

Especially for some killers who master the stealth or concealment type!

A killer assassin can be called a killer assassin only if he kills with one blow in secret.

If someone discovers him and kills him head-on, he might as well be called a berserker!

And the most terrible thing is that the casting range of [Seeing Shadow] is the vision range of making a wish. Now that he has received the super-intelligent life form passively obtained by Nuwa [Brilliant Guidance], the range of vision will continue to increase as his cultivation continues to deepen. Growing!

The further back he goes, the wider his field of vision becomes!

Five draws, lots of rewards!

At this time, there is still more than half of the remaining power of faith in the Bodhidharma Hall!

But I know in my heart that the lottery is over!

[Dharma, Sun Xingzhe, Zhu Bajie, Bull Demon...]

In addition to the [Tang San Burial] drawn previously.

These heroes are already the limit that Damo Academy can draw!

The last wave of lottery draws for auxiliary equipment just now did not consume even a trace of the power of faith.

Although there are still 6 draws left, plus a massive amount of faith, the "Dharma Academy Up Pool" has obviously been exhausted...

Make a wish and gather your mind, put the incense in your hand into the incense burner in front of the Buddha statue, and then turn around to look at Master Jiewu without any hesitation.

"Master Jiewu, I've finished worshiping, let's go."

Xie Wu looked at Xu Wish with some suspicion.

Although he didn't see any strange behavior in making a wish, he didn't notice the consumption of the power of faith.

But he subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

After burning incense this time, Xu Yuan’s temperament seemed to have changed a lot compared to before...

The aura of Buddha nature?

No, no, it's more complicated than that.

It's unclear.

However, if you catch a thief, you'll catch a dirty one, and if you catch a traitor, you'll catch a pair.

The person who made the wish only "devoutly" burned three sticks of incense, but did not do anything out of the ordinary. Even if Master Jiewu was suspicious, it was hard to say anything.

"Okay, let's go then. The monks are all waiting for Donor Xu to discuss Buddhism..."

Master Jiewu took the lead and walked out of the hall.

Wang Ye's expression was very subtle.

He knows Xu Yuan very well. Xu Yuan's temperament has changed now. I'm afraid he should have done some big work...

Master Xiewu is going to be miserable!

The next step is naturally to make a wish and discuss Buddhism in Bodhidharma Academy.

That’s right, the Master of Wishing and Enlightenment is not alone in discussing Buddhism.

Instead, he made a wish to challenge the entire Bodhidharma Academy alone!

After all, the monks of Bodhidharma Monastery now practice Hinayana Buddhism!

In this discussion of Buddhism, making a wish requires facing three tests.

The first level is the ordinary monks of Bodhidharma Monastery.

The second level is the first direct disciple of Bodhidharma Academy.

The third level is the head of the Bodhidharma Academy, the Master of Enlightenment!

"Donor Xu, what do you think of the difference between Hinayana Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism?"

An ordinary monk who was elected took the lead in asking the wish, and the picture was clear.

In fact, when he made a wish and drew a lottery in the main hall, his origin had already spread in Bodhidharma Academy.

Once they heard that the wish was made on behalf of Master Jie Kong's Mahayana Dharma, the monks were all eager to give it a try.

The dispute between Mahayana and Hinayana is related to the orthodoxy, and they must fight for it!

Xuanyuan shook his head.

Young people, you are still too anxious.

Since you want to argue about Buddhism, then I will argue about this Buddhism with you!

Today I will teach you what it means for a foreign monk to chant sutras!

He directly activated the Divine Mask, and the target of his transformation was the [Boxing Monk - Bodhidharma] he had just obtained!

The clothes on Xu wish began to change.

Two huge boxing gloves, a pair of shorts and trousers, half a cassock around his waist, his naked upper body muscles are knotted, and there are some mysterious cloud patterns, his body shape is not weaker than Da Da present. Monk from Moryuan!

Wearing a large and somewhat exaggerated rosary around her neck.

It reveals a unique sense of core kindness - monks are compassionate and make a wish to send you to see the Tathagata.

Wang on the side also saw this scene, and his eyelids suddenly jumped again.

He had never seen a wish like this before, so he must have some strange wishing ability.

Although he has never seen it, this must be the "big job" that Xuanyuan has prepared for Master Jiewu and Bodhidharma Academy!

Why are you still looking forward to it? How about recording a video for Lao Qing?

As for the monks in Bodhidharma Monastery.

They have also never seen Bodhidharma Wishing before, so naturally they don't know what kind of costume he is wearing.

But they didn't care. After all, Buddhist scripture debate involves using your mouth, not your hands.

Although it looks like you can fight well when making a wish, but can you argue if you can fight?

Only the head of Bodhidharma Academy, Master Xie Wu, squinted his eyes and looked thoughtfully at Xuanyuan, who looked like a boxing champion.

This old monk was of the same era as Master Jie Kong and was born in the Bodhidharma Academy. Even among the older generation, he was considered a master in the same echelon as Mr. Lu Jin. Naturally, he also knew a little bit about how to identify people by their breath.

Is this the ability of the Wishing Godhead Mask?

But he had clearly never seen Xuanyuan before, so why did this guy feel so familiar to him?

Is it just because of the wish to be born with Buddha nature?

Xu Wan clasped his fists with huge fists together, lowered his head and said.

"Mahayana Buddhism saves all living beings, and Hinayana Buddhism cultivates one's own body."

"It is easy to cultivate one's own body, but it is difficult for sentient beings. So, donor Xu agrees that Hinayana Buddhism is superior to Mahayana Buddhism?" the monk asked impatiently.

Xuanyuan smiled, look, he is in a hurry!

Isn’t this a trap?

"Master, it is true that the difficulty of living beings is high, but as a disciple of Buddhism, how come you don't know the story about the Buddha cutting his flesh and feeding it to the eagle? Isn't the eagle a living being?"

As soon as he made a wish, the ordinary monks in Bodhidharma Monastery were speechless.

The idea of ​​making a wish is indeed true. Cutting meat and feeding it to eagles is the most famous example of saving all sentient beings.

Buddha, eagle, and rabbit are all part of all living beings.

But how could the battle of orthodoxy be such a simple surrender? Seeing that the ordinary monks of the Bodhidharma Academy could not refute, the first direct disciple of the Bodhidharma Academy had no choice but to step forward and replace the ordinary monk.

It was one of the two monks who were guarding the gate of Bodhidharma Monastery before.

"My junior brother is not good at studying Dharma, which makes Benefactor Xu laugh."

The direct disciple of Bodhidharma Academy spoke.

He didn't care if he made a wish. On the one hand, he would have to pass this test sooner or later, and on the other hand, the person he was debating with was Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen sect of the Bodhidharma School of Shaolin Temple. Is there any chance of losing?

"Please, Master." Xu Yuan nodded magnanimously, and since he lost, let them be convinced that they lost.

"Xu Donor, it is true that the Buddha cut his meat and fed it to the eagle in the past, but why did the Buddha attain Buddhahood while both the eagle and the rabbit attained it? Couldn't it be said that the Mahayana Buddhism makes it difficult for all sentient beings to survive?"

"Because Sakyamuni's Buddhist practice is not enough." Xu Yuan said calmly, "Buddha cannot save all sentient beings. Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes that one can save all sentient beings with one's own body, not that one can definitely save all sentient beings by oneself."

"Okay then, Donor Xu, since you are not the Buddha, nor the eagle, let alone the rabbit, how can you prove that both the eagle and the rabbit are willing to be saved from suffering by the Mahayana Buddha?"

Xu Yuan's brows jumped when he heard this.

Good guy, you don’t have martial ethics, you can’t afford it!

Have you figured out Tang Niu’s inequality?

Not being able to achieve enlightenment and becoming a Buddha ≠ Am I willing to accept enlightenment and escape from suffering?

Are you starting to mess around? Where can I prove it?

The person I transformed into a god is the first ancestor of your Shaolin Zen sect, not the "Asan of India" like Sakyamuni!

This direct disciple of Bodhidharma Academy obviously knew that he was messing around, but for the sake of orthodoxy, even if it was very shameless, he had to do it!

Because once the dispute between Mahayana and Hinayana orthodoxy fails, wouldn’t it prove that the Hinayana Buddhism that the entire Bodhidharma Academy has been practicing is a joke?

Xu Yuan shook his head, too lazy to mess around with the other party.

Since you can't afford it, I'm going to play something dirty with you.

The Bodhidharma Academy of Shaolin Temple has Bodhidharma, the first founder of the Zen sect, as its founder. Who says that practicing martial arts is not practicing Zen?

"Since the master cannot understand Mahayana Buddhism, the poor monk also understands some other superior Buddhism, called "Oula Oula Sutra"..."

"The Euler Euler Sutra? What kind of scripture is that?" The direct disciple of Bodhidharma Academy was stunned by the topic of making a wish and subconsciously asked.

Xu Wan raised the glove in his hand with a smile.

"Master, come closer, the "Oula Euler Sutra" is engraved on these gloves. Only by getting closer can you feel the weight of this set of Buddhist teachings..."

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